Nerd Threats the Bad Boy

By mtfking

443K 12.6K 8.4K

-UNDER HEAVY EDITING- (BOOK #1 of the HS Series) I see him. I see him just across the hallways. Him clutching... More

ⓟrologue: How It Starts
ⓟart 1: The Infamous Ethan Blake
ⓟart 2: R.I.P. Blue Celtic Shirt
ⓟart 3: I've Got These Feelings For You
ⓟart 4: New Friends & Phone Crisis
ⓟart 5: Lucky Charms
ⓟart 6: Dancin' To Y'all Die
ⓟart 8: The Choice is Yours
ⓟart 9: Chasing Confessions 101
ⓟart 10: Confessions Confirmed
ⓟart 11: Sabotage
ⓟart 12: Slushee
ⓟart 13: Taki Taki
ⓟart 14: Last Night Was Magical
ⓟart 15: Start Of Something New
ⓟart 16: Don't Drink The Fountain Water
ⓟart 17: Happy Family, Happy Life
ⓟart 18: Self-Discovery, My Ass!
ⓟart 19: Mount Rushmore
ⓟart 21: Therapeutic Sessions
ⓟart 22: Goodbye Wydell High
Eⓟilogue: How It Ends
June 1, 2019

ⓟart 7: I'm Not Using #2

17.6K 505 296
By mtfking

Nadia Mejia will be playing the role of Eva Maxwell

Ethan's POV:

After getting into a fight with Mr. Perfect, one of the teachers broke it off and told us to wait in the principal's office. I should've stopped teasing Cameron and Mr. Perfect but I couldn't help it. It's obvious that he likes Cameron.

That was the reason I kept teasing.

He needed to know that CAMERON WAS MINE.

"Now, tell me why did you guys fight?" Principal Crowne asked us.

Scott said,"I was defending one of my friends because of what he said. It was inappropriate and it looked like my friend was uncomfortable."

I rolled my eyes and said,"Your friend wasn't even uncomfortable. If he was one of your friends, then why wasn't he sitting next you?"

"What does that have to deal with it?"

I did one of my infamous smirks and said,"Maybe he doesn't like you?"

Mr. Perfect was ready to stand up until Crowne interfered. "Okay. Okay. So all of this argument started with this friend of yours. Who is this person to you guys?"

"My boyfriend" while Scott said "My boyfriend."

We looked at each other with hate in our eyes. Crowne with a surprised face said,"Really guys? All of this because of relationship drama?" He sighs and rubs his eyebrow with irritation,"Since you guys started a disturbance in the cafeteria, that I can't allow. So I'm suspending you boys for three days and when you guys come back, I'll put you guys in work detail. I do not want this to happen again. Is that understood?"

We silently nodded our heads. "Now go wait in the hallways while I call your parents to pick you guys up." Crowne said.

We got up and waited in the hallways for our parents.
Cameron's POV:

I'm in class right now copying notes. I couldn't concentrate. I've been thinking a lot about what happened in the cafeteria. First off, why was Ethan sitting in our table in the first place? Why did he keep teasing when Scott said stop? Why was Scott getting mad about? And why did I see rage, anger, and a hint of jealousy?

I need to a break. I raised my hand to go use the restroom. The teacher kindly wrote me a restroom pass and let's me go. Not really needing to go use the restroom, I just walked. I just to find a possible answer to those questions. When I walking, I saw my UFC fighters. (Sorry. I find that hilarious lol. Ok carry on)

One came up to me and I couldn't see cause they were near the door and it was really bright outside. I couldn't see until they were near me. It was Ethan.

"Hey Sunshine." Ethan smiled.

This is the first time seeing him smile and can I say WOWZERS!

His smile was so big that it reached his cheeks and he has dimples that I didn't know about. And his smiles are affectionate and contagious that would make everyone smile. But I wasn't smile. Not after that stunt they played.

"Don't call me sunshine. I want to why? With the smiles, the clinging and your eyes! I saw the way you looked at me when you dropped me home from the game. They held admiration. And your eyes held jealousy when Scott was defending me. Why couldn't you just stopped when we asked?!?" I yelled at the last part.

His smile died and he just stared at me. My eyes filled with anger while his is filled with sadness?

He answered,"Don't you get it? I like you. Since the day we kissed, you were on my mind 24/7. I even daydream about you! I liked you that day you first talked to me. I'm willing to give my heart to you. If you would just give me a chance to make it right. And I'll do right by you." He looked at me with love that I could actually feel it from here. I was gonna talk to him until we were interrupted by a women's voice. "Ethan. Let's go in the car. Your father is waiting for you there."

I looked to see a women who looked familiar like Ethan but with different eye color. Ethan looked at me for a second and said,"Meet me whenever cause I'm suspended. I'll text you my address." And that he left.

How does he even have my number?

I looked around to see who would've heard our conversation. I see Scott sitting on the bench in front of the principal's office. He didn't listen to the confession because he had earphones on. I walked to sit next to him and when I did, he looked at me with a surprised face and took off his earphones. "Hey." He said.

"Hey." I replied.

"I just want you to know that I'm sorry. I shouldn't speak on your behalf in your cafeteria." Scott said.

I said,"I know you're sorry. But I don't need anyone defending me. I can fight my own battles."

"I know that because you're one of the most bravest people I know. And that's I love about you." I turned my head to look at him with my eyes wide as they can be. "I meant what I said when we were walking to your house. I like you." He smiled at me.

I stood up to face him and said,"You're not even gay."

Scott smiled and said,"I'm not. I'm bisexual. I like both boys and girls."

I blushed. He continued saying, "I got suspended for three days. Meet me within those three days at my house if you want to go on a date with me?"

I was gonna respond to him when his ringtone beat me to it. Scott answered it and talked. I knew that was his parents because I can hear his moms voice in the phone. And let me tell you. Someone's PISSED.

After dismissing the call, he looked at me and and said, "Think about what I said. I'll text you my address." And with that, he grabbed his things and walked out the main door.

A lot has been going on my mind. I looked at my phone to check the time.


I took about 25 minutes and the teacher would probably think that I'm using a number 2. If you know what that means.


Sorry it took me a while to update because I wanted to enjoy my summer first!





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