
By shesperfectok

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The story of growing up as the daughter of the most wonderful woman on earth. More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight

Chapter Five

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By shesperfectok

When I was going into seventh grade I begged my mom to let me go to LA Private School for Performing Arts. I wanted to be an actress just like my mom. I knew that going to the school would make it really easy for me to get a career in acting so I begged my mom for the entire summer before seventh grade until she finally gave in at the last minute. She didn't want me to go for a number of reasons. One was that she knew I'd get some sort of special treatment since I'm a celeberty's kid or whatever. She knew that driving me to and from school each day would be a hassles since she was doing movies left and right at that point. I didn't really understand why was such a big deal that I wanted to go to school from normal kids. I pretty much no friends my age- for a start. I knew a few of  my mom's friend's kids and a neighbor or two but that was it. I didn't have any cousins on my mom side. I just hung out with my mom and her friends. Pretty sad, huh?

I didn't understand at that age how many people knew who I was.

I was really really excited for my first day of school. My mom drop me off on my first morning accompanied by teary eyes and a couple paparazzi guys hiding in the bushes. I knew one girl at the school- my mom's friends daughter Emma. Emma and I sat together for first three classes of the day and everything went pretty well. It was just as expected- very school-ish with some acting classes thrown in there. The thing was all the teachers and my first three classes had called attendents using only first name so everything went fine. My fourth hour teacher said everyone's first name and last name.

"Emma Olsen?" the teacher called.

"Here!" She said next to me.

"Michelle Pitt?" the teacher smiled at me but the smell faded as soon as she remembered who I was and that she wasn't really supposed to tell anyone who I was. (Mom's instructions to the school.)

"Here!" I said, beaming. Ignorant.

"Pitt? Like Brad Pitt?" Some girl exclaimed from across the room.

"Oh god. He's definitely my celebrity crush!" another girl called. No, seriously. She said that. Not kidding.

"You guys know who Brad Pitt is?" I was surprised. I think in my mind he was just my mom's ex who had been in a couple of movies.

"Everyone does! Hello!" The first girl said. 

The teacher was now blushing as she realized what she did.

"Wait...are you related to him?!" The girl is practically screeching now.

"Are you one Brangelina's adopted kids?" A kid from the back of the room yelled like it was one of the paparazzi yelling at me.

"Kids settle down. She's not-" The teacher started. But I could tell she was going to lie about this. I had to tell them.

"Brad Pitt is my dad!" I laughed like it was no big deal. Saying these five words pretty much ruined anything I thought school was going to be for me. Let's just say they put the pieces together and by the end of the week I felt like I would never have any friends who like me for who I really was. I hated everything about that school by the end of the week. Even Emma started ignoring me because she was sick of being bombarded by random high schoolers bombarding us wanting to know if they could meet my mom when she came to pick me up. I had people follow me outside at the end of the day and watch me get into my car so they could get a glimpse of my movie star mom.

The months of me coming home and crying in tears passed slowly. I cried to my mom, "I just want to go to school and blend in!"

"I know baby. I know."

"I just want to learn about acting like everyone else in and fit in!" I sobbed. I hated the attention and I went through phases where I wished my my parents weren't famous. I wished my paren'ts divorce hadn't been one of the most talked about divorces of the early 21st-century. I wanted to be a normal like all the other kids at my school. After those painful two months my mom finally pulled me out of school.

"I know you could've done it," she said. "I just didn't want you to." and back to the tutor it was.  

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