aeonian || TVD [1]

By ficsfory0u

1.9K 116 5

a the vampire diaries fanfiction [ SEASON 1 ONWARDS ] - on hold To be aeonian is to be everlasting and immor... More

The Beginning
part 02
part 03
part 04
part 05
part 06
part 07
part 08
part 09
part 11
part 12
part 13
part 14
part 15
part 16
part 17
part 18
part 19
part 20
part 21
part 22
part 23
part 24
part 25
part 26
part 27
part 28
part 29
part 30
part 31
part 32
part 33
part 34

part 10

48 3 0
By ficsfory0u

"Elena is not Katherine,"Damon shrugged.

Adela neared her brothers excitedly as they stopped their conversation about Elena.

"Damon, look!"she giggled and twirled around, showing off her favorite Victorian blue gown with embroidered lace hanging off her shoulders as it's sleeves and the embroidery continuing around her waist.

"I found one of my gowns in my old room. I haven't been in one of these since forever... Everything's nostalgic,"she wrapped her arms around herself and smiled for the eyes that gazed at her gown.

Elena approached them in her own gown and all three pair of eyes stopped at the sight of her, dressed in a green gown with hair curled exactly like how Katherine looked like back when they met her.

Adela shook her head and shivered.

"That is so creepy. The similarity is still so much to accept,"she said.

"You look beautiful,"Elena smiled.

"So do you, but my brothers' reaction already implies that."

"Let's go,"Damon said and held out his arm.

Adela rested her hand on the crook of his arm and followed him as they strolled around.

"I look ridiculous,"she turned to her brother.

"You look beautiful. However,"he said.

"Only Miss Mystic Falls court ladies are suppose to be wearing that."

"But I missed being able to dress up like this, you know?"she groaned.

Damon stopped and twirled her around.

"You'll get hot,"he said.

"My clothes are in your car,"she rolled her eyes.

"Damon..."she sighed after a moment.

"This thing with Elena isn't gonna end well.. for both of you."

He stopped ahead of her and she waited for him to speak, to say anything. Anything was better than the silent truth that he really was in love with her.

The eyes speak more words than the mouth is capable of.

"The parade's starting. You coming?"he questioned and glanced over his shoulder.

"I should change, I feel stupid,"Adela said.

Damon tossed her his keys and walked away to leave her be.

"You came."

She stopped and turned around as a smile spread across her lips.

"I haven't seen you around,"she said.

"I haven't been around much,"Ezekiel shrugged.

His eyes gazed from the joy in her eyes to the smile on her lips and the dress that fitted her so perfectly.

He was amazed at how something so beautiful and perfect could be even better than what it already was.

"You look gorgeous, Ella,"he said.

She curtsy and folded her arms.

"I'm gonna change... I could use your company, it's not like you haven't seen everything yet,"she unlocked the car and grabbed her bag with him trailing behind her.

"How long have you been in town?"Ezekiel questioned as they headed toward the bathroom in the school.

"A few weeks. I've been with my brothers,"she shrugged.

"I... have been thinking about you."

She stopped by the lockers and turned to him.

"We had a great time, Zeke, we could still have that,"she said.

His lips curled and he cupped her face in his hand.

"I'd love that,"he whispered and planted a kiss on her cheek.

"May I have one dance, before you change?"he held his hand out.

She rolled her eyes and set her bag down on the floor before her arms wrapped around his neck and his hands rested on her waist. They danced around for a little while, giggling at every misstep before Ezekiel spun her around.

"Go on, get changed. I'll be waiting for you,"he said.

Ezekiel and Adela sat near the fountain later that night as they waited for the fireworks to go off.

"Enjoy the show!"Mayor Lockwood smiled as the crowd cheered and clapped.

"Isn't that beautiful?"Adela gasped and glanced up at the night sky.

"Yeah, it is,"Ezekiel smiled with his eyes on her.

"The fireworks, Zeke,"she slapped his arm.

"I've seen a thousand fireworks. This,"he grabbed her hand and kissed the surface of it.

"I don't get to see a lot."

"You're a dork,"she rolled her eyes.

Adela gasped as a screeching sound filled her ears and a thousand needles stabbed into her mind. Ezekiel felt the effect with her and groaned.

"Shit, we have to get out of here,"he grabbed her arm.

"They'll kill you."

"Zeke, make it stop,"Adela cried out.

The pain radiated with every movement, making it almost impossible to get away.

"She was suppose to deactivate it,"she gasped and groaned.

Two officers in uniform grabbed them and they felt a sting before everything was just dark and quiet.

Adela groaned as she awakened to the strong smell of gasoline. Her eyes spotted her brother a few inches away with Ezekiel right behind her.

"Damon,"she called out.

"Damon, what's going on?"

He turned around to her.

Her body was sore and weak. Fire travelled down the stairs and reached the first few bodies of vampires.

Ezekiel awakened right after, the scent of burning bodies stronger than the scent of gasoline. The vervain wasn't strong enough to weaken him completely but it weakened him still.

His throat itched for a taste of blood.

The fire wouldn't kill him, but it could easily kill Adela and the thought of losing her when he just got her back again was driving him crazy.

"Damon,"Adela coughed.

Ezekiel stood up shakily and grabbed Adela, blurring out the side of the building where Bonnie and Elena was already waiting. Not long after, Stefan appeared with Damon.

"You're okay,"Ezekiel nodded and wrapped his arms around her.

"My brother,"she said.

Stefan sighed with relief and grabbed her hand, pulling her into his arms.

"Go home, get some blood into your system,"he said.

"Freshen up, okay? You're safe,"he reassured.

Adela relieved in the comfort of Stefan's embrace but she yearned for Damon's more.

They could've been in there, dead by each other's side.

"Get her home,"Stefan turned to Ezekiel.

He nodded and carried her in his arms, walking toward where his motorcycle was parked.

"Can you hold on to me?"he questioned.

She nodded.

"Good, just hold on,"he said and sat her down on the back.

She adjusted herself and he climbed onto the motorcycle, making their way to the boarding house. His phone buzzed in his pocket the entire ride. He waited until Adela was safely in the house and he waited for her by the front door.

He pulled out his phone and his heart picked up the pace. She tossed him a blood bag as she re-emerged from the basement and crashed onto the couch in the living room.

"I should go actually,"Ezekiel said and pointed at the bike behind him.

"So soon?"she frowned.

"One of my friends... she got into a really bad accident,"he heaved out a sigh.

"She's going into surgery."

"You should go... I'll be fine,"she nodded.

"I'll see you around, Ella,"Ezekiel planted a kiss on her cheek before he left to go to the hospital.

"She's gonna be fine,"he said as he approached his best friends, sitting in the hallway waiting for further news.

Bonnie and Matt turned to him.

"No, she's not, Zeke... She's not doing good,"Matt said.

"She's weak,"Bonnie said.

Ezekiel pulled her aside and heaved out a sigh.

"I could give her some of my blood, but it's risky,"he said.

"She'll heal and she'll be out in a day. I can compel her and she won't remember a thing."

"Do it,"Bonnie nodded.

"You're sure? Maybe you should talk to Elena about it too,"he frowned.

"I know you want her safe too, Zeke. Do it,"she said.

Adela threw the empty blood bag into the fire and watched as it burned.

The door opened and Elena walked in with a frown.

"I thought Stefan was with you,"Adela scoffed.

"No... He said he was headed home to grab something,"Elena said.

She glanced around the house.

Adela glanced at her top to bottom before blurring toward her with her hand wrapped around her throat. She slammed Katherine against the wall.

"That was fast,"Katherine smirked and blurred out of her grip.

"Faster than your brother."

"I know what Elena was wearing,"Adela rolled her eyes.

"You are very brave coming back,"she folded her arms.

"You don't know the fun I'm about to have,"Katherine said before she disappeared.

Adela grabbed her things and called Damon as she climbed into her car.

"Katherine made her stop by the house,"she said.

"What did she want?"Damon questioned.

"I don't know, I was busy choking her. Why aren't you surprised?"she frowned.

"Because she got to me first. We're on our way to Elena's house, Stefan's there,"he said.

"I'll meet you there."

"That's what she meant... You're the one she got to first,"Adela gasped.

Ezekiel waited until Elizabeth was out to get coffee and Matt was asleep before he bit his wrist. Caroline stirred from her sleep and her eyes widened seeing him by her bed.

"Shh shhh, you're gonna be okay. Do you trust me?"he questioned.

She hesitated before she nodded silently.

"You're gonna make it,"he whispered and carefully pushed his wrist against her lips.

Her brows furrowed in distaste but she didn't need long before he pulled his arm away. He glanced at her vervain necklace by the bed and pushed her chin up to look into his eyes.

"You won't remember any of this,"he compelled.

"Go back to sleep."

Her eyes closed and her body relaxed.

Ezekiel planted a kiss on her forehead before disappearing.

He dropped by the Lockwood's home the next morning for Tyler after everyone received the news last night.

The Mayor was dead.

Ezekiel grabbed a bowl of grapes and headed off somewhere quieter where the doors were closed and he was alone. He dropped the bowl on the couch and blurred toward the familiar face, pinning her against the wall.

"I could rip your heart out in one second for the annoying mess you've caused last night,"he said and glared.

"You think I don't know you've been toying with the Salvatore brothers?"

"Well, why don't you?"Katherine squirmed against his tight grip.

"It would ruin my brother's joy in killing you himself,"he whispered.

"I could still try tho,"he shrugged.

She blurred behind him as he released her.

"He's not in Mystic Falls,"she said.

"You can't fool me,"she scoffed.

"I know, but I am, Katherine. You know I could still kill you if I wanted to,"he turned around and folded his arms.

"I'm not here for you,"she answered.

"The Salvatore brothers, yeah,"he nodded.

"I've heard the whole story,"Ezekiel chuckled.

"I'm gonna have a ton of fun with you,"he pointed at her.

"So will I,"she smirked and disappeared to anywhere that was far away from him.

The door opened and Alexandra walked in.

"Hey,"she gasped and waved.

"I haven't seen you in forever."

"Hey,"Ezekiel sat down on the couch.

"I just came back from my dad's hometown, went visiting my uncle,"Alexandra sat down beside him and groaned.

"I heard about the fire and all."

"Grape?"he turned to her and offered her his bowl.

"How's your friend, Tyler?"she questioned and popped a few in her mouth.

"He's gone, probably away from the fact that his house is complete with strangers who didn't even know his dad well,"he shrugged.

"You here with your parents?"he questioned.

"Yeah, they're talking with Mrs Lockwood,"she said.

"Come on, kiss me.. or kill me,"Katherine said, standing in the boarding house and smirking at Damon.

Adela scoffed, leaning against the wall with Katherine a few inches away.

"If you won't kill her, I will,"she said.

"I've got it, Ella. Go upstairs,"Damon turned to her.

"No, Damon. I'm not leaving her with you,"she frowned.

"Ella,"he called out.

He wasn't asking for her approval. It was a demand, whether she liked it or not.

She shook her head and obeyed but her ears heard every kiss and every word that came out of Katherine's mouth.

She knew the pain that her brother was about to feel, chasing for a woman for a hundred and forty five years only for her to toy with him.

Adela wished she could've protected them more back then, but she could only do it now.

She blurred downstairs to see Damon still standing with a distant look in his eyes.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and brought him closer in her embrace.

"It's okay,"she said.

Her hand rubbed his back in comfort, allowing him to feel as vulnerable as he needed to be in this single heartbreaking moment.

"I have to.. I have to go,"he gently pushed her away and headed for the door.

"Damon, you're not thinking straight,"Adela called out.

"I'll be fine,"he reassured and slammed the door behind him.

Ezekiel dropped by the hospital the next morning to see Caroline's room dark with the curtains pulled close.

She sat on the floor by the toilet with her knees hugged against her chest.

"Care, what's going on?"he closed the door behind him.

"The sun hurts my skin and the food is so gross,"she said.

"I can hear everything and it's loud."

His body tensed and he clenched his jaw.

"Who dropped by last night?"he questioned.

"This girl who looked like Elena but she said her name was Katherine,"he carefully helped her stand as she answered him.

"She said she had a message for the Salvatore brothers,"Caroline said.

"What was it?"he laid her down on the bed.

"Game on."

He tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear and glanced around.

"I'll get you some food okay, stay out of the sun,"Ezekiel instructed.

"Keep your hunger to yourself, don't bite anyone,"he warned.

"Zeke.. Am I-"

"No... I don't think so, but you are in transition,"he said.

He came back awhile after and set the tray down on the table with a whole new set of food. A meal he was so sure she would eat.

His phone rang and he glanced down to see Adela's name.

"I'll be back, okay? We'll figure this out,"he said and hesitantly stepped out of the room to answer her.

"Hey,"he greeted.

"I heard there's a little carnival happening near your school,"she said.

"Yeah, there is,"he nodded.

"Invite me to it."

Ezekiel smiled and chuckled.

"Okay then,"he said.

"Miss Ella Salvatore, will you go on a date to the carnival with me?"he questioned.

"Yes, yes I will. Pick me up at seven,"she said before hanging up.

He shook his head and walked back in the room to see a nurse's unconscious body by the toilet door.

"I left you for two minutes,"he ran his hands down his face in frustration.

"I'm a vampire,"Caroline cried out.

He closed the door.

This was not how he pictured it to go.

"You're gonna be okay, I'm gonna help you,"he reassured.

"Get dressed."

He grabbed the nurse and shook her awake.

"You will not remember any of this,"he compelled.

"What's a good lie?"Ezekiel turned to Caroline.

"Her husband likes to get kinky,"she said from the bathroom.

"Really? That's your best?"he frowned.

"This is your fault, okay?"she groaned and pointed at herself.

"You're the one that fed me your blood."

Ezekiel turned to the nurse.

"Do you have a husband?"he questioned.

She nodded.

"If anyone asks, your husband got kinky and took things too far. Cover up the wound."

"Go back to your job,"he compelled.

The nurse got up and left the room silently.

"It's finally dark,"Caroline glanced out the window and stuffed her clothes into her bag.

"Can we go now?"she folded her arms.

"I'm committee chair of the carnival."

"I fed you my blood for you to heal. You were pretty wounded up from the accident,"Ezekiel argued.

"Yeah, thanks,"Caroline rolled her eyes.

"Now I'm dead,"she said.

"You need me, Caroline. You don't know how this works yet,"he said.

She groaned and walked out the door.

"I'll figure it out."

"Care!"he called out.

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