Home Sweet Home - FP Jones

By PrincessJae92

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She never asked for this. This pain. This secret. This love... any of it. But coming home scratches at the me... More

Welcome Home
Part 2
Part 3
Part 5
Home Sweet Home: Spoiler Trailer
Home Sweet Home: Spoiler Trailer 2

Part 4

2.4K 59 25
By PrincessJae92

It all happened so fast, there were no warnings... or maybe there were and she just hadn't noticed. Either way, it felt wrong, the feeling churning away inside her, burning her out... it was just over, gone and by fucking god did it hurt.

She had no idea how it would turn out, those few days. So I suppose I should start with the before part, before it felt like a part of her world had crumbled to ash.

In the small, single Starbucks, town of Riverdale, everyone was scurrying around, planning street parties and barbecues and believe it or not Lucky was pretty excited too, not because of the summer get-togethers.

She'd been up since before dawn, all but glued to the window box of her room and when she saw that little red beetle roll up outside her house she almost jumped out the window.

Outside a blonde girl wearing a white summer dress and jeweled sandals smiled brightly at the matching houses the car window "It's so quaint..."

"Yeah, reminds me of Nightmare on Elm Street!" Sam shrugged as she turned off the engine, Kimmy gave her a small slap on the arm "oh you!"

"BITCHES!" Lucky sprinted out of the house and the moment they saw her both girls scrambled out of the car; the three of them meeting in some sort of jumping hug thing, and talking over each other yet somehow hearing every word.

It was a strange girl magic. That's what Wayne assumes as he watches the trio from the living room window, sipping at his morning coffee "well someone looks pretty happy."

A smile tugged at the blonde man's face as he nodded in agreement "she does, doesn't she?"

Poking him lightly in the chest with her perfectly chiseled pink nail Sarah said: "I meant you silly, you did good honey."

Wayne smiled and pulled his wife under his arm, kissing the top of her head "that's because I have you."

The girls came tumbling through the door with their bags and giggling "Hey, Mr., March, Mrs. March."

"Hey, girls, Sam I love the new hair!" the mocha skinned girl flipped at her baby blue locks, almost shoulder length now "yeah well I felt like a change."

"It suits you well Samantha." Wayne smiled.

"Looks fucking hot! I told you years ago to grow it out, cute right?"

"I know, so cute! Now come on let's dump these bags and our girl can give us the tour!" Kimmy pretty much jumped up the stairs, her fingers latched on to Lucky's as she dragged her along behind her. Sam rolling her eyes with a light smile as she followed after her two best friends.

It was a while later that the three of them were trolling around town, shopping bags in hand. Well, they were until Lucky had demanded they stop for food. Lucky was stuffing her face with fries as Sam scoffed, eyeing the bright lights of Pop's "why do I feel that I'm not going to be able to get sushi around here?"

"Sam, don't be such a snob; so Lucky you said something about a drive in? Sounds so Grease, OMG will they show Grease?"

The other two girls shared a look with a shake of their heads, Lucky had missed this, them. Kimmy's sweet giddiness and Sam's naturally annoyed nature. Having them there made her feel almost normal... but let's not get a head of ourselves.

They tumbled back through the March's little blue door just before dark, to find Adam making some sort of protein man-shake in the kitchen. Sam licked her chocolaty lips at the sight of him in his tank and sports shorts "my, oh my, Adam still extremely hot I see."

Lucky made a gagging noise at the sight; Kimmy happily ignoring the awkward situation to fiddle on her cell. Adam gave the girl eyeing him an awkward smile and rubbed the back of his head "um, thanks? So you guys are going the drive-In later?"

The question was asked looking at Lucky's baby blues more than a little pleadingly. Sam had always had a little bit of a thing for Adam, the girl was a hunter of hotness, but the only person he'd ever even shown the slightest bit of interest in had broken his heart, fucking Suzie!

"Yeah, better than hanging around this dive all night." Lucky moved to slightly to nudge Sam behind her, taking the girls hand as she reached out for Kimmy with a wiggle of her fingers.

The blonde girl finally tore her eyes away from her phone for a second to reach out and grab her friend's digits and asked innocently with a bat of her fake lashes "Yup, should be cool, you coming?"

Adam shook his head, swallowing like a stray bird under a cat's glare with Sam in the room "not a chance in hell!"

"Come on guys, let's go pick out outfits and shit." Lucky pushed them out the room and mouthed a 'sorry' to her step brother. Adam let out a relieved breath at finally being away from the dark skinned beauty and whisper shouted to his step sister "keep her away from me, that girl is fucking terrifying!"

Lucky just laughed and nodded with a silent promise. Most guys would be flattered, hell they usually were, Sam's hot and she owns her sexuality proud, Adam just... wasn't into that I guess.

Lucky's room was covered in half empty shopping bags, new clothes strewn everywhere as they decided what to wear, Kimmy turned everything into an event while Sam just wanted to look as amazing as possible. So naturally Sam was trying on her fifth outfit of the night, while Kimmy had settled on a peach, rose patterned jumper over white smock dress, her pin straight blonde hair loosely tied into some side braid thing as she pushed Lucky into a chair to force her to actually style her messy chestnut curls rather than have them loose and free as usual.

"How about this?" Sam asked, twirling around in a green beaded crop top and brown leather pants.

Lucky tilted her head to examine the outfit, Kimmy already cooing over it with a slight blush, too much skin for her taste "try those sparkly shoes on."

"The red or the purple?"

"Um, the ones Kimmy said made your butt look good and I said were a death trap!"

"Purple it is." Sam rummaged through her pile of clothes, while Kimmy smiled brightly down to the brunette "there, perfect, now we can see your pretty face."

Lucky laughed as the blonde pushed her in front of the mirror, the messy curls had been pushed to the top of her head into some bun shape with a few stray curls framing her face, a maroon ribbon tied to keep it all in place, matching her lipstick and velvet skater skirt Kimmy had pushed her into buying. Lucky was adamant about keeping her beloved combat boots and more than a little skeptical about showing off her milky-cream legs, thankfully Sam had loaned her a pair of black vine patterned lace tights that almost went pretty well with her old Jack Daniel's tee.

Then the sparkly black phone case started to buzz lightly on the dresser and Lucky cringed slightly as Jakes name popped up, who knew how bad putting up with him would be even long distance. She was just about to answer it when Kimmy leaned over Lucky's shoulder, wrapping her arms around her and smiling into the reflection staring back before blinding the poor girl with a multi array of flashes "Jesus fuck Kimmy! The ability to see is something I've grown pretty fucking attached to!"

She could hear Sam laughing from the behind them and turned with her spotted vision to throw a makeup bag at the pair "fucking bitches!"

"You love us really."

A small smile twitched at Lucky's lips. Yeah, she really fucking did.

By the time they actually got to the drive-in they'd pretty much missed the first movie of the night, a Princess Bride, much to Sam and Lucky's dismay and it was strangely half empty, with no more than ten maybe twelve cars. The three girls sat in Sam's VW Bug with the top down, watching The Shining, well they had been but the car's owner had gone to pee almost forty minutes ago "that's it, I'm going to find her!"

"What, but it's almost over, can't we just wait until..." Lucky gave the blonde a tilting glare until she huffed and started climbing out of the car "Fine, but you know she probably just met someone at the snack stall or something."

"Probably, but let's just make sure she hasn't been hacked up behind a dumpster yeah?" Lucky shoved her arm through Kimmy's as she giggled "in this sweet little town, please. A place like this, the worst thing to probably ever happen is someone mowed their lawn an inch too short. It would probably have been headline news. "

Lucky laughed and fanned out the red velvet skirt she'd been forced into, her baby blues scanning the crowd until she spotted a bright blue bob near the back of the lot "I'm going to fucking kill her!"

Kimmy couldn't help her giggle as she was pulled along the small gaps of the cars "Told you so..."

"Sam!" Lucky just called out more than a little annoyed with her friend.

The blue haired girl turned around with a smile and her glittery brown eyes "there's my girls, just been talking about you."

"Somehow I doubt that." Kimmy sniggered more than aware of Sam's habit of forgetting pretty much everyone and everything when a nice piece of ass walked by.

Lucky through stopped when she saw a few familiar faces, most of them sporting leather clad serpents. One woman, she didn't recognize was wearing an array of biker gear, bleached blonde hair and too much makeup, Lucky didn't know her, but something about the older woman seemed familiar, that and the way she was gaping at the young girl.

"Lucky, so apparently you have like actual friends. I feel kind betrayed by this information."

"Fuck you, Jimmy, what are you guys even doing here?" Jimmy and all his tattooed glory just shrugged, leaning back on some crappy old lawn chair "what? Delinquents can't enjoy a classic cinematic experience?"

The porcelain skinned girl held up her hands in defeat, nodding yet not totally convinced "whatever man, Joaquin around?"

She hadn't spoken to the boy in a day or so, he'd been pretty sketchy about so she didn't push. Lucky wasn't an idiot, after all, she knew the serpents weren't just some biker gang, but as long as she doesn't get dragged into their shit she didn't much care.

"He is not, my fault I'm afraid."

All heads turned to see the cheeky tilted smirk, confident stance and dark brown eyes that brought the rest of the serpents around them to a standstill "Hey Lucky."

"FP" the brunette nodded in her own little hello, feeling strangely safer in the dark drive in now that she was surrounded by a band of snakes.

"Where do I get one of those?" Sam bit at her lip, eyeing the older man in lustful appreciation, Kimmy face palming with a groan as she lightly kicked at the other girl to stop it.

FP just raised a questioning brow, looking from the two strangers to Lucky and with a sip of the beer that had gone unnoticed till now he gestured towards the two girls "friends of yours?"

Looking back at the odd pair Lucky shrugged with a smirk tugging to escape "Nope, just some random's I paid to hang around to keep my dad off my back."

"Wait we're getting paid?" Sam asked playfully before shoving her way beside the brunette, dragging poor Kimmy with her "this pretty little thing is Kimmy Lomax and I'm Sam Hendrix, a pleasure to meet you, handsome."

"Knock it off Sam, ignore her." Lucky kicked Sam a lot harder than she'd meant to, watching her friend hobble and groan in pain, said pain the only reason she didn't mention the jealous growl she'd definitely heard Lucky's voice.

FP just sniggers lightly; biting at his thumb to try and stifle it, which is until he sees something over. A mess of black hair hidden under a worn gray beanie "well it was nice meeting you girls but I'm a busy man... Lucky if you come around the Wyrm tomorrow Joaquin should be back by then. Bring your friends."

"I'm not sure it's really their scene." That wasn't totally true, or at all, going out and getting wasted was one the trio's favorite pastimes, Sam would use her famine wilds to trick some idiot or another into buying the underage girls as many drinks as they could and Kimmy would love the music, not to mention the crowd at the Whyte Wyrm would be ripe for her little 'sleight of hand' card games. But something about them being there just didn't seem to sit right with Lucky... hell if she had any idea why.

"Well, the offers out there. See you around Kitten." FP winked over at her, before darting off to try and have some form of a conversation with his son.

"Lucky, girl something you want to tell us? Because yeah 'damn'!" Sam laughed, playfully pulling at the brunette's shirt.

"Sam stop it, he's old enough to be all our fathers and besides, Lucky has Jake..." Kimmy's voice filled with a sharp bitterness at the boy's name, nothing new to Lucky, the blonde had hated Jake since what had happened the year before... the events that led to Wayne moving them to the small town in the first place.

Sam just flipped back her blue locks with a slight scoff "yeah Jake, because he's just great boyfriend material."

Now that was new.

"What the fuck is that suppose to mean?"

Kimmy was biting her lip, clearly not wanting to be involved while Sam rolled her eyes in brutal honesty "for fucks sake Lucky come on, when was the last time he called to ask you about what's going on in your life, huh? How you are? We see him every fucking day and he never even mentions you and it's not like you even care, I mean come on you haven't asked us about him once since we got here. Why the fuck are you even still dating the fuckboy?"

"Sam that's enough!" Kimmy finally stepped in, her anxious glare flittering from one girl to the other.

"Oh please said the girl who just fucks's anything with abs!" there it was, word vomit.

"Seriously? You know what why don't you go fuck yourself, you and your fucking frigid brother. Because yeah we all know why Suzie dropped his bitch ass!"

That was when it all went black and the next thing Lucky knew she was on top of Sam, her best friend, her hands having a death lock grip on those blue strands and slamming her head against the hard back pavement with each word "DON'T. YOU. FUCKING. TALK. ABOUT. MY. BROTHER. YOU. FUCKING. WHORE!"

"Lucky stop!" Kimmy pleaded from the sidelines just as Sam finally managed to cold cock her best friend in the stomach, pushing her onto the ground before straddling her waist, a thick trail of blood dripping down the side of her face as she punching her hard in the jaw.

The pair is pulled apart by a few different pairs of strong arms "Enough!"

There was a ringing in Lucky's ears as she spat out the blood that pooled into her mouth. It took a second to realize that it was FP who had broken up the fight, stood between the two girls that were now separated only by the serpents holding them back. And there was also some kid, big blue eyes and black hair under some crown cut beanie stood just to the side... who the hell was he?

Lucky's face felt like it was on fire as she and Sam glared daggers at each other. That is until the darker skinned girl wriggled out of the grip of her boy holding her back and stormed off towards her car. The rage was still potent in our girl's veins, she could hear it rushing around through her ears, taunted her to act, to hurt...

"Lucky." The voice was soft and light but it was so unsure, it took her a second to see those hazel eyes staring at her. Kimmy didn't know what to do; she never did when stuff like that happened.

"Go with Sam, finish the movie or whatever..."

"But what about you?" it must have been hard for her, but again this wasn't something she was a stranger to. Lucky just smiled, it made her look almost deranged with the glimmer of crimson against her pearly whites and her hair half loose and no doubt tattered.

"Don't worry about me; besides you sided with me last time remember... it's Sam's turn. I'll see you back at my place." It wasn't really up for discussion because at that Lucky turned and headed on her heel into the small crowd of serpents, throwing a small smile with blood still dribbling down her chin to FP who had made his way over to the boy in the denim jacket and gray beanie.

She watched them out of the corner of her eye before taking a seat on one of the old lawn chairs and snatching a beer out of the cooler one of them had been good enough to bring. FP and the boy didn't look too good, some sort of fight drown out by the movie. As the boy tried to leave the older serpent grabbed his arm, only to be shrugged off and met with an icy glare and stern tone that barely reached Lucky's ears through clenched teeth "...you made your choice!"

FP watched after him, a strange longing in his eyes, then, of course, he strolled on over back to his brothers in arm's, snaking a beer from the cooler, downing half the bottle before finally realizing Lucky was in his seat.

He knelt down, perched up on the tip of his toes as his rough fingers grabbed at the supple flush on Lucky's jaw. He moved her head around slowly, inspecting the damage "now that's going to leave a mark. Violet!"

From nowhere a girl dressed like a fifties style greaser appeared, eyeing the older man and young bruised up girl "hand me your scarf."

She didn't even bat an eye, tearing the black bandana she's had around her neck and handed it to him with an almost sneer at Lucky. The two girls had never actually met but she'd seen Violet around, sporting the serpent logo, the girl didn't seem too thrilled about Lucky hanging around though.

FP took an ice pack from the cooler, wrapped in the black cloth and held it lightly against the girl's cheek "Here, it'll help with the swelling but that's going to bruise like a bitch."

"Yeah, Sam's got a great right hook for a leftie. Ow fuck." a smile pinched at the serpents lips before he let her take over holding the ice pack, their fingers grazing lightly.

He popped open his third- no-fourth beer and took a seat beside her "So you going to tell me what all that was about?"

"She said some shit, I said some shit... we'll live." Her nonchalant attitude shocked him, it was almost like she didn't care but FP knew better, he's heard her talking to Joaquin about them, been around when they called and dropped everything. These girls mattered to her, so yeah her attitude was strange.

During FP's moments of reflection Lucky pulled out the rest of her chestnut curls from the remains of the bun, then after a second she noticed the quiet and turned to see the concerned look in those big brown orbs "Oh relax, this shit isn't new."

"So you and your best friend regularly beat the crap out of each other?" naturally he was a little skeptical but Lucky just laughed it off with a sip of her beer, wincing slightly "no, not always. Look I and Sam have a thing; one of us says something the other doesn't like, the other one says something stupid, we scream it out, then it blows over..."

Safe to say FP didn't look too happy about that answer, so he just shook his head, taking a deep drink as Lucky pulled a lighter and a carton of cigarettes from her boot "that's pretty fucked up."

"Yeah, I know." She mumbled around the two cigarettes between those maroon and blood smudged lips, lighting them both and handing one to FP without a second thought.

He looked at the lipstick stain with a light chuckle, warm brown eyes fixing on the brunette girl, sipping at her beer and watching the movie as blood dried in the corner of her mouth as her creamy white cheek became spotted with growing shades of purple "You, Kitten, are one interesting girl."

"Keeps life from getting boring I guess."

A few hours later and the movies had all but ended for the night, only a few stragglers left behind and that included some of the serpents and a certain little red VW Beetle. Lucky watched them for a second, her two best friends and she was about to go and talk to them, smooth things over, that is until the clattering of bottles echoed from behind her.

Lucky turned around to see FP had fallen off his rickety old chair and into the small mountain of beer bottles he'd collected and he was laughing at himself, the rest of the remaining serpents too drunk not to join in the laughter, most of the younger ones had head home hours ago... it only just dawned on her that she was surrounded by a bunch of middle-aged bikers.

With a roll of her baby blue's Lucky rushed over to help the guy up, he gave her this dopey smile with glassy eyes "Lucky, hey K-kitten. What you still doing here?"

"I'm taking you home." She tried to lift him but just ended up dropping him back on his ass "It's good I'm good!"

"Yeah, because literally falling into the bottle, is so fucking good. Hey, you assholes mind giving me a hand here?" She snapped at the other who were just watching the young girl struggle.

In any other situation they might have had something to say, but Lucky had made a name for herself in her short time there and she was trying to help FP, so yeah, they pretty much rallied around. As they did that Lucky pulled out her phone;

To; Kimmy

Taking my friend home, he's wasted, come pick me up after? Xoxo

A few seconds later her cell buzzed in reply;

From; Kimmy

Sure thing, love you. xoxo

Once FP was finally on his feet Lucky pushed aside one of the serpents to take the older man's arm around her shoulder, trying everything in her little body to hold him up right. She managed to get him around the corner and leant against his truck as she huffed for breath "Okay, Key's."

FP was staring up at the sky, mumbling to himself so Lucky clicked her fingers in his face "FP, seriously where are your fucking key's, man?"

"Wa-What?" was his only answer, he just looked at her confused and dazed in his drunken state "Oh for fuck's sake, just try not to fall over."

Lucky slipped her hand just under his jacket, gripping the hip of his flannel shirt to try and keep him steady as she rifled through his pockets, nothing in the jacket.

Her fingers were shoved into the back pocket of his jeans, pretty much cupping his ass. FP chuckled, losing his footing for just a second before grabbing onto Lucky's upper arms, Lucky's grip on his hip tightening as her other hand flies from the empty pocket to his chest "Whoa now, steady old timer."

He just chuckled again, and as Lucky's fingers delved into the pockets of his jeans she sighed in relief at the sharp feel of cold metal "Bingo!"

Then she felt a coarse thumb gently stroking at the uninjured side of her jaw. Lucky's eyes looked up to see those big brown orbs staring down at her; they looked almost black in the moonlight. He was watching her so intently she felt almost naked under his gaze "What?"

"You're just... so beautiful."

She watched his glassy stare, never once wavering from her own baby blues until she laughed "god you are so fucking wasted. Get in!"

He laughed with her, wobbling his way into the passenger seat as Lucky held open the door for him. She slammed it shut, making sure she hadn't trapped any of FP's digits or limbs and turned, almost having a small heart attack "Holy fucking smuff's on mars. Dude, what the fuck?"

"Sorry honey. I didn't mean to scare you." The older woman that had been staring earlier was stood not five feet away.

Lucky's hand was still on her heart "Well you did a piss poor job if that. You want something?"

The older woman took a shaky step closer "I'm Laura, you probably don't remember me."

"Any reason I should?" Lucky stood, hands on hips and getting more than a little impatient. A smile came to the crackling makeup of the blonde woman's face "your Rosie St Claire's girl right?"

Now that struck a chord, made all the bones in Lucky's body seize up "You knew my mom?"

"Yeah, way back when...." Laura was pretty much right in front of her now, her hand with her fake claw line nails hovering in mid air, almost reaching out to touch her "my god you look so much like her, except your eyes, got your daddy's eyes."

"Yeah... I did." Lucky didn't know what to say, in all the weeks she'd been at Riverdale no one had even mentioned her mother, but with her father's lack of information over the years she just got used to it.

"Oh gosh, I've gone and spooked you." Laura looked genuinely upset about that but Lucky just shook herself from her own dazed state "Um, no, no, it just isn't a good time; got to get that sack of meat home."

Lucky nodded towards the truck and a smile crept onto the woman's face "oh, right, of course. It's good of you, helping FP out, not something your Mama would have done, she'd have laughed her ass off watching him crawl all over himself. Well, I'll leave you to it."

Lucky felt a warm rush in her chest at that information, something new about her mother and as Laura turned on her platform heel a strange panic rushed through the young girl's veins "Wait!"

The blonde turned back with a questioning stare as Lucky stumbled over her words "this is going to sound fucking bizarre but what the fuck, could we talk, some time about my mom, the old man's a little fickle on the topic."

A soft, sad smile tugged at the woman's lips as she pulled out a piece of paper and an eyeliner pencil from her sequin purse "Here's my number... it's good, that you don't hold it all against her..." Lucky's face fell in confusion but before she could get a word out the woman was gone.

Hold what against her?

What the fuck did that mean?


Lucky turned to see FP slumped against the window and laughed to herself before heading around the driver's side "My life is fucking weird!"

Thankfully Lucky remembered the few times she'd been to FP's trailer, usually taken there by Joaquin for one thing or another; honestly, she never asked. It took more than a little work to get the door open and hoist him up but somehow she managed to do it "Honey I'm home."

A bitter, throaty chuckle escaped the drunken man as she shrugged out of his jacket, letting it pool on the floor "oh wait, she left me..."

"I didn't even know you were married." Lucky helped him over the sofa, watching as he almost molded into the soft worn cushions "was... gone now, even took my baby girl."

"Sorry." Was the only thing she could think of to say, I mean, come on what do you say in that situation. FP was just staring out at a picture on the wall; Lucky squinted and could just make out the picture in the dark room. It was of two young kids at the drive in, smiling ear to ear.

"Not your fault Kitten, it's on me, hell even my boy walked out... rather live in that damn booth than with me. Not that I blame him." The slight slurring of his words made it hard not to notice the pain they were drenched in, then that look from earlier returned, that sad longing as he's watched his son sneer at this pleads to come home and shake his head in shame as he walked away "you know when Juggie was a kid, I mean really tiny, I used to walk through the front door and he'd run straight up to me, arms wide open; like he'd been waiting all day just for me."

A sad smile crept onto Lucky's face as she started unlacing FP's boots "Yeah, I used to be like that with my dad, we just grow out of it I guess."

"No, no not my boy. You see when he was born everyone figured he'd be chasing his mom's skirt tails, but it was me he'd stop fussing and crying for, I was the only one who could calm him. Hell, I was out at a job for two days when he was what, four, Gladys was going nuts, he just kept screaming for me, wouldn't eat nothing, wouldn't sleep. Come running into my arms the second I walked through the door and spent the next week in our bed just in case I left again." It was a beautiful story, but the sad smile on his face almost broke Lucky's heart.

A stray tear fell from the crease of his eye as he bit back a sob "I screwed it up. I screwed it all to shit."

Lucky knelt on the floor beside the drunken broken man and shushed him softly, her silky-smooth hand gently brushing along the stubble of his cheek to soothe him "Hey, listen, it'll be ok... you've got time, so you fucked up or whatever. Just find a way to fix it."

"It ain't that simple." He shook his head meekly, eyes half hooded as her feather light touch consoles him. Lucky offered him her own sad little smile, dragging her knuckle lightly over his warm cheek "Sure it is, you just have to want it bad enough."

His lip twitched into a weak smile, eyes now fully closed "sweet girl, think too good of me." his words trailed off at the end as sleep finally lured him away.

Lucky smiled as she watched him for a moment "yeah, well someone's got to."

She grabbed a few of the other cushions to prop him onto his side, placing a mop bucket she found in the kitchen near his head and throwing a knitted blanket she'd found over his limp body. After she was sure that he wouldn't choke on his own vomit she text Kimmy to come get her and waited on the trailer steps, one of FP's flannel shirts she'd found strewn across the back of a chair, pulled tight across her shoulders to help keep away the chill of the summer night air.

The lights of the car were almost blinding as Lucky pretty much jumped off the steps "thank god I'm fucking... oh, Hey."

It wasn't Kimmy that stepped out of the car; it was Sam, stood to stare at her feet and arms folded across her chest, a large band aid barely covering the cut on her head "Kimmy made me come. And your dad's a little pissed."

"Shocker... so... Sam, you I didn't like... mean that shit right?" it wasn't something that came naturally to Lucky, actually apologizing to people.

Sam kicked at a stone lightly, shrugging defiantly "I meant what I said... except for the shit about Adam."

"Yeah what's up with that? What's Suzie been saying?" it was strange; the two of them had been so in sync, so in love, the classic high school sweet heart bullshit.

Sam bit her lip anxiously "it's nothing, just some shitty rumors."

"Sam, come on..."

At the pleading look in Lucky's eye, the blue haired girl caved "Fine, look I don't know who said what shit ok? I just heard that he was pretty against the sex stuff, at first she thought he was being sweet then after they actually did it... I don't know just that he never wanted to fuck and she did and everyone thinks he's gay."

"Adam? Seriously?" Lucky didn't quite believe that; I mean she'd found a bunch of porno's in his room once when she was snooping for cash... none of it was men.

Sam held up her hands and shrugged "that's all I know... now we can we go, my nipples are about to freeze over."

"Yeah... we good?" Lucky eyed the girl sheepishly.

"How bad does your face hurt?"

"A fucking lot!"

A smile broke out on Sam's dimpled cheeks "then yeah; were good."

Lucky all but raced into her best friends arms, holding onto her close and tight, rocking slightly before jumping into the warm leather seat of the car.

The two girls singing loud and proud to the radio the entire drive home.

They pulled up to the little blue house and skipped through the front door without a care in the world, all harsh words and bloodied fists forgotten. Then as they saw the small crowd in the living room Lucky felt her heart almost stop.


Hey guys sorry about the delay but life calls at the most inconvenient times. Anyway I'd like to give a little thanks to everyone who's commented/reviewed on this it pretty much keeps it alive and also a special shout out the theserpentgod who gave me a nice idea for this chapter and her love for the story warms my heart. All my love people!!! xoxo


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