The Immune

By TrishaLMcKee

13.8K 398 15

Bella is now a vampire, turned by the Volturi themselves. She is not just one of them, but one of their leade... More

Dark Corner (edited)
Forever Dawn
Until Dusk
A Clash of Minds
Cloaked by Shadows
A New Beginning
The Deal
Trip Home Part 1
not an Update!!!!
The Delay
Blood Allegiance
Finishing the story...

Changing places

1.1K 37 1
By TrishaLMcKee

I forced myself to walk slowly event though i wanted to run. I knew that would only draw attention to myself so i kept it leisurely. I was going to see a exiled Volturi women who was an advocate for women's rights. While it wasn't forbidden to see her it wasn't exactly what people considered proper either. The only reason that she wasn't dead was because she is the first women to ever become a member of the Volturi. She was able to compel people to do whatever she wanted. Anyone no matter who it was. That was the easy part, she was also able to tell the future, accurately the first time she tells it. It didn't matter about people changing their minds not with her. She knew what everyone would do before they knew they where going to do it.

About sixty years ago she tried to force Caius into falling in love with her "daughter" (she was the one who blooded her) after she saw a vision of them together. While they ended up together Caius wasn't to happy about the interference. So she was banished from the palace. Her own daughter was the one who banished her. She was mad because Caius thought the she was in on it. So Athenodora decided to banish her instead of killing her which was nice considering that was her creator and all. Well Zachiori (the mom) left swearing to get revenge on Caius for turning her "daughter" against her, and revenge against Aro and Marcus too because they didn't stop him from doing this.

I planned to use this to my advantage. I would guarantee Zachiori (A/N: this is the mixture of two other twilight characters names. she is completely made up by me. Zachiori is pronounced Zie-Core-ie) that she could do whatever she wanted to Caius, Marcus and Aro. I would be queen and everyone would be my subject.

I noticed that Aro was starring at me. I had begun running in my excitement to get to Zaichiori. I slowed down but it was too late. Aro was already headed over to me with a furious look on his face. I swallowed the lump in my throat knowing that if he foung out i would be dead. The only way that this would work was if i could get to Zachiori, i needed her help. Aro was getting closer and looking madder every second. I knew that any minute he would order the guard to kill me. I opened my mouth to try and plead but Aro walked right past me. He was never even looking at me.

I sighed with relief and called out, " Hello Father." I felt a little guilty calling him father with what i had planned but i knew that he wouldn't feel any guilt towards me at all so...

I arrived at Zachiori's house and went inside without bothering to knock, as an esteemed member of the Volturi i was allowed certain privliges.

"I have been expecting you my dear." i heard an old voice say. It reminded me of my grandmother. I knew that she was very dangerous despite her peaceful, elderly tone. "and my first question is are you crazy? how could you even think of doing what you are planning?" She smiled when she said this which led me to believe that despite her critical tone she approved of what i had probably.

"well i am sure with your powers that you know what i want to do and why i want to do it/ What i want to know is how it will come out. I have to know, before i try if it will work. I am not going to kill myself, just yet." i said with a laugh.

"Well, i know that you are destined to rule. The outcome of this is. . ." she gasped then laughed, " yes, you are a smart and powerful one and you will get EVERYTHING you want." She smiled at me again.

I let out the breath that i didn't realise i was holding. I could finally get what i deserved. And Aro would get his. I left not wanting anyone to notice that i was gone for any length of time. I began to run and didn't stop until i was in my room. I headed over to my mirror and looked at my face. In the reflection behind me i noticed someone sitting on my bed starring at me.

"hello, Bella. I am Lauralius (Laura-lie-is) and you will be needing my help if you want to achieve your goals." She stumbled over her name as if she was lieing about her real name.

Edward POV:

I was almost ready to go. Alice had tried a million times to keep me from going back but i felt i had no choice. Bella's death had to, no would be revenged. My plan was simple. I would take Aro up on his offer to become a member of the Volturi guard. If he questioned why i changed my mind i would say the only thing holding me back before was the human. I would have to make that sound like an insult which would be harder than it sounds but i knew that i could do it. I would just have to keep Aro from touching me, the really hard part. I knew that he wouldn't believe my sudden change of heart and would want to see for himself it i was telling the truth. SO i would have to convince myself that this is what i wanted that i would want to be a member of the Volturi. Which would hopefully not be too hard. I knew that i would have to close my mind off from my memories of Bella, to Forget her completely. My only fear was that in doing so i would forget the reason that i was becoming a Volturi in the first place.

"Edward come down hear right now!" I heard Carlisle yell. He yelled? Vampires never yelled he knew that he could just think it and i would no what he wanted. I tried to read his mind so i would know what to expect but all he was thinking of was going hunting. Why would Carlisle yell over going hunting? That's when it hit me, he was purposely thinking of hunting so i wouldn't know what was really on his mind. If Carlisle was trying to keep me out that ment that i was in trouble BIG TROUBLE. I grabbed my stuff and jumped out the window, deciding not to even bother with the lecture on the risks of what i was talking, and landed on top of Jasper.

"I should have known that Alice, would have you waiting for me. That she would know i would leave like this." I straightened up then prepared to ddo what i had to.

"JJJAAASSPPEEERRR!" I heard Alice yell as she realised what i was about to do. In that moment Jasper realised too, he stiffened. I swung out my arm and hit him as hard i could and didn't bother to see if it worked i took off as fast as i could not looking back. I ran for hours not getting tired. I didn't stop running tell i sensed them giving up on stopping me.

-Three Days Later-

I arrived at Volterra and nothing seemed right. Everyone seemed to be terrified...for me? I couldn't see anyonein the vicinity I wandered around wondering what was going on. Usually Volterra was a happy festive place but today it looked like a ghost town.

"You should leave now, before she knows your here." said an old lady in a long purple gown. Thats when i noticed everyone was in the main court yard. And everyone was wearing the same type of gowns. They where all long, dragging on the ground, with long necks that exposed there cleavage, and baggy arms. If i didn't know better then i would say they where trying to look seductive. What was going on i didn't know but i am determind to find out.

"You let me see your mark!" Demanded a beautiful girl in a tight leather outfit. I couldn't stop starring. It was a black top that crisscrossed covering her breasts and only had one strap keeping it together in the back. Her pants where tight fitting and black.

"Your mark or you die the choice is yours." She grabbed my arm and pulled back the sleeve of my jacket

"As i thought you have not sworn your allegiance to the Queen." She let out a high pitched Whistle and a group of women in identical outfits to hers came running.

"We are taking you to see the Queen. You will swear eternal allegiance to her or suffer the consequences." She said dramatically.

I need to start listening to Alice more. She was right i never should have come to Volterra. What was going to happen now?

And whose this Queen everyone's talking about?


Bella's part is coming up next! YAY! i hope you guys are liking how the story is turning out. And thank you for the Reviews i appreciate it. Oh yeah and Bella and Edward are gonna meet soon...

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