New Team

By Goryakthedragon

547 23 46

2nd story who followed the JLA on this site, this time, the team of rider will have a odd allied to stryke ba... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 20

9 1 0
By Goryakthedragon

Green Inferno Island

Amaury's POV

With all we know from this beast, we can now beat it here and flied away from here to never came back...but I felt something odd, like if we had no chance against them 

"Amaury, are you alright ? you're making your Hiccup thinking face and I hate when you do that !"

"we can't faced them in the sky or we will loose, we have to fight them where their breath are no use, on the ground !"

"WHAT ! they're always in use against dragon or us ! we have no chance against them !"

"I'm affraid to disagree Heather, not because my friend and rider propose such plan, it's because it's the only one we can have ! we must fight back !"

"or call back up, asked Dawn, we can do that too !"

"how sweety ? we can't left the island !"

"I warned dad before I left Berk !"

"Warpath ? why ?"

"he is my dad...and he saved you once !"

"I admit...but what made you think he can help us ?"

Dawn put her head down and began to sob, Spit immediately hugged her 

"I'm so proud of you honey !"

"really ?"

I got out of our cave with Heather, we need food before getting on the plan 

"are you really it's gonna work ?"

"uhhhhhhh !"

"you're definitely like Hiccup !"

"what are you talking about ?"

"since you're one of the leader of the JLA, you become a second Hiccup ! thinking about crazy plans, ging on adventure without telling this to anyone..."

"I maybe look just like Hiccup, but you're like Astrid when she is with him !"

"are you kidding me ?"

"no I'm not My lady, when we are together, you're always worrier than me, like Astrid is with Hiccup."

"really ?"

"yes...I knew both Hiccup and Astrid long enought to know they're love each other stonger each days...I was their only friend to wish the same thing for me...and I'm glad to have you, Heather !"

" were really jealous of them ?"

"it's not really jealousy, it's just...why I got unlucky the first time I felt in love with a girl !"

"okay...and for your second time ?"

"I got no words to describe my hapinnes with you and our children ! My heart will be only yours 

and I can do anything for you !"

Heather smiled at me and put both her hands on my shoulders, she looked at me in the eyes and whispered in my ear

"I love you !"

"love you too !"

We kissed each other on the lips but one loud noise cut both of us.

Hiccup's POV

I was with Gobber and Valka on Berk, patrolling and watching how the town is rebuilt, after Calder, Amaury made also some damage, I think explosives fireball helped, an alpha dragoness too by the way 

"he spared nothing your Terror of the Night !"

"Sky, Gobber, Terror of the Sky !"

"what the difference anyway ?"

"Gobber would you calm down, Amaury accept his sentence and I'm glad we didn't kill him !"

"we still can !"

"will you shut up you two, I have to be focused on what I...wait a minute, you told me the Berserkers want to see me ?"

"yes, Dagur and Heather are here ?"

"only Dagur !"

"this is no good !"

I ran towards Dagur and his worried look followed what I already think this morning 

"Dagur what is it ?"

"my sister is gone for far too long, she told me she just want to take a flight with her son but...they're not came back !"

"let me guess, Amaury is gone too !"

I turned to Gobber and Valka and the two gave me no answer 

"for the love of Thor ! and he told nothing...again...Dagur follow me, we have to warn the team !"

"yes brother !"


We ran to the arena, the only place all Berk's riders could be, of course, past event make things difficult when we talk about Amaury 

"oi chief !"

"thank you Astrid, we need help or a rescue mission ?"

"who's the muttonheads ?"


"what ?" 

"it's my sister family, answer Dagur."

Like I said before, all members, even the twins said nothing and continue their task, one of them do the contrary


"even Thor can ask me to save him, after what he did, I will no move from Berk !"

"he killed almost all members of the A-team in one move that night, pursued Fishlegs, he maybe kept some part of that...spell !"

"he blew up our huts ! answered the twins, even yours !"

"bunch of muttonheads, I'll go without you !"

"Astrid, it's maybe dangerous !"

"I came from JLA's outpost first Kira, Parisa, Calder and Arvid follow too !

"with me and Dagur, we're six, it's enought for this mission !"

"take good care of you all..."

"don't worry, we will came back with them !"

Astrid came out with Stormfly and took off with Dagur, joining the rest of the team in no time.

During the flight
Astrid's POV

Like the others in the past, I was angry against Amaury for what he did but I can't erased what he did for us since he arrived on Berk, I'm sure this spell is off after the great battle, no one can't resist this kind of antidote...or he got an heart of stone 

"Astrid, i'm glad to have you for this mission can we found my sister and his family back !"

"Stormfly is good at tracking, I always got some fallen scales of all dragons in Berk, only one gave me some without I ask, is Spitfire, Stormfly know her smell and where she can be !"

"like me with Shattermaster II with Windshear, did I tell you they got a game ?"

"what ?"

"yeah, to bond each other, Windshear threw one of her spine on the ground and Shattermaster light it up with his bolt, it's pure magic to see that !"

"just tell me they do not that in the main square !"

"no, in an empty area far from town !"

"he can track her ?"

"yes, I trained him to do that !"

"it's incredible !"


"sorry to interrupt we have someone to save or..."

"Parisa's right, we have to go fast or else, they will be dead or worst !"

Calder and Parisa were between me and Dagur, the middle of the formation and Kira and Arvid,the last point of it 

"we have to ofund them and save them !"

"but we don't know why they stopped, maybe it's their day off !"

"seriously Calder ?"

"what ? Heather and him maybe need some..."alone time" !"

"with their children ? you have a strange way to celebrate "alone time" !"

"their children are here too ?" 

"what did you do when Dagur came to tell us ?"

"arguing with Gilan, answered Calder, head down and avoiding all eye contact."

"argh ! such muttonheads, we have to go fast !"

I asked Stormfly to go as fats as she could, followed by the others.

Green Inferno's Island
Amaury's POV

When I saw Stromfly from here followed by five others dragons, I facepalmed myself 

"for Thor's sake, we have to warned them !"

"how ? these flying pest came to attack without warning !"

"what did you not tell me that ?"

I took out my horn and blew in up as loud as I could and Heather yelled when we see us 


"WHY ?"

too late, I already saw the flock of green dragon flying towards us and Astrid's team 


The Green Inferno lauch their attack first and Calder was the first one to be hit, He and his dragon crashed on the beach, with the sound, Spitfire came out from the cave and spit her fiery breath towards the green dragons to help our friends to land but red flames comming from behind help too, only one dragon could do that 



attacked from everycorner, the Green Inferno fled away and Warpath landed, like the rest of the team, Parisa came to help Calder while Astrid came to see us 

"you two are crazy you choose the only island where wind breathing dragon lives !"

"said the one whorest with his friends on an island where an amber breathing dragon lives, did he not try to kill us or..."

"okay, you got a point, we have to go now !"

"we can't without a fight, we need to prove to the Green Inferno we are powerful than them !"

"WHAT !"

"I met some of them when I was banished, the only way I got to live peacefully with them is to beat them on duel !"

"and you won ?"

"no I lost !"



I yelled against Spitfire and Warpath, the only thing who could bring only death to me but both dragons grinned at me 

"at last, a smart human !"

"don't tell me the "yell at it" thing works on you ?"

"no, only see tou pissed is enought !"

"so...asked Astrid, what do we do ?"

When the two frenzies smiled and almost laughed, I already now what they had in mind 

"you will regret this question Astrid !"

"okay, Dawn and Ironside will stay on this cave to protect the children, Astrid, Dagur, Amaury and Heather will be with us to found the Inferno's cave, Parisa, Calder, Arvid and Kira will stay here just in case to help to protect the hatchlings and back up !"

"are you really sure about this plan, we not want to stay, we want to leave !"

"it's the same for them, to stay or leave, you need to prove yourself what you can do !"

"does it me or it's suicidal ?"

"it is Astrid, I'm sorry for that !"

"we will not die that day, said Heather, we will fight back and won !"

"that's my sister !"

"let's go, we have to beat these dragons !"

Warpath and Spitfire lead us to the cave of the Green Inferno.

In front of Green Inferno's hive
Spitfire's POV

After a long walk...I hate walking like humans, I'm a great and fast flier, not a walker, it's tiring and useless 

"calm down honey !"

"since when did you call me honey Warpath ?"

"I was blind by my anger since I was little, you opened my eyes when you banished me from our clan, I love you Spitfire, you are my princess !"

"you are a strange maniac, you killed my mother, nearly killed my father, humiliate me and...the worst of them all, forget me ! you even bang my cousin Vendetta and abused me during an alcoholic party !"

"I'm thinking only about you my love !"

"are you trying to flirt with me now ?"

"no...I know your heart beat only when I'm here !"

"you wanted to eat me alive the first time we met after all that !"

" know...I'm not myself during fight !"

"hope you will be as angry against me as against these green pest !"

Looking in front of me, I saw a cave, with one sign, I make Warpath's mouth shut and Amaury joined me 

"what are we doing now ?"

"let me try my thing before yours !"

"the runic stone ?"

"yes, the only thing Iris gave you who can be useful."

"don't forget the crossbow !"

"what are you two doing ?"

Amaury and I were ready to fight, helped by our friends but a huge wind cut all of us, when it was off, Heather was missing, this time...these dragons crossed the wrong line.

the beach
Dawn's POV

I was more than worried about my father, my mother and Amaury, even Ironside was worried but when he said only for his mother, Windshear, I was so mad at him on the inside, I prefer to watch the entry alone, I sighed but I felt an hand on me, I turned back and saw Astrid, my young rider at my side 

"something bother you ?"

"it's nothing, trust me, do you want to stay with me ?"

"yes !"

She sat down and did everything I do, if I looked up, she did, if I sighed, she sighed as well, I love whe she did that. When I smiled, Astrid hugged me and answered 

"I will never let you down Dawn !"

"thank you !"

I pet her but an earthquake surprise me :

"what was that Dawn ?"

"an earthquake ? here ?"

"what can we do ?"

"the JLA is already gone, jump on my back !"

"why ?"

I will not let her some time, I took her on my back by force, Ironside made the same thing and we took off, mom always told me to be ready to left the camp in case of danger. When I saw behind us a huge purple flame from the middle of the island.

Inside the hive
Amaury's POV

This time, these fucking dragon pissed me off, they dare kidnapt Heather in front of me, they will all suffer from that, thanks to my new sword, when I took it out I saw some kind of purple flame around the blade, like Inferno, I don't know how

"I know why, whispered Spitfire."

"WHAT THE...what are you doing behind me ?"

"I help you, this sword is connect to us, the more you're angry, the more it can do between your hand !"

"you can searched for Heather, I will defeat them with this !"


I used my runic stone and hit a Green Inferno, the beast is down 

"I'll go save Heather !"

I felt a huge strength between my hand, Spitfire was just gone when I heard some hissing all around me, when one dragon charged me, I made a single hit and a powerful blast of purple flame knocked them out and blast the hive, Spitfire found Heather and took me before leaving the destroyed hive. We found back everyone on the beach, Warpath was pleased to see that, we left the island, happy to get rid off this damn island. 

That's for the 20th chapter, hope you like it

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