Mr.Cowboy's Kinda Bad

By Shanniboo402

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**Under revision sorry for all the grammar errors** Meet seventeen year old Addison Miller. She's the definit... More

Mr.Cowboy's Kinda Bad
Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 1 (These People Look Like Hicks)
Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 2 (I'm Stuck In Hillbilly Hell)
Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 3 (You Look hotter Than A Pig In A Smoke House)
Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 4 ( An Excuse For Wanting To See Me Shirtless?)
Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 5 (Bad Boy Talks To God?)
Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 6 (I'm Just A Ticking Time Bomb)
Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 7- (I Won't Fall For Your Southern Charm)
Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 8 ( Gonna Get A Detention Miss. Goody-Two-Shoes)
Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 9 (You Are Thinking Of Me Shirtless Right Now)
Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 10 (Third World Problems... )
Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 11- (Baby You Can Crash My Party Anytime)
Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 12- (I'm Not A Dead Body Type Of Person)
Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 13- (You're Pretty Damn Hot When You're Dirty)
Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 14- (I Need A Hero)
Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 15- (All Hell Broke Loose)
Mr.Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 16- (You Are My Little Rebel Child)
Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 17- (The Cat Is Out)
Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 18- (Never Say Never)
Mr.Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 19- (Torture Him Like He's Tourturing Me)
Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 20- (Oh Shit Times Three)
Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 21 (What I Tell You About Hat Hair?)
Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 22 (Cray Cray)
Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 23 (Call Me Crazy)
Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 24 ( Maybe I Should Be The Actor)
Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 25 (Love The Way He Loves Me)
Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 26 (An Itch That Needed To Be Scratched)
Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 27 (You Should Be A Butt Model)
Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 28- (Smells Like Beer and Cheese)
Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 29 (You Want The Truth?)
Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 31 (My Cover=Blown)
Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 32 (All Men Are Pigs)
Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 33 (My rock)
Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 34 (I Need You Safe)
Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 35 (Psycos and Dirty Jobs)
Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 36 (Good Man)
Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 37 (Storms, Kisses, and Other Surprises)
Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 38 (You Deserve It)
Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 39 (Holy Hot Hell in July)
Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad- (Chapter 40) Illegal Ocean Swimming
Chapter 41 (I Cried)
Chapter 42- (Pity Makes Me Weak)
Chapter 43- (I Loathe You)
Chapter 44- (Live Without Regrets)
Chapter 45 (Our Journey)
Chapter 46- (To The Moon And Back)
Mr. Cowboy's Kinda Bad- (EPILOGUE)

Mr Cowboy's Kinda Bad- Chapter 30 (My Lies Will Be The Death Of Me)

5.1K 113 7
By Shanniboo402

Hey y'all! Hope y'all are doing well. I had a snowy St Patty's Day!

Here's the next chapter! Enjoy!


Chapter 30- (My Lies Will Be The Death of Me)

That morning I had woken up to a nasty headache knocking on my door.

I trudged into my bathroom, still in my dress from last night, and pulled out a bottle of Advil from the medicine cabinet. Cupping my hands and filling them with water from the tap, I downed two pills hoping I could manage to keep them in my stomach.

Sitting on the edge of my tub, I dry heaved thinking about what I had done the night before.

I wanted to punch myself in the gut for my actions last night. I don't remember much but I do remember that I made the biggest mistake of my life.

Breaking up with Tatum was the dumbest idea and quite possibly the most idiotic thing I have done in my mere seventeen years of life. I wanted to take it back. All of it!

My heart sunk deeper into my chest once I realized that Tatum probably hates me now. I'm not sure what upsets me more. The fact that I broke up with him, or that he never bothered coming after me.

To be honest, I don't blame him. I was acting like a completely drunken bitch. I'm pretty sure I even made out with Leila...

How can I expect him to pity me when I don't tell him what's wrong?

I needed to talk to him. I needed to hear his voice. Most of all, I needed to tell him everything.

Since I managed to keep down the Advil, I took a few more gulps of tap water before putting on a pair of high wasted shorts and a crop top. I walked down the steps, my stomach growling.

My house felt so empty and lonely. It was quiet and once I walked into the kitchen, I realized why.

On the granite island in the middle of the kitchen was an envelope with my name on it.

It was my mothers handwriting...

I picked up the cream colored envelope and slowly opened it, fearing the worst, hoping for the best.

Wrapped up in the letter was three one hundred dollar bills. I set them aside, taking a deep breath before I read.

Dear Addison,

I never meant for your life to be collateral damage in my marriage. By the time you read this, I will be halfway to New Jersey by now. I need to get things in order with your father. It pains me to say, but we are getting a divorce. I'm hoping that I can get some money out of your father to help pay the bills. Im not sure how long I will be gone, but I'm going to get a job and will send you money to pay the bills.

For now, I have left you three hundred. Please try to make it last.

I love you Addison.

- Mom

A single tear slipped down my cheek as I read my mothers letter. From now on, I'm alone. It's not like Danny ever comes around.

I'm living alone forced to pay bills because my mother abandoned me.

I have three hundred dollars to my name with - I opened the fridge- with only a head of lettuce, half empty jar of pickles, and a three fourths empty bottle of whiskey to show for it.

My family is consumed by alcohol. Hell, I'm getting that way.

I'm scared.

Taking the chilled whiskey bottle, I flung it across the room at the wall. It shattered against the eggshell stucco leaving a piercing noise along with my screams.

What the hell am I going to do?

I need a job... and fast.

I ran out the front door and grabbed the news paper looking through the classifieds.

My eye caught an add about a waitressing position at a local bar and pub. I can use my fake ID and because it's only a waitress job, they probably do it under the table.

I brushed my teeth quickly and hopped into my car, driving into town.

JD's Pub and Grille was pretty busy for a Sunday and then I realized that there was a baseball game on the flat screen TVs mounted from the ceilings.

I walked to the long rectangular bar in the middle speaking to the man closest to me, "Excuse me." I say.

The bar tender was still cleaning a shot glass when he spoke, "What can I get ya?"

"Oh nothing, thank you. I'm here for the job. May I talk to the owner?" It came out more as a question then I had hoped.

The guy looked up and smiled. I'm not sure if it was because he was happy, or because he thought I was hot. The bartender- I will not lie - is very attractive. "You're lookin' at him."

He looked maybe twenty-five.

His brown hair covers the tips of his icy blue eyes and his sleeves hold snug fits around his muscular arms.

He reached out his hand, "I'm Doug. Nice to meet you."

I took his big hand in mine and shook it, "Addison." I made a small, shy, smile.

He threw his white rag over his shoulder, "You must be here for the bar tending position, yes?"

I froze.

"Um, I thought it was a waiting job..."

He smiled, "That too. If you are a quick learner with a decent schedule, you're hired."

I fiddled with my purse, how can I fake being in high school?! If I tell him I'm only in high school, he will never hire me.

"Um- well, I have school until three Monday through Friday. Then I'm free, plus I'm free for this summer."

The guy made a frown, "Sorry, I can't have high schoolers serving alcohol. Thanks for coming in though!"

I panicked.

Grabbing onto his shoulder as he turned away, I spoke like I was offended, "I'm in college not high school..."

"Oh man, I'm sorry. I didn't think you were."

I genuinely laughed, "Don't worry. I get that a lot..."

He laughed as well, "So, where do you go?"

I was caught of guard, "What?" Then I registered what he asked, "Oh! I- um, Georgia Tech!"

He slapped the mahogany counter, "No way! That's where I went! What's your major?"

Good God he needs to stop with all these pointless questions. "I'm still undecided... I'll probably pick Biology for next year though."

"That's great! I didn't major in bio but I heard they have a great program. Anyway, do you think you can learn how to make drinks quickly?"

I smiled, "I'm sure I could!"

"Great! You're hired! To make it easier on you with classes, how about I make your hours four to ten until your summer break?"

"Sounds awesome! When can I start?" I ask anxious to start my new job.

"How about next Saturday, ten AM to eight PM?"

I thought it through, I have finals all this week and then the next after that is senior week. We basically do nothing besides practice for graduation. Since my new job starts the week after my tests, I am happy.

"Yep! Sure!" I said with genuine excitement. It will be nice for once to not need to rely on my parents for money. Actually, for the past year it's not really like they provided me much anyway.

Only hell.

I walked out if the bar feeling happy until I got into my car and realized I had to finish other issues of my own.


I started my car and began to drive away towards Tatum's farm. This is going to tear me apart...

On my way towards Tatum's I noticed a small produce stand that belongs to a local farm. Maybe I could find Tatum a peace offering.

I pulled into the dirt parking lot and walked into the cute little building. There were tons of different kinds of fruits and vegetables. Most of them were grown in Georgia and some of the fruits were grown in Florida.

My mouth watered once I saw a stand of juicy looking Georgia peaches. Would Tatum like them? I have seen them in the kitchen so I figured why not.

I put a few in the plastic produce bags and brought them to the makeshift checkout counter. Next to it, was a smaller stand filled with different sized, plastic tubs of honey.

I picked up the medium sized tub and set it with the peaches on the counter.

An old man with a salt and pepper beard grinned, "Ya all set ma'am?"

I nodded as he typed in the prices on his cash register. "That will be nine fifty." I handed him a ten as he asked, "Would you like a bag?"

I smiled at him, "No thank you. And keep the change!"

"Have a great day honey." The old farmer said.

"Thanks, you too!" I said as I carried my peaches in my right hand and honey in the other.

I sat down in my car and put the fruit and honey in the passenger side seat. I pulled away, not even five minutes from Tatum's house.

I hope this will help him forgive me... I am such and idiot.

Pulling into Tatum's drive way, I grabbed onto my peace offering. I took a deep breath before stepping out of the car.

My ears picked up on a singing noise. The voice sounds familiar and it was coming from the barn.

I walked closer to the noise trying not to look at the sweet homemade honey, calling my name.

Giving in, I opened the plastic lid and stuck my finger inside. I licked off the sweet honey and fell in love.

The music was getting louder. I walked into the horse barn saying hello to Bolthouse. I was immediately entranced by the song. It was Tatum's voice. He must be up in the hay loft. The sounds of an acoustic guitar followed his melodies.

When I got the news today, I didn't know why to say

So I just hung up the phone,

Took a walk to clear my head, and this is where it led.

Can't believe you're really gone, don't feel like going home

So I'm gonna sit right here, on the edge of this pier

Watch the sunset disappear, and drink a beer.

Tatum and his voice blew me away. His soft, deep, and raspy voice had me wrapped around his finger.

My attention was taken away from the music when Bolthouse started to go nuts in his stall. I set down the honey and peaches on the ground nearby and walked to the stall. The door to his stall was gone. Only a chain was keeping him inside.

"Bolthouse, what's wrong! Are you hungry?" I picked up a hanging hay feeder and hung it on the inside stall.

I was hoping he would shut up but he continued to go crazy. It wasn't until bolt house busted out of the stall that I realized I was about two feet away from a big snake.

It was hiding under the hay. It's scaly, grey, diamond shaped skin was coiled, it's beady eyes staring at me. The end of its long body was in a point, rattling.

Oh shit...


Tatum's P. O. V

My guitar nearly fell out of my hands while I sang in the hayloft. I was singing on the edge of the second floor doors when I heard a blood curdling scream coming from downstairs.

I nimbly jumped up, throwing my guitar on the hay bales. The screams continued making out my name.

It was Addison... I charged down the steps two at a time until I stopped dead in my tracks.

Addison was on the concrete flooring pushing her self back, crab walk style. A Diamondback Rattlesnake was standing tall and ticked off right in front of her.

I quickly ran into the tack room and grabbed my shot gun off the wall.

I knew it was loaded so all I did was take off the safety.

I ran back out into the barn and called to Addison, "Cover your ears!"

She did as I asked and just when the snake was about to strike, I aimed and blew its head into smithereens.

Addison fell on her back, her chest rising and falling quickly. I out the safety on the gun and set it on the ground before running towards her and kneeling down, "Are you alright? Did you get bit."

She took a deep breath and put her palm over my cheek, "You saved me." She smiled and then rubbed her ears, "and made me go deaf."

I laughed, "Sorry darlin'."

Bolthouse has wandered back into the barn now checking everything out, he walked over to us still on the ground. I noticed him looking at a plastic tub of something on the floor. And then he picked it up with his mouth above our heads.

"No Bolthouse! No!" Addison yelled but she was too late.

A sticky substance dripped all over us. I tasted it on my tongue, a sweet taste. Homemade honey was dripped all over the two of us.

I stood up and put Bolthouse into a temporary stall, the sticky honey dripping from my hair and face. Addison was the same way. She still was in shock. After I put Bolt away, I helped her up.

As soon as she got to her feet, she clung to me in a hug. Both our faces and hair stuck together.

By now we were both covered in the honey.

"I'm so sorry Tatum!" She cried, hugging me tighter. "I didn't mean what I said. None of it. I'm such an idiot and thought drinking would solve all my problems." She looked up into my eyes with her bottom lip stuck out, "It didn't..."

"Why didn't you talk to me about it? What's wrong?"

She snorted looking away, making a disgusted face, "What isn't wrong?" A sad sigh escaped her lips, "For starters, I'm not going to college because my mother thought it be a great idea to take my school savings."

"What? Oh my god Addison. I'm so sorry!" I say, "Isn't there any other option?"

She shook her head stepping away from me, "I've looked into it. Vet school is expensive. Even if I went to GT for Bio it's about fifteen grand a year. At this point, I can't afford college. I'm pretty sure I won't be able to pay my car loan for the month."

"So just ask your mom to come up with the money." I say, trying to help.
Addison shook her head no. She turned away, tears pricking her eyes. I walked in front of her, using my hand to pick up her head, "Hey, don't cry."

Addison clung to the back of my sticky flannel, "She's gone Tatum." Add sobbed.


"She left me. She went back to New Jersey leaving me with only three hundred bucks. She said she was gonna send money but I doubt that will happen." Tears ran down her cheeks, "What the hell am I supposed to do? I can't go to the cops because I'll be put into foster care for what? A year? Then when I'm eighteen, I'm on my ass!"

This is unbelievable. How the hell can a mother leave her own damn child? If I ever have a child, daughter or not, I would never let them out of my sites. No way in hell.

I caressed Addison, rocking her back and forth, soothing her, "Don't worry darlin' I will help you with what ever you need. If you want, you can move in with us."

Addison looked up at me, deep, dark pain behind the color of her eyes, "Really? You will?" I nodded my head. She took my sticky face with her small hands, "I love you." She says, some of the brightness coming back to her face. Leaning in, her lips connected with mine.

A sweet and salty taste entered my mouth making me want to kiss her even more. Giving this sensitive moment, I pulled away using the pads of my thumbs to wipe away her remaining tears.

"Wanna go get cleaned up now?" I asked.

She smiled and said, "For right now, I'd rather do this-" and then she kissed me, making me realize that my life is way easier.

Damnit I love this girl which I know will only make her life and mine ten times harder...

My lies will be the death of me...


Uh oh! What did you guys think? Drop a comment, I'd love to hear!

Mentioned song is "Drink A Beer" by Luke Bryan

Song on the side is "Honey Bee" by Blake Shelton

DONT FORGET vote Luke Bryan for ACM entertainer of the year!!!

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