Transformers: Genesis

By Valkyr6

92 1 0

It is the year 2004, and Earth Defense Command pilot Cassandra Paxton returns from a several month odyssey in... More

Andromeda Lovell


16 0 0
By Valkyr6

Marissa couldn't believe it when she received the phone call--she had been quick to rush over to the containment facility upon learning that she had returned with little to no explanation on where she had been for the past six months. Even with Ultra Magnus looming nearby, she still reflected no change in her radical--and rather violent--behavior.

"Cassandra?!" Marissa had unintentionally shoved the trooper standing guard upon rushing into the room, she would have to remind herself to apologize to them later. She looked exactly like Marissa had remembered her, but her under eyes reflected just how little sleep she must have gotten as of late. But, to Marissa, that was not as important as finding out why she left and where she had been. She found it virtually impossible to believe that she'd abandon her duties--abandon her friends and family--and not expect them to worry about her. She was only a teenager! She can't even legally travel off-world without a supervisor present with her, nonetheless the galaxy! Now, there she was, sitting at an empty table with her hands cuffed as if she was some prisoner. Truly, the sight offended Marissa considering these troopers knew who Paxton was!

"Un-cuff her, you guys know better," the two troopers--who were previously conversing among themselves--jumped at the sight of the Captain. Both silently walked over to Cassandra, and a click from her wrists brought her freedom to move freely again. However, when she stood up, Marissa stomped her way over rather furiously, grabbing Cassandra by the shoulder and pushing her back into the chair.

"Where the hell have you been? I was beginning to think you were dead!" Yep, she was furious. Very, very, furious. The brunette teen actually looked decently afraid at seeing her mentor actually start screaming at her. Before Cassandra could get a decent response out, two male figures approached from the double doors, with a good handful of data pads and files regarding this case. Both were dressed the same, sporting the uniform of the Earth Defense Command, as well as some other accessories regarding their rank and position. Rodrick and Christopher, their names were the only detail Cassandra could remember about them.

"Ms. Andromeda Lovell has appeared to have been the main suspect of many incidences for the past six months, ranging from Outpost One to the Sol System out past the nearest warp gate." Christopher opened up a plentiful amount of security footage showing her and her ship traveling from several locations between those two points. "I must say, Cassandra Paxton, you are a quite talented at covering up your tracks. We were beginning to think you were just another rogue with a starship. But, further evidence concludes you were searching for these plans."

Marissa was handed a data pad, and on the screen were the beta blueprints to Autobot City. The Captain blinked several times, eyebrows furrowed with her attempt to figure out exactly what all of this meant.

"I intercepted a communication between Shockwave and the Constructions. They had plans to reverse engineer the plans in order to construct their own Earth fortress, called Trypticon. I took action by stealing them and meeting up with Carly on one of the deserted trade outposts out by the Kuiper belt. How else do you think she got them? With the Autobots currently evacuating we had no choice but to organize a rendezvous point without their aid." Cassandra invoiced, her gaze remaining low and at the table. "Perceptor and Prowl approved, but they advised us to do this off the radar to avoid being detected by Cybertron. I was the only pilot available that could do the journey-- They left me with no choice but to prioritize Autobot City over my duties for the EDC."

Marissa's stomach dropped. Why didn't she tell her about this? Did she think she couldn't tell her something of this magnitude?--

"I was provided with a ship as soon as I was told to leave. However, I was not allowed to tell anyone due to the circumstances of the Decepticons intercepting any communications, similar to how I discovered theirs. As soon as I delivered the plans to Carly I was ratted out by a Skuxxoid, and that's how I ended up on the prison ship back here."

"A bounty was placed as soon as we were able to identify you. I guess Skuxxoids will do anything for the right price." Rodrick exclaimed, turning to Cassandra, "we are done here. I'm sure Kup will want to have a talk with you about this, since Prowl has yet to inform any of the stationed Autobots here about these plans. These Headquarters are just temporary until members of the Council's peacekeeping force arrive to take them to Constancy. When they find out you're not among the rest of them they will begin to search for you. Whether or not your affairs were towards the Autobots and Decepticons, you still are a criminal and violated the law."

Cassandra gawked, "I stole the plans because I had to! If the EDC just handed over Autobot City's blueprints the Decepticons could just intercept the rendezvous coordinates. Stealing them leaves them in the dark, which is why Carly and I were successful." She stood up, slamming her palms flat on the table, "I'm not a thief! I was carrying out orders!"

Marissa put her hand in her shoulder, a gesture that calmed Cassandra enough to listen, "that may be true, but the Council still sees you as a criminal. We can't just dismiss the fact that you broke some laws because you were ordered to. It's all about perspective now, Cassandra, and we can't alter their views because laws are laws."

Christopher stepped in as well, "their job is not to listen, they were formed to keep the peace and deal with members who violate the laws and pact."

Rodrick and Christopher idly collected their items, before making their way out silently, the click of their shoes the only sound that bounced off the walls as Marissa and Cassandra sat in silence.

"I can't get you off the list, Cassandra. It's out of everyone's hands. We're not allowed to get involved with these matters." Marissa pulled up a chair and sat across from Paxton, taking a deep, and rather long breath before continuing with her statement. "As of now, you are a wanted criminal."

"I've lost my ship, my license" Cassandra mused, "...what now?"

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