The Villian (GirlxGirl)-Compl...

By ElviaKagamine24

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This is the first book in a 3 series story. Merciless (Mercy) Knight was never a good person. In fact she's t... More

Life Is Confusing
Is it Love? Or Is It Just Lust?
New Town New Faces
Bad Days Are Contagious
Unwanted Family Reunion
Why is Everyone Having Bad Days?
Aruguments and Family Issues
Things Are About to Change
Relationships Are Gone
Emotional Days
Love and Hardships
Don't Get Your Hope Up
Escaping Back Home
I Need Some Water For The Spiciness
On and Off Relationships are Common These Days.
Fighting For the Same Girl
I Almost Lost You. Im Not Leaving.
Death Will Not Be Victorious
Im Not Running Anymore
What Is Going to Happen to Us?
Failed Plan?
What Does The Future Hold?
Seperation Is Key To Sucess

I'm A Villain for a Reason

223 5 1
By ElviaKagamine24

~Mykie's p.o.v~
I drugged my mom's food so I could sneak out. She'll be sleep for the rest of the day and my dad doesn't pay attention to me. The only problem right now is Jae. He's been around me the entire time. "I need to take a shower." I tell him while going into my room. He follows me. Ugh!! "Get out." I demand. "Let me wash you." He offers. "No." I answer bluntly while trying to push him out my room. He won't budge. Whatever. I run to my bathroom and slam the door shut before he could come in. Finally. Time to escape. Lucky for me I requested that the palace staff install my shower with a timer that will shut off the water whenever I want it too. Jae won't see it coming. I turn on the shower and climb up on the toilet to get to my window. Here goes nothing. As soon as I open the window a huge gust of wind nearly makes me fall out of it. That was close. Breathe Mykie, breathe. If I jump I'll land in the pool. 3...2...1!! I jump out the window and start falling. The castle is very big. My room is on the 3rd floor. In front of me the water from the pool gets closer and closer as I near it. Brace for impact!! *SPLASH!!* Good thing I know how to swim. I break the surface of the water and gasp for air. If I had belly flopped it would've felt like I hit concrete. It still hurt though. My entire body is tingling now. I get out the pool and start running towards the castle gates. I'm cold. I look around for guards and no ones guarding the gates. We need better staff. Before I can open them I hear the sound of footsteps. Crap!! I dive into the bushes next to me and peek out through a leaf. It's just a horse...A HORSE!! I jump out the bushes and grab it's saddle. It neighs when I rub it's back. "Hey Maximus. I need you to help me escape. Will you let me ride you?" I ask him. He neighs again and sits down. I'll take that as a yes. I mount his saddle and put the reins in my hands. "Forward, Maximus." I request. He stands up and starts galloping away from the castle. Luckily our gates open automatically. As I ride through the kingdom the village folk around me acknowledge my presence with cheers. Thank you but I don't have time to stop and chat. "Faster Maximus!" I demand. He neighs loudly and goes faster. My wet hair blows in my face. Ugh. I got a mouthful of hair. This sucks. Anyways, the Blood Wolves's base is in the woods where the Shadows are. Just the thought of them sends chills up my spine. 5 minutes pass and Maximus and I are approaching the entrance to the woods. I squeeze Maximus's reins as we go inside the woods. "Don't panic Maximus. Just go slowly." I reassure while rubbing his head. All of a sudden I see a shadow coming up to us. Crap!! "RUN MAXIMUS!!" I yell while whipping his reins. We take off galloping deeper into the woods. We should be close to the base by now. Where is it?! It's hidden by a huge oak tree. In front of me I see the door. There!! "We're almost there Maximus!! Keep going!!" I encourage as more shadows start chasing us. When we get to the door I jump off Maximus and bang on the metal door. "LET US IN!! THE SHADOWS ARE CHASING US!! ITS ME MYKIE!!" I scream while continuing to bang on the door. As if on cue the door flies open and I face plant onto the floor in front of me. Ow!! Maximus runs in after me. I hear the door shut quickly and lock. Thank god. If only he could fly like the other horses. Unfortunately he wasn't born with wings like the others. Poor thing. "Mykie? Why are you are?" A familiar voice asks me. Cora!! I stand up and brush myself off. "I wanted to talk to you and Mercy about something important." I answer while hugging myself. I'm freezing. Cora notices and sighs. "Come with me." She says while walking away. "Stay here Maximus." I tell him then following Cora. She guides me through the maze of rooms until we stop in front of hers. "Mercy is asleep." She tells me as we go in her room. Aw man. Sure enough Mercy was sprawled out on Cora's bed asleep. That's an interesting position. "What's so important that you came all the way here for?" She asks while sitting down in a chair. I clear my throat as she throws me a blanket. "Natalie and Louis are coming after Mercy. They said this time they were going to kill her." I answer while putting the cover around me. Cora's face turns grim. "Of course they are. Do they not care about the balance of good and evil? Without Mercy, Eden will fall into chaos." She retorts. I know. "My father said that if Eden can survive eighteen years without a villain than we can survive without one at all." I tell her. She scoffs. "Bullshit." She says back. "I just wanted to warn you just in case an entire team of soldiers ambush you." I add in. She nods her head. "Thanks."....I blush and mess with my fingers. "Do you think I could have an escort back to the castle? Shadows are everywhere." I ask hesitantly. She stands up. "I'll do it." She offers. "Thank you Cora." I retort as we leave her room.....

********Jae's p.o.v*******
Mykie has been in the shower for awhile now. What's taking her so long? I open the door and she's not there. She snuck out...again. I always fall for it. Dang it. Behind me her room door opens and a maid walks in. "The King would like to speak with his daughter." She tells me with a blush. She's cute. I smile and walk towards her. "I'll make sure to tell her but, what's your name darling?" I ask while backing her against the wall. Her face turns crimson. "M-Milo." She squeaks. "Such a pretty name for a beautiful girl." I retort while touching her cheek. "U-Um, I have to go serve the queen now so please let me go." She requests while trying to escape my grip. I chuckle and lean down to her neck. She squeals and squirms around. "You smell nice for a maid." I compliment. "Please stop Mr.Jae, I need to go back to work." She retorts. No way am I letting this chance go. I pick her up bridal style and throw her onto Mykie's bed. "You must be so tired after working all day. Why don't you let me clear your head of all the things you have to do~." I tease while trailing my finger down her chest. This maids outfit really turns me on. Mykie is my fiancée but she doesn't satisfy me. I've slept with half the staff in this castle. Even her little sister. "I-I suppose I wouldn't mind that Mr.Jae." Milo tells me with a look of lust on her face. Score. "Just leave it all to me." I whisper in her ear...

*****Time Skip to afterwards******
Milo had fallen asleep right after we had sex. For such an innocent girl she really tried her hardest to keep up with me. Right now I'm putting my clothes back on. All of a sudden Mykie's door slams open and she walks in. "Hope you enjoyed yourself dick!!" She snaps while slapping me in the face. Ouch. "I did enjoy myself." I retort with a smirk. Her face turns red with anger. "GET OUT!!" She yells as tears form in her eyes. That's a first. "I can't believe you'd sleep with another girl in MY bed!!" She cries. Damn. I didn't think she'd care this much. I try to hug her but she kicks me in the balls. "OUCH!! GOD DAMN IT MYKIE!!" I yell at her. She spits in my face. "Go to hell!!" She growls while shoving me out her room. I try to grab her hand but she slams the door in my face. What about the maid? A guard walks up to me. "Is everything all right Mr.Jae?" He asks me. Not really. "I'm fine but, I need some ice like right now." I retort while leaning against the wall. That kick really hurt. I still love you Mykie. You're the only girl for me and I can't wait to make you mine....

*****Mercy's p.o.v*****
I wake up and yawn loudly. What time is it? Next to me Cora is in her underwear reading a book. What the heck? She looks smokin hot but why? "How'd you sleep?" She asks me. "Oh. Fine." I answer while stretching my arms. It was 10 in the morning in New York but here it's evening time. The time is definitely different alright. My sleep schedule is off now. Cora closes her book and turns on her side so she's facing me. "When you got captured at the park Mykie saved you." She tells me. Mykie? Oh!! That girl from the castle. "She's a bitch." I retort. Cora rolls her eyes. "That bitch was the one who took care of you and made sure you didn't die." She says back. Damn. She did? Like I care. "So what? She acted so cocky towards me. I wish I could beat her ass." I respond with a glare. Cora sighs and forces me to lay back down. "She's a nice girl Mercy. It's time you stop being a bitch and start being nice to people." She tells me. That's not gonna happen. "That's an issue for me. It's like being evil runs in my blood." I retort while moving a piece of hair from her face. She snorts. "Is that supposed to be a joke?" She asks while raising her eyebrow. Yep. "Maybe." I answer then tickling her. She laughs and tries to push my hands away. "You're not slick." She retorts then getting on top of me and pinning my hands above my head. I'm starting to think she's more of a top than a bottom. She kisses me softly and pulls back. "I thought you said you weren't going to do that again." I tease while flipping her over with my legs. No way am I being on the bottom. Sorry. She stares up at me with a smile. "Well, technically you ARE my girlfriend now, so what's the problem?" She asks. I blush and smile back. Wow. She went from rejecting me to I'm going to tell everyone I'm your girlfriend. Real smooth Cora. "Are you gonna kiss me or what?" She asks, interrupting my thoughts. "I'm not gonna beg again." She adds in. Aw man. Whatever. I kiss her passionately while trailing my hand down her stomach. She squirms and wraps her arms around my neck pulling me closer. We pull back completely out of breath. "You're getting straight to the point." She teases then kissing me roughly. I smirk into the kiss and put my tongue in her mouth. She's such a tease. Honestly. What am I going to do with her? All of a sudden someone knocks on her room door. It sounded like a special knock. Cora groans and pushes me off her. "It's my boss." She complains while standing up from the bed. Damn it. Her boss pisses me off for no reason. I watch her put on her clothes. It's all black. I guess that's a requirement. I sit up and fix my hair that I'm pretty sure looks like absolute shit. Cora opens the door and lets her boss in. He looks at me with an unreadable expression. Creep. "We got a job request." He tells her. She crosses her arms and raises her eyebrow. "What kind of job?" She asks. I forgot they work at night. That must mean it's like midnight or something. Her boss smiles. "It's an assassination. Aka your specialty." He answers. Cora doesn't say anything. "I already told you I don't want to do assassinations anymore, Larry." She retorts. What the hell kind of name is Larry? Pinhead Larry sounds more fitting. I almost burst out laughing but hold it in. Larry sighs. "No one else wants to do it and you're the only one I know who does a good job at it." He says back with pleading eyes. Can he not take a hint? I'm not gonna sit here and let him manipulate her. "Im sorry for speaking against you but she clearly said she doesn't want to do the job so why don't you take the hint and leave her the fuck alone!!" I snap. Cora looks at me with a smile and mouths "Thank you.". Larry stares at me with an unreadable expression. "You're most definitely a villain. I have an idea, why don't you take the job since you're so adamant on Cora not doing it." He offers with a slight glare. Me? "Fine. I'll do it for her." I answer while standing up. Cora gives me a crazy look. "No way!!" She snaps while walking towards me. "Let me do it Cora. I'm the Villain of Eden after all. It's time I start acting like one." I retort with a sad smile. She shakes her head. "Killing someone changes you Mercy. It numbs your soul to no return. I won't let you do thi-" I interrupt her by kissing her deeply. She clings onto my shirt. I pull back and stare into her eyes. "I'll be fine." I reassure. Her eyes flicker with worry and she turns to Larry. "Let me go with her." She requests with a determined stare. He smirks. "Fine. After your amazing show just now I'll go ahead and let you go with her." He answers then leaving the room. Cora grits her teeth and slams the door shut. "Fucking creep!!" She snaps while kicking her dresser. I wrap my arms around her torso and pull her into an embrace. She relaxes in my arms. "We're gonna be ok." I reassure. "It's gonna change you Mercy. That's  what I'm worried about." She retorts. What you don't know Cora is I've already changed....

Authors note-None. Hope you enjoy it. :) bye bye.

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