Unorthodox Obsession: A Mafia...

By HopelessAmorous02

931K 23.3K 3.7K

Highest Rank: #2 in passion : #1 in kidnapping : #3 in posses... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 6: Part 2
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 15: Part 2
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chpater 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41

Chapter 13

24.4K 589 65
By HopelessAmorous02


Sorry for any mistakes in advance.

Amira's POV

Tonight is the night of Xiden's company charity event. I have been dreading tonight. Xiden said that most of his business partners and the people from his firm is going to attend along with the press.

To say that I was nervous would be an understatement.

But somehow Xiden always distracted me from thinking about it, just like he is doing right now.

I moaned when I felt him press his tongue against my clit before sucking it into his mouth. A loud moan fall from my lips as I reach my hand down and clutch his black hair in my hand, gripping it tightly.

"Ahh, there she is. You know brown eyes, you always choose the wrong time to be lost in thought." Xiden said from between my legs, a devious smirk on his lips.

"I'm so...sorry, I was just thinking about tonight..." I drag the 't' out as Xiden suck on my clit mercilessly, his tongue flicking it before he gently bite it, pulling on it as I wiggle my hips in his tight hold trying to squirm away from his devilish mouth and tongue.

"Where do you think you are going, stay still brown eyes." He said looking up at me, his beautiful blue eyes staring into my brown ones.

He run his tongue from my clenching hole to my throbbing clit, where he place a kiss. He groaned deep in his throat before he spread my legs wider, my knees on either side of my hips, his strong arms pinning me to the bed as he devours me.

All though vanish from my mind, only focusing on Xiden and the pleasure that he is giving me. I bite on my bottom lip to stop the loud moan that desperately wanted to be heard.

He tongue poke at my hole before I felt it wiggle inside me and that is when to moan escape my lips, echoing off the four walls in Xiden's penthouse bedroom. He continue his sweet torture on me as I try to squirm away but at the same time I wanted more.

My toes curl, back arched, my grip on Xiden's hair tighten slightly as I came apart screaming his name, my world shattering as I reach my peak, the world behind my eyelids turning white as Xiden lap up all my juices before giving my cunt one last kiss.

My body shivers as I come down from my high. Xiden is placing kissing over my tummy, making a trial up to my breast before he took the right nipple in his mouth, sucking on it, he release it with a 'pop' sound before giving the left one the same treatment. He continue placing kisses on my neck, my jawline, cheek and finally my lips where I taste myself on his tongue and I moan into his mouth.

"That was,"

"Amazing, exquisite...delicious," Xiden finish. "I don't think that I will ever get tired of your taste brown eyes."

My cheeks heat up as a light pink blush appears and I place my palm on them looking anywhere but at the man hovering over me.

"Aaaah, don't be shy now brown eyes, you weren't shy when I was eating you out in my underground office," he says looking at me with mischief in his eyes.

My blush worsen and I gasp, slapping him on his chest, "Don't say that."

"Why not, it's true." He shrugged kissing me on my neck. He remove my hands from my cheeks pinning them above my head.

Just as a moan escape me his phone started ringing, he ignored it continuing with was he is doing until it rings again. "Maybe you should answer it. It could be important."

He removes his head from my neck looking me in the eyes, "Nothing is more important than," he says, his eyes showing nothing but honesty. My stomach flutters with butterflies and my heart melts.

I place a tender kiss on his lips, my palm on his stubble cheek. "Answer it," I said when the phone rings again.

He groans before getting off me and walking to couch to retrieve his phone and I couldn't help but to admire him.

He turns around, leaning on the couch with the phone at his ear but his gaze is on me.

My eyes roam over his body as he talks on the phone. His broad shoulders, his pecs, him abs; my eyes travel lower and I was met with his not so little friend who seems wide awake in his tight black boxer shorts.

A deep red blush stain my cheeks, I look up in his eyes to see his staring at intensely.

"Okay, I'll be there in an hour." He said before hanging up the phone and letting out a sigh. "Enjoying the view?" He asks raising an eyebrow, a cocky smirk on his lips as he approach me.

"Yes, very much so." I reply.

He sits on the bed, pulling me up and into his lap. "I have to go."

"Okay." I breathed.

"I'll be back before it's time to leave."


He kiss my lips before heading into the bathroom. I drop back on the bed, clutching the silk sheet to my chest with a wide grin on my face.


I was in the bath relaxing as per Xiden's request. Over the last few days we have gotten closer to each other and a permanent smile is always on my lips.

I've also gotten close to Armanno, Alonza and Alfanso but Marcello is always by himself or in a corner watching. I tried talking to him but he would only reply with one word answers.

Ever since the incident that happened I was forbidden to leave the penthouse unless it was with Xiden himself. It's safe to say that it rattled him a little, okay, maybe a lot.

I drained the tub before getting out and wrapping a towel around my body. I walked out into the bedroom and found some clothes already on the bed.

A pair or sweatpants, a sweater and a pair of lace thong and a bra.

Xiden. I thought.

Dropping the towel I quickly put on the clothes before putting the towel in the clothes hamper.

Walking over to the door, I twist it open and was about to walk out until I heard the deep firm voice of one of my bodyguards, yes, bodyguards.

Xiden spared no expense to ensure that I was safe when he's not around.

They are twins, Alessandro and Enrico. They both have blonde hair and light brown eyes and are very muscular. All of Xiden's workers that I met are muscular.

"Good morning ma'am," Alessandro greets me with a slight bow. "Good morning Alessandro and how many times do I have to tell you, call me Amira," I said with a small smile.

Enrico just looks at me and bow his head in greeting, another Marcello.

"How long have you guys been here? Are you hungry?" I asks walking to the kitchen with them following me.

"We've been here since 8," Alessandro answers. "Why so early didn't Xid..." I trail off remembering what Xiden was doing a few hours ago.

No, not again. "Did... Did you guys -"

"No we were at the lobby until boss send us up." Enrico said.

I sighed in relief, bad memories of Alfanso walking in on us at the underground office surfacing to the front of my mind. I shivered at the memories.

"Are you alright," he asks. "Yes, I'm fine."


Getting ready for the event, my nerves are lodged in my throat. Xiden had a few people over to get me ready. I took another shower as per requested and now I'm in a robe sitting at the vanity getting my hair done by a lady with half the side of her hair shaved off and had colours in it.

Next is my make up, the lady examine my face, her hand on my chin turning my face from left to right. "You have lovely skin and you are naturally beautiful, I know exactly what to do." She smiles before getting to work.

Half an hour later she is finish and my dress came. I don't know how the dress looks because Xiden wouldn't let me see it.

"Okay, put this on and come out for the shoes." She said placing the dress in my outstretched hands.

Going to the bathroom, I close the door behind me hanging up the dress on the door rack hanger. I slowly pull the zip down revealing a royal blue silk dress.

I run my finger over the beautiful elegant fabric. I loosen my robe and it fell of my shoulders into a bundle at my feet. I step out of it before taking the dress of the hanger and putting it on my body.

The dress has a deep 'v' cut at the front showing a bit of clevage, the strap wraps around my shoulder and link to the sides of the dress, leaving my back expose. The dress flows down to the ground covering my feet. I couldn't stop looking at it. It hugs all my curves perfectly.

I look in the mirror and my breath stopped.

My hair is straighten and my make up is a natural look with nude eye shadows along with eyeliner and mascara; blush and a deep red lipstick.

This isn't me. I look...beautiful. I feel beautiful.

If someone had told me that when I moved to Postiano that my life would change this dramatically, I would never believe them; but here I am in a beautiful dress going to an social event with a man that would only exist in my dreams.

Maybe it is a dream.

I hiss when I pinched my arm and felt the stinging pain, it's real.

Existing the bathroom the ladies looks at me with wide smiles. "You look beautiful." They both said at the same time. I blush at their compliment and thank then.

"Brown eyes?" My gaze snaps over to doorway where Xiden is standing and my breath hitched in my throat.

Xiden in a royal blue three piece suit. The crisp white dress shirt paired with the royal blue blazer that showcase his bulging muscle, it look as if he moves his arms it would rip. A blood red tye sat around his neck cascading down the middle of the shirt. His slacks cover his toned legs leading down to a pair of shiney black shoes.

He looks so handsome.

"Leave us." He said and the ladies bowed their heads slightly before walking out the door.

Xiden close the door behind him with his foot, his gaze still lock on me. I was growing nervous and fidgety under his intense stare.

I can hear the tapping of his shoes on the hardwood floor, his spicy colonge engulf me. When he got closer to me he pulls me into his chest, "You look ravishing brown eyes."

I blush at his intensity as he rubs his thumb on my neck, his other hand on my naked back. A shiver runs down my spine and goose bumps make an appearance at the feeling of his large warm hand on my naked skin.

He slowly leaned down towards my lips, "Wait," I said stopping him. "I don't want to get my lipstick all over you." I said but he ignore my protest giving me a short sweet kiss.

He pulls back, resting his forehead on mine. "I told them to give you a lipstick that doesn't come off easily so I can kiss you whenever I want." He says with a smirk, cheeky bastard.

His gaze went back down to the dress, "Fanculo," he hissed. Walking me backward; he finally turns me around only to see a full body reflection of us.

His much larger frame towering over my smaller one, the top of my head only reaching his pecs. I have to admit that the image of us together warms my heart. I look like a fragile little human in the arms of a beast.

He place his hands on my hips and turns me around so that I am facing him.

"Sei di gran lunga la più bella, gentile, innocente e tremenda ragazza del mondo e tu sei troppo bravo per me. Ma è troppo tardi, non puoi andare da nessuna parte." He says to me in his native language.

This is the second time that I hear him speak his language and it made my body shudder. The first time he he spoke in Italian he was so angry that I looked pass that, only focusing on his 360 personality change.

"What does that mean?" I asked looking up into his eyes.

He brush his knuckles over my cheek, his gaze not leaving mine, "One day I'll tell you can figure it out," he trail off placing a kiss on my neck.

"I have something for you. Close your eyes."

I do as I'm told keeping my eyes closed, I felt him brush my hair on my left shoulder, his finger grazing my skin leaving a trail goose bump where his finger touched. I felt something cold being placed around my neck dropping down between my breasts.

"Turn around and open your eyes." He whispers in my ear.

Looking in the mirror again a beautiful teardrop diamond is around my neck. I clutched it into my hands, looking at Xiden's eyes through the mirror.

"Thank you, it's beautiful."

"Not as beautiful as you, brown eyes." He said taking my hand in his and leading me over towards the bed. He told me to sit before he disappears for a few seconds only to return with a box in his hands.

Kneeling before me, he opened to box revealing a pair of silver heels. Before I could say anything, he took one of my feet in his hand, placing a kiss at my ankle before putting it into the shoes and he did the same with the other foot.

My emotions were getting the better or me. My throat felt tight, my stomach filled with heart racing, calling out to his. This beautiful, sinful man whom is kneeling before me.

How can he say that he's never been in a relationship when he is so patient and gentle and does everything right.

He really is beautiful soul.

I bit the inside of my lips, trying to stop the tears from falling and ruining my make-up. Xiden rise to his full length before he pulls me into him, "Why are you crying brown eyes? Did I do something..." I cut him off, grabbing the back of his neck and pulling him down into a passionate kiss, giving him everything that I have.

"No, you didn't do anything wrong, you're perfect."

"I think that you're confused, I am far from perfect but I am better when I'm with you brown eyes." I smile at him before hugging him.

How did I ever get so lucky.


We are in Xiden's limo outside of the venue where the event is being held. Piero stops the car at the starting of the red carpet that led up to the entrance of the building but that's not what had my heart racing and my palms clammy with sweat.

It was the herd of paparazzis that stood behind the rails aimed with their cameras and curious questions. The last time I had a run in with the paparazzis it didn't went well.

Xiden saw my distraught express and pulls me into his side. "Hey, it's okay brown eyes. I'll be right by your side." He says looking into my eyes. My tense body relax at his reassurance. Looking out at the flashing lights again I gave him a affirmative nod, "I'm ready."

Xiden kiss my forehead before knocking the window. Piero opens the door and the noise flooded into the silent car and to my ears.

My heart beat picks up as Xiden got out of the car and places his awaiting palm at the door for me to take.

I hesitated for a moment before placing my hand in his. He grips my hand as he helps me out of the vehicle. Piero slams the car door shut behind, notifying me that it's too late for me to turn back now.

Piero bows slightly before going to the driver side of the car and drove off.

I turn back to Xiden only to see him already looking at me. I swallowed the ball of nerves that is lodge in my throat and gave him a smile.

He's done so much for me in this short amount of time, this is the less I can do for him. I thought before giving his hand a squeeze.

He release my hand but place it around my waist instead, drawing me into his side. He begins to walk up the carpet and my feet just followed his movements.

We stop to take a few pictures as the paparazzis call for his attention and fire questions about who I was. Xiden just stood by my side smiling and I did the same but what shock me is when he pulled me into a passionate kiss in front of everyone.

"Lei è mia," Xiden says firmly before escorting me into the building.

"What did you just say?" I ask looking up at him. He shrugs his shoulders a smirk on his lips.

He leads me more into the room that is crowded with men in fine suits and women in beautiful gowns.

My gaze sweeps over the room again before I notice something, "Uhm Xiden," I said drawing his attention towards me.

"Yes," he answers. "We're the only ones in blue." I stated I said when I felt curious gazes being thrown our way.

All of the men in the room are in a black and white three piece suits and the ladies are in other colours except blue. So much for trying to blend in tonight.

"Coincidence." Was his reply.

My gaze swept over the décor of the room. There is a chandelier in the center of the ceiling, lighting up the ballroom with the aid of other lights that litter the room. There is a stage at the front of the room where a band is playing soft music.

A bar is set up in the far corner, where men and women littered drinking and laughing.

There are server walking around in black dress pants and and white shirt with a black bow tye. They look professional as they walk around serving champagne and wine to the guests.

One approach us and Xiden took two glasses of red wine handing one to me. I took a sip to calm my nerves as Armanno approach us.

Armanno is wearing a black and white suit that fits his muscular body very well, his white hair is comb back showing off his pale blue eyes. "You cleaned up nice," I said smiling at him as he pulls me into a hug.

"Grazie, princess," he says before holding me at an arms length, his eyes looking me up and down. I felt like a little girl who's getting the approval of her brother for her outfit to go out on a date.

He clicks his tongue before moving his gaze to Xiden, "You're going to have it tough tonight boss, everyone's eyes are going to be on her." He says with a smirk before moving his gaze back to me. "You look beautiful princess," Armanno places a kiss on my cheek just before he is pushed aside, the wine glass taken out of my hands and I find myself into another person's arms.

I laughed when I got a whiff of Alfanso cologne, "Doll," he says before I am being carefully dragged to someone else's side. I look up to see Xiden glaring at Alfanso.

I place my palm flat on his chest to get his attention, "Are you okay?"

"Yes," he reply as he took a sip of his wine. I look back at Alfanso to see a giddy smile on his face. "Wow doll you look hot." He says and my cheeks burn at his compliment.

Xiden punch him on his arm sending a fierce glare his way, "What," he whines, "I'm telling the truth. You better keep an eye on her."

Xiden scoffs, "Like anyone would even dare."

"Don't talk too quick fratello."

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Xoxo J

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