Da yoncefiercee

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***Sequel to FOUND. I would recommend reading the first book before you read this one! Altro

FOUND: Holiday Special


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Da yoncefiercee


"I'm so sorry." I heard McKenzie whisper to me. We were sitting in the lobby of her building, waiting for everyone's parents to come get them. The boys had already left so it was just me, Loren, Claudia, McKenzie and her mother.

I side-eyed her before looking straight ahead.

I didn't care if she was sorry. I knew something bad would happen and I went along with her stupid plan anyway. I didn't even have time to change before McKenzie's mom made us get our things and brought us down here. As if everything wasn't bad enough, I'm still wearing McKenzie's clothes. Clothes I know I shouldn't be wearing. I tried to sneak off to change but her mother wasn't having it. I have nothing to save me now.

"Blue, your mother is here." McKenzie's mom said. I looked up and saw my mom walking over to us. I'm just thankful my dad isn't with her because I know he would have a heart attack if he sees me like this.

I sent a silent prayer up to God before standing up.

My mom stared me down for a good two minutes before looking at McKenzie's mom. "Thank you for calling me. I apologize for Blue's behavior tonight, I wasn't aware the girls would be left alone without a parent. That wasn't mentioned when I dropped her off." She said with a smile.

Did you catch the shade? I did.

"Well I apologize for not mentioning it, it must've slipped my mind. I assumed my daughter was mature enough to stay home for a few hours with her friends, but it appears I was wrong." McKenzie's mom replied. Her mother is one of those snobby Upper East Side moms, like the worst kind, so I already knew what my mom was thinking. She never loses her cool though so I wasn't worried.

"It appears so." My mom looked at me. "Let's go."


"Let's go." She repeated lowly. I grabbed my bag and silently followed her out of the building. I was shocked to see no paparazzi, like I get it's late but I didn't think they took any time off. I'm not complaining though. It's nice to be able to feel like a normal person for once.

I climbed into the back seat of the SUV after my mom and sat there quietly as we pulled off. I stared straight ahead the entire ride because I knew I might pee on myself if I look directly at her. I'm actually shaking. I know I'm gonna be in so much trouble.

Maybe I should try to apologize.


"Shut up."

Ok then.

I sat back and kept quiet until we got to the hotel.

"Living room." My mom said when we walked into the foyer. I sighed and turned left, heading for the living room. I'm pretty sure everyone else is asleep so at least nobody will hear me getting screamed at.

I was walking over to the couch when I heard footsteps. Assuming it was my mom, I kept going.

"I know that's not my eleven year old daughter wearing that shit." I heard and nearly jumped out of my skin. I turned around and saw my dad sitting on the couch in his sweats.

I tried smiling. Maybe he doesn't know. "Hi daddy."

He just glared at me. "Don't 'hi daddy' me Blue. Why the fuck is McKenzie's mom calling us talking about you being alone with some boys? Huh?"

My face fell. "I didn't know they would be there. I swear." I said quickly. "I didn't know or I wouldn't have went."

"You're damn right you wouldn't have went. Why didn't you call us?" He asked raising his voice. I could tell he was mad and that didn't make me feel any better.

"I don't–"

"You better not say you don't know." My mom basically growled. I took a few steps away from her for my own safety.

"I just, I didn't want to but I didn't want to disappoint McKenzie–"

"You didn't want to disappoint McKenzie?" My mom mocked me. I looked down. "Are you kidding me right now Blue? Do you realize what those boys could've done to you? YOU ARE ELEVEN FUCKING YEARS OLD! YOU COULD HAVE BEEN HURT!" She yelled.

"Bey, the kids are sleeping." My dad reminded her. She just looked at him.

I looked up at my mom with tears in my eyes. "I'm sorry." I sniffled.

"Cut that crying shit out because it's not about to work on me." She snapped.

I wiped away my tears.

"And what the hell you wearing makeup for? Do we have to keep reminding you how old you are?"

My dad looked over at me fast. "You're wearing makeup?!" He yelled.

"McKenzie made me!"

"Did she hold your ass down and force you out of your clothes? Did she hold a gun up to your head and force you to put on that makeup?" My mom asked. I just stayed silent because no. "That's what I thought. She didn't make you do shit, that was a decision you made Blue."

I started squinting and scratched my arm. My vision just got blurry out of nowhere. I guess I started rocking a little because my mom grabbed my shoulders. She bent down and looked me in the eye.

"Oh my God. Are you fucking high?!" She yelled.

"What!" My dad yelled.

"No!" I lied. What was I supposed to say? "I'm not, I promise."

She grabbed my face with both her hands  and held it steady. "Open your mouth and blow your breath." She said.

I just stood there.

"Do it." She hissed.

I felt tears in my eyes as I opened my mouth and blew softly. I knew in that moment it was game over. Even if I did explain everything I doubt they would believe me.

"You are." My mom said and clenched her jaw. The way she was looking at me was very unsettling and I wanted to run for dear life. "You lied?" She asked.

She clearly knew the answer.

I swallowed thickly before nodding. "Yes." I sniffled.

My mom looked at me for a minute before slapping me across the face.

I stumbled back.

"Ay, Bey!" My dad yelled. He tried pulling her away from me but she shrugged him off.

"You handle this. I can't do it right now. I'm too pissed." My mom said before walking off. I leaned against the wall and rubbed my cheek, feeling a little grateful for that brownie because I didn't really feel anything. I mean it's not like she hit me that hard but still.

My mom's never slapped me before though. This is a first.

My eyes started watering and I looked down. I wasn't crying because the slap hurt, but because I'm disappointed in myself. I have a bad attitude sometimes but I've never actually done anything bad before. I don't think she's ever been this upset with me.

I hated this feeling. I leaned back against the wall and cried harder. I really messed up.

I heard my dad sigh. "Blue, come here."

I slowly walked over to him, still crying my eyes out. I really didn't want him to yell at me too. I don't know if I could handle that.

"Ay, ok, ok. Calm down." My dad said and led me over to the couch. He sat down and pulled me onto his lap.

"I'm sorry daddy." I cried into his chest. He hugged me against him and rubbed my back.

"I know you are. But that doesn't excuse what happened Blue." He said. He made me sit up and look him in the eye. "I need you to tell me exactly what happened. Don't leave anything out because you know I'll find out from someone else."

"I know." I mumbled. I grabbed my dad's hand and started messing with his watch. I needed a distraction.

My dad pulled his hand back and tapped my head. "Hey, focus. I know your mom didn't give you a chance to explain but I am. Don't take it for granted."

I sighed. "Sorry." I then explained everything that happened from the moment mommy left me at McKenzie's to the moment her parents showed up. He actually listened to me which I was thankful for.

I love both of my parents but I've always connected with my dad more. He's like my best friend. Plus he lets me get away with a lot more than my mom does, which is always nice.

After I finished telling him everything my dad just sat there for a few minutes. I guess he was taking it all in.

He sighed. I looked at him.

"Why would you do that?" My dad asked me. "I've spoken with you about how dangerous drugs are too many times. I've always kept it real with you Blue, because I never wanted you making the same mistake I did. I tried to use my experience to protect you because I was just as young when I started messing with them. I guess I failed."

"Daddy, that's not it at all. I know how dangerous they are." I stared at my hands because I was too embarrassed to look him in the eye. "I promise I'm not lying when I tell you this, please believe me...."

My dad looked at me for a minute before nodding. "I believe you."

"Thank you." I said before hugging him tightly. My dad kissed my forehead before letting me go.

"You promise me nothing else happened?"

"Daddy I swear." I said. "I was just sitting there the whole time. The other girls were like sitting on their laps and getting them stuff but I didn't. I didn't want to be involved with it. I know I should've called and it was dumb for me not to and I'm sorry for that."

He nodded. "Aight. I'll make sure your mom talks to you tomorrow so you can explain."

"She won't." I mumbled.

"She will. I'll talk to her." He said. I nodded and he stood up. "Go take a shower and get out of them clothes. I don't want to see you dressing like that again until you're thirty."

I laughed. "Ok daddy."

"Do you feel the high from that brownie?" He asked.

I shook my head. "No it was just half. But I don't really feel any different."

"Weak ass shit." He mumbled. I laughed. "Ok, go do what I said to do."

"Ok, goodnight."

"Goodnight. I love you."

"Love you too daddy." I said and walked off to mine and Bella's room.

At least I have one parent on my side. Better than nothing.



The next day

I walked into Bella and Blue's room after dropping Jeremiah off with my mama and Mama Gloria. They said they wanted to have lunch with him, so I'm assuming they'll be talking to him about the pregnancy thing. Good, maybe they'll knock some sense into him.

"Hi mommy." They said.

"Hey." I looked at Bella. "Bella, I need to talk to Blue."

"Okay." She said and kept sitting there.

I sighed.

"So get out." 

"Oh." Bella got up and walked out of the room. I went and sat next to Blue on her bed.

"Your father already told me what happened but I want to hear it from you." I said.

"Okay." Blue said. She told me what happened from start to finish and I sat there and listened. It took my all to keep from interrupting but I managed.

"....and that's what happened." Blue finished. "I didn't leave out anything."

"Okay." I nodded. "I shouldn't have hit you and I apologize for that."

"It's ok. I barely felt it." Blue said. "Cause of know..."

I rolled my eyes and sighed. "Yeah, I know. Listen Blue, your father and I understand what happened but this still doesn't give you a free pass. You have complete control over yourself and you knew you should've called me as soon as her parents left. But you didn't. That's on you." I said. "I don't blame you for what happened, but I am disappointed that you went along with it knowing it was wrong. There will be consequences for it."

Blue nodded. "I understand."

"And I'm sorry for not hearing you out last night, but I was too upset to speak to you. All I knew is what McKenzie's mother told me, then I saw what you were wearing, along with the fact that you were high. You are eleven years old, Blue. I kept thinking about how many bad things could've happened to you if her mother hadn't shown up. I kept thinking about how careless and irresponsible you were." I felt the tears in my eyes and sighed. "As a mother, my biggest job is to protect my babies. I've already made the mistake of losing one, I can't do that again. Blue, you can't do something that stupid again. So much could have went wrong. If someone hurt you I...."

I leaned forward on my elbows and shook my head. "You five mean the world to me. You're my heartbeat. I can't lose you over one careless mistake."


Blue moved closer to me and laid her head on my shoulder.

"I really am sorry." She mumbled.

I nodded. "I know."

"It won't even happen again."

I laughed softly. "Oh baby, I know it won't. Next time I will beat your ass." I kissed Blue's cheek before standing up. "Two weeks, no electronics. Leave them in my room."

Blue sighed deeply.

I raised my brow at her. "Is there a problem?"

"No." She said quickly.

"Ok then. Do what I said."

I walked out and headed to the kitchen. I was thirsty for some lemonade. I bought three bottles for myself last night and nobody better have touched them.

"Daddy, no!" I heard.

"Brooklyn, stop it." Jay said.

I walked in and took a deep breath while looking around. They better be glad this isn't my damn kitchen. This mess was ridiculous.

"Jay, what in the hell?"

Jay looked up and smiled at me. This nigga had cake batter smeared all across his cheek looking like a damn fool.

"They wanted brownies." He said.

I swear these girls have him wrapped around their little fingers.

I rolled my eyes and sighed. "Jay, it's not even noon yet. They are not eating that right now."

"But mommy." Brooklyn whined.

"But mommy nothing. Both of you knew I would've said no had someone asked. Go ahead and bake the brownies but you're not eating any until after lunch."

Brooklyn looked at Jay and he shrugged. "Mommy has spoken." He said, looking back at me. I just shook my head. Making me look like the bad guy when he knows damn well.....

"Where's my other child?" I asked.

"Sienna's behind you." Jay said. I turned around and raised my brow. Is this little girl really sitting in a tutu sipping on some tea?

"Hi mommy." Sienna said.

"Hi baby." I went and sat next to her. "What's in your cup?"


She held it out to show me. It was just water.

"Oh okay." I nodded. "Are you hungry?" I asked her.

"I am mommy!" Brooklyn yelled. Yeah, that doesn't surprise me.

I stood up. "What do y'all want? I'll order room service."

"I'll take them out for something Bey. Daddy daughter date." Jay said.

"Okay. Well I have to go to the studio so I'll take the older kids with me." I said.

"Ok." Jay nodded. "BK, S, go put your shoes on."

They hopped up and ran out.

Jay walked over to me and hugged me from behind. I laughed when he started kissing my neck.

"You better stop before your kids come running back in here." I said while stepping back. He chuckled and leaned down to kiss me.

"I got you later."

"Ok then."

Brooklyn and Sienna came running back in the kitchen. I sighed.

"How many times do I have to tell y'all to stop running in the house?" I asked.

"This not our house." Brooklyn said. I raised my brow.

"You want to try that again?"

"Sorry mommy." Sienna said.

I nodded. "Come give me a hug before y'all go."

They walked over to me and I bent down to hug them. I kissed their cheeks. "Have fun with your daddy, and be good or you deal with me."



"Okay." I laughed. I stood up and looked at Jay. "Do not spoil them too much. You know how you do."

Jay laughed. "Okay I will."

"Jay I'm serious. They don't need anymore toys or clothes right now."

"Alright baby." Jay kissed me before picking up the girls. I still don't know how he manages to hold them at the same time, they are too big for all that.

"They can walk, you know."

"Yeah I know." Jay said smiling. I just shook my head.

"Daddy's strong. He can handle it mommy." Sienna said.

I laughed. "Okay, sorry. Bring me back something from wherever y'all go."

"I will." Jay kissed my cheek as he walked by. "I'll call you when we're on the way back."

"Just come by the studio, that's where I'll be." I said. "I want to play a track for you anyways."

"Jungle studios?" He asked.

"Yes. Just call me when y'all are done."

"Alright baby."

Jay left with the twins and I went back to the room to get ready for the studio.

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