Falling - A Pentatonix Story

By morningthunderstorms

25K 707 981

"I really really love you, and I don't think I will ever be able to stop saying that. Just so you know." "Wel... More

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840 26 11
By morningthunderstorms

Kirstie's POV|

When we were in the arena the next day for another show, everything was extremely awkward. Without all the fans watching, we didn't have to put on the act.

The act, being Avi and I awkwardly avoiding each other. Scott, Mitch, Kevin, and Esther were avoiding us, as well.

They had to listen in on our conversation last night, of course. Every time Avi we're forced to look, or talk to each other, my face would go as red as a tomato.

We were finally dismissed to our dressing room to get ready. We were already in our outfits for show time, so we only had hair and makeup.

"What's up between you and Avi?" Nicole asks.

Kevin starts laughing uncontrollably, as per usual, Esther smirks, and Scott and Mitch hide their faces.

"Nothing," I mutter. Avi pretends he didn't hear anything.

"I'll just ask Mitch," she says. She stands back from me, meaning I'm free to go. I glance at Mitch, begging him not to tell her.

He ignores me, of course.


"Hello Wisconsin! How we doing tonight?" Scott yells to the audience. He gets a reply of lots of screams and shouts.

We start our first song, and everyone loves it.

The rest of the show is also great, except everyone seems to notice the lack of interaction between Avi and I.

I look on twitter in the dressing room, and see all the tweets I'm tagged in.

rip kavi

Why did they unfollow each other on social media?

What happened?

Who do I need to kill that caused this madness

Well, the Pentaholics were sweet. Maybe too sweet? Why can't they continue to keep on obsessing over scomiche? That is the closest thing they have to an actual ship becoming a relationship...

Avi's POV
I miss Kirstie. Why'd I say we shouldn't be together? That was stupid. Very stupid. What do I even do without her? She's the love of my life...

Okay maybe I'm being a bit overdramatic but I still love her and I shouldn't have said that.

Kevin's POV

We've tried to devised a plan to get Avi and Kirstie together, hopefully.
Not much of a plan, more of us just being rude, but whatever.

We're going to say that Kirstie can't sleep with any of us, and that she has to sleep with Avi.

It's a terrible plan, but it's the best thing we've got.

Kirstie's POV 

"Kirst," Avi says.

I'm still sleeping in Avi and Kevin's room, because Mitch and Scott went to get drunk yet again.
Esther said I wasn't allowed to stay with her and Ben, and I know exactly what she's trying to do. It's not going to work. Of course, Kevin said I had to sleep with Avi, there was no floor or his bed.



"We should talk."

"Not now."

"Do you suggest a better time? Kevin's in the shower right now."

"I'm tired."



"Don't call me Avriel."

"Don't call me Kirstin."

"We need to talk right now, at this very moment."


"This is terrible."

"What is?"


"Your point?"

"Who cares about the band?"

"What'd you just say?"

"Okay, you know what I meant."

"I don't. Please explain."

"Let's date."


"I want you to be my girlfriend. I hate being awkward around each other. I hate not being able to kiss you, or hold your hand."


"Kirstin Taylor, will you be my girlfriend?"

"Avi I-"

"It's yes or no."


And then we kiss. Passionate, as if this was the last time we'd see each other. I smile against his lips, and then Kevin walks in.

"Oh my gosh, finally!" He says with cheer.

"Kevin.." Avi says, pulling away.

I blush very red.

Very very very red.

"I have to tell Esther and the guys!" He shouts, running out the door.

"Esther!" We hear him yell from down the hall.

"You'll never believe what just happened!"

We laugh, and continue kissing.

This is short again
And I wanted to drag it out for a few more chapters but I caught the disease of writers block 😂

*blows kiss*


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