Carved Happiness ( Jeff the K...

By officialemotrashcan

403K 10.9K 6.9K

This is by no means a story of which a girl falls in love with this amazing, hot serial killer who is so prot... More

// Prolouge // *important
Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twentyone
Chapter twentytwo
Chapter twentythree
Chapter twentyfour
Chapter twentyfive
Chapter twentysix
Chapter twentyseven
Chapter twentyeight
Chapter twentynine
Chapter thirty
Chapter thirtyone
Chapter thirtytwo
Chapter thirtythree
Chapter thirtyfour
Chapter thirtyfive
Chapter thirtysix
Late A/N
Woop Woop

Chapter fifteen

9.6K 300 239
By officialemotrashcan

We've, aka Jeff since he's been carrying me the whole way, been walking for hours and it makes me wonder how far the cabin was. I mean, when I ran after that idiot it didn't feel like I've been walking this long. I have so many questions I want to ask him, but I can't. I can't push myself to ask anything. Vivian. My brothers death. Why he can't just kill me, and save himself from all this complicated mess. I guess it's just better this way. Silent, although we're both have thoughts running through our fucked up minds. I shouldn't push it, since he's almost like a different species than me. He's faster. He's insane. He's manipulative. He messes with my head, thinking I can trust everything with him, then the next minute I wish he was dead. There was a small motel along with houses and businesses in the distance. I guess the cabin has to wait. A small town, I assume. Jeff mumbled something to himself, before putting me down and pulling his hood up. I chuckled a little bit, since blood was all over his hoodie.

"What's so funny?" Jeff snapped. I continued laughing.

"You're...hoodie. It's covered with blood, they're going to suspect something," I smirked. He looked down, and laughed as well. He took off his sweatshirt, but his shirt started to come up too. I gasped a little bit, and turned red before turning away.

"Grow up, it's not like I'm stripping," Jeff remarked. I rolled my eyes, as I faced him.

"I know, but it's weird seeing somebody shirtless," I said my face still flushed. Jeff laughed, before walking into the town.

"What about your face?" I said. Jeff shrugged.

"Face-cutting isn't illegal," Jeff shrugged. Yeah, they're not going to think you're a psychopath. Surprisingly, there were people out at this time of night. Mostly drunk guys, though. We passed a group of them, and they made disgusting remarks about my body. I started to walk faster, but Jeff stopped when he heard their comments.

"Jeff, just keep walking it's nothing," I say trying to tug him away. Jeff walked over to the mid-20 year old drunkies.

"Who might you be? The sluts boyfriend?" One guy laughed. Jeff laughed psychotically. He then faced them giving them a look at his face.

"If you even care a slither about your useless life, I'm giving you a head start," Jeff said getting out his knife. Jesus Christ Jeffrey.

"What would a joker looking ass guy do to us? We outnumber you, four to one," another guy smirked. Jeff laughed.

"You know what time it is right now? It's really fucking late so maybe you should just go to sleep," Jeff said before throwing a beer bottle at a guys head. The guy fell backwards, and held his head in pain. I looked around and saw that people were starting to notice what was going on. I grabbed Jeff's arm and ran towards the motel. He squirmed to get away from my grip, but I just held him tighter.

"Y/N, what are you doing? Didn't you hear what they said?" Jeff said angrily.

"What am I doing? What are you doing! You shouldn't even care about me," I protested.

"This again? Can you just accept the fact that I don't want you to get hurt?" Jeff stated.

"You've already hurt me harder than anyone else could," I mumble. Jeff stared at me, emotionless. I don't feel bad about saying that. He just needs to know that no matter what anyone says or does, he's the one who hurts me the most. We just continued walking towards the motel in silence.

Once we got in, the women greeted us but then gasped when she saw Jeff's face.

"He forgot to take off his cosplay makeup," I fake laughed. She laughed with me as well.

"T-that's pretty good makeup, haha for a second I thought he'd be dumb enough to do that to his own face," the lady remarked. Jeff got tense. I kicked his shin lightly to make sure he knows not to kill her.

"So, are you two interested in the couples room?" The lady said. My face got redder than when Jeff took off his shirt.

"Were not together," Jeff glared. The woman look scared from his glare, but smiled shakily.

"O-oh. You two look like you're meant for each other, haha," she laughed nervously.

"Do you believe in God?" Jeff asked as he slammed a credit card on her desk, and she nervously took it and charged it for the room and gave us the motel card.

"I-I...y-yes I'm Christian," she quivered. Jeff smiled.

"Isn't that a good joker impression? He's been practicing!" I chimed in quickly. She let out a breath in relief. I pulled his wrist up the stairs. Dumbass. I took the key from him, and opened up the room. I sat on the bed, and crossed my arms.

"So?" I asked. Jeff started to take of his shoes.

"So what?" He asked stretching. I glared at him.

"Well, you've done it. You kidnapped me from my life. What are you going to do now? Kill me? Torture me? Sell me?" I questioned.

"I wouldn't do that," Jeff mumbled turning the lights off. I scoffed at him.

"Well? I'm helpless, what are you going to do? Run off with Vivian, and leave me here alone?" I spat. Jeff turned on the light. He got out of bed, and pinned me to the wall.

"Vivian is dead. I always plotted to kill her since she was always talking about murdering you. I couldn't...I couldn't kill her for a while since she looked too much like you. Also, to answer your question, I would never leave you alone again," Jeff said letting me go.

"You're not opening up enough. Why do you even go through all this trouble for me?" I groaned. Jeff chuckled tiredly.

"It's late, go to bed," Jeff yawned. I felt anger burning inside me. Why can't he just tell me things? I jumped on his bed, and pinned him down.

"Answer me," I say. Jeff smirked. He broke away from my grasp, and pushed me back on his bed making me the one getting pinned down.

"You don't have control over me, princess," Jeff said letting me go. I started to get up, but Jeff pulled me back down into his arms. I didn't fight it, I just laid there. Jeffrey.

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