Life in Paradise (Demi Lovato)

By Lovato-Lover

190K 5.2K 239

Demi Lovato Story Samara Garner is a normal 17 year old, with a simple uncomplicated life. Demi Lovato is... More

Life in Paradise (Demi Lovato)
Life in Paradise (Demi Lovato)
Life in Paradise (Demi Lovato)
Life in Paradise (Demi Lovato)
Life in Paradise (Demi Lovato)
Life in Paradise (Demi Lovato
Life in Paradise (Demi Lovato)
Life in Paradise (Demi Lovato)
Life in Paradise (Demi Lovato)
Life in Paradise (Demi Lovato )
Life in Paradise (Demi Lovato)
Life in Paradise (Demi Lovato)
Life in Paradise (Demi Lovato)
Life in Paradise (Demi Lovato)
Life in Paradise (Demi Lovato)
Life In Paradise (Demi Lovato)
Life In Paradise (Demi Lovato)
Life in Paradise ( Demi Lovato )
Life In Paradise (Demi Lovato)
Life In Paradie (Demi Lovat)
Life In Paradise (Demi Lovato)
Life In Paradise (Demi Lovato)
Life In Paradise (Demi Lovato)
Life In Paradise
Life in Paradise (Demi Lovato)
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Someone be my friend!!

Life in Paradise (Demi Lovato)

7.2K 190 5
By Lovato-Lover

Chapter 6!!!!!




It's Saturday night and Im really depressed, I saw Demi and her friends leaving for the airport last night.

There's also the fact that my brother called today explaining that he wouldn't be able to see me for awhile, because he has to travel for a book sighing.

So I'm alone again, just when I thought I found someone to be in my life.

I decided to go sit on the beach and watch the waves, I couldn't sleep and this usually helped with my moods.

I made my way down to the shore and took a seat.

Being alone all the time never used to bother me, I liked the quiet and being by myself.

I loved it when my brother visited, but still enjoyed the times when I was alone.

But it was different now, having her in my life for such a brief moment made me want more.

It made me want to be around people, especially her.

I hated this feeling of loneliness, I would settle for just a friend or someone to keep me company.

I would like a girlfriend or someone to just hold me at night, but would take any type of relationship with someone.

I didn't even realize i was crying until I tasted the salty tears in my mouth.

"What's a pretty girl like you doing crying alone on the beach at night" she spoke quietly from behind me.

I couldn't mistake her voice for anyone else's, it was so individual and soothing.

I quickly wiped my tears before turning towards her as she sat down.

"I thought you left" I spoke quietly trying not to let my voice crack.

"No I was only taking mads and Mar the airport, I'm staying for a few months" she replied softly.

My heart rate speed up when she mentioned herself staying for a few more months.

"Oh I thought you were going as well" I said trying not to sound to happy, she might get suspicious.

"Nope, just them" she replied.

We sat in silence for a bit before she spoke again.

"So are you gonna answer my question?" She asked.

I inhaled deeply before replying.

"Loneliness" I stated clearly.

She looked at me questionably.

I decided to clarify for her.

"Living by yourself at the age of 17 can be great, but with the added fact of not going to an actual school.
Which keeps my friends list extremely short, it can get really lonely.

"Plus there's the fact that the only family I do have, I only see once every few months.

"And to add a cherry to the top, he just cancelled our latest visit for a book signing tour."

"So I thinks after all these years it finally taking it's toll on me."

I don't even realize I'm crying again until she pulls me into a hug.


She just broke my heart with all the stuff she mentioned, she's so alone.

All I want to do Is cuddle her and tell her it's all gonna be alright.

So when she started crying again, that's exactly what I did.

"Shhh, it's gonna be alright" I quietly whisper into her ear.

"I'm here now and not going anywhere" I spoke softly.

When I said that she wrapped her arms around me tight and softly cried into my neck.

Her touch made me shiver softly and my heart rate speed up.

She was so broken, so I did what I do best.

I sang.

[Verse 1:]
Skies are crying, I am watching
Catching tear drops in my hands
Only silence as it's ending
Like we never had a chance
Do you have to make me feel like
There's nothing left of me?

You can take everything I have
You can break everything I am
Like I'm made of glass
Like I'm made of paper
Go on and try to tear me down
I will be rising from the ground
Like a skyscraper
Like a skyscraper

[Verse 2:]
As the smoke clears, I awaken
And untangle you from me
Would it make you feel better
To watch me while I bleed?
All my windows still are broken
But I'm standing on my feet rising from the ground
Like a skyscraper
Like a skyscraper

Her sobs started to get softer and softer until they stopped altogether.

She had stopped crying but didn't loosen her grip on me on bit, she just held onto me while she continued listening to me sing.

Go run, run, run
I'm gonna stay right here,
Watch you disappear
Yeah, oh
Go run, run, run
Yeah, it's a long way down
But I am closer to the clouds up here

You can take everything I have
You can break everything I am
Like I'm made of glass
Like I'm made of paper
Oh Oh
Go on and try to tear me down
I will be rising from the ground
Like a skyscraper
Like a skyscraper

(Like a skyscraper)

Like a skyscraper
Like a skyscraper

As I finish the song I thought she would let go, but she didn't.

She just nuzzled her face further into my neck.

I was enjoying this feeling of holding her, way more than I should but at this point I didn't care.

I continued to just hold her as we sat in silence.

I felt like hours before she finally spoke spoke.

"Thankyou" she spoke barely above a whisper.

I pulled my head back just a little so I could see her face.

I smiled down at her.

"Anything for the girl I stalk" I replied teasingly, trying to get her to laugh.

I succeeded in getting a small chuckle from her.

She then got a more serious look in her eyes.

"You have a beautiful voice" she spoke quietly, making me smile.

I mean I often get told I have an amazing voice but there's something different about hearing it from her.

"Thank you, I love singing" I relied.

I not sure if she knows who I am, I don't think she does, it's refreshing.

"I'm not surprised, your amazingly talented.

I smile at her while staring into her eyes.

I really want to kiss her, WAIT WHAT.
Dammit Demi stop thinking those thoughts.

I look back at her, then as if she read my thoughts I feel her lips on mine, I'm shocked at first.

I couldn't believe this was happening, her lips taste so amazing.

Before I can even reciprocate what's happening, I'm kissing back, it's making my whole body feel like it's on fire.

But I have to stop, this is wrong I shouldn't be doing this.

At those thoughts I abruptly pull back from her.

" you s-shouldn't o-of d-d-one that, I-I have t-t-o g-go" I stutter out nervously before taking of inside.


I couldn't help it, she was just so beautiful, I had to do it.

Before I even had time to process what I was thinking my lips were on hers.

My god her lips tasted amazing, I've never felt like this before, my body was burning with want and desire.

When kissed girls, it was never like this, Demi's lips were so soft and melted right into mine.

She was shocked at first but after a few seconds she started kissing back.

I couldn't believe it, this was the best feeling ever, well at least it was.

My heart felt like it shatter into million pieces when Demi stop kissing and pulled back.

I could see the fear in her eyes.

I sat there for what felt like hours after she left just trying to figure out what just happened.

I'm so stupid.

Why did I have to kiss her, I should of known she wouldn't want me.

No one ever does.

I ruined this friendship before it even started.

Dammit samara, what's wrong with you!


Chapter 6 done !!!

Yay they finally kissed, so excited to right this story!

Next chapter tomorrow !!

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