In the walls (Horror Story)

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I lay there awake in the middle of the night completely aware of the scraping sounds coming from the ceiling and walls. I turn over and look out of the window at the darkened street. The only light was a street light which hardly lit up anything and the longer I heard this shuffling the more uncomfortable I became. I closed my eyes and told myself it was only rats of course I should be used to this by this point. It happens every night and yet I am still unable to shake the feeling that I am being watched. I shake the idea from my mind as quick as it came so I didn't freak myself out too much.

It took some time but I was able to fall asleep. the next day I found a hole in the wall. it wasn't too large only big enough to see if you studied the wall for a long time which I did as the noises from the wall had intensified when I was at school according to my mother. I noted down that the hole in the wall was just from an old nail that I had hung a photo frame on a while ago and thought nothing more of it.

what I should have noticed was that the wall was hollow...

That night I covered up the hole with a picture just to give my self a piece of mind. but during the night I heard what sounded like a blade being dragged down the wall. I knew right then and there that I wasn't rats but nothing could get into the wall. I knew that.

my heart rate quickened as I could here shuffling under the floor boards. the thought of a rat popping out of the floor and scurrying away made my skin crawl. I wrinkled my nose in disgust of the thought of those little pests.

I turned over to face the window again when I felt the urge to go to the bathroom and so I did. I made my way in and closed the door behind myself did what I had to do and was on my way out when there was a massive crash coming from my room.

I ran in and flicked on the light. a large hole had been kicked through the wall. I couldn't believe it when I saw a man standing in the middle of my room with a knife in and evil in his eyes.

He stepped forward raising the knife above his head but before he could react I was running down the hall screaming. my father came out with a gun and shot the killer in the chest. He lay on the floor bleeding out as I was a crying mess in my mothers arms. when the police arrived they took him away and investigated the scene it turns out that he had been living in the wall where there was a 2 foot hollow area behind the wall that we had never noticed. he had crawled in though an  unnoticed opening in the basement. they sound food and a diary. in it held all my daily routine orders... when I went to sleep, when I got up. got dressed and even some special occasions that the plans would change. Police believe if nature hadn't called that I would be dead...

so all that time I believed that the rats were running about In the wall. it turned out to be wrong something much more sinister was at play. there was a man hiding in my walls and under my floor just waiting for the right time to kill me.

and so I urge you now. if you ever hear movement from inside your walls. Don't just assume that it is rats.

(I hope you enjoyed this rather short horror story, I hope you have an awesome day! - Rae)

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