The Girl Who Played With Fire...

By music_is_a_story

106 6 0

"But it is my fault. From the beginning I knew it was too dangerous to get close to you. I knew he would hurt... More

Chapter 2 Classes, Glasses, and Asses (Year 4)

Chapter 1 You're a Witch Andy

35 2 0
By music_is_a_story

Andy P.O.V

Still screaming with my eyes closed I felt myself land on a stone floor. I frantically opened my eyes only to see twinkling blue ones staring back at me. "This is not real." It was the only thing I could continuously mutter to myself to explain how the imaginary Dumbledore was standing in front of me. He only laughed off my shocked muttering while reaching down a hand to help me up.

"Hello Miss. Andromeda. I believe we have a lot to discuss."

I took his hand and hoped mine wasn't shaking as much as I thought. I felt my mouth open and close like a fish out of water. Once I stood I looked around the room I was in. Paintings, Books, a Pheonix, and even the sorting hat. I thought I would faint once realizing I was in his office. Before I could say anything the old wizard began to speak.

"I know you must be very confused as to why I brought you here Miss. Andy. I'm sorry if I have taken you from any important matters but you're most needed here. In your world I know you possess the knowledge of the future of Hogwarts and the students who will be attending in a months time. I wish for you to help keep everything on track and in line with what happens in the future. If you agree you'll be placed in the school as a regular student and you can pretend to be my daughter. If not I will send you home to where you belong."

Taking in everything at once almost caused me to faint but I kept it together. My mind began racing just imagining what all would happen to me. I would be living my favorite book. "I'll do it."

The wrinkles on the old mans face lifted as his eyes began to sparkle. "You will be a powerful witch Andy."

"How do you know that?" I questioned him but secretly hoping he was right.

"Look at your hair Andy."

Grabbing a piece of my hair I gasped as I saw my normal raven black hair was now bright yellow.

"Seems like you're a metamorphmagus in this universe."


My "father" had sent Hagrid to take me to Diagon Alley to get everything required for school due to the fact I would be spending a few months around the castle. Happily jumping up and down I waited to enter the Leaky Cauldron. My little 12 year old heart was singing as we headed towards the back. Hagrid made small talk along the way but I was too excited to focus.

"Now make sure you..."

"Can I do it?"

Hagrid looked at me with a mixture of shock and confusion. "Do what?"

"Open the wall obviously." He looked at me even more shocked and confused.

"I'm sorry Andy. Maybe next time when you have a wand." I pouted at the answer but quickly remembered I'd have a wand soon. Tapping the bricks with his wand umbrella Hagrid opened the wall to the place I'd imagined so many times before.

Leaving Hagrid behind I quickly made a beeline to Allivander's to get my wand. Ripping the door open I made my way up to the man himself eager as ever.

"Why aren't you a spunky witch. I think I have just the thing for you."

I beamed in excitement waiting for my wand to arrive. Careful the man looked at his wand boxes piled up and if I'm being honest brought back kind of an ugly wand. When I say boring I mean this wand was stick straight (pun intended) and that was all.

"Something to keep you grounded I suspect. 11" holy with unicorn hair and a stiff wand at that. Pick it up and give it a wave."

Cringing I picked up the wand somehow already knowing this would go terrible. Quickly flicking my wrist sent a wave of magic at the old man turning his hair purple. He sat in shock but quickly took the wand back.

"Maybe you're not as easy to place as I thought you would be."

I don't know how long I stayed in that store just trying to get the right wand. Just when I started to become hopeless the old man seemed to gleam with a new idea. Rushing to the back he found a box laying next to what I assumed would be Harry's wand.

"This is a rather old wand but never seemed to find its match. This wand has seen countless people but perhaps it is you the wand always wanted. 10 3/4", alder wood, with a pheonix feather core, and is surprisingly swishy in flexibility. I had heard the rumors already that Dumbledore had an heir and was sending her today. For some reason I never considered this to be you. Your wand although sharing the core of only two others stands out due to it being only made for an extraordinarily powerful Witch or wizard. Although your wand shares a core it does not share the same bird owner.

Alder wood for example is unyielding and will find a home in someone who is helpful, kind, and likable. This type of wood will become loyal to its owner when it happily placed. Created for only the strongest wizards and witches and is normally best used for someone who is going to be preforming non-verbal spellwork.

The next curious thing about this wand is the Phoenix core." At this the old man carefully handed me the wand. I felt my hair fly up in the air and light glow around me. He smiled at me and looked at me with respect.

"A Phoenix core Miss. Andy only chooses the best of wizards as it is a hard wand to win over. Capable of the greatest range of Magic but sometimes acting out without permission. This wand has chosen you. You my dear, will be one of the most powerful witches. Perhaps even able to put your father to shame. Now run along, I know you still need a pet." The man winked at me and ushered me out of the door.

Once I was outside I took time to look down at my beautiful wand. It looked more like a branch than a straight line which I didn't mind. The wood was dark and had three notches on it that were stunning. Maybe to a lot of people it was ugly but it was so beautiful to me.

I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't notice Hagrid coming up to me. "That's a beauty Miss. Andy." I looked up to see Hagrid beaming at me. "Now let's get you a pet."

"As Dumbledore's daughter I say you could get just about anything and get away with it. But there's so many creatures that I wouldn't even begin to tell you what I recommend. They're all so beautiful."

I smiled at Hagrid as he spoke knowing that one day he'd be able to teach a class on care for creatures. We entered the pet shop and instantly I saw owls, cats, toad, and even dogs galore. Although everyone was absolutely adorable nothing stood out to me.

"Looking for anything love?"

I turned to the shop keeper who happened to be an old woman.

"I-I'm actually not sure. All your pets are wonderful, don't get me wrong, and I know it sounds silly but nothing seems right."

The old lady rested her hand under her chin and leaned on the counter.

"What's your name kid?"

Seeing no harm in telling her and disregarding the whole "don't talk to strangers" I boldly said, "Andromeda Dumbledore."

The woman's hand slipped and she face planted on the counter immediately looking at me with glowing eyes.

"I have the perfect little one for you. Although she's in the back because she's a little feisty."

I waited patiently running my mind through who she could possibly be talking about. Until she was brought out......

A beautiful golden baby bird that almost resembled an eagle and a Phoenix. The store owner was smiling as the little bird looked at me curiously.

"We haven't named her as we just got her from Arizona in the U.S. She's a thunderbird. There's not very many of them left and we were saving her for some rich wizard to snatch up for a price. However, I owe Dumbledore much and if you wish to take her feel free to with no charge. Just know she doesn't like to be in cages."

I felt my mouth fall open and then I looked back at the bird. She was gorgeous and I knew that this was the creature for me. I gave the still unnamed thunderbird a smile and held out my arm.

"I'll take her but only if she'll let me."

The bird tilted her head seeming to question my antics. Nonetheless she must have seen me as a way out. Slowly she spread her beautiful but tiny wings out and flew to perch on my arm.

"Don't worry. I promise that keep you safe and out of cages if you stick with me."

After we left the shop Hagrid couldn't stop talking about how lovely the thunderbird was. I'm pretty sure he was only boosting her ego as she kept ruffling her feathers and sitting up straighter. He also mentioned if I ever needed someone to watch over her he'd be happy to do so.

"Now it's about time to get you back to the castle I believe. Dumbledore already has your books and robes ready for you at the castle. Oh and because no other students are here yet you'll be eating dinner with the teachers and me. The reason they're here so early is to prepare for classes and lessons."

I followed closely behind Hagrid to his motorbike where I climbed into the small side car. This is how we got here anyways so it made sense to leave the same way. I put my wand in my long boots and placed the funny helmet over my head. Making sure to settle in I moved the bird from my arm to holding her in my lap.

Once we made it back to the castle I felt my stomach rumble at the thought of eating all the beautiful food the house elves have prepared. My bird climbed onto my shoulder and I realized that she needed a name. Following Hagrid into the dinning hall I was practically jumping up and down to meet everyone. All the teachers looked at us when we entered and all but Snape and Quirell had smiles. I had almost forgotten that Quirell was here this year and was carrying Voldemort. Although I wished I could prevent everything in the first year that happened I knew I couldn't say anything.

My "dad" stood from the table and made his way over to me. He was smiling and his eyes sparkled when he say my thunderbird. "What an extraordinary creature. I take it shopping went well?"

I smiled up at him and nodded. "It went really well and I even got this thunderbird that I haven't maybe exactly named yet. I also got a really pretty wand if you'd like to see it."

"I'd be delighted to. As for the name of your creature I believe that if you go off how you were named Juno would be a marvelous name."

Juno bobbed her head like a parrot would so I took that as a yes to the name. "Juno it is." I pulled my wand out of my boot and handed it to Dumbledore.

"Ah, seems like you'll take after me rather than your mother in the magic department" Dumbledore said while winking at me. He handed my wand back to me and we made it over to the table with everyone.

"Now you all know this is my daughter Andromeda Dumbledore but please refer to her as Andy. I trust that she will be in good hands when each of you is involved." The old man was really selling the act as my father as he gave a hard look to everyone daring them to object to taking care of me.

"She's a lovely little thing Albus." I turned to professor McGonagall who spoke about me. "I do hope you are a member of my house when you become sorted." She smiled at me and I smiled back.

"Well I hope she ends up in my house." All the teachers turned to Snape. "I believe she'll be best sorted into Slytherin."

The teachers who were head of house all began to argue over who's house I would be in.

"Excuse me."

They all glanced down at me a little surprised I spoke. "I'd love to be in any house really as I feel like no matter what house you're in you can still posses qualities from others. But I have chosen to wait until the new students come so I may be sorted with everyone else my age. Regardless of where I end up I hope to be as kind as a Hufflepuff, smart as a Ravenclaw, brave as a Gryffindor, and ambitious as a Slytherin."

My "father" looked down at me with pride. The teachers seemed shocked at first but eventually all but Quirell began to smile. Even Snape although trying to be expressionless had a small smile on his face.

I climbed up the stairs with Dumbledore to the professor table. There had been a new chair installed for me right beside Dumbledore who whispered to me. "Wherever you end up Andy if you do not wish to sit at the house table you are always welcome beside me."


The next few months were a blur. I helped all the professors with their class preparation and in return I was taught little things here and there from all of them. Every time during lunch I would follow Hagrid out to his hut where I'd help him care for all the creatures he took care of. Even though he was never supposed to show me Fluffy I also got to help care for him.

I got to know the ghosts and the portraits very well considering other than them and the teachers I was alone. Surprisingly Peeves and I got along well and I promised to help him pull some pranks this year. I avoided Quirell every chance I got but always ate dinner at the table with everyone.

Soon it was time for the new students to come. I was extremely excited because it not only meant I'd be able to meet my favorite characters but I'd be able to get sorted into a house. I flipped the next page of my potions book as Juno squawked from on my shoulder. Today before everyone came Snape was teaching me how to brew liquid luck. It was a harder potion but he gave me tips. I was surprisingly extremely good at potions which I think Snape secretly admired. He would now make tiny smiles around me and we'd make sarcastic comments back and forth. Believe it or not he even taught me a little Defense Against the Dark Arts once he observed that I avoided Quirell. He really didn't like him either so it was a win for me.

Every class was easy for me which made my "dad" very happy and proud. When I wasn't being taught new things, testing out lessons from teachers, helping Hagrid, eating, or spending time with Dumbledore in his office as he told me stories, I was in the library reading everything I could.

Being the daughter of the headmaster has its perks as I was able to even read books in the restricted section. I was currently in possession of two books. One on Animagi and another on metamorphmagus. I had decided to read the metamorphmagus one first as that was what I needed to work on considering that was what I was and being an animagi is something I wanted to do my third year to help Lupin.

Reading a few days ago about how I could change my appearance into a ton of different things got me excited. So before the students came I decided to look more like my "father." I ran my fingers through my hair imagining a Snow White color like Dumbledore had. Luckily my eyes were already the bright blue that he possessed so that didn't take too much work.

Turning back to my potion I began to do the final stir. "Done!" I exclaimed in mild excitement trying not to make my newly white hair turn yellow. Snape walked over to me to study my potion. I'm sure he would have been shocked to see I was a metamorphmagus if my hair hadn't turned a green color at something I ate that I didn't like at dinner the first day informing all the teachers I was one.

"Very good Andy. I believe you have exceeded my original expectations concerning your talent for potions. If you don't mind I'd like to use your potion to stock my potion room."

"Go ahead Severus I'm going to head to the dining hall to wait on Hagrid and Minerva to bring new students in."

Snape sighed at me calling him by his first name but waved me away. Some of the teachers asked me to refer to them by their first name so if eventually became a habit to refer to them all by their first name. Some protested at first but now no one corrected me or seemed to mind too much. Hagrid was the only one I refused to call by his first name (it was just too weird).

I bolted to the dining hall. By now I had the entire castle memorized like the back of my hand. Juno flew beside me still as small as could be due to her not growing much these past few months. Pushing open the doors and locking them in place I made my way up to the professor table. I took my seat beside my father and made conversation with everyone. It wasn't long before the older returning students began filing into the dining hall. Most of them, if not all, glanced curiously my way.

I impatiently waited for the new students to come in and when they did I immediately saw him, Harry Potter. I looked around for the rest of the trio and quickly spotted them.

"Excuse me everyone settle down. It's time for sorting."

Minerva placed the sorting hat on the stool she had set up as he began his song. In all honesty I spaced out because I really didn't care. Once he finished though I clapped like everyone else and waited my turn. It felt like years even though we were going alphabetically to hear "Andromeda Dumbledore." The entire hall went silent with shock. I guess no one knew that Dumbledore had a kid.

Hopping out of my chair I made my way around the table with Juno still on my shoulder. I smiled at Minerva and sat down on the stool as the sorting hat accessed me.

"My my how very interesting. You'll become a powerful young Witch Andy. As kind as a Hufflepuff, as smart as a Ravenclaw, as brave as a Gryffindor, and as ambitious as a Slytherin. Also a metamorphmagus, who are extremely rare. Daughter of the famous Dumbledore you are hard to place. Where to place you, where to place you, hmm.

I believe I would like you to set an example if you don't mind. You'd fit easily into any house."

I felt the hat softly say something I think only I could hear. "I want you to show them that even though all bad wizards come from Slytherin not all Slytherins are bad."

"Better be.....


I smiled and hopped off the stool. Students and teachers alike stared at me shocked that the great Dumbledore's child wouldn't be placed in Gryffindor. I only smiled at my "father" who looked at me with twinkling eyes. I knew in that moment that he knew what the hat had told me.

It wasn't a shock to me to be placed into Slytherin. I had taken the Pottermore test among others enough times to know that I was meant to be a snake.

Walking over to Slytherin I waved my hands through my hair turning it Slytherin green. My house clapped and cheered in delight. I smiled and sat down at the end of the table waiting for everyone else to be sorted. Once again I tuned out into Harry was called. I already knew where he'd be placed by I saw him look over at the Slytherin table in fear. I waited for him to tell the hat that he didn't want Slytherin but I never saw his mouth move. I cursed under my breath at the fact that somehow I've already messed up the timeline. Managing to make eye contact with him I mouthed tell the hat what you want. By some miracle he seemed to understand and began muttering to the hat.

"If not Slytherin better be.....


The Gryffindor table cheered in delight and I clapped for Harry only for him to turn to me and give a nod of thanks.

"Now that the sorting is done let the feast begin."

Staring at the food appearing in front of me was nothing compared to the way Draco was staring at me. "Are you a pure-blood?"

I looked at him in shock. "Excuse me?"

"Are you deaf or something? I asked if you were a pure blood. I'd assume so considering you're the daughter of the old man but then again he's probably a muggle lover."

I felt my anger slowly creep up on my body. At the same time I felt my hair slowly start to turn red.

"I don't know how you ended up in here if you're a filthy half-blood. Could you even imagine the horror? You're kind of pretty so you could have that going for you as long as you're a pure-blood. The only problem would be that bastard old man father of yours who only seems to-"

I cut him off by standing up from the table. I felt people staring but I could care less.

"Listen here you slimy weasel. It shouldn't matter what blood I am I'm still a witch aren't I? Get over yourself you cousin fucker and leave my father's name and insults to him out of your filthy mouth."

"Did you just call me a cousin fucker?" Draco stood up and glared at me with cold grey eyes. His mouth was open in shock but I wasn't sure if it was because no one had talked to him like I did before or because I called him a cousin fucker.

"Are you deaf or something," I said mocking him. "Yes I called you a cousin fucker because news flash pretty boy. The only way eventually that you'd be able to continue the whole pure-blood line would be to marry your cousin. Now if you would excuse me I have some muggleborns, half-bloods, and blood traitors to talk to."

I saw his face turn red but before he could say anything to me I walked away. Even though it was against the rules I made my way over to the Gryffindor table and sat in the open seat next to Harry. He looked over at me in shock but once that was over he smiled at me.

"Thank you for helping me with the hat. I'm sorry though that you had to get placed into Slytherin. I'm Harry Potter."

I only smiled at the boy who lived. "Oh I'll be okay. Even though everyone bad comes from Slytherin not everyone in Slytherin is bad. My name is Andromeda Dumbledore but you can just call me Andy. This on my shoulder is my thunderbird Juno."

"Blimey I didn't know that Dumbledore had a kid until today." I looked over to see Fred talking-or umm George was it? "I'm Fred and this here is my twin George. The other boy with the red hair is our little brother Ron."

George then spoke up. "Don't take this personally but I much preferred the white hair to the green." I laughed in agreement.

"How about red?" I ran my hands through my hair and concentrated on an unnatural bright red. They all smiled brighter at me.

"Holy crickets, you're a metamorphmagus!" I turned to Hermione who I already knew was the one that spoke. "My name is Hermione Granger." She stuck out her hand for a shake and I happily took it in my own.

"Now tell us why we've never heard of the little Dumbledore," Fred said.

I raked my mind trying to come up with something believable. "Well, I grew up in the U.S. because my dad didn't want to shove the wizarding world at me so soon. So instead I stayed in the states with my mom who isn't a witch. When I came of age my father brought me here to the castle where I've been living for now."

Much to my relief they all seemed to buy my explanation and nodded. I spent my dinner getting to know my favorite characters. The entire time I felt a pair of eyes glaring at me from across the room. I didn't have to turn around to know it was Draco. Smirking to myself I spun around in my seat to stare back at him. If it was even possible I felt his grey eyes turn darker. Smiling at him I blew a kiss and turned back around laughing.

When it was time to go back to our houses Dumbledore motioned for me to come over to him. I waved goodbye to my new Gryffindor friends and skipped over to the head table. I smiled at all the teachers who only seemed a little down. Those teachers being the heads of houses that didn't get me. Severus was smirking to himself and waved at me. Snape would always be one of my favorite people and I was determined to make him open up before his time came.

"Congratulations Andy. I know you'll do great things my dear." I smiled up at my "dad" who had just talked to me. Juno hummed at Dumbledore as well.

"Now run along before you get locked out of your dorm and get a horrid bed. I think you should know where the Slytherin dorm is and if not I'm sure Severus would be happy to escort you there."

Although I did know how to get there I smiled up at Snape. "Actually father, I wouldn't want to get lost this late at night. Severus, if you could I wouldn't mind an escort to the rooms."

Snape stood up slightly scowling but I knew he secretly didn't mind walking with me. We silently made our way out of the hall as Snape led the way.

"Why did you wish to speak to me?"

I almost stopped in shock at Snape's question but quickly remembered to keep my pace so I wouldn't fall behind his large strides. "What?" I almost face palmed at my response.

Snape just stopped and scoffed in annoyance. "Look Andy, I know that you know how to get to the dungeons so tell me what was so important that I had to take time out of my life to talk to you."

Looking up at him I and knowing what I knew I could see how broken this man really was. I looked over to see the door to the Slytherin room. "She cared for you Severus even if you don't believe it. She'd be proud of you if she were still here."

Before I could register the shock on his face I walked over to the door and muttered pure blood for it to open. I quickly made my way inside making sure the door shut behind me.
I tried my best to admire the beautiful green accented room I was standing in before I was rudely interrupted.

"Couldn't stay away from me could you Dumbledore?"

I sighed in annoyance at the arrogant Slytherin standing in front of me. "I know I ate with the Gryffindor table but I hope you didn't already forget that I was placed in Slytherin Malfoy."

I looked into his cold grey eyes only to see him glaring at me furiously. "Why are you so infuriating?" I scoffed at his words and smirked up at him.

"You're lucky you're cute Malfoy or I'd have to be a lot more infuriating."

Before he could get in a response I pushed past him towards the stairs. Of course I couldn't just leave it at that though because once I made it to the top I glanced down at Draco's bright red face that was looking up at me.

"Goodnight oh mighty Slytherin Prince Draco. Have sweet dreams of me tonight." I winked at him before making my way into my room where I almost immediately fell asleep.

You may be my favorite character Draco Malfoy. You may be cute and later get extremely attractive but I'm not one to sit back and watch. Game on Malfoy. Game on.


Draco P.O.V

She was absolutely and completely frustrating. She was a Slytherin and supposed to be spending time with our table but instead mocked me and went to the blood traitors. I glared at her back all throughout dinner. Father had always told me that Dumbledore was a good for nothing old man so I imagine the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

I saw her turn around to look at me but before I could do anything she blew a kiss at me and turned back around laughing.

"Bloody hell Malfoy. It seems like you found the one girl who is immune to your charms."

I glared at Blaise while scoffing. How dare he even think of saying that. I was Draco Malfoy and even though I hadn't been here for a day I already knew I could get any girl I wanted in our grade.

"I bet you I can get her to like me easily."

"You're on Malfoy. To play nice I'll even give you until fourth year to get her to fall for you. If you win I'll do whatever you want me to for a month and vise versa."

I smirked over at Blaise and shook his hand. "Deal."

If I would have known that she would take so long getting to the common room I wouldn't have made the bet. Finally after waiting far too long she walked in.

"Couldn't stay away from me could you Dumbledore?" After I said it I mentally cursed at myself. Really? That was the best I had?!

"I know I ate with the Gryffindor table but I hope you didn't already forget that I was placed in Slytherin Malfoy."

Before thinking much about her sarcastic tone I immediately opened my mouth. "Why are you so infuriating?"

"You're lucky you're cute Malfoy or I'd have to be a lot more infuriating." I felt my face turn dark red in embarrassment. Before I had the chance to say anything back she was making her way up the stairs to the girls rooms. Not able to do anything but stare up at her with my face on fire I attempted a glare but I knew it didn't come out when she said, "Goodnight oh mighty Slytherin Prince Draco. Have sweet dreams of me tonight."

She shut the door as I fumbled over my thoughts. If that's how she wanted to play I was ready. Game on Dumbledore. Game on.

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