Secrets (TVD)

By Ana_Idou

247K 5.4K 791

||"Wounds heal, but they will always leave a scar."|| . . . Natalia Lucifson. That name holds many secrets. ... More

Secrets (Kol Mikaelson FanFic)
Natalia Lucifson
An Original
What Is Wrong With Me
Mikaelson Ball
On the road
The Beginning
Miss Natalia
Dance Back From The Grave
Crescent City
Long Way Back From Hell
Le Grand Guignol
Mystic Falls
The Big Uneasy
An Unblinking Death
A Closer Walk With Thee
Battle of New Orleans (Part 1)
Battle Of New Orleans (Part 2)
From a Cradle to a Grave (Part 1)
From a Cradle To a Grave (Part 2)
Alive and Kicking (Part 1)
Alive and Kicking (Part 2)
Every Mother's Son

Moon over Bourbon Street

5.4K 135 5
By Ana_Idou

Natalia's P.O.V



"Why would they even sell that."

"This looks like a Barney suit."

"Ah fuck it."

I slump down on the red chair that smells so much of leather. Currently I was in the next town over from Mystic Falls in a dress shop. After I said goodbye to the town and it's residence I decided I originally was not to go far so I moved to the next town and have been here for a month. This morning I got word that the Mikaelsons were throwing a party and so I was curious. Klaus still I'm sure wants my head on a stick and me being me, I have to attend. And so here I am dress shopping. I need something beautiful, sexy, and formal since this is my possible funeral.

"You always sucked at that" Whipping around I see the one person I did not expect to see.

"You're alive?"

"And your hopeless." Rebekah smiled, a real smile, this in itself made me curious and so I raised by brows and stood up.

"What are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same thing, but if you must know, I was supposed to die....I was spared by Nik with a deal, I get to go, be free, while they stay there in the city we took from them."

I take in the new information before looking at her "How long do you have to be gone?"

"Forever.....I'll be leaving to Europe maybe tomorrow, I just thought that since I don't know how long ill be there I'd do some State shopping." I smile and wrap my arms around her in a tight embrace which she immediately returns, when we were younger she always wanted so many things which were ripped away from her, now she has a shot at them, at happiness. Maybe it didn't occur in the happiest way but she has the chance at a life she's always wanted.

"You can come with me" she mumbles into my shoulder and I let go of her and smile.

"Bekah these are things you wanted since we were children. You want a home, you want a family, you want someone to love you, and you want to live....truth is I don't know what I want, but I have eternity to figure it out."

She looks at me and nods "Well where are you going?"

"I heard the family will be throwing a party. I want to go me pick out a dress?" I ask slyly and smirk at her reaction.

"Bastards! I'm gone and they throw a party!" She says exasperated before looking at me with wide eyes "You're going!"

"Oh relax Klaus seems mad but he won't kill me, he has his reasons."

"Yeah one of them is named Kol." she mumbles.

I groan "Bekah just help me find a dress."

She laughs "Fine!"


About four hours later I'm at the entrance of the home. Rebekah being the amazing shopper she is helped me pick out a black lace off the shoulder mini dress with an open back, this along with black pumps. I straightened my hair and put on my makeup, deciding on dark lipstick, nothing very dark though.

I walk into the party and immediately have eyes one me. It also makes me realize something. This party is like a species chex mix. Vampires, werewolves, witches, humans, plus Klaus the hybrid. Huh.

Avoiding some of the expected 'You look hot' stares from people who didn't know what I was and the 'i want to skin you' stares which came mostly from the witches and werewolves, I make my way towards the stairs where I spotted four of my best friends.

"I'm impressed brother." Niklaus directs to Elijah as the two of them plus Kol and Finn stand on the stairs looking out.

"Yes, now if I can just keep them from tearing one another to shreds." he replies.

I grab a champagne glass and make my way up the stairs "Well" I start and all of their heads snap to me as I come to a stop between Kol and Finn, Klaus looking at me with an...interesting look on his face. "For your sake here's to a spectacularly boring evening". I toast to Elijah and cling our glasses as I turn and do so to the others. It's now I realized they are all looking at me in a specific way which I can't make out.

"I'm impressed once again." Klaus says with a ghost of a smile on his lips "Your brave."

I shrug "Or just awesome."

"Or just stupid." Kol directs towards me as I look out into the crowd and spot my brothers and Iannia.

I laugh and turn to him smiling, I trail my eyes up and down his body. "You look handsome tonight Kol." I tell him still smiling and as I pass him and pet his shoulder "Have fun." are my last words before I'm once again thrown into the chaos.

Approaching them I notice one thing that really pops out. It's the only thing that catches my eye.

Iannia's dress was way to freakin short.

"Uh uh nope, nope!" I say as I reach and begin pulling her dress down, she turns and starts frantically swatting my hands away

"Wha-what are you doing here!" I stand up straight and she looks at me with a rather puzzled expression. "What are you doing in general?"

"Pulling your dress down" I state in a duh tone.

"No Natalia" a new voice says and I look behind Iannia to spot my brothers, it was Eregan who spoke up "She means what are you doing here."

Realization hits me "Oh, in New Orleans? Well I can't miss a good party."

"Even if it means your life?" Aaron asks with an eyebrow arched.

"He won't kill me."

"And how do you know that?" Thomas says coming to stand next to Luen who had his arm around Iannia.

I take a deep breath and look up the stairs to meet Nikaus's gaze "I know." I simply state.

They look at my face in thought until Iannia simply nods and stares at me "Why the hell is your dress short?" She says and points.

I look down and back up at there faces only to see a disapproving look in my brothers eyes. "What!" I say exasperated.

"It's short!" Thomas says pointing to my dress as well. I pinch the bridge of my nose and rub my temples "I can't believe I'm related to you." I mumble, he opens his mouth to reply but we hear a commotion and I whip around, spotting Elijah holding the blonde wolf who I think is named Oliver down.

"This ends now" he says calmly as Oliver's struggling "I won't ask again."

"Oh we'll end it alright." we turn our heads and see another wolf holding a stake to Diego's heart.

"What's stopping you?" We turn our heads once again, which was getting annoying, only this time to see a pregnant Hayley "Kill him" she states with a shrug.

"Go ahead Elijah do it, I mean it's not like he doesn't deserve to die."

Eregan turns me to him and I see my brothers staring at the situation in concern while I just have a carefree face on. "Shouldn't you intervene?" He asks and I smile.

"Why would I? This just got interesting." I tell them and see something that resembles annoyance and disbelief in their eyes before rolling my own and turning, slowly walking towards the commotion.

Hayley continues her rant "I mean it was Oliver who handed Rebekah over to the witches so they could torture her...but then again wasn't it Diego who led a werewolf massacre last month? And the witches cursed the wolves while the humans just sat back and let it all happen, so if you really think about it....everyone here deserves to die."

"Are you approaching a point?" Elijah asks calmly but i can tell he's losing patience.

"My point Elijah is this, if we can't all learn to get along and if our family's cannot create some sort of community then what's the point? Kill each other and get it over with."

There's a pause before the boys stop there little scuffle and release each other, I silently praise the little wolf.


About half an hour later I find myself in a room that seems like Nik's sanctuary. Paint, brushes, canvases. It's perfect.

"And once again you must have a true want to die don't you?"

I turn and spot him leaning against the doorway and smile "I don't run from my problems Niklaus, you know that."

Flashing me his dimples he makes his way towards me until he's right in front of me. "Oh love, but that's all you do." I won't lie I got pretty pissed at that. "Don't you have a whore to get to?" I ask with attitude.

"Oh love, don't you have a life to fix?"

I sigh, rolling my eyes, and walk to a couch slumping down with my legs crossed "I'm not fixing anything Nikaus, you" I say and point to him "need to understand me better, I don't fix my problems, maybe I do run from them but I don't fix them, over the past thousand years I have so many loose ends that truthfully I don't feel like fixing."

"And why is that?"

"Because if whatever it is occurred anyway, then it was meant to happen, I believe everything happens for a reason and I also believe nothing can ever stay the same, people change, places change, but the one thing that doesn't truly change is us ourselves."

He stares at me intently "You really don't think we have changed over these thousand years? You don't think we lost everything we were when we were human?"

"No" I say slowly "we have changed but that makes us weak." he arches a brow and I continue while standing up "Rebekah was the only strong one." I see him stiffen and turn around, beginning to paint.

"She was a coward and betrayed her own blood."

"But you led her to it, that girl took so much of your crap, to be honest I wouldn't have been able to do it, but all your betrayals she kept bottled up and it broke her eventually and led her to do what she did."

"And what's your excuse" he asks raising his voice "What's stopping me from killing you or...maybe I should be nice and give you the same fate as Rebekah!"

"My excuse was that I was bored, and she is my friend and I saw what you had done to her, also you can't give me the same fate as her because maybe what I want is to stay here."

He looks at me and laughs "You and Rebekah have been through a lot...and I'll give you praise, you never turned it off you dealt with all the pain, Rebekah eventually broke, but you? You're just as strong as an ox aren't you? But I don't think you should give me that excuse, we all know what you want."

I look at him and swallow my eyes narrowing "And what's that?"

"You want to live. Rebekah wanted the whole package a home, a family, love, and to be free, to live....but you? You don't want any of that do you? You only want to live because the way you spent the last millennium is exactly what you didn't want. You hid, and manipulated, and became something you were not....all you wanted when we were human was to live but with ties to me and my family you can't do why don't you leave."

I stare at him with scrunched brows and look down while talking "No" I look up "I have eternity, Nikaus...I doubt I'll have any ties to you in a million years but for now....I think I'll stay."

He stares for what seems like forever before nodding "Your room is as you left it."

I nod and think about saying thank you before deciding against it and I turn only to end up standing right in front of Elijah "Lovely you're both here." he says and makes his way to the table next to Nik, he carries a paper and a vile of what seems like blood. He stops and undos the lid pulling out a quill.

"Sign it" he says simply and outstretches his hand to Nik.

"Why? You've already done so on our behalf."

"Brother I'm not a fool, it's clear to me you're not as disinterested as you like me to believe.." He turns with a smile "Sign it please."

Nik just stares at it "If there is no peace between us then how do you except others to follow suite?" Elijah tells him in a way of convincing.

"Fine, if it'll make you happy, but I assure you the city's inhabitance will not adear to this agreement."

Elijah picks up the paper and looks at it "Well you are welcome to wager against will lose" he turns and starts walking out before turning to me.

"You are staying?" he questions.

I look at Niklaus but he doesn't steal a glance at me and so I turn back to Elijah and nod. "Yes."

He gives me the quill and opens the vile "Sign it."

I scrunch my brows "Why?"

"Well we may represent the Original family but you represent a new name for original vampires, sign it."

I take a breath and dip the quilt before scribbling my name down and looking up at him "Happy?"

He smiles "Very much, have a good night." He tells us and walks out, I steal one last glance at Nik before turning and walking back to my old room, my heels the only sound in the compound.


Ok guys so sorry, I haven't updated since I've been busy but also for the next episode of the originals we have to wait since there's a break, if I updated right away you guys wouldn't have anything to read for a while so here you go :) once again sorry for the lateness






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