Secret Lovers. ♥

By jesmindas_secret

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Ally Brooke Hernandez and Jesy Nelson both from two of the biggest girl bands at the moment have a secret tha... More

Chapter 1: Why can't it be like that? Because I'm yours.♥
Chapter 2. Every second, every thought, I'm in so deep.♥
Chapter 3. When push comes to shove, you just show me love.♥
Chapter 4. I wanna shout it from the rooftops.♥
Chapter 6. I'm screaming I don't want you but you know that I do.♥
Chapter 7. I should of crossed your mind maybe a million times.♥
Chapter 8. Stones taught me to fly, love taught me to lie.♥
Chapter 9. The only reply is the beat of my heart.♥
Chapter 10. Another bed I shouldn't crawl out of.♥

Chapter 5. Every piece of you just fits perfectly.♥

324 16 6
By jesmindas_secret

Jesy's POV

"You're going to pay for that.."

Why was that one line from the paparazzi at the airport stuck in my mind even days after it happened?

I mean not to be blunt but I was probably one of the most boring celebrities in America, whenever I was here all I did was visit the cheesecake factory and sleep since I always get homesick but on this trip since Ally and her bandmates wanted to show us around we were caught by more and more paparazzi which was rather unpleasant. Leigh was the one who freaked the most and constantly ran to my side even at times pushing out of my grip just so I could comfort her. Which wasn't really a big deal it was something normal for us back home but I've begun to notice the looks Ally and her friends exchange whenever it happens.

But nobody has brought it up so it's no big deal, right?



Blinking quickly I looked around the table at the restaurant we were having lunch at and was met with multiple different set of eyes before glancing at the impatient waitress.

"What would you like to drink?"

"Uh..whatever beer you've got.."

"Babe it's ten in the morning?" Leigh laughed before switching her drink to a Blue Hawaiian obviously not wanting me to feel left out for being the only person drinking alcohol this early in the day.

Ally stiffened in the seat besides me and looked over to the other side where Leigh was sat before clearing her throat "Actually I'll have a mimosa please." She beamed at the waitress before pulling me over towards her and away from Leigh who casually had her leg over mine in an almost cuddle.

Throughout the meal the girls seemed to get along better and better well besides Ally and Leigh, which was mostly Leigh's fault because with every girl she'd reply happily and with a smile as to Ally she would give short answers or just ignore completely causing the table to be left in an awkward silence where I would have to crack a joke or begin a random story.

"I'm going to freshen up before we head out guys.." Leigh said softly before scooting out of the table and looking back over to me "Come with me, please?"

"Yeah, sure." I squeezed Ally's knee before getting up and following Leigh towards the bathrooms and smacked into her as she stopped in the hallway "Leigh, what the hell?" I laughed and rubbed my cheek as she laughed and apologized.

"Sorry Jes, I just..I'm curious." Leigh spoke softly looking down at the floor and biting her lower lip lightly.

"Hey come on it's me, you can literally talk to me about anything love." I reached over and lifted her chin up so her gaze could meet mine and smiled softly.

Was that the sound of the camera clicking?

Nah Jesy, you're hearing shit.

"Jessica, we literally broke up because you weren't "gay" yet you go and fall in love with another girl? Like what the hell Jesy. It was supposed to be you and I remember? Us against the world.." Leigh spoke softly before her voice cracked and she moved to the side to let a group of older women pass by us.

Oh fuck I did say that, right before I met Jake but I also had a thing with Ally at that time too.

"Love..why didn't you talk to me about this sooner? I just I figured we grew apart as lovers and just decided to be friends plus you moved on so I figured I had to move on too.." I stepped closer to Leigh and wrapped my arms around her in a tight hug. "I didn't even think twice about if this might hurt you, that's the last thing I've ever wanted because you're one of my very best friends and I just wanted to share my happiness with you."

Leigh shook her head, laughing slightly "Oh my gosh, it's silly I'm being emotional about something that happened between us ages ago and I see how happy Ally makes you and that's all that truly matters." She leaned her weight on me playfully "But if she hurts you I'll have to kick some major booty."

Shaking my head, I pecked her nose playfully "I'll remember that now please cut Ally some slack, I really am tired of making things less awkward.

Was that another camera?

Remind me to get my hearing checked once I get back home.

Back at the table it seemed to be dead silence as everyone looked down at their plate besides Jade who seemed to be looking at Leigh and I with pleading eyes and motioned towards the door every five minuets.

"Uh..did we miss something while in the bathroom?" I asked before tapping Ally's shoulder slightly trying to get some answers out of her.

"What the fuck Jesminda!" Ally yelled before pouncing onto me, her hands smacking into my face before holding her phone up to it so I could see what had everyone rather pissed off.

And there it was, pictures of Leigh and I in the hallway just earlier, I knew I wasn't hearing shit. Someone was watching us.

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