The Geek and The Girl ➸ Baekh...

De sangsterswag

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"I'm the geek, and you're the girl. It could never work." Byun Baekhyun; the schools geek. Y/L/N Y/N; the sc... Mais

||Twenty One||
||Twenty Two||
||Twenty Three||
||Twenty Four||
||Twenty Five||


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De sangsterswag


|Byun Baekhyun|

The plan was starting to take action.

Kyungsoo had brought the mini camera  and we had attached it to the inside of Yoongi's hoodie. Y/N brought her tablet and with Chanyeol's surprisingly good technology skills, he connected it so we had live video.

"So it's lunch now, we have just over two and a half hours left of school before it ends. The battery should keep going for seven hours. I suggest asking Ying out now so you two can head to her house quickly." Kyungsoo said while shoving the remaining items from his lunch into his backpack.

"I'm heading to class early I got an English test and I'm not ready at all. Peace out guys. Don't break the camera Yoongi or my dad will kill me."

Yoongi just nodded.

"Wait! Kyung!" Jongin suddenly blurted out and stood up while aggressively packing his backpack. "I'll come with you."

Kyungsoo's eyes widened and his cheeks tinted pink. "Uh alright."

The two boys walked away.

Hmmm something's going on between those two. I'll talk to him later.

I peered over at Y/N as she sat with her legs crossed while bouncing her foot up and down, eating her lunch and reading a book. A piece of hair fell in front of her face and she swept it back, but it fell into her face again. Before she could move it I quickly grabbed it softly, placing it behind her ear. My fingers glided across her skin.

I saw her smile while she still read her book.

"You're so prettyyyyy." I cooed and her cheeks flushed.

I kissed her temple and she finally tore her eyes away from her book. "You're so handsommmmme." She said laughing.

I grabbed her hand  and untwined our fingers.

"Alright before I barf in my mouth for the second time, I'm going to ask Ying now." Yoongi stood up and walked off. I started laughing along with the others. I heard a ping noise and looked over at Sehun.

"What are you doing Oh Sehun?" I raised a brow.

"Uh totally wasn't filming you guys or anything." He shoved his phone in his pocket quickly.

"Hey don't do that." I pouted.

"You still need more videos in stuff for your project so you should thank me."

"Hmph whatever." I whined.

The bell indicating the end of lunch rang which caused us all to groan.

"See you guys in a bit. Remember to meet up in the music room after- then we will watch Yoongi and Ying's "date" play out." Y/N said and then walked over to me, giving me a hug.

"See you soon princess."

"See you soon!" She smiled brightly and hurried to class.


|Y/N Y/L/N|

The end of the day came by fairly quickly and I went to my locker, putting all my things away. I closed my locker and as soon as I did, I saw Yoongi standing with Ying at her locker. I raised my fist up in the air and spun around, and when I looked back the dark haired girl stared at me. She just glared and then did a "I'm better than you look" while clinging to Yoongi's arm.

All I did was smirk to myself and walk to the music room.

Chanyeol and Baekhyun were poking at the piano and as soon as I walked in Baekhyun ran to me smothering me in a bear hug.

"Clingy." I mumbled into his chest. I liked his clingy-ness, but right now I really felt like breathing.

"Baekhyun-ah! Don't choke her." Jongin said, coming over and detaching me from the brown haired boys grasp.

"I wasn't choking her." He frowned making grabby hands at me.

"Yea, you were." Jongin carried me awkwardly away from Baekhyun and over to Xiumin and Chen who were intensely playing some game on their phones.

"Noooooo." Baekhyun whined running over to me as I sat next to the two gamers.

I smiled up at him, and he stood there pouting like a five year old.

"Yo guys wanna watch the live video now? They're probably heading to Ying's now." I said as I pulled out the tablet from my backpack.

"Hell yea."
"Get the popcorn."
"Ew what if they start making out."
"Nah they wouldn't."

I opened the special app we got for it and as soon as it opened the video was playing.

"What do you wanna do when we arrive at mine?" Ying purred while she still clung onto his arm- even when he was busy driving.

Yoongi sighed. "I don't know. Watch a movie. Have a nap. Eat food."

"Uh yea that all sounds good." She smiled and nodded. "Uhhh take a left. Then straight, and then another sharp left. My house is there."

It was quiet for a while and there was no banter other than simple things like 'what do you want to drink' or 'the washroom was down the hall'.

"Where's your room?" Yoongi asked like it was totally normal.

"He's being suspicious!" Lay said grabbing his head.

"Why?" Ying gave him a blank look.

"Just wanna look at it." He shrugged.

"Why?" She walked towards him now.

"Cause I wanna." He was front with his answers.

She giggled and then nodded. "I'll finish with the snacks and then join you. It's just up the stairs at the end of the hall."

Yoongi just nodded and headed up the stairs. As soon as he opened the door the room I knew front to back was revealed on the screen.

"Ying always puts items that are 'special' or 'secretive' in her top drawer." I sighed. "But how is Yoongi going to know that?" I now frowned.

"If only the camera had a speaker where he could hear us talk to him."
Sehun said.

"Actually, it does." Kyungsoo said and then grabbed the tablet. "Just gotta turn it on."

"That's sweet!" Jongin said and placed his arm around Kyungsoo.

Kyung messed around with the settings and then quietly whispered 'bingo'.

"Ok tell him what you wanna tell him."

I nodded and brought the tablet to my mouth. "Hey, green haired boy."

Yoongi suddenly made an 'ah' sound before going silent.



"Yes! Ok Ying usually hides stuff in her top drawer. Check that."

"Alright." Without question he headed for the drawers.

"Wait before you-"


"I said wait! It's her underwear drawer- just don't touch anything."

"This is gross. You owe me."

"Yea yea whatever just find it. Quick."

He moved stuff around before finding a grey box. He opened it revealing the USB, my laptop, everything.

"This it?" He asked.

"Yea! Perfect!"

Suddenly footsteps rang through the hall and they were coming closer.

Yoongi quickly closed the drawer, shoved my stuff into his backpack, and just picked up a random photo frame, pretending to study it.

The door swung open revealing Ying.

"Yoongi Oppa, who were you talking to?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Ah myself."

"I see." She nodded sceptically, but just ignored it and placed a tray of food on her bed.

"Wanna watch the movie here? It's alright if we stay in my bed, if you want." She said innocently which almost caused all of us watching to barf a little.

"Uh how about the couch-"

"Alright, bedroom it is!"

The boy sighed before obliging.


Kyungsoo monkeyed around with the settings again, turning off the speaker on the camera.

Lay and Sehun went out to buy food for everyone.

Nothing exciting was happening between Yoongi and Ying so we just left the tablet while the boys started jamming and singing.

"Hey you know what would be cool?"
Chanyeol said, and stopped strumming the guitar.


"Camping out in the school for the night."

All the boys suddenly jumped into a fit of "yeahs" whereas I just shook my head.

"That's a bad idea."

"Aw don't be lame Y/N."

I looked at Baekhyun.

"Yea Y/N don't be lame." He smiles cheekily.

"Fine- but why don't we do it tomorrow?"

"Noooooooo!" Chen screamed, total dinosaur mode.

"Fine! Fine! Fine." I shushed the brown haired boy and he nodded in approval.

"Sehun and Lay are on food already- the school closes fully at 7pm I think." I checked my phone for the time; "it's 5:30pm right now."

"What about Pj's?" Chanyeol asked.

"Who needs pyjamas when you can just be in your birthday suit." Baekhyun said.

I hit his arm. "Shush you."

He winced.

"We can just use our gym strip. Mines clean." I said.

"Yikes no way, I haven't washed mine since the beginning of the year." Minseok said, still staring at his phone screen.

"Ewwww dude that's gross." Jongin hit Minseok's knee with his foot.

"Anyway there's blankets in the nurses office, and we could totally raid the cafeteria." I said.

"CHOCOLATE PUDDING!" Chen screamed which caused Chanyeol to jump, swatting Baekhyun in the face which caused him to topple onto me so his body was on mine while we lay on the floor.

"Wow haven't been in this position before." I rolled my eyes sarcastically and then blew air onto his face.

"Chanyeol hit me." Baekhyun said in a little kid voice while getting off of me. He held out a hand and pulled me up.

"Yea well Chen scared me! Y/N blame Chen." Chanyeol whined.

"Blame Y/N she brought up the cafeteria." Chen said.

"It's not my fault you like chocolate pudding." I flicked his forehead softly.

"Whatever." He dragged out the r and sat next to Jongin and Kyungsoo.

I peaked into the window to music room office and the music teacher sat in there doing paper work.

"Where are we going to hide?" I asked while nodding over to the teacher.




"Gym storage room?"

"Wait who said storage room?" I asked.

Jongin raised his hand.

"That's why you're my best friend!" I sang and lunged for the boy, giving him a weird clingy hug. "That's a good idea."

"Well we have to be sneaky because if teachers see a group of us at this time it's gonna be real sketchy." Baekhyun said. "Let's just all go at once though- if anything happens I'll make up an excuse." 

"Okay. Let's head to the cafeteria now- and just casually grab some food. I'm pretty sure most of the teachers are gone now. Then we will head to the storage rooms. From there once the coast is clear we will grab blankets and camp in the music room!" Baekhyun said. "And if we get caught let's blame Lay and Sehu-" Baekhyun shut up as soon as he noticed the two boys walking in.

"Caught from doing what?" Sehun and Lay walked into the room, both with an unimpressed look on their faces.

Chanyeol filled them in and they nodded in agreement. I grabbed the tablet and we all walked to the cafeteria.

No teachers were around so we snuck into the kitchens.

"Just grab some stuff and then let's go."
I grabbed some apples and jello cups, all while Chen stocked up on chocolate pudding.

I heard voices and panicked before I quickly motioned everyone over and clung onto each others hands.

Someone walked in so I shut my eyes and started 'praying'.

"Thank you Lord, for everything you do. Bless this kitchen for feeding the hungry mouths of our troubled youth. Amen."

I opened my eyes and they revealed a very confused chef.

"Oh sorry sir- we just needed to pray and all, and needed a quiet place so we ended up wandering into here." I said sweetly.

"Just be quiet and get out." He motioned for us to leave.

Once we left the cafeteria the boys all cheered and hollered.

"That was epic Y/N. We could've gotten our asses whooped." Chanyeol said ruffling my hair.

"Well we wouldn't want that happening." I chuckled.

"How is my beautiful girlfriend so smart?" Baekhyun smiled and I shook my head embarrassed.

"Aish we're here." I said and walked into the gym. No one appeared to be in the office or gym, so we scurried into the storage room.

It was dark and musty inside, but the perfect hiding spot.

"Dude they have those squishy mats oh my gosh." Chen said excitedly and jumped onto one. Sehun joined him but missed the mat some how causing him to land into a bunch of hula hoops.

"Ouch." He whined and all of us started laughing.

There was a second floor so I ran up the stairs, plopping myself onto one of the mats.

Baekhyun soon joined me and quickly snuggled up to me.

"Do you think the plan of Yoongi getting my stuff back will work?" I said quietly while staring at the live video. All I saw was them watching a movie.

Baekhyun started rubbing my back. "Of course. It's already worked, Yoongi grabbed the USB! Don't worry about it too much, okay?" He kissed my forehead.

I smiled warmly. "Okay."

It's been two hours and we were bored.

"Guys can we go out now I think the coast is clea-" Lay started but suddenly we heard keys and a click.

"Oh no." Sehun said blankly.

"Are we..." Chen mumbled.

"Yea." said Sehun. He walked over to the door juggling the handle. "It's locked."

"Wait actually!?" Baekhyun stood up suddenly, knocking the tablet onto the floor.

"Ah shoot sorry."

"It's okay." I picked it up, placing is back on the mat. I hopped off it going down the metal steps, trying to unlock the door.

"It's hopeless."

"We are going to die!"

"No we're not Chen."

"I only have enough pudding for three hours!"

"Sorry guys this was a dumb idea." Jongin said frowning.

"Let's make the most of it!"

We didn't have blankets or anything but we had comfy mats and food, and plug ins so we could manage.

"Let's just hope no one has to go to the washroom until they unlock this door."

Chanyeol slid a bucket into the middle of the room. "If you gotta we have this."


"Yea no."

"Dude I already have to go."



It's been an hour and we just sat there hopelessly.

"Ima whip out some Mario cart on my switch." Chen said while pulling a device out of his backpack.

I ran up stairs grabbing the tablet and then back down to sit and watch Chen play his video games.

The movie Ying and Yoongi were watching was almost finished. I could hear soft snores coming from Yoongi's mouth. He must've fallen asleep, and honestly I'm not even surprised.

Ying suddenly appeared in front of the camera.

"God you're handsome." She whispered while staring at Yoongi, her hand slowly trailing up his sweater to his face.

I think I may throw up.


Suddenly Ying stopped moving, as she stared right into the camera. Her eyebrows furrowed.

"What the hell was that voice?" She muttered looking confused.

Everyone in the room became quiet as they heard Ying speak.

"Something must have happened to the speaker when the tablet fell- I think the settings malfunctioned and she can hear what we are saying." I whispered ever so quietly and then covered my mouth as she moved closer.

Ying slowly reached towards Yoongi's hoodie and grabbed the camera.

Her mouth was agape. She turned the camera around until she found the name of the owner on the back.

"D.O.K.S- D.O KyungSoo." She said quietly- until she burst out into a fit of anger.

"I'm being spied on!" She almost screamed, throwing the camera onto the ground. The video became static and barely visible, but the sound was still audible.

"Y/N is behind this! She's friends with Kyungsoo! I swear I'm going to kill the bitch."

"You better calm the hell down." A male voice said. Yoongi must be awake.

I heard an angry, frustrated grunt from Ying before her foot came crashing down right onto the camera.

The video shut off, leaving the room silent.

"My dads gonna kill me." Kyungsoo said.



Yikes this chapter is long and boring ;-;

It's been forever since I updated (oops, isn't it always?) Also, I got a few ideas up my sleeves for the next part of the plot ooooohhhh!!!

Anyway hope you enjoyed even though it's long and boring and drags on but yea!!

Thank you all so much for the support and lovely comments and messages and votes <3 it means the world to me! You guys are honestly so amazing and I love you sososososos much ~ even if I don't personally know you ily ~

K I L L I N G M E.

Like honestly they all look so hot I can't even hkfbdhshkwgwisheoebekebeks


I think he looks handsome af but that's my opinion

(Ps. Kai bringing back those dreads- IS IT WOLF ERA OR)

(Pps. This album is gonna be such a freakin awesome bop I know it)

(Ppps. I love Baekhyun)

And some of you wanted this photo (which is my phone wallpaper) so where ya go :))

- Hailey xx

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