
By WhelmedBirdie_319

2.6K 41 5

What happens when Apple White daughter of Snow White goes missing one day and ends up dead? That's not it, he... More

1. Apple's Disappearance
2. Briar's Back
4. Found but not in a good way.
5. The Funeral
6. The Duchess Thing
7. The Kissing Rock

3. Anonymous

370 6 1
By WhelmedBirdie_319

Drawing of Cerise by me

Ashlynn kept looking around her room. She got off the bed to look for a camera or someone hiding. She saw nothing. At this point she was super creeped out. She walked out of her room and out into the Castleteria.

People started cheering for Ashlynn like they did Apple. That's why most of Ashlynn's old friends hate her now. Lots of them think she got rid of Apple to become the new "it girl".
She then went to the old table where Raven, Cerise, Briar, Apple, and her used to sit. It was in the center. Apple loved siting there because everyone could see you when you're in the center.

Ashlynn sat in the Castleteria at the table all alone. That was until Cupid walked up.

"Ash. You look upset. What's wrong?" Cupid asked.

"Can we talk somewhere more private?" Ashlynn suggested.

"Yeah. Let's go to my dorm." Cupid said as Ashlynn nodded. They walked to Cupids dorm and closed the door. One side was pink with white hearts. The other was red with black hearts.

"Are you rooming with Lizzie?" Ashlynn asked.

"Yep. Now tell me what's wrong."

"I...I don't want to admit it."

"Ash come on. We tell each other everything.

"I know. I don't want to because I don't want it to be true."

"Oh no. Is this about Duke?"

"Well kinda."

"Kinda? Wait. No. Is this about Hunter?"

Ashlynn sat in silence. She didn't want to say.

"Ok then yes. What happened?"

"I'm rooming with his girlfriend." Ashlynn blurted covering her mouth.

"What? Who?"Cupid said shocked.


"Oh that's bad."

"Yeah. I think I might still have feelings for him."

"What about Cerise? What about Duke?"

"I really really like Duke. Like a lot. But he's not the same as Hunter. Hunter understands me... well understood me.I just don't think Duke ever understood me like Hunter did." Ashlynn explained.

"Well being a love expert I say follow your heart. Do what you thinks best." Cupid suggested.

"Ok. I think what's best is things stay as they are. Hunter broke up with me for a reason. Thanks Cupid. I think I should get going now. Bye." Ashlynn said getting up and walking out.

"See you around." Cupid yelled after Ashlynn.

With Briar
Briar walked through the halls of Ever After High. She felt so out of place. She was a different person than before. She wasn't as bold as before. She also stopped partying all the time.

She just needed to get out of this school. The only place she could think to go was a little Bar in bookend. She could go there thanks to a fake ID she had made before.

She sat at the bar. There was one other person in there other than her and the Bartender. It was another teen with Reddish Brown hair and green eyes. He sat in a barstool wearing a green and brown flannel, dark jeans, and brown hiking boots. He read a book. She looked at the cover to see it was Sleeping Beauty.

"Your reading Sleeping Beauty?" Briar asked.

"Yeah. It's one of my favorites." The man answered.

"That's actually my story. I'm the Daughter of Sleeping Beauty." Briar replied.

"No way really?" The man said in shock putting the book down.

"Yep. My Name's Briar Beauty, what about you?"

"I'm Rail Hood the oldest son of Robin Hood." The man said.

"I didn't know Robin Hood had another son." Briar said in disbelief.

"Looking right at him." Rail replied.

"Wow. How did you get the name Rail?" Briar asked.

"Well my parents wanted their kids named after Birds since my dad is Robin. There's a type of bird called Rail. So that's how my name came along." Rail explained.

"That's amazing. My name is Briar because my mom was called Briar Rose when she was in hiding. When the time comes and I have a daughter I will name her Rose for my mom." Briar explained.

"Now that's a beautiful name and story." Rail complimented.

"Thanks. But yours is amazing and so unique."

They smiled at each other.

15 minutes later.
Rail and Briar where in the bathroom making out. Briar never felt this way about someone before and she couldn't believe it. She hadn't been this happy since before Apple disappeared.

Rail pulled away and said to Briar," I know we just meet but would you go out with me?"

"Of course."

They then went their separate ways. Briar ran back to her room and couldn't stop smiling she couldn't believe it. She had to tell her mom. Her mom was so worried that Briar would never go back to normal.
Briar pulled out her mirrorpad and FaceTimed her mother.

"Briar! How are things going!" Briar's Mom said. Her mom had Brown hair like Briar, but her hair was straight while Briar's was curly. She also had dark brown eyes while Briar had light brown that almost looked pinkish.

"Great. I just met a guy!" Briar exclaimed.

"Oooooooh what's his name?"

"Rail, Rail Hood." Briar said sighing with joy.

"Wait Hood? Who's his parents?"

"Robin Hood and Maid Marian."

"No. You're not allowed to be with a Hood. They are good for nothing criminals."

"But he makes me happy."

"How can you know that? You just met him."

"I just know ok. And I thought you wanted me to be happy. You were just happy a second ago."

"I do want you to be happy, but not with him. Your forbidden to date a Hood."

"I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU." Briar yelled before shutting her Mirrorpad off.

Briar was now in tears. She couldn't believe it.

She pulled out her phone and texted Rail to me her in the courtyard in 10 minutes. She grabbed her bag, wiped her tears and ran to the courtyard. She got there with a minute to spare and Rail was already there.

"RAIL!" Briar exclaimed.

"What is it?" Rail asked then Briar started crying.

"We can't be together."

"What? What happened?"

"I told my mother and she forbade us from dating."


"Because your a Hood. She thinks everyone in your family are good for nothing criminals."

"It's not true. I'll prove it."

"No. She won't change her mind."

"She doesn't even know me."

"I know that's what I said."

"Wait. Doesn't know.... what if we date in secret?"

"Like Ashlynn Ella and Hunter Huntsman did?"

"Yes. We won't tell anyone. It will be our secret."

"Ok. Let's do it." Briar agreed then wiped her tears away.

"Let's meet behind the school later to discuss this more." Rail suggested.

"Ok. See you then." Briar said walking away.

Briars phone then beeped indicating she got a text. It read...

Yeah Yours, His, and my little secret... just remember the truth will always come out. Eventually - A.

Briar then looked around. How could have anyone see them? There was no one in the courtyard.

With Raven
Raven sat at her desk in her room. Darling wasn't there at the moment. She was out with Rosabella catching up. Raven just sat. She didn't know exactly what to do. She hadn't been the most social since Apple's disappearance.

She then texted Maddie.

Raven- Hey. What's happening?

Maddie- nothing much. I'm just hanging with all the Wonderlandians.

Raven- can I join?

Maddie- absolutely! We are at the Wonderland Grove. Remember where it is?

Raven- yes. It's the place where we had to bring back the wonder to right?

Maddie- yep that's the place! Oh I can't wait for you to meet the others!

Raven- who?

Maddie- Mason, Carter, Whitney, Ace, Allison, Terra and Tessa!

Raven- that's cool. I'll be there soon!

Maddie- Teariffic!

And with that Raven walked to the grove. Maddie had made sure to leave the door open. Maddie stood at the entrance.

"Hey Maddie!" Raven called.

"Rae!" Maddie yelled waving.

"So what is everyone doing?"

"Catching up. Oh I can't wait for you to meet everyone else!"

"Me too."

"Ok everyone this is Raven!" Maddie yelled out to the Wonderlandians

"This is Whitney White," Maddie said jestering to a girl with white hair, ice blue eyes, pale skin, and wore all white,"Ace Wonderland," pointing to a boy that looked exactly like Alistair but with shorter hair and darker clothes, "Allison Wonderland," Maddie pointed at a girl that had the same hair and eye color as Alistair and wore black glasses, "Mason Hare," Maddie said again then pointed to a boy with dark brown hair with an orange streak, light brown eyes, tan skin, he also wore a gray hat with bunny ears, "Carter Piller," pointing at a boy with blue hair, blue eyes, pale skin, and he wore a purple shirt," Terra Dee," pointing at a bigger girl with orange hair, brown eyes, and tanish skin, she wore a yellow clothes with red accessories," and finally Tessa Dum." Pointing to another girl who looks exactly like Terra but wears red clothes with yellow accessories.

"Nice to meet you Raven! Maddie, Lizzie, Kitty, Alistair, and Bunny told us lots about you!" Whitney exclaimed.

"Wow, I wish I could say the same about you guys, so any ways, your mom is Mrs. Her Majesty The White Queen?" Raven asked.

"Uh yes... but why did you call her that?" Whitney asked.

"She tells everyone to call her that."

"Oh wow. Mom can be really uh strange sometimes." Whitney said as every one laughed.

"Well now that we introduced ourselves let's have tea!" Maddie yelled pulling a teapot out of no where.

"Yeah tea time!" Mason shouted pumping his fist.

Everyone sat at the table in the grove. Maddie was next to Alistair and Raven and Raven was next to Maddie and Whitney.

"So is it true about what happened to Apple White?" Whitney asked as Raven's eyes widened and Maddie shook her head wildly to stop Whitney.

"What are people saying?" Raven asked.

"Well from what I heard the Ella's did it." Whitney said.

"No they wouldn't and they didn't." Raven said.

"You don't know that. But everyone is saying that it was Lyra, Amber, and James Ella Aren't those Ashlynn's older siblings? Well anyways they say that they planted the plants that knocked you guys out and one toke Apple." Whitney explained.

"It wasn't Ashlynn's siblings. I was with them anyways. Amber, Lyra, James, and Trent." Alistair said.

"How many siblings does this girl have?" Whitney questioned.

"Uh...5 no wait 6." Raven replied.

"Really I've only heard of Ashlynn, James, Amber and Lyra who are the others?" Whitney asked.

"Why should I tell you? So you can come up with more theories?" Raven almost yelled.

"No. I was just wondering." Whitney stated.

"Damien is the oldest he's like 24, then the twins are Amber and Lyra they are 19, then James who's 18, Ashlynn is our age, 17, Trent is 16 and their baby sister Hadley is 14." Maddie explained.

"Wow." Whitney replied.

"Why did you think it was them?" Raven asked.

"Uh don't you think it's weird that instead of hearing about Apple all the time we hear of Ashlynn. She basically replaced her." Whitney explained.

"I think I've had enough. I'm going back to my dorm. Bye see you guys around. Also I'll text you later Mads." Raven said getting up.

"Bye Rae Rae!" Maddie yelled.

As Raven walked she felt her phone buzz. She was almost at her dorm but then so she picked it up. The text read.

She isn't wrong. Ashlynn's family is pretty suspicious.- A

Raven rolled her eyes and kept walking thinking that Whitney just stole her number from Maddie's Phone.

Then her phone buzzed again.

Maybe you should get better friends. Ones who stay alive and ones who don't watch you while you get harassed. -A

By now Raven had figured out it wasn't Whitney texting. It couldn't be.

With Cerise
"Hunter. I told Ashlynn we are dating." Cerise stated walking up to Hunter.

"We aren't though. Why would you do that?" Hunter questioned.

"So she will get jealous, break up with Duke and go back to you."

"Your forgetting one thing. I broke up with her."

"I never asked why you did that. But Why?"

"Because she became a different person. She used to be so sweet and innocent. I could really understand her until she started 'losing weight'. I still don't know where she got that idea."

"She was going through a great lost at the time. She had just lost one of her closest friends. Someone who's been there for her through everything."

"I know. I sometimes regret my decision."

"I can tell. But let's go with my plan and start pretend dating so you can get your girl back."

"I don't know about this. I have the feeling someone is going to get hurt."

"HUNTER MAN UP!" Cerise yelled Hunter rolled his eyes.

"I should go. I have to help Fern unpack." Hunter said walking away.

"Whatever. You still have to pretend. Ashlynn thinks we are dating." Cerise stated catching up to Hunter.

"Uh good bye." Hunter said walking away for good.

Then Cerise's phone buzzed. The text said.

Wow big bad Cerise can't get a real boyfriend and has to pretend. -A

Cerise officially creeped out put her phone away and walked away.

With Ashlynn
Now that Ashlynn's little sister was going to Ever After High Ashlynn was to watch over her like James does for her, Trent and now Hadley.

She walked down the hallway trying to find Hadley's room. The freshman wing was like a maze though. Ashlynn her self always got lost and was the biggest reason on why she was late to class that year. She was looking for room 145. But she was way off and was at 189. Just then a boy walked by with his hands in his pockets and accidentally bumped into Ashlynn.

"Oh sorry," the boy said then tuned around."wait Ashlynn? Why are you on this side of the school?" Ashlynn looked up to see Hunter standing in front of her.

"Trying to find my sister's room. But this hallway is like a maze." Ashlynn explained.

"Oh what room? Maybe I can help?" Hunter said.

"But you seemed like you where in a hurry."Ashlynn said.

"Going to my sisters room too. She can wait. But again what room."

"Oh right. 145."

"Wow. That's my sisters room too." Hunter said faking a smile.

"Oh fun." Ashlynn said mentally kicking her self.

"I guess we should go. We wouldn't want to have our sisters waiting forever." Hunter said walking leading the way.

"Ya." Ashlynn quietly said following.
Ashlynn couldn't believe it. Out of all the people Hadley could have been roomed with it had to be his sister and Ashlynn's rooming with Hunter's new girlfriend who is also one of her close friends. All of this made Ashlynn feel stupid for ever changing her self. If she didn't she wouldn't feel so miserable right now.

Eventually Hunter had found the room then knocked on the door.
The door was answered with a young girl with brown hair, green eyes, and pale skin.

"Ashlynn! And boy I've never seen before... come in." The girl shouted.

"Hey Hadley." Ashlynn said walking into the room along with Hunter.

"Uh who's your friend?" Hadley whispered to Ashlynn.

"Uh my Ex boyfriend," Ashlynn whispered back.

"Eww why did you bring him then." Hadley asked.

"His sister is your roommate."

"But I'm rooming with Fern. My best friend."

"Yep that's his sister. I just didn't realize that your best friend was my ex's sister."

Just then another girl walked in out of the closet she had brown hair, light brown eyes and tan skin.

"Hunter! So happy you made it. Nice jacket. Can you make me a new table?" Fern said quickly.

"Wait what? I just made you one!" Hunter said rolling his eyes.

"Yeah and I just broke that one." Fern replied.

"Do I even want to know?"

"Uh yes. Cause I almost died. I dropped my ax on it and it broke and my ax almost cut my foot. I'm happy to be alive."

"Ok. New table and I'll take your ax so you don't accidentally kill someone."

"No I need it. What if a freek try's to kidnap me like they did Apple." Fern yelled loudly.

Ashlynn looked over and after hearing that statement she looked upset.

"Oh no. Let me guess you were close to her?" Fern asked

"Yep. I was there when she went missing." Ashlynn said.

"Oh crap. I am so sorry. I didn't know. Which one are you? Raven, Briar, or Cerise?" Fern asked.

"Um none. I'm Ashlynn."

"Wait what? That means you are Hunter's ex that he doesn't want to talk about because you drive him both kinds of crazy! "Fern shouted happy that she found who drives her brother crazy.

"Uh I'm going to leave. This is just even more awkward." Ashlynn said walking away."bye Hadley."

After the door was closed. Hunter yelled."WHAT THE HEX WAS THAT FERN?"

"What? Oh wait never mind I just realized I was thinking out loud. Oops." Fern said with an embarrassed grin.

"You are so stupid sometimes." Hunter said then walked out of the room then slammed the door.

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