His Star: Black Star x Reader...

By choerrychuu

23.7K 1K 660

discontinued. [I first wrote this when in elementary school; so sorry if it's cringey] (Y/N) and her weapon T... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18

Chapter 17

691 36 41
By choerrychuu


This chapter sure is gonna be a doozy to write.

Votes and comments are always appreciated, and let me know what you'd like to see next! DON'T BE A SILENT READER YALL.

Onward! From where we last left off in the previous chapter!

Black Star's POV

"Black Star! Hey, wake up! Wake up-"

A voice kept yelling, urging me to open my eyes, move a limb, or at least do something and wake up.

I groggily open my eyes, as I was staring up at the wooden mahogany ceiling. I slowly, yet surely, went to go push myself into a seated position. My abdomen paining me in the process.

"Ugh..." I grunt, rubbing the giant bruise on my body.

"Black Star! Something terrible has happened! But other than that, are you okay? Does your head feel a bit better? " A feminine voice asks me. I turn my head, expecting the person of the voice to be (Y/N), yet it was Tiffany.

"Tiffany?? What are you doing!? Didn't Dr. Stein said for you to not revert back to your human form? Change back! What if (Y/N) sees-"

Tiffany's worried brown eyes don't meet mine, as she hesitates to say something to me, but eventually opens her mouth, "That's the problem... She's not here."

I furrow my brows in confusion, regretting to question further, curiosity gets the better of me as I ask, "W-What do you mean? Who's not here?"

Tiffany roughly grabs a hold of my shoulders, her eyes finally looking into mine as I sense sorrow and pain from them. "I need you to be calm. We all need to be rational here, but (Y/N) has been taken by the Afreet. She obtained a slight injury, so she wasn't able to fight back. But as you were unconscious for the past few minutes, Maka came and went after them! She'll definitely put a stop to his plans...-"

Tiffany went on and on about how (Y/N) was taken away, and what happened in the meantime of Kid and I being out of it for a while. She also mentioned how Kid too, managed to wake up a few minutes after me. But I immediately tuned it all out after hearing about the Afreet escaping with (Y/N).

It was almost as if the temperature around me went rigid, goosebumps scattered across my arms. My once lively green eyes, have most likely gone completely dull and cold.

"B-Black Star, I know how you're feeling. If anything it's harder for me than for you-"

"So why didn't you do anything..."

"H-Huh? Black Star, what are you talking about--"

"Why didn't you do anything!? Weapons are supposed to protect their meisters, and you did exactly the opposite!" I bark loudly, shoving her grip off my shoulders and making a sturdy attempt to stand on my feet.

"Black Star! It's no one's fault in this situation. Don't go blaming it on anyone! Especially Tiffany, she's been sperated from her meister," Tsubaki says from the reflection of the sword, a slight frown adorning her features.

"How do you think feel!? This isn't part of the plan!" I exclaim loudly.

Kid places a palm to his head to feel for any wounds, questioning, "What's all this commotion about?"

Tiffany cries out, hot tears dripping down her face, "(Y/N) has been injured and taken away by the Kishin! I insisted on changing back, but she told me to trust her, and stay put! I was overwhelmed and-- and now she's gone!" She exclaims, wiping the fallen tears from her eyes with a sniffle.

"Black Star, we should act with caution. Yes, (Y/N) has been taken away, but by no means does that mean you have the right to go blaming it on everyone. We should put our minds together and think of a smart way to safety retrieve her back." Kid explains, picking up his two weapons. Walking towards the hole created in the ceiling he sighs. "How will we even get up to the surface...?" Liz asked wearily.

"It doesn't matter if you all come or not," I hiss, bending down to pick up the sword, "I'm doing this my way. And I will get her back." I tighten my grip around the cold handle, making a running start, I roughly step on Kid's jacket and grasp the torn cement and begin climbing toward's the surface of outside.

"Argh! Black Star, you dirtied my jacket!" Kid yells.

Third Person's POV

Maka's grasp on the Kishin's leg began to falter, until eventually, her grip loosened and she was falling towards the ground at an alarming speed.

"Maka!" Soul shouts, transforming out of his weapon for so that he can protect Maka from the dangerous fall.  Fortunately, there were many wooden boxes and crates to cushion their impact.

The blonde meister shakily rose her hand to where the Kishin held (Y/N) hostage in the sky.

"I need... to stop the Kishin..." Were her last words until she passed out, due to her overworking herself the past couple of hours.

Immediately soon after, Black Star climbed out from the debris hole the Kishin created.

"Huh? Black Star? Where are the others!?" Soul questioned his friend, who walked past him with lifeless green eyes staring at the sky. His grip on his weapon tightening bit, sprinting away ignoring Soul's question.

Following the blue haired boy, Tiffany, Kid, Liz, and Patty also emerged from the opening, "Black Star! Ugh... You can't just go into battle like that! Especially without a plan! You're bound to get injured!!" Tiffany yells.

From up above, the Kishinev still had (Y/N) in his arms. Not seeming to let her go, even when Lord Death appeared. "Shinigami..." he uttered, his mask cracking open to reveal his expressionless face.

"Hiya. It's been a while since I last saw you," Lord Death greets him, in his usual cartoonish voice. "Are you okay? You're all lanky and wearing such heavy clothing."

"I can say the same for you. What's with that comical mask?" The Kishin replied.

"Well, after I stuffed you inside that bag, I began a school for meisters and weapons. One of which you're holding right now. My old mask would scare away the children, it was really bad!"

"I guess that explains your funny way of talking."

Lord Death leans back a bit, "I've grown quite acquainted to it. But that's besides the point, you have my student and caused chaos all around. I'm sorry to do this after you just woke up but..."

"It's time to die again." Lord Death vocalizes, the cartoon tone lost and now replaced with a serious one.

"Shinigami Chop!!" Lord Death being careful, yet extremely precise slammed the Kishin down into the ground, but in a way that it wouldn't effect (Y/N). So he hit the side where (Y/N) wasn't being held in.

"(Y/N)!" Black Star shouts, using his Speed Star, to quicken his pace.

"He's on the ground! (Y/N)'s out of his grasp as well! You can take this as a chance to grab her!" Tiffany yells.

Black markings appearing on his skin as he sprints faster, creating wind from behind him as he finally manages to reach where (Y/N) skidded off to, not too far away from the Kishin. Black Star was lucky though, that Lord Death unleashed another attack on other shinigami so that his focus wasn't on the two.

Successfully, Black Star manages to swiftly pick up (Y/N) and return to the safety of the group of weapons and meisters. Whiles in the meantime, Lord Death and the Kishin battled it out.

"(Y/N)!!" Tiffany cries out, when she sees her meister was safe and sound in Black Star's grasp.

"Wow, I didn't think that would work. We should probably put her down, in case she does have a concussion." Kid advises Black Star, yet he showed no signs to put her down. Tsubaki transformed to her normal form and couched near Black Star and an unconscious (Y/N).

Black Star frowns, as he moves a few fallen pieces of (h/c) hair away from the girl's tired face. Checking to see if there were any signs of a major infury on her head. Fortunately for her, there wasn't any bumps or bruises, surprisingly. "You scared me there, (Y/N)..." He says, his voice slightly breaking at the beginning.

"Oh goodness, I'm just glad she's okay!" Patty says, smiling brightly as in an attempt to lift the mood.

Tiffany lets out one last sniffle, wiping away her tears as she laughs, "Yeah, me too! Once all of this is over, we all need a lot of rest."

By now, the fight was most likely over, as the Kishin already found out about Lord Death's weakness and managed to escape. 

"Speaking of rest, Maka and I will be on our way now. She doesn't seem like she'll be waking up anytime soon. I'll see you guys later," Soul announces, propping her past out body on his back.

"We should probably be on our way, we'll see you guys tomorrow at the court! Isn't that right, Liz?" Patty asks her older sister, tugging on her arm aggressively. Liz sighing, shakes her off. "The same as last time, I'm not going, I'm tired and would rather not break my nails." Liz voices.

"Be safe you four. Tiffany, do let us know if you need help carrying (Y/N) home." Kid offered.

"Alright! Thank you-"

"I'll do it." Black Star uttered. His expression quite downcast, as he refused to look up at anyone.

"Well, alright then. See you all tomorrow I suppose." Kid says, bidding farewell as he turns to walk home with his two weapons by his side.

Tiffany turns towards Black Star and Tsubaki, "So you're going to-"

However, Black Star immediately picks (Y/N) up in his arms and walks in the direction of their home. Disregarding what Tiffany had to say.

Tsubaki reassuringly pats the green haired girl's shoulder, "He's not mad at you, just overwhelmed and worried is all." The taller girl states.


The entire walk to (Y/N) and Tiffany's place was very awkward. The only sound that was heard was the footsteps emitting off the pavement, and the soft hum of Tsubaki's voice.

Finally, they stop in front of a slightly small complex. Standing right in front of the door.

"This is it. Thank you for assisting us." Tiffany mentions.

"Anytime! You just let us all know when she gets better! Will we be seeing you guys tomorrow for basketball?" Tsubaki asks, arms clasped behind her back.

"It really just depends on how (Y/N)'s feeling! Hopefully it's a yes. But if not, you can all go without us. I'll take care of her," Tiffany informs. She then turns to Black Star, her arms outstretched take her meister into her hold.

"Let... Please, let me know when she's awake and feeling better," Black Star spoke, handing (Y/N) away.

"I will." And with that Tiffany roughly managed to unlock their door, (Y/N) still in her embrace. Nudging the door open with her foot and slamming it shut once inside.

The male, silent and unbudging, stood in front of the door. "Come on, Black Star. She'll be okay! Tiffany will let us all know if something happens."

At last, with one last glance, Black Star walks down the steps and joins Tsubaki on the sidewalk. "Let's go, Tsubaki." Throwing his hands behind his head, as the two walked back to their own place.


Grunting, Tiffany helps her unresponsive meister into bed, "Hup! Okay... there we go! Goodnight (Y/N)...? The heck is that!?"

Tiffany leans in closer to observe (Y/N)'s forehead, looking at it only to find a mark that was similar to some kind of eye. It was peculiar because it wasn't there a few moments ago.

Freaked out a bit, Tiffany decides to exit the room, closing the door behind her. Going into her own room and locking the door behind her, she looks for her phone to call someone who would be educated about this the most, and would know what to do. Lord Death.

Meanwhile in the other room, (Y/N)'s eyes opened revealing a quite odd colour that wasn't regular to her usual (e/c) hues.

It was the colour of hate, a dark, bloody red. With X marks as the irises. A new madness happened to be unleashed onto the young (h/c) haired girl. Unbeknownst to everyone.

(Y/N) with her new found eyes began to let out a tiny giggle with an insane grin, the madness slightly taking over. 

"All I see is hatred..." 




Later skaters~

Updated: August 30th, 2017. (Will edit!)

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