Twist And Turns

By Felaud

514 108 54

What are you going to do if your mind tells you to do one thing and your heart tells you to do another? Well... More

Chapter 1-Emily Brooke
Chapter 2-Felix McMillan
Chapter 3-first encounter
Chapter 4-the proceedings
Chapter 6 -the bigger me
Chapter 7 - he wins
Chapter 8-lunch
Chapter 9-latter part of the day
Appreciation (not an update)
Chapter 10 - starting to know why
Chapter 11- peace
Chapter 12- graduation

Chapter 5-the aftermath

40 8 4
By Felaud

Em's POV
      Oh No!Must I meet him everywhere I turn nowadays? Considering I hadn't come across him for over two years despite being in the same school. Not until just yesterday. After this morning, I've been trying my best to ignore him without blowing up. I know I've acted rudely somehow but truth is, I can't stand in the same space with him and think straight. The only way to fuel my thoughts is through my anger I've come to realize. What? Is it my fault he is so nice and attractive I just can't help it? Anyways, I'm going to try so hard to ignore him as much as I can without giving in to my lustful thoughts. After all, I am a strong willed woman and I can certainly hold my own.
        Walking away from him(Felix) and into the locker room, I change my outfit and decide to pass by my brothers' company. Sue me.I didn't get to see him this morning because I left home pretty early. Since my car is in the workshop, I hail a cab to my destination. I don't mind because Stan is going to pay back. After a couple of minutes and some slight traffic, the cab comes to a stop infront of my brothers company(Programming Hub Inc.). The building is huge and it doesn't help matters since it is considered as a landmark inside the city.I pay my cab fare and get off the cab. I greet the security personnel and enter the building. I take the lift to the very last floor (8F) where my brothers' office is located. I am greeted warmly by his secretary who ushers me into the office. I enter to see Stan standing by the window and watching out into the city. He seemed to be in deep thought so I just took a seat and made myself comfortable as I wait for him. After about fifteen minutes, Stan turns to me and looked so shocked. "Em, I didn't know it was you.I thought it was Rebecca(secretary) who had come to drop some files I requested. Sorry for the delay." he said. "It's fine bro. Your office is so warm and nice just like you so I don't mind spending some time in quiet here." I replied. He smiled at me and ask how my day went and if I've eaten . Telling him about my day and how angry I got with Felix. My brother had to do a double take you know? Because I never get angry at any other man apart from Gid. "Hey, stop staring at me like that. I'm not an alien but your sister. " I said in annoyance. He surrendered with the raise of his hands. I give him a hug and let him know I would pick Jerome from the daycare where he goes after school. He then gave me some money to pick a cab and get myself and Jerome some food. My brother is the cutest I know. I then turn around and leave his office. Not before fixing my earplugs though. I close the door to his office only to come face to face with Raphael(my brothers bestfriend and co-founder.) Great! How hard I've been praying not to come across him today. Don't get me wrong. Raphael is a very nice and funny guy but I don't like his constant flirting. He has been hitting on me since my eighteenth birthday but I remember making it clear even then that I was not interested. Whatever makes him keep persisting beats my mind. Anyways, let me get this done with. "Hello Raph. It's been quite a while. You don't pass by the house frequently off late. Regardless, it's nice seeing you and knowing you're well but I have to rush off since I have to pick up Jerome.". With that said and done, I quickly walk off. After a bit of time, I turn around to see Raphael still infront of my brothers office looking at me with amusement. "I know what you are doing Emily." I heard him say. I just shake my head and enter the lift nonchalantly.
     After thirty minutes, Jerome and I are on our way home. My little man is so quiet today. I guess it's because he's so tired and sleepy. I place his head on my lap so he'll feel more relaxed just to see he's already fallen asleep. Great way to get me to carry him when we're home. Smart boy😊. Checking my phone, I see two new text messages. One from Gid(not strange) and the other from Cole(this is strange). Since when did Cole start texting me. Strange things are happening now. Trust me. Anyways, I replied the texts and went back to my music.
    All too soon we're home. I pay the cab driver and carry my little man into the house. He looks so awesome and sweet now that he's sleeping. No wonder he's gotten all of us wrapped around his little finger. I lay him on his bed(not before taking off his shoes and changing his clothes though.) and walk into my room to get changed. I put on a loose short and a tank top and put my hair in a messy bun. I sit on my bed and massage my temples a bit. I then take off my schedule to see which assignment  I have to do later in the evening and my classes for the next day. After relaxing for a bit, I then head off to the kitchen to prepare dinner. I don't want Jerome to wake up to no food. I call Stan to find out if he'll be eating at home. I then get down to work. At exactly forty five minutes later, food is ready so I decide to take a shower since I'm all sweaty now. Taking a quick shower, I get myself a huge sweatshirt(given to me by Gid on my last birthday) which reaches mid thigh and a corset underwear. I pass by Jerome's room to see him rubbing his eyes. I figured he just woke up. "All good buddy?" I ask him. "Yeah Em. Just hungry " he replied. "Well, food is ready young man. Get yourself up and let's get you cleaned so we can go and fill that stomach of yours" I said. He gave me a small smile in agreement.
    After dinner and tucking Jerome into bed, I get me assignments done and retire for the day. Not before sending a text to Stan to remind him to get home safe. What a tiring day today has been. With that thought, I fall into a deep sleep.

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