The Regular At Crocus Café

By Maddipi

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Lucy 17yrs. old and works at a cosplay-cafe, and attends Crocus College Prep Academy (CCPA). She's what you c... More

The Regular at Crocus Café
The Salmon Haired Customer Pt.1
The Salmon Haired Customer Pt. 2
Authors Note
Chapter 5
It's Not Called Stalking Pt. 1
It's Not Called Stalking Pt.2
How About A Party
Tagged! 5 Facts About Me
Why Does Shopping Take Forever?
Party! Pt. 1
Party! Pt. 2
The Day After
Natsu's Unscheduled Meeting
Author Note
Chapter 14
Lucy's Prom Preparation
Lucy's Prom Night
Lucy's Graduation
The Great Anniversary Party Pt. 1
The Great Anniversary Party Pt. 2
Natsu's Graduation
A Day Out Pt. 1
A Day Out Pt. 2
Chapter 23
It Was Suppose To Be A Redo Date
A Weekend Away
Lucy's For Sale?!
Taking Over The Company
Lucy's Birthday
An Eventful Day
Summer's Final Pt. 1
Summer's Final Pt. 2
Back To Work
College Problems
A Beach Adventure
The Perfect Adventure
What A Beautiful Wedding
Last Author's Note

Epilogue: 7 Years Later

411 12 3
By Maddipi

I honestly can't believe this is the last chapter. But not only is it the chapter but its the 1year anniversary. I don't even believe its been a full year but it has. Warning really long, please vote, comment and just enjoy the epilogue 😊😊😊



This was the third time this week, here I was sitting on the floor in front of the toilet. Natsu has only caught me once because the other 2 times he had left for work already. I already have suspected that I'm pregnant because this happened when I had Luke and Nash. Luke born August 31, a couple weeks after our 1 year wedding anniversary and 2 years ago I had Nash in November. Now those little devils are turning 7 and 3 this year. 'Really Natsu did you really have to wait a full 3 years before getting me pregnant again' 'He told me he would keep trying until we had a little girl' 'He's tried at least three times a month but we've just been unlucky.'

"Mommy, me is hungry." I could hear little Nash from outside my room.

"Mama I'm going to be late for school if you don't wake up. I'll call dad, if you don't make us food." I then heard Luke from out there too.

"Ok boys just give mommy 10 minutes and I'll cook up some yummy pancakes." I shouted and heard mutters of 'ok' and little pattering down the hall. I crawled off the floor and made sure the toilet was cleaned before brushing my teeth and changing my clothes for the day. I opened my door and made my way downstairs to find my babies cuddled up watching tv together. Little Nash was still in pj's while Luke was dressed in a red t-shirt and black jeans. Luke had my hair and his dad's eyes, while Nash had a strawberry blonde color hair and Natsu's eyes. Nash turned around when he heard the last stair creek, and he jumped off the couch and ran at me.

"Mommy can we have chocolae pancakes, please mommy you make the best chocolae pancakes!" Nash jumped and pulled on my dress, putting a pouty face on and a lip quiver. I picked him up and kissed him all over his face. He was giggling and trying to smack my face away. "Stop mommy, pwease, I can't breath, mommy!" He was squealing and I just laughed putting him down.

"I guess I have time to make chocolate pancakes." I smiled and looked at Luke who was just smiling at his little brother. We all walked to the kitchen and I helped Nash into his highchair, and Luke was next to him. I got everything out and began to make their breakfast.

"Mama bring your parent to school is coming up soon and I know daddy has to work but since you're really pretty and you don't work can you come with me?" Luke asked when I was mixing the pancake mix. I looked up at him and he looked down fiddling with the hem of his shirt. I smiled, 'He always calls me pretty when he's asking something from me' 'Most of the time it's for food but he always gets flustered and shy when asking.'

"Sure baby, but you know, if you ask daddy he might take a day off to go with you. He will do anything for you two." I said and Luke nodded and continued to play with his shirt, Nash though was drawing on the counter with spilt juice, making the whole counter sticky. I sighed and hurried and put the pancakes on the pan and then grabbed a wet washcloth to wipe the counter. "Nash how many times have I told you to not spill your drinks to play in them, I'll buy you a new coloring book today when we drop off Luke." I kissed his nose and went back to making the breakfast.

"Oh, mama can I get some new books too, Sensei showed me some new authors!" He jumped in his seat and I nodded, he started to make a list on a piece of paper he found and a crayon.

"Ok here are some chocolate pancakes, enjoy." I served the cakes and they dug in.


"Ok by baby, I'll see you at 2." I handed Luke his lunch and he gave me a hug and ran off. He just started 2nd grade, 'My babies are getting big' 'Just 2 more years till Nash starts kindergarten.' I got back in the car and looked through the rear view mirror to see Nash playing with little toy figures.

I drove to the closest mini-mart, so I could get a test and then pick something up for dinner. We arrived a few minutes later and I helped Nash out of his car seat. When the doors opened a nice cool breeze hit us, I found a cart and picked up Nash and went down the first isle. I grabbed some fruits and vegetables, Nash picking out the ones he likes and knows I like. He kept suggesting foods and then when I turned my back he be reaching out to something unhealthy, 'Damn, this kid's just like his dad' 'Why do they have to be this way.'

"Hey baby if I leave the cart for one second, you know what to do if a stranger comes, right." I asked and he nodded, we walked to the medical isle, and I left the cart right there, 'I know bad parenting' 'Never leave your child unwatched' 'But if I brought him with me to get the test he'll tell Natsu and I want to make sure I'm pregnant or not before telling him.' I turned to see my baby just sitting in the cart looking at me, I smiled and walked to the tests. I picked up a couple and then went to the next isle which happened to be the candy section, I picked up some candy so he'll be less suspicious. I came back and there was a man standing in front of Nash. My heart nearly dropped and I sped walked over there. I threw the stuff in the cart and the man looked from Nash to me, 'Oh my...'

"I knew this kid looked familiar, he has Dragneel's eyes." Dan said and I was partially shaking. I knew he only had a year for assault and other stuff he did but I'd never thought I see him again. "I just wanted to say sorry for everything I did back then. I really never meant to hurt you I was just wasn't in my right mind." He said and took a step away from Nash who was scared and confused, he looked me in the eyes and then started to cry. I rushed over and took him out of the cart, he clung to me like a little monkey and buried his face in my chest.

"Oh sweetie it's ok he wasn't going to hurt you. He's... one of mommy's old friends." I said softly into his ear and he stopped crying, "Baby i'm sorry that I left you I just had to grab stuff, remember I promised you a new coloring book, let's go get you an awesome one." He pulled his face out of my chest and nodded. I looked at Dan and he just was awkwardly standing there. "Hey I'll forgive you it was a long time ago. Also it wasn't your fault for scaring him he just is hardly ever left alone with strangers." I said and he gave a small smile.

"Yeah I didn't mean to scare him. Don't you have another one? I think I saw it on the news a long time ago." He questioned and I nodded, then he looked behind me into the cart. "And I'm guessing possibly another one." I blushed, embarrassed that he saw those but I nodded again. "Well maybe I'll see you around, goodbye Mrs. Dragneel." He turned and waved, walking around the corner and out of sight. I looked down to see a droopy, tired kid in my arms, Nash's head was bobbing as he tried not to fall asleep. He wouldn't let go of me so I just ended up carrying him and pulling the cart behind me.


I pulled into the garage of mine and Natsu's house, it wasn't a mansion but it was pretty large. It has 5 bedrooms, 2 living rooms, 4 bathrooms and the kitchen along with a large office on the second floor. I carried a still sleeping Nash inside and laid him on the couch while I went to get all the groceries. When I went back out into the garage I saw Natsu pull up, 'Well that's weird, he's home early' 'But today's Thursday he's always super busy.' I walked past my car to Natsu's and he slid out. Natsu never really aged these past 7 years, he only looked manlier, he was a bit more toned than he was back then and his face looks more rugged. He walked over to me, almost with a scared look.

"Lucy there was a story posted just earlier about Dan Straight and you meeting up at the store. Did he hurt you, where's Nash did he touch Nash?" Natsu panicked a bit and I pulled on his tie and he bent closer and I gave him a nice passionate kiss.

"I'm fine and Nash is asleep on the couch. Yes I ran into Dan at the store but it wasn't planned. I left the cart, where I could still see it and when I came back Dan was just standing in front of Nash. Natsu all that happened was that Dan said sorry and I forgave him because it was forever ago, so no need to worry. Plus shouldn't you be at work still, it's only 12pm." I wondered and fixed his suit. He pulled me into his arms and kissed my forehead.

"I don't care about work, it's not like we don't have money to last the rest of our life. I took the rest of the day off, to see you and the boys. Possibly work on that baby girl." He suggested and wiggled his eyebrows. I laughed and smacked his arm, the one thing that will never change is his humor, he'll always be a pervert. I pulled out of his arms and went over to my car to get the groceries. I found the most important bag and made sure Natsu didn't see it, I grabbed a lot of the others before going into the house and hurrying to hide the pregnancy tests.

"Hey Natsu please bring the rest of the stuff in I have to use the bathroom and I don't want the food to get hot." I shouted as I sped upstairs and into the guest bathroom, so Natsu won't look in here. I hid them behind the towels in there and I went back downstairs to see everything on the counter and Natsu laying next to Nash. Nash crawled on top of Natsu and Natsu was just gently smoothing down the back of Nash's head. I put everything away and as I was going upstairs I saw the two were just passed out on the couch. I chuckled lowly and took my phone out and took a picture. 'Well that's going in the family album, and Instagram.' I went upstairs and pulled out all 3 tests. I brought a water bottle and sat in there for about 20 minutes. When I finished the last one I looked at the first one I took, Positive, I took a long breath and smiled. 'I'm pregnant' 'Again, after all these times, it finally happened' 'When was the last time we had sex?' 'I think it was about 3 weeks ago.' I looked at the other ones and they all read positive, I smiled and tossed two of them in there boxes and kept one, so I could show Natsu. 'Wait when would be a good time to announce it' 'At dinner, tonight before bed? I remember when we found out I was pregnant the first time was that mom said I looked like I had a glow and we checked immediately.' I brought the other two down in the bag and hurried and tossed them in the outside trash.

"Luce, what time is it?" I saw Natsu walk into the kitchen, when I returned from outside. I looked at the microwave and it read 1:35.

"Hey Natsu how about you pick Luke up from school. He asked me something but I told him to ask you, he really would love if you said yes." I wrapped my arms around his neck and he put his lazily around my waist. "You better get going so you're not late picking him up." I kissed Natsu and he pulled me closer, gliding his tongue across my bottom lip, I opened my mouth and we passionately explored each other. Natsu slid his hand from my hip down to my butt and groped it, I gasped and he moved his lips to my neck and shoulder. He then pushed me against the counter and went to pick me up before I heard little feet and a yawn. Natsu and I both stop and turn to the entrance of the kitchen, where a little Nash sleepily rubbed his eyes and looked up at us.

"Daddy why are you trapping mommy?" He looked back and forth between us, I laughed and Natsu chuckled releasing me.

"I was just admiring your mommy before I left to get Luke. I'll be back honey, bye Nash." He pecked me on the lips and then walked over to Nash and squatted in front of him, giving his a kiss on the nose before walking out into the garage.

"So Nash want to help me make cupcakes?" I turned to him and he nodded his head excitedly.


I was finally starting to show, my flat stomach wasn't so flat now. I haven't told Natsu yet because our anniversary is coming up and I decided to tell him and the boys then. Our anniversary was in 4 days so I don't plan on letting them find out until then. I've gone out with the girls and told them but they promised not to say anything. Levy had 3 kids, twins and a little girl named Emma. Then Juvia only had the two, Storm and Sylvia. Erza had only Rosemary, then I was obviously having my third child. I had gone home to find all my boys lounging around watching Football. Natsu hasn't been going to work as often and hired a temp, co-CEO, so he could come home more and play with the kids, he's such a great dad. I walked up from behind and kissed them all on the head.

"Hey Natsu I'm going to start dinner, anything you want?" I asked still leaning over the couch. He turned and smirked,

"Yeah a special request, in our room, you know dessert." I blushed deeply and he just continue to suggest sexual favors in my ear. I smacked him and walked to the kitchen, kind of turned on. 'Damn hormones' 'Stupid Natsu, he always make me like this.' I focused on getting dinner ready.

The next few days were easy Natsu went to work 2 out of 3 of the days, Luke was at school and Little Nash was being a trouper always helping me clean and organized. Our anniversary has finally come and tonight we would go out for dinner and when we came home I would tell him and the boys. Our mothers were always hanging out so we let them watch the kids until 7, when we came back. I was getting ready and Nash and Luke just sat on our bed watching me put my makeup on.

"Mommy you aready wook pretty why do you paint your face?" Nash asked walking up next to me. I smiled and kissed the crown of his head.

"Well because it makes mommy feel prettier, than I already am, all girls my age put makeup on." I explained and he just looked confused and picked up some blush and took the brush out.

"Can I wear makeup to wook hansome." He took the brush and put it on his cheek. I laughed and just let him play with the makeup and eventually Luke came over and painted his brothers face. I was dressed in a slim loose red gown with red heels. I did light red lipstick and a natural look, because I don't like loads of makeup. I saw the bedroom door open and Natsu came in wearing a nice crisp white button up, holding his suit jacket over his arm. He looked at me with adoration in his eyes but then they drifted down my body then down to the boys. He had a look of shock and then started to laugh clutching his stomach. I laughed lightly and so did the boys, 'I wonder if they even want another little sibling?' 'I know Natsu wants another baby, but what if she's neglected by her brothers.' I frown at the thought and Natsu sees.

"Hey what's wrong Luce, not feeling well or something?" He picked up my chin and looked my in the eyes. I smiled and just said I was ok, because I was. "Well boys grandma's are down stairs they're watching you until we get home ok." Natsu explained and then took a face wipe and started to clean Nash's face. We all walked down stairs and saw my mom on the couch reading and Natsu's mom walking into the living room. She smiled at us and the boys ran to their grandmas. "Well mom and Layla we'll be leaving see you in 3 hours." he grabbed my hand and we said goodbye to the boys and drove towards the restaurant.

We came home around 7:30 and the boys were eating some ice cream and cookies. I thanked our mom's and asked them to come again any time since we hardly see them.

"Hey everyone stop what you are doing and it on the couch for a moment!" I called throughout the house and all the boys came in one by one. I had 3 little notecards on the table face down and a single little gift box in the middle. All the boys sat on the one side of the table and I sat in front of them.

"What's all this Luce I thought we agreed no presents because our love is enough." Natsu said partially joking.

"Yeah I know but this is a gift for everyone. Now flip over the cards and put them in order." I told them and they all reached out for the cards on the table. The first one said, you're, then the second one said, going to be, and the last ones said, big brothers! Natsu looked at me confused and then I pushed the box over to him. He looked at me then the little gold box and untied the ribbon. Inside the box was the pregnancy test and an ultrasound picture. His eyes lit up and he jumped over the table kissing me. I laughed against his lips and kissed him back, I could hear the boys groaning in disgust and then reading the cards to themselves.

"But wait Luce, last time we did it was last week, isn't it too early for a clear picture like this?" He questioned quietly.

"Well, I'm actually almost 2 months. I've know since about a month ago, but since our anniversary was coming up I wanted it to be a great present. Please don't be mad at me." I looked worriedly at his face but he just smiled.

"This was the best gift you could ever given me, well besides the boys and the little one inside." he put his hand on my little bump. "I love you so much, you've given me everything I've wanted."

"Mama, I'm already a big brother, so does that mean you are giving us another baby sibling?" Luke asked and I nodded.

"I want a sister mommy!" Nash jumped on the couch, I really couldn't be happier than I am now. All because of The Regular At Crocus Cafe. 

~~~~~The End~~~~~

I am glad that people have actually read this to the end, so thank you. Also I want to thank SallyHale8 beemo25 and --Lucy_Heartfilia-- and lastly for reading and voting on like every chapter also for commenting. I know they are more of you but I've noticed they always are the first three, so thanks again. I hope I didn't make you guys waste your time, I had lots of fun writing this but it was also stressful because of writers block. I may be writing another Nalu, that is not related to this one, but it won't be out till next year so follow and I will hopefully see you guys reading next story. And again I know they are many authors with more followers and votes, comments and such but I  proud that I am almost at two thousand reads, so thanks everyone for that. Share my story to friends if you enjoyed it so get it out there.

Word Count: 3370

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