Royally Screwed

By AntagonistPains

5.6M 173K 19.9K

Alana has always found comfort in her bedroom, especially now with the Crown Prince of Greece warming her bed... More

part 1
part 2
part 3
Destiny Unravelled
BONUS: The Black Dress


109K 3.3K 104
By AntagonistPains



Each step I took felt heavier than my last, I could barely move my leg above the ground. Gravity never felt as heavy till you're leaving, or doing something you may regret. Truth was, I wasn't fit to be Queen. 

There was a regality I lacked. It's the very one that can't be taught to a public school going Irish girl. With the mistakes I've made in my own life, heaven knew what I would do with a country in my hands.

Truth was, it didn't occur to me that I'd end up as a Queen with actual Queenly responsibilities. So I needed to let the Queen know that I was done, and if they wouldn't let me go, I would let the press know I was pregnant. It was the easiest way to wreck a castle. 

It wasn't an easy thought, it was one that went through my head, wrapped around Philips arms as I tried to think of escape.

But then, as I walked I saw two incredibly familiar faces. The first figure was holding the second figure, hands on her shoulders protectively. The first figure had peppermint black hair with startled eyes. I couldn't stopped the thought of those wide eyes as he wandered around a castle. Guess, I wasn't marrying an imposter. I resisted the urge to shout.

The second figure held her shawl protectively as though that would ease the shock of it all, she kept glancing at the larger figure, her brown hair a little messy from the long flight.

I'd recognise the two of them anywhere. Even with the guards almost blocking them from my sight.

"Mum, Dad?"

The two in question turned to look at me, both breaking out in grins when they saw me. "Alana," my mum said, breaking apart from my dad to hug me. "You look so different," she crooned as she held me. I tightened my grip on her, missing her terribly.

"What are you doing here?" I asked her as my dad approached us, less of a dash but more of a calm sophisticated swagger that I'd expect.

"We got a royal letter and plane tickets," My mum said, "the letter said we were invited to our own daughters engagement party." Her cheeks turned an angry scarlet at that. "Pete, tell her how silly that is."

My dad who looked like a lost peppermint coloured pigeon nodded, "I have to admit, it seemed a little drastic. They can't leave us out of our own daughters wedding." His eyes were almost falling out of his head.

"I'm sorry you had to learn like this," I started to say but mum who was too excited cut me off.

"But honey, when you left, your father and I were thinking that it's incredibly brave of you to restart your life and also take responsibility for your child instead of letting it go. Knowing you, both your father and I thought you'd abort the child-"

"I didn't think that," my dad hastily cut in.

"- but we're glad you're keeping it and making sure it has the best life it possibly could." She gave me another tight hug for that, "you're incredibly mature for a 21 year old," she added.

The brunette guard who has been escorting me around the palace, coughed. It drew all three of us to turn to look at her. "I'm sorry," She said lamely, "but her Majesty is waiting."

I glanced at her, sending her my best dirty glance, "Let her wait," I snapped. Turning back to my family, but the damage had been done and her words had the intended effect. My mum withdrew.

In that moment, as though seeing me had strengthened her resolve and she looked like the usual mum I know, less scared and already in-charge, "you need to go Alana, I heard we'll be joining you for lunch. We can catch up then." She sends me off with a kiss on the cheek. My dad gave me a brief hug. His eyes were still wider than they've ever been.

I followed my guard, trying to remember how I wanted to say it to the Queen, to give my message the most harshest effect but seeing my parents so accepting of my situation, made me realise the consequences that would occur if I don't go through with the wedding.

The child that my parents have accepted now will go through shame, never be able to know who the father was. There was also the large fact that stood bright as day in my face. They knew what I wanted to do, they knew I would abort the child.

Seeing the pride in their eyes for the way I was handling this set me off. Even in school my best report cards, which wasn't that great I suppose, I'd never seen such pride in their eyes. There'd always been a weariness to them when it came to me. I'd often felt like I'd aged them years. Never had there been that in their eyes - pride. The emotion is so foreign on their faces it took the steps to the Queen throne room for me to digest this

My steps felt as heavy as it dawned on me that I was going to be stuck here. So when I entered the Queens Chambers, I knew that there was no leaving this tomorrow or the day after or for the rest of my life.

When I thought of prison, I never thought of beds that are as soft as feathers, or servants and maids to tend to my need, or to holiday castles and visits to places I've longed to visit.

No, my thoughts had always been of the darkest pits with horror movie henchmen to prevent any chance of escape.

It's funny how even the most luxurious of homes can feel like a cage. I touched my stomach which had yet to swell, I'm doing this for you. I thought.

It was much later I'd wonder if this was a coincidence that the day I wanted to say goodbye, was the day the brought my parents over to stay in the castle.

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