Short Stories (By Rae)

By Rae0125

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This is a book filled with all different types of short stories, from romance to paranormal and everything in... More

Hopeless (A Story of Homelessness)
Evening Walks (Description)
In the walls (Horror Story)
The Old House Just Down The Road. (Paranormal Story)

I Should Have Listened (Horror Story)

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By Rae0125

They always used to say to follow your gut feeling and now I know that it is always right.
I wish I did follow it and move out of this house before it was too late but now it's been done I can't go back and stop myself. I can't take back anything that I have done and now I am trapped until the end of time.

You maybe asking yourself what am I talking about?
Well allow to me explain my predicament.

So it was a few months ago I was finally moving out from my parents house going to live on my own being an independent person a member of a community. Of course being so young and green I didn't have much money to buy the house of my dreams. But I was over joyed when I got a old fashioned mansion for cheap. It was a big stone structure on the outskirts of the town but regardless it was perfect.

People stared at my car as I drove up the long gravel drive way.
It was a house hidden by rows of trees and a few fields. It may have been old but wow it was fancy. Long gravel path way lovely garden and very cheap too.

The stares I was getting I brushed off as jealous neighbours but now that I think about it I couldn't have been more wrong.

If only I had been told about the dark and twisted history of the house before I bought it might might not have been trapped here now.

I pulled up to the house and took in the amazing sight of the stone building.
A drop of rain dripped on my face as I looked up to the second floor.
I guess it's time to move all my stuff in. I had learnt that the previous owner had left a lot of her things behind. No one knew where she had gone but soon enough the house was put on the market and I bought it. Of course I should have taken in to account the fact that the previous owner had mysteriously disappeared without a trace. Or any clues leading interstates in the right direction.

But I of course was too happy to have found my first house and have it be such an amazing one to admit that something felt wrong about the house.
Even when the weird things started happening in refused to move maybe it was because of my pride or maybe I was just stupid but regales in would pay the price of my mistakes.

Once all my things were moved in I had gotten the chance to wonder the house and really get a feel of what this building was all about. From the moment. I stepped in the house I knew something wasn't right but I couldn't place what exactly.
That night I slipped under my covers and attempted to sleep. Only to hear attempted dripping of a tap.
Drip drip drip. Where was that coming from?
I got out and checked every tapas in the home well. As many attempted I could after all this was a massive house.
Once I was sure that the taps were all turned off in went back to my room.
The dripping had stopped. I sighed in relief and then turned over on my side and attempted once again to sleep but of course it wouldn't be that easy.
This time a tapping could be heard.
Tap tap tap...
It I brushed it off as a branch tapping again to the window and didn't bother gouging to investigate.
For the rest of the night everything was silent.

It wouldn't be until 2 months later that the activity would take a dark turn. Yes I would have a few things move about and tapping and dripping noises but I thought nothing of it.

I wish I had taken those hints but I didn't how stupid of me.
That night things would turn deadly.
I came home and I was annoyed. One of the neighbours had stopped me to tell me about the house and how it was 'haunted' and how the pervious owner had been murdered in the woods behind the house. Of course I told him that it was a load of you get the picture and walked away but not quick enough to hear his warning.
"If you see her, you know your time had come..." I turned on my heel and made my way back to my house.

When I stepped in through the door the house began to feel different much darker than it had that morning.

That night is the had a nightmare.
I was being chased through the house by an unseen force. Who wanted me to be trapped here with her.

I woke up in a cold sweat. What was that?
What did she mean trapped? Thats when i remeberd somehing my mum used to say that a ghost is trapped in a certain arwa if they die a dark death.

I dug out my laptop and booted it up. And logged in to noticed that I had over 50 emails off and unknown address.
They all said the same thing.

"She's coming" every email said the same thing all apart from the last one. Reading it sent and no shiver down my spine.

It was send at 12 am it qas now 12:06am

"She's here" my blood ran cold.
...she .... like the man was on about. No that's not possible this is just someone's idea of a joke. A sick prank to scare me out of the house.
But once again I was wrong. It wasn't a prank or a sick joke. It was all too real.

I Sutton down my laptop and placed it on my desk. I closed my eyes and attempted to sleep.

Tap tap tap drip drip drip. And then Ann scraping on the floor down stairs. It was all happening at once.

It got louder the more I tried to ignore it.

"What do you want?!" I screamed.

"She's here" I heard a voice whisper I yelped falling out of bed.
I was now on the floor and scrambled up only to look out of the window only then I wish I hadn't.

There standing in the back ground was a old women covered in blood with a but hrs knife in hand.
She titled her head to the side and stared at me. That's when I heard. A whisper.
"Run" with that the women screamed and ran towards the door.

She was coming for me.
I ran as fast ates I could running down the stairs running to the front door locking it. That's when I heard ates low chuckle.

"Locking the door will do nothing... when I'm atnslready inside" my eyes widened I let out a terrorised screech and scrambled up the old a wooden stairs.
But by the time I has reached the top I had turned around only to find she had vanished.

I had a question running though my mind a question I was compelled to ask put loud.

"Where are you?..." I wasn't sure I wanted to low the answer to that but I soon found out.

"Behind you" I turned aenround screaming as she pushed me down the wooden stairs. I remember the pain and the nothing. I woke up the next morning rubbing my head.
It must have been a dream that we'd until I looked down at the floor and noticed the blood. And right in the centre of it me ... my body with glossed over eyes.
I ran to the door attempting to get away. But I couldn't. I rand into the doorway at gain but there was something keeping me in. I screamed endlessly but no one came. That's then I realised the horroric truth.
I had died a dark and tragic death... I was trapped here until the end of time.

(I do apologise about any spelling errors that I might have missed while editing my work, hope you enjoyed it none the less - Rae)

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