By Ami_yaye

310 18 0

Call me crazy, but looking into the beast's eyes, I felt kindred... it was as if a piece of me I have found... More



52 4 0
By Ami_yaye

Today is the day to leave home and shall officially become a member of the working denizens in a few hours.

I am excited, but also nervous and the outcome of such a combination may be good or bad.

But my positive nature leads me to believe everything will turn out well. After all, being a straight A student, as well as coming out top graduating candidate in my Community, speaks volumes.

Shame, I may never see my friends and mates again, not that I'll miss many. The most difficult thing however, would be having less time with my family ... more than it already is.

Born in a time between times, a world hidden so securely in the nexus that even the most curious human explorers could only dream to find, Kabaria, my home, is the citadel of magic, the cradle of life still in tune with the strict flow of the natural order of the ancient ways. The root of all that be in the human world is sourced from this realm.

A Kabarian who comes of age must be recruited to any of the various Jurisdictions, our talents put to test, and finally matched to the most suitable. At this stage, our focus must be on duties. Servitude of the Great One must supersede all emotional bounds.

The State must always come before all. That is the way it has always been for as long as time remembers.

A few more hours with my family probably for the last time, and the chopper would swoop down to collect all new recruits for our various asssigned Sectors.

¤¤¤¤¤ ¤¤¤¤¤ ¤¤¤¤¤ ¤¤¤¤¤
"And this will be your bunk, Recruit Raina"

"Actually, it's Rahinna, Watcher. But I thought I was to have my own quarters considering I hap..."

The look he gave me could have revived the dead.

Brown hair tucked back - not a strand was out of place, his uniform impeccably in order - with a rod straight posture, he was the perfect representation of those hot school teachers that attract you at first but then crush your fantasies with their air of arrogance and standoffish attitude. That, or he probably doesn't like me. But what did I do? ascertaining never killed anyone.

"Well Raina", it is official, he hates me. What do I do now. Can't have such a start in our relationship! He is my Watcher, it'll be a disaster!

"I don't wish to know what you think" he said looking down his nose at me. Darn my height! "In fact, forget whatever idea you must have of this place. In here, you'll have to earn your place".

I thought that was what we did in school. Wasn't our grades enough? And I would have asked him but he seems to be reading my mind too "And no questions Recruit. That's rule one, you don't ask, you follow orders, understood?"

What choice do I have, "yes Watcher" Nodding in approval, "Good. Now settle in, you have a long day ahead on the morrow".

"Don't you mean we"

"What did I say about questions Recruit?"

"I apologise Watcher"

"Well then, I shall see you bright and early"

"Am sure you will" I said uder my breath


"Nothing" I don't think he believed that though, just gave me a more frostier stare and walked off, but not without giving me a disapproving headsake. Something tells me I will be getting a lot of those.

I couldn't help but watch his retreating back. His lean, muscular grace and youthful looks could deceive any human eye into thinking him young but my guess is that he is probably over a thousand.

Well, enough of the old, grumpy, annoying but handsome Watcher. Time to get acquainted with my sleeping area but considering the other bed, guess another person will be sharing with me though.

'''' '''' '''' '''' '''' '''' '''' ''''

What now, can't someone get some sleep around here? I feel like I just shut my eyes for the Great One's sake!

Thud! thud! thud!!

What is wrong with that person? Going to beat down the poor door.

"Open up Recruit! This is not your Community!" a familiar annoying voice yelled, "you serve the System now, so get off your lazy behind and open the door before I increase your punishment!"


Grumpy pants was not joking when he said 'early'. I should have left the unpacking for today. I had spent the better part of last night organizing and my body was not liking the deprived rest.

A sharp pain to my head made me realise that perhaps sitting up abruptly when iron overhead bars adorned your bed was probably not a best course of action.

Groaning in frustration and pain, I head for the door. No fault of mine the Great One decided to send me a caretaker straight from the depths of oblivion!

"Open up this minute! I would not put up with insolence in addition to your disrespectful tongue and obviously tardy traits!"

"Why?!" with my head raised.

"I heard that! Open up this instance!"

Hmmm. Thought I lamented in a whisper. How did he hear me?

"Thump! thump! thump!!

See, no matter the control a man might exude, or how immovable he may seem, the sight of an almost unclothed female can render the best of them in lost of coherence.

"Recruit... you're... I mean... you should...ahem-" he clared his throat, "-well..." By the Great One, who knew he had the ability to stutter.

I was at lost for a minute before realisation dawned.

Wide eyed in shock, I stood frozen in front of my superior and a stranger in nothing but my basics.

"Not that I am not enjoying the view beautiful, but I think for our sanity, you should cover up"

Bless the Great One for my skin tone, otherwise, I would have been a shade of tomato. This was the first time with the stranger and already I've managed to make a fool of myself.

Well maybe I would have stopped to consider my attire or lack thereof if someone was patient enough! Hurriedly, I ran back inside and reappeared with a robe on.

I couldn't look at them. I was too embarrassed and their silence was not helping any! Please say something at least.

"Hi, my name's Maluka, luka to friends but am certain we are going to be good friends."

"Hi" shyly returning his handshake, I looked timidly at him. Taking in the smirk on his cherry plums, for a moment I forgot what happened earlier.

The Great One must have really been in an agreeable disposition the day he was made. Silver green eyes drew me in. I knew then what my friends meant by losing one's breath with a look. Hair so dark, darker even than the night itself if possible, made me want to sift my fingers through it, not just to assure myself of the texture, but color as well. I felt drawn to him.

A piece of me, my heart sang. His eyes told me he felt same.

"You're really beautiful" my face was really going to explode if he continued with this.

"Ahem. Yes, well then!"

Really appreciated the presence of my Watcher for the first time. Giving him my full attention, I waited for him to go ahead, trying to ignore the intense stare of the captivating specimen beside him.

"I believe you both shall get along well then"

For a man who but a moment ago was tongue tied, he sure has recovered the use of his vocal tubes.

At my confuse look, "You both shall share this room" he clarified.

"What! I...but I..."

"But what Recruit?!" he all but snared at me.

"That is simply impossible. Males and females are supposed to be separated, so how come he and I have..."


"I'm sorry Watcher"

"Good. As for the matter at hand, apologies, but unfortunately, due to uncalculated mishaps, we will have to bend the rules for now and make adjustments"

"Is it just me, or are you more angst with the thought of breaking the rules than the inconvenience we're in?"

Brave and hot. Definitely worth falling for.

What am I thinking! I have to stop.

Though he might get in trouble for speaking to a superior in that way. "Of course not Recruit Luka"

To say I was shocked would be an understatement. He actually didn't bite the Recruit's head off! So it's just me he doesn't like.

"It is Recruit Maluka to you Watcher"

"My apologies Recruit Maluka"

Aside the fact that my mouth might be hanging open at this point, plus, scared of the consequences, I do not think laughing in his face would do our already complicated relationship any good, but I was very much tempted. The superior looked like a tomato about to explode.

"Right. Well, you both have until an hour to be at the Matching ground" he tuned, leaving with sharp strides, his ramrod posture straighter - if it is even possible.

As soon as I was certain of his fading footfall, I couldn't hold it in any longer.

"Did you see his face.... haha.. it was... it was sooo... hahaha!"

"Forgive me for calling you beautiful. By the Great One, you're"

When did he get so close? Most importantly, when did we end up inside with the door closed?

His eyes was doing that thing again. Did he have the power to see through my soul, because no one could stare as intensely. I felt warm all over at the mere touch of his palm on my cheek.

"- do me a favour... don't stop smiling. It might even soften the old bear's heart"

When I get nervous, laughter comes naturally. His voice when he said those words and his nearness... by the Constellations! What is he doing to me?

"We...eerm...well I meant that I... I have to go..." taking a step back, "eerm... excuse me"

I could hear him chuckling behind the bathroom door. I have never in my life reacted to any male like this before. Not even my crush in school- he never noticed me of course -but that's aside the point!

Why did I have to run away like that!

He's only a male and a-

"Don't take too long gorgeous, we have very little time left!"

-a very hot, sexy male who is interested in me and I will be sharing a room with him. Take me now Great One!

The male's eyes kissed his surrounding, walls were painted in neutral colours, the furnishings quite simple - two beds with iron over-heads took up most of the space, with accompanied dressers and lamps by each. To the left were the wardrobes, behind to the far left was a door leading, obviously to the restrooms, and to right was a window - would have to check that out later.

The rug must be woven from the greenest of grass, felt very lush under my feet. In all, the room is not so bad, very comfy in fact.

I didn't see myself finishing this chapter anytime soon, but as I typed, the words just kept flowing and violá! It's done. Comment on what you think and also feel free to chip in suggestions as well.
Thank you!

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