Is This Shoulder Taken?

By dawndwrites

59.8K 3.9K 318

Kendall Prescott and Greyson Carrington. Can a broken heart ever truly heal? Kendall Prescott is looking forw... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 8

4.2K 285 15
By dawndwrites


I couldn't believe it was possible to shed that many tears. I was thinking about my past and now contemplating my future. I also didn't realize that laying my head on Greyson's shoulder would be so comforting. He held me tightly, while I cried buckets of tears. What must this man think of me? I could stay in his comforting embrace forever. I needed his strength, and he knew it without me asking.

He interrupted my thoughts, nudging my chin up to peer directly into his eyes. "Are you feeling better now, or do you still need my shoulder to cry on?"

My face became warm and flushed, with the deep richness in his voice. I looked directly into his grey gaze while he was still holding me. Greyson's simple touch affected me in a way I had never experienced before. I was at a loss for words.

His eyes portrayed something I still could not define yet, for sure. Was it some type of longing? I have seen him give me that unnerving stare a few times since I have been here. But his eyes also held a tenderness, that I saw this morning. He still had not let go of me.

I was not complaining, I enjoyed being held by him. It removed one more chip from the stone that covered my heart. . . . I knew my resolve would betray me around him.

I broke the intense silence, clearing my throat. "Thank you so much for letting me cry on your shoulder and for your comfort. I know some men get uncomfortable seeing a woman cry, but you knew just what I needed."

He interrupted me. "I took a course in college on helping crying women, before I got my Masters Degree in Architecture." His eyes danced with laughter, before he winked.

I knew that wink was coming. I was growing fond of it and him. He always has something funny, or witty to say. Before that, it almost looked like he was about to kiss me. I was in disbelief and blushed at the thought alone.

Hmmm. . .was Greyson getting ready to kiss me? Did he say something funny to distract himself, and not just me? I guess I'll never know.

"Are you really an architect? You never mentioned that before today." I was surprised and truly in amazement.

He put his hand to his chest. "I am a bonafide world class architect. I've designed buildings all around the world." He put his finger up to his lips. "I don't usually tell people that. I like people to get to know me, before I talk about my profession. I'm not usually home in Dallas much. I had planned on telling you today and I wanted to show you the plans for a new development I designed. I'm going out of town tomorrow, because they need my expertise as the architect."

Greyson, is so different from Mark. He is very humble and not extravagant. Though he could be. He doesn't rely on his family fortune or name. I noticed that right away when I first met him. He was more interested in me and what I did. I just lost another chip of stone from covering my heart.

I was curious. "How long will you be gone?" I was hoping it wouldn't be too long.

He thought about it. "I'm not sure yet. I'll know once I see job and meet with the owners of the development. Hopefully just a few days."

I hurriedly got to the point. "When you get back, I would like to discuss something with you. It is pretty important. Maybe we could have dinner?"

"That sounds like a plan to me. I'll call you as soon as I get back in town." He was intrigued wondering what I wanted to discuss.

"Can you let your parents know that I left? I'm not really up to seeing anyone after all of the crying that I did. I left your momma's pearls in the guest room. I think I'm going to head home now. It's been a very eventful weekend." I laughed to keep from crying.

"No worries, I'll do everything you asked Kendall. I'm always here to talk about anything troubling you. Feel better soon. Those orders are from me." He spoke so sweetly, but he was very direct.

Of course, he walked me to my car. I love that he is such a gentleman. He did something this time, that totally caught me off guard. He reached for me and I couldn't move for the sudden surprise gesture.

Greyson surprised me again. He held out his arms saying, "Come here."

I went to him and he held me in his arms for a few minutes. My heart rate sped up like never before. His eyes sparkled with something that I couldn't name. It was the same look he gave me in the foyer when I thought he might kiss me. He studied my face, and it was hard for me to breathe. My head started spinning.

He bent his head and kissed me softly on my lips. I kissed him back. That kiss was more tender than anything I could have imagined. I was in shock. . .that simple lingering kiss sent chills throughout my entire body. My heart was hammering in my chest.

"I'm sorry Kendall, I should not have kissed you. I don't want to ruin our friendship." He was visibly conflicted with himself.

"It's okay." I began to stare down at the gravel in the driveway. I couldn't bear to look at him. I didn't want to seem upset, or hurt that he was sorry he kissed me.

He helped me into my car. We both said goodbye awkwardly, and I drove away from the Carrington Ranch.

What just happened, did Greyson actually kiss me? I can't help but wonder if his heart is beating as fast as mine right now. . .


I cannot believe I managed to drive home and make it safely to my apartment. What an eventful and unexpected weekend, that ended with that shocking kiss from Greyson.

Why did he apologize? I guess I really am just a friend to him. I wasn't sorry that he kissed me.

I'll always remember the way he gently lifted my chin, looked at me with his mesmerizing gaze, and softly kissed my lips. It felt like I was in a modern day Jane Austen Movie. I wanted to swoon. That kiss took my breath away. The man is undeniably extraordinary.

My cell phone rang and startled me out of my thoughts. Of course, it had to be in the bottom of my pocketbook.

I didn't recognize the phone number. "Hello?"

"Hello Kendall." Came the words from a voice, with a deep timbre that I recognized as Greyson's.

I was trying to sound calm and collected. "Hi Greyson. Did I leave something behind at the ranch?"

I must really amuse him. "No, you didn't leave anything behind. I was calling to make sure you got home safely. I considered your safety enough of an emergency to use your cellphone number." He chuckled to himself.

I took a few deep breaths. "I'm glad you made that exception, and called to make sure that I got home safely. Now that you have used my cellphone number. You are welcome to call anytime."

Is that really all I could come up with? Well, this was kind of short notice.

He laughed at my ridiculous come back. "Thank you for permission to call you. I'm glad you got home safe and I enjoyed our visit this weekend. I have an early flight to catch in the morning, so I'm heading to bed. Goodnight."

He never mentioned the kiss today. It was as if it never happened.

"Thank you, have a safe flight. Goodnight, Greyson." I held the phone a little longer than necessary. I stared blankly at my phone.

I screamed after I hung up the phone. I was giddy, like a school girl! I couldn't believe he called to make sure I got home safely. I grabbed my pint of Southern Butter Pecan ice cream, that I had been saving out of the freezer. I plopped on the couch and turned on the Hallmark Channel.

I haven't watched a romantic comedy in a long time. I knew after that kiss and phone call. . . my heart was in deep trouble.

I laid in bed checking the clock every hour. I could not go to sleep, or stop thinking about my unforeseen weekend, with the Carringtons. Now Greyson was going out of town and I need to talk to him as soon as possible.

He is not even my boyfriend. My heart was like stone for a whole year. Then, I met the most beautiful man with striking grey eyes.

I need sleep, a reality check, and to call my old therapist. I'll call first thing in the morning for an appointment. This is going to be an interesting week back to work at the art gallery.

                                         ~Don't Forget To Vote/Comment~❤️

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