Life of a high school girl

By brebrewalker

334 37 1

Im Jason, and you are beautiful? Im-Im Delani, I felt my face heat up. Did the Washington boy just c... More

First day!!!
Meeting "Mr.Washington"
The arguement
Not a chapter..just a thank you letter😂
The weekend pt. 2
Party pooper

The weekend

46 5 0
By brebrewalker

I made it through my first week of school. I managed to hold myself together. Analeise has been begging me to come with her to Skate land. She claims all the hot boys from East York hang there. I dont really care about being in the mix. I'm more of a home body. A good book and a movie usually completes my day, but Analeise is my only friend so far and I dont want to let her down.
I started to rummage through my closet to see what I could find to wear. I pulled out a pair of skinny jeans, black vans, and a thrasher shirt. My phone buzzed.

"Ana- I'll be there in 30, you better be ready to skate girly😊."

I put my hair up in a messy bun. Honestly I dont care how retarded I look. I'm not interested in any guy anyway. Then the Washington boy crossed my mind. I just dont know how anyone can be so damn perfect. As the kids nowadays say "he looks like a snack" that's exactly what he is. Before I leave to go with Ana I went to go tell my mom I'm leaving.

"Hey mom, I'm going out with my friend Analeise to go to the skating ring."

Mom looked happy, a little too happy. I didn't want to know what she's thinking.

"Okay be home before 10 o'clock tonight, here's my extra credit card. Do not go crazy with it, because you'll loose my trust. Love you."

I was shocked she gave me her most prized possession. I wasn't gonna question that. Who would? I just smiled.

"Thanks mom, love you too. I wont let you down."

Analeise finally arrived. I could not believe my eyes. She owned a Corvette zo6. That car was absolutely beautiful. It's also expensive. Her family has to be loaded. I stood there in amazement. She was parking her car in my driveway.

"Ana you can drive? How did you get that car?"

"Hi to you too, and my dad got it for my birthday."

"You're so freaking lucky!!!"

Ana interrupted me. "Enough chitter chatter, lets get going."

We were speeding out of the community. I had to admit tons of guys have to flirt with Ana, I mean look how pretty she is. She was so focused on the road.

Ana groaned. "Let's kill the silence."

We were jamming out to Victorious by panic at the disco. I've never been in such a nice car, this was such a great experience.
Finally we arrived at the Skate land. We got out and walked near the entrance.

"What type of skates do you want Lani? Roller blades or 4-wheels?"

"Ummmm... 4-wheels. I'll be right back I have to go to the bathroom."

While I was heading to the bathroom I felt people staring at me. I looked around to see who I saw. Then I seen Jason. Him and his little gang of friends were staring at me. I immediately got nervous. How did he notice me? He is all the way on the other side of the ring. I quickly went to the rest room.
I put soap in my hand and lathered. I tried to wash my hands really fast, I dont want to leave Analeise out there by herself for to long. I stepped out the bathroom and seen her doing her little thing. She looked like she was in her own little world. You could tell she didn't care what people had to say about her.
I put the skates on, I don't know how to skate but I'll try. Ana was really happy to see me heading out there with her

"Hurry up slow poke, do you need to hold the bars?" She laughed.

I started to tease her. "For your info Analeise I've got this. I'm a pro."

She gave me an unbelieving look. "Then catch up with me."

For a moment I had hope that I could do it. I started to pick up speed. I was almost there. Then I put my foot up to try to be "impressive". My leg twisted like a pretzel. I fell flat on my face. Great I've embarrassed myself in front of my one friend, Jason, and the whole skating ring. I look up to see if anyone had noticed everyone was looking directly at me. Then I heard fat lard down, mayday mayday.

Analeise sprinted over to me she was so scared "omg are you okay, can you see me, does your head hurt?"

"I'm fine, can i be honest?"

Ana looked confused. "Yes what do you have to say?"

"I have no clue what I am doing."

We both started to laugh really hard. Everyone was looking at us like we were idiots taking up the ring to lay on the ground and laugh. This was the most fun I have had in a long time.
I thanked Ana for taking me, and that I had a great time. My brother was going to come and pick me up. She left so i sat in the ring and waited for that I'm here text.

"Are you okay? You fell pretty hard."

I looked up and seen Washington once again. Gosh he looks so adorable.

"I'm fine, thanks"

He gave me a sly look. "If you need help next time just ask." He winked at me again.

"K, thanks I better get going."

"Bye, cutie" he responded.

I was getting nervous. I was about to embarrass myself. I could feel it in my bones. My brothers came to pick me up just in the nick of time. Why does he talk to me? If anyone at school sees me & him talking to each other his reputation of "Mr.tough guy" is over. Every girl that wants Jason will try to kill me.

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