fall for you ll Nathan Sykes...

By kidbianca

2.6K 84 26

Jamie is a smart bright girl she does her best day in and day out but when 'it' comes in her life, everything... More

fall for you
chapter 3 'unique'
chapter 4 'secrets'
chapter 5 'clueless'
chapter 6 'Everybody knows
chapter 7 'demons'
chapter 8 'DANGEROUS'
chapter 9 'danger'
chapter 10 love wolfs???
chapter 11 'weird'
chapter 12 'radioactive'
chapter 13 'insane'
chapter 14 ' flashbacks'
chapter15 'explanation'
chapter 16 ' new creation'
chapter 17 'safe'
chapter 18 'your home'
chapter 19 'at sunset'
chapter 20 ' we need to go'
chapter 21 'this day wouldn't come'
chapter 22 'as long as were alright'
sneak peek
lame news

chapter 2 'beautiful'

207 6 0
By kidbianca

beautiful ~ wonderful; very pleasing or satisfying.



point of view

hello! so you probably know me as nath, baby nath, or Nathan sykes or Nathan from 'the wanted'

anyways me and my 'mates' have all been around here for centuries. yes,I did in fact say centuries!!!!! well everyone has a dark secret right well ours are most likely to be worse then yours . anyways well I'm a fallen angle , Tom is a vampire/shadowhunter , Max is a warlock, Siva is a vampire,  Jay is sort of a shapeshifter/warlock

and then theirs me . . . . but, supposably fallen Angles are suppose to be cute , hot , sexy but I  all I see in the mirror is a 17 year old bo. . MAN with brown hair and blueish greenish eyes . ( that are supposably unique) but what confuses me is why do they call me sexy Nathan sykes . but I guess the world is weird like that ......


so while I was on my way to school (yes school high school its still dangerous because I'm from the wanted and theirs such a thing called fangirling I have seen it with my eyes but yea anyways) a thought came across me what if fine my 'MATE' was in this school ? but then I stopped because I saw the most beautiful girl sitting on the bench reading .... reading a book she had blackish brown hair with the same unqie eyes I have but then my bubble busted because of "JAMIE you need to stop reading those type of books do you realize what it could do to your brain especially with the whole vampire and shadowhunter and fallen angles crap" said one of her friend with brown hair and brown eyes . I got to say I thought she looked so innocent but in fact she was the opposite of that .

then i believe the girl named Jamie said "but the fallen angles are always the most sexist character described in the book ." therefore I thought to myself 'hey I must be pretty sexy since I am infact a fallen angel with mystical powers ( like able to read minds ,change a persons mood, and give them life and also give the shocks) but maybe I can read her mind and see if she think I'm really sexy but right when I was about to the bell rang meaning I had to go to my first period.


when I was on my way to my class I saw the same beautiful girl I believe her name was jasmine or something like that ,but before I could actually think my legs began to take control of me and started walking towards her and I know I have to think of something and fast.

"Erm..... hello" omfg I can be so stupid sometimes but then she looked up at me and I saw those amazing unqie eyes starring at me. then she decide to open her mouth and say " hi my name is jamie what's yours?" I looked at her and was about to say something but she then looked down at her jacket and her eyes went wide and then she looked right at me and said " OMFG your THE Nathan sykes from the wanted ..... " she paused all of the sudden then spoke up again " I thought you are in a band am I right but then why are you here at a high school ?"

I then realised why she kept looking at her jacket it said 'NATHAN SYKES IS MY BOYFRIEND' I was quiet shocked that she was apart of the fanmily. I then opened my mouth to say something. " yes i am the 'Nathan sykes' from the wanted and plus the reason why I'm here is that I just want a normal life as possible and study in school" she was shocked in my response because her mood was shocked yet surprised that I was right here in front of her. " by the way I really like your jacket and maybe I am or not" she then blushed I was shocked at that for sure as in me . me Nathan sykes just made this beautiful girl blushed.

I then walked away to my seat to get ready for the class. but during the school day I realized that I had most of my classes with Jamie. maybe this was a sign maybe she was the one maybe she was my 'MATE' but I then realised that my mate needed to have blood of a supernatural or be a supernatural I was wishing she was one of them but I discovered my chances with her being a supernatural was very low like LOW LOW .


hello their please don't judge i know the story isn't the best but this is my first one so that it


        ----   Bianca

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