Our Ancient history {billdip}

By PaperBagBoi_

38.7K 1.8K 841

"Hey Im Dipper Pines" "hello meatsacks!" Hehe, that's bill! OKAY SOOOOOOO..... Lets begin! We were banned f... More

Im Back
Ford finds Demons
we're on the run
Demons and a pinetree Drunk?
Magic romance
The kiss
save me Andrew!
The Tree?
Dear Brother I've missed you!
magic can't heal me
tested on?
Really Pinetree?
Finding magical things
About the tree
one more day
Bill I'm alright
party time
Pinetree don't go
Will you be mine?
wedding day.
not chapter but news!!!


2.5K 113 123
By PaperBagBoi_

PoV Dipper

I finshed drawing his three forms.
I drew his bird form his humam form and the tattoo. I heard a knock on the door and I froze. Andrew was in his bird form after i finshed drawing him.

"Andrew you have to hide" I said
"Master just say 'revenite' to make me come back and say 'abscondam' for me to hide" Andrew said
"Okay thanks" I said
"This will bring me inside your mark for hiding" Andrew said
"Okay, abscondam" I said

I wrote that in my journal in case I forgot. I opened the door and I see Ford and Mable frowning. I looked at Mable and placed my hand on my forehead.

"Mable" I said
"I'm sorry" She said
"You can leave" He said

She left and she started to laugh and he chuckled as well. I looked at him in disappointment.

"So Mable told me your working on your own journals." Ford said
"Y-yes" I stuttered
"Can I see what's in them" Ford asked
"S-sure" I said

I gave him the three journals. I'm fucking Dead. He looked threw them and stopped on one of the pages.

"Dipper did you remember all the information from the journals" He said impressed
"Yes" I said
"I'm so proud of you Dipper" He said
"Thanks Grunkle Ford" I said

I think he didn't see the page with Andrew on it. He gave me the books back and I was reavled that he didn't questioned anything.

"Might as well go downstairs" I said

I went down stairs and saw Mable, Grunkle Stan and Ford playing cards.

"What's up" I said
"Were playing poker" Grunkle Stan said

I took out my wallet and waved it back and fourth.

"Let's make it interesting shall we?" I said
"Your in kid" Stan said.


"Anyone gonna chicken out" Stan said
"I'm out" Mable said
"As well" Ford said
"Well guess I'll take it" Stan said
"No, no, no Im still in" I said
"Wow, Dipper still in" Stan said
"To make it more fun I'll double" I said
"W-W-What" He spat out his soda
"You heard me" I said
"Dipper your over your head" Ford said
"Okay I'll do the same, winner takes all" Stan said

We shook on it and he smiled.

"Full house of kings" Stan said
"Dippers done for" Mable said
"Oh, I guess you lose" I said
"You haven't even placed down your cards" Stan said

I stood up placing my full house of aces in front of stan. He froze and realized that he lost 400 dollars. I giggled and looked at Stan.

"Mable pat your brother down" Stan said

I gave her my hoodie and then she patted me down.

"He's clean" Mable said
"I win" I said
"What!?!" Stan said
"Did we forget to tell you" Mable said
"Tell me what?" Stan said
"After we left gravity falls Dipper started to gamble for money. In our school he's the best and even beat our principal that was a professional Poker player" Mable said
"Dipper!" Ford yelled

Yeah guys in this part dipper is a badass! But still cute self

"What I needed money" I said
"You shouldn't gamble!" Ford said
"But I needed money and I had a great teacher"
"Now I regert teaching you when you were younger" Stan said
"Well Stan you got yourself into this one" Ford said

Me and made high fived and went to out room with 800 dollars! We shared it fifty-fifty Because for once I didn't want this much money.

I had a fun time and I nocited that we've been playing one game for 5 hours. It's 10 and I'm getting tried. I put on my PJs and fall asleep.

Time skip

I hear a knock on my door. I get up and see what time it it. It's 2 in the fucking morning. I open the door and see Mabel crying.

"Mable what's wrong?" I asked
"I had a bad dream.... You were there and they took you away from me." she said
"Don't worry Mable I'm here" I said

I walk her back to her room and sat down with her. I hugged her and told her that I wasn't gonna leave her.

"Can you sing me that song that mom sang for use when we were little" She asked
"Sure" I said

I never liked seeing Mable like this. She's been getting these dreams for two months now. I sing her this song that our mom sang to us. She's gone now and we only have dad. We managed tho we still have fun together.

"You are my sunshine,

My only sunshine.

You make me happy,

When skies are grey.

I sing this song,

But you'll never know

How much i love you.

You'll never know, my dear.

How much I love you,

How much I'll miss you when

Im asleep.

But Please

Don't let the dark,

Don't let them take you

Away from me.

My special child,

Dont take

them away from

My only sunshine

Away from me.

As you sleep

I'll always take care of you,

I will protect you,

But please dont take away.

My only ray of sunshine

Away from me." I sang

She was fast asleep and I smiled. I headed back to my room and when back to sleep.

Now I couldn't sleep. I put a sweater and started to write more things in my journal. Andrew came out for a breather and sat on the lamp. I asked him questions about him and his abilitys. I got so much more information.

Sorry guys there no bill till next chapter! So don't worry our little demon will be here soon

"Dipper let's say hello to the reader"
"Fine, hey" Dipper
"Come on Dipper" Mable
"Hello guys I hoped you enjoyed me kicking Stans ass at poker" Dipper smiled
"Dipper!" Mable said
"I did beat him tho" dipper pouts
"Bye guys!" dipper waved
"Bye guys!" Mable
"Bye Have a wonder time" wolf *pops out of no where* (wolf is my nickname)

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