
By Linxi00

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A mischievous girl who gets into trouble all the time.Then she meets a furious guy in her new school. complet... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Pay Attention!!
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Not an update!
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Author's note
Authors note!
Chapter 26 ( last chapter)

Chapter 9

157 32 77
By Linxi00

I jumped to my bed. I can't believe I stayed an extra hour at school with that stupid! I got stuck with home work  because of him.

  My phone started to ring so I got up and grabbed it. A call from an unknown number?

"Hello..?" I answered nervously.
"Hey sweetie! Miss me?"


"TAEHYUNG!!!! HOW DID YOU FOUND MY NUMBER!" I yelled at the phone.
"Hey! I'm not deaf! I found it some how! Aren't you happy!?"
"Please leave me alone!" I cut the call and jumped back to my bed.

I giggled. He was  totally annoying but having him around isn't that bad. I kinda enjoyed arguing with him.


Next day I went to school early. No one was on the road and the sky appeared dark. I pulled my stupid skirt up. That skirt was too  loose so it kept on going down! So annoying!

I was wearing my jersey and it  smelled like Taehyung. I sniffed the jersey and blushed.
My phone started ringing again and as I expected....
"What do you want Taehyung!"

"Don't smile like that you look weird!"

What the! Is he here?

"Where are you?" I shouted.
"Behind you" I turned and screamed!! He was standing right infront of my face!
Even he pulled himself back when I screamed.

"Y....yah!!!! OMG! My heart!...." I pushed him." This is worse than watching a horror movie!" I yelled at him.

Taehyung hit me on my back hardly.
" There! there! Feel better?"
"ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME!!" I shouted in pain. He was not comforting at all! Probably making the situation worse!

"So weak! Come on let's go" Taehyung pulled me from my hand. " I don't wanna walk with you!" I said loudly and Taehyung glared at me.
"And don't try to drag me with you!" I said and glared back.

"No I'm not dragging you. How about blackmailing?" Taehyung asked with a smirk on his face.

"Remember you slept with me?"

"I didn't sleep with you!! It's just you got the chance to  take me to your place  that time because I was unconscious and that's something  which will never happen again! and you have no right to say that I slept with you because it's a big fat lie! and most importantly, you got nothing to prove it!" I smirked back.

"Look closely" Taehyung took his phone out and.... "Oh my god! " I yelled." You took photos!"

he will definitely take me for his slave!! he will blackmail me throughout my life!

I felt like I was dragged down to a hell where a devil named Taehyung lives.

"Yap! And I took your phone number that day! " Taehyung said.
I pouted my lips. "Tae....! don't do this" I nagged.
"Don't do aegyo, ppalli we're getting late" Taehyung led the way.

"But you can't blackmail like that!" I said harshly.
"Yes I can!" Taehyung said back.

"Oh! No! I'm ruined!" I messed my hair. Anger was bursting inside my body but I couldn't do anything at that time.

"Ruined? no.. this is just the beginning darling!"

"Shut up!"


I couldn't concentrate on a single lesson that day , even Eun ha was absent! I planned to rob Taehyung's phone but it didn't work.
I'm wearing all my clothes in those photos but the thing is Taehyung was laying next to me and that idiot was shirtless!

I messed my hair and whined.
"Yah! What's wrong with you?" Taehyung peeked at my face with an devilish gain.

"Go away I hate you!" I yelled making the whole class turned.

Taehyung smiled and stroked my hair.

"Don't touch me!" I said but I really like to get my hair touched. My dad used to do it when i was small and now I missed  it so much. I let him do it cause no one stroked my hair in years. And it was quite suspicious because he was never up to anything good.

"You like it don't you!?" Taehyung smirked and plucked one of my hair making me flinch in pain.

"Ow!! you idiot!!" I grabbed his hair with both my hands pulling them as hard as I can. With growling in his low voice he held my hands taking them out of his hair after a long struggle.

I couldn't stop laughing after seeing how messed up his hair was. And I even had some of his hair on my hand that made him furious!

"HOW DARE YOU!" Taehyung started to tickle me and I amost peed on my pants! I laughed loudly despite the gazes of the others trying to save my dear life.

"AHHH! DON'T!! S..SAVE ME!!" I screamed while giggling.

"Excuse me!" Soo Jun came to us.
She rolled her eyes at me and looked at Taehyung.

what's wrong with her!?

"Taehyung can we talk.... alone?"
She asked. Taehyung yawned and put his legs on his table.

I rolled my eyes at him.

Such a jerk!

"Please!" Soo Jun nagged.
"No means no" Taehyung said.

"Ok fine! Did you got my letter yesterday?" she asked in a low voice. She probably don't want other's to hear it especially  Jiyeon.

Taehyung smirked.
"OH YOUR LOVE LETTER!?" he yelled getting the attention of the whole class.

"OMG! Quit it you stupid!" I muttered.

"Yeah! I got it, but I don't like you!! So don't waste your time trying to hang up with me!"

That was... MEAN!! I felt like kicking him in his face!

Soo Jun almost fainted!
"Shut up you freak!" I smacked Taehyung's head with a book and held Soo Jun' s hand.

"You ok? Can we go out?" I asked.
"Y...yeah " she held my hand tightly and we walked out of the class. Ji yeon smirked at Soo Jun as she passed  her.

        We came to the garden. Soo Jun sat on a bench.
"I... can't...belive .. He don't like me!" she said in a disappointed voice.

"I'm so sorry" I said. "Taehyung has a bad mouth you know" I tried to comfort her.
" I wrote in the letter that I will wait for his answer but I couldn't" Soo Jun sobbed.

"Oh..." I said awkwardly. I really didn't know how to react in a situation like that!

"It was you...." she muttered.
"Excuse me?..." I asked back because I didn't hear what she said.
"IT WAS YOU!!" Soo Jun got up and yelled!

I sighed." Come on! Listen I..." a sharp pain burned my cheek  making me completely silent. Soo Jun slapped me! I held my paining cheek and got up. I startled at her! "Hey! How could you!" I said loudly.

"Servers you right filthy jerk!" She shouted.

"Yah!" Someone yelled. "Don't you dare hit her you brainless idiot!" Taehyung pulled me to his side. I nervously looked at them.

Soo Jun rolled her eyes.
"Jiyeon was right! You are  with this freak!" She yelled at him.

"She's a friend! Now get lost!" Taehyung said coldly. Soo Jun ran away...crying.

I rubbed my cheek." You ok?" Taehyung asked. "No! I hate you!" I howled at him and ran to the music room. I was stressed! And I decided to scream. It's the best way to reduce stress!

I took a deep breath.

But suddenly my skirt fell down interrupting my yelling process
! I quickly pulled it up and looked around.

Thankgoodness no one was  around but I was totally embarrassed!

"..... where was I...?.. oh! I HATE YOU ALL AND THIS STUPID LOOSE SKIRT!" I ended yelling  and sat on a box.

"Yah! Pabo! Are you here?" I heard Taehyung's voice from out side. I stood silently. Taehyung came in and sat next to me.

"Yah" he tugged my hand. "Go away!" I muttered. "It's not my fault! Don't get mad at me!" He complained.

"Not your fault!? It's totally your fault! Your the one who yelled at her! I got slapped because of you!" I said to him and stared at the floor.
Taehyung turned my face and scanned my cheek.

"Wow! It's all red!" he  chuckled.
"Not funny!" I nagged.  Taehyung traced his finger along my cheek. I smiled. It tickled.

But then he smacked my face with his palm making me yelled in pain!

"That's for hitting me with a book! and for pulling my hair" he got up and ran outside.
"Ahh!!" I chaised him while rubbing my face.

"Stop you little rascal!!!" I shouted and tried to catch my breath! He managed to escape from me but I found him near the lockers.

But... He was talking with Jiyeon!! She was laughing and blushing with him!

Ahh! What's with him! if he hate her why is he flirting!

(Taehyung's pov)

I bumped on to Jiyeon accidentally!
"Oh my!" She shouted.
"You!" I glanced but then I saw Yu na coming to get me so started talking with Jiyeon. As I expected Yu na stopped right on the spot! Nice! Now I can catch my breath peacefully for awhile!

"I can't believe you are talking with me Taehyung! Oh! I love you!" Jiyeon said.

She was telling me something I noded but I wasn't paying any attention. I saw Yu na's expression getting changed.

Wow! Is she jealous!? Funny!

"Taehyung are you listening?!!"
Jiyeon yelled. She said lots of things but I didn't heard  any of it!  I was busy enjoying the sudden change of  Yu na. After sometime time Yu na went away. She probably got fed up.

"Hey! Hope you are listening!" Jiyeon waved her hand infront of my face.

"W..what? Oh! I must go!" I ran away from her.
"Love you!" Jiyeon yelled.

I threw a frown at her. She was annoying.
I came to the garden and sat on a bench.

"Surprise!!!!" Yu na jumped on to me, missed and banged her head on the bench.

Then she yelled and held her head.
"Ah! kamjagiya! I'll pay for that you idiot!" I pushed her away. She swayed and I grabbed her hand.

"Yah! what's wrong?"
"It hurts " she muttered and sat next to me.

"You are so stupid and clumsy! Can't you  just stay for awhile without doing stupid things!?......yah! I'm talking to you!.....YAH!......h...hey you ok?" I peeked at her face.

She didn't respond instead of answering she buried her face in both of her hands.

"Does it really hurts?" I asked and burshed the hair out of her face. She nodded.

"Aish this kid!" I rubbed her head slowly and softly.

Why am I feeling bad?? it was her stupidity after all!

"You feeling ok now?"
"Yap" she said weakly. Seemed like she was really hurt!

"Get up I'll take you to the sick room" I tried to stand up.
But she grabbed my hand.

"Noo! I'll be ok. Please stay for a while " she said and leaned her head backwards. I put my arm around her shoulder and made her head lean on my hand.

"Why didn't you slapped her back?" I asked.
" I don't wanna get kicked out... I'm a bad kid. I got expelled.. thrice" she said.

Expelled? well that's not surprising..

  I looked at her arm with a big cut. I got worried every single time when I saw it. She got that because of me.

"Is your arm ok now?" I looked at her.
"You mean the cut? Yap it looks cool right?"

"You like it??"

"I'm ready to accept all my scares and burdens"

I think she got her head hit so hard and now she's insane.


(Yu na's pov)

I can't believe Taehyung stayed in the class after the interval!!! And he started acting really nice!

I got a bump in my head because I got hit my head on a bench.

I think Taehyung was a little worried about me.

"Do you want me to take you home?" he asked me as I packed my bag after the last bell rang.

"No thanks" I said. He glanced.
"Ok! I can't understand why am I being so nice and kind to a air headed like you!" Taehyung said.

I didn't argue. I'm tired and my head started to pain like a hell!
I got up and pulled my skirt.

Taehyung smirked. "Yah! Hold it tightly! I don't wanna see your white lace thingy again!"

I stared at him for awhile.

what white lace.... white.. OMG!!

"TAEHYUNG!!!!!!" I yelled and Taehyung ran outside while bursting into to laughter.

I was about to run after him but someone held me from my hand.
I turned. "Jiyeon?"
"Yah me! I wanna challenge you!" She said with a smirk.
"What?!" I ask with confusion.

"Let's have a competition to win Taehyung's heart!" she said in a dramatic voice.

"O.....k... I think you must get a brain check up or something!" I pushed her and walked to the door.

"You are just afraid because you can't have him!" Jiyeon said loudly.
"Correction! I don't want him!" I said without turning.

"Or are you afraid to lose?" Well that made me stopped.
Jiyeon came to me.
"Listen let's have a week to win his heart, next Friday he'll announce  the winner, deal?"
"That's the most stupidest thing I ever heard!!!!" I shouted.

"So....... deal?" Jiyeon asked and smirked!
I was confused!

Why is she acting like this!?? did Taehyung told her something to make her this confident??

"W....What happens to the loser?" I asked.
"Loser have to kiss the janitor!!! On  the lips!"

ok.. this is weird.

I knew Taehyung considered me as an "object" which he can play with I knew it very clearly.. but,

"D... deal!" again... I can't understand why my big mouth works way more quickly than the brain!

"NICE!!" Jiyeon smiled. "Then good bye dear! Can't wait to see you kissing the janitor!" She giggled and went away with her friends!

Shit! Shit! Shit! What have I done!


Hey guys! enjoy the chapter! Plz leave your comments and votes! And thanks for your support!! Love you all!!!


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