
By gianni05

9.2K 221 39

Finn Balor A.K.A. Fergal Devitt was at the top of the mountain having just become the first ever Universal Ch... More

The Sound Of Silence
The Four Reasons To Be Happy
The Lass Kicker
The Hugger
The Boss
The Queen
The Phenomenal One
The Demon Inside Me
Never Be Like You
All My Friends Are Dead
Kings and Queens
The Princess
I Don't Want To Do This Anymore
You Only Hurt The Ones You Love
The One's We Left Behind
All I Need
Hold Me Close, Dont Let Go, Watch Me Burn
Don't Go
I Walk On Water, But I Ain't No Jesus
I'm Glad You Came
You Know Nothing Of Hell
Home Is Where The Heart Is
My Mama Don't Like You And She Likes Everyone
Hearts All Over The World
So Far Away, But Still So Near
Who Would've Thought I'd Get You
I'll Be Holding On To You
So Long Love
I Can't Help Falling In Love With You
That's Love
I Was Lost Before You Found Me
You're The Weak One
I Win
Alt. Ending (Rebecca)

Old Demons Make Good Friends

218 5 0
By gianni05

I was sitting in one of the many booths of an Orlando dive bar waiting for Rebecca. She had agreed to meet with me yesterday and I was glad because I had so many questions. The only reason that I didn't have Bálor send me back is because I needed to know where I went wrong. I pulled out my phone and looked up my ring name along with Rebecca's. What I found was very interesting, I found a video from NJPW and played it. It was me making my entrance along side thr Bullet Club. I remember this match, it was when I faced Kota Ibushi for the IWGP Junior Heavyweight Championship. I was on the shoulders of my personal body gaurd Bad Luck Fale as we made our way to the ring with my Bullet Club alumni with us. I fast forwarded through most of the match as I already knew how it ended or atleast I thought I did. Once I skipped to the end I saw Kota Ibushi going up the top rope for his signature Phoenix Splash. Then all of sudden Chad Allegra (Karl Anderson) distracted the referee while a hooded figure wearing a bandanna around their face jumped the gaurd rail and pulled Kota Ibushi's own feet from under him. This resulted in him falling off the top rope and thats when I climbed to the top rope and hit my double foot stomp known as the Coup De Grãce. I pinned him and won the IWGP Junior Heavyweight Championship. While I was celebrating with my fellow Bullet Club members, the person from the crowd walked up to me. The person pulled down their bandanna and then kissed me on the lips. I still couldn't see who it was but when the person pulled away thats when I saw that it was Rebecca. We looked at each and both smiled before kissing again as the crowd popped. I looked up and saw Rebecca walking in so I turned off my phone.

"Hey Fergal." She said sitting across from me.

"Hey......where's Mercedes?" I asked.

"I didn't know she was invited." She said.

"Well she's my friend too why wouldn't she be?" I asked.

"Because I can't remember the last time you two were friends. Like what the actual fuck are you talking about Fergal?" She asked.

"I've had a rough week alright." I said.

"I can see that. Luckily I know just what will help ease that." She said.

"I'm not drinking Rebecca.....even though I should." I said.

"Why?" She asked.

"I need to keep my head in place." I said.

"Well suit yourself then." She said.

"Rebecca....what happened to us?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"I mean we were....so happy together....what happened?" I asked.

"Well you should know that Fergal.....it's the same thing that always happens....you left me." She said.

"No no no that's bullshit.....I came back for you." I said.

"Yeah you did the first time.....then after big Prince Devitt became a huge hit in Japan, WWE just had to have you....and you had to leave." She said.

"So why didn't you come with me again....we could've stayed together." I said.

"Fergal how could you not remember, my career was in Japan at that time. I couldn't just drop everything and leave with you...again. Also not to mention it but....WWE didn't exactly offer me anything." She said.

"So what after I left you just decided to turn Bi and hook up with Mercedes. How the fuck does that happen?" I asked.

"Maybe because she was there for me when I needed her....unlike you...I don't even wanna look at you right now." She said getting up.

"Do you have any idea what I've done for you?" I asked.

"NO.....I don't....because as far as I'm concerned I'm the only one who ever did anything!" She yelled.

"DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA THE SHIT THAT I'VE DONE JUST TO GET TO YOU!!.....I had Bálor take me back in time just to save....becuase I loved you....because I couldn't live without you......You died.....you died in my arms....when it happened....I thought I lost my whole world....because you were my world....and I went through SO MUCH.....just so I could have you.....and in the end the same thing happens....I end up alone." I said.

"Fergal what are you talking about?" She asked confused.

"It doesn't matter you'll just forget anyway this whole timeline as a whole won't even exist after I'm done." I said walking out of the bar.

"So I'm guessing we're going back?" Bálor asked appearing right next to me.

"Yep....bring me to 2013 specifically right after I won the IWGP Junior Heavyweight Championship." I said.

"Alright lets do it, how long do you plan on staying?" He asked.

"As long as I have to." I said.

"Uhhh Fergal aren't you forgetting that it doesn't really work like that. I can only leave you there for so long." He said.

"Then leave me there." I said.

"What?" He asked.

"You heard me send me back and leave me there. What I have to fix will take more than a day, hell it might take more than a year." I said.

"Well how will you get back?" He asked.

"I'll take the long way." I said.

"But....I can't stay with you Fergal, I won't be able to hold on to you." He said.

"Then don't.....you'll be fine with this present me ok." I said.

"But I don't want to be with just any Fergal I want to be with the Fergal I know." He said.

"Hey listen I know it's crazy, honestly all of this is.....but you have to trust me....if you really do care about my well being....you'll do this for me." I said.

"I'm really gonna miss you for the next five years." He said.

"I think some part of me is gonna miss you too." I said.

"If it means anything now.....I am sorry." He said.

"For what?" I asked.

"Everything, I just feel this weird anger come over me sometimes....it's like there's a voice telling me what to do and I just listen." He said.

"My demon has his own demons....who would've thought?" I asked.

"You have and always will be my friend Fergal....I'll find a way to communicate with you one way or another...hell maybe I can pull you back to the present....just listen for me ok." He said.

"I will.....I'll find you Bálor." I said.

"Ok well hold on then, this is probably gonna hurt a little since I'm not coming with." He said tapping my forehead.

January 5th, 2013

A sharp pain shot through my head and I closed my eyes as I felt a huge gust a wind blow across my body. Once it stopped I opened my eyes and found myself backstage in NJPW. I looked around and saw Chad hanging out with Andrew Hankinson (Luke Gallows). They were busy talking with the other members of the Bullet Club like The Young Bucks and Bad Luck Fale. I on the other hand looked at my waist and saw that I still had the championship around it. I remember how happy I was when I won it for the Bullet Club, I'm even happier now knowing that Rebecca was apart of it this time. But then after looking at it again I realized something, it wasn't the IWGP Junior Heavyweight Championship, it was the IWGP Heavyweight Championship. The most decorated and prestine title in all of NJPW. But what was it doing around my waist? I never won it in NJPW in the past, I had to find Rebecca because this didn't make since. Just as I thought about her I felt someone kiss me on the and wrap their arms around me. I turned my head and was met with a kiss on the lips from Rebecca.

"You call that a celebration?" I asked chuckling a bit.

"Oh no that's just for now....the real celebration starts when we get back home." She whispered in my ear.

"Oh really? You gonna give the champ what he needs?" I whispered in her ear.

"And what does my champion want?" She whispered.

"I want to go home and go to sleep." I said pulling away.

"Wait what? You're serious?" She asked laughing.

"Yeah, Rebecca I just wrestled a long and intense match out there, I'm tired." I said.

"Ask me if I care that your tired." She said getting in my face.

"Do you ca-" I said before she kissed me.

"I don't give a shit if you're tired." She said pulling away.

"Let's go home." I said.

"Prince Devitt, how does it feel to defend the IWGP Junior Heavyweight Championship?" A reporter asked with a camera man standing next to him.

"No questions today lads, the champ has got work to do." Rebecca said shoving the camera as we both walked away.

"Well that's different." I mumbled to myself.

I don't know what Japan did to Rebecca but boy was she acting very different then how she usually is. She was acting far from her usual humble self. She had of a more aggressive side of her on display right now. I could tell from the way she was shoving and pushing people out of our way as we made our way to our car outside. I got in the passenger seat as a few reporters with cameras crowded us asking questions. Rebecca just rolled up the windows and drove away from the arena. I looked out the window at the city that I remember spending eight years in. The place basically became a second home to me. I caught my reflection in the window and remembered that I was alone here, that Bálor was gone for now. Which felt relieving but at the same time it felt weird and sort of lonely. The thing is when you get stuck with a demon for so long you eventually become used to it. That's when I realized that I wasn't alone, I felt something all of sudden. That's when my whole world changed and I was now standing in that white room that he called his home. I was alone in it for a moment and that's when he appeared.

"Took you long enough." I said.

"This is the only way I can communicate with you....through here. I can't mentally project myself there alongside you but I can sit back and watch." He said with his voice sounding demonic.

"Then you'll have probably noticed how odd Rebecca is acting." I said.

"She's not acting odd, at least to this timeline. Have you done your research?" He asked.

"No not really." I said.

"In this timeline you and Rebecca are both apart of the elite Bullet Club obviously. You've been champion for more than 7 months and that's because of not only the Bullet Club but because of Rebecca too. She's been in your corner for all of your title defenses and had more or less been the reason you've kept it. You two are inseparable when it comes to that ring, in fact you two are known as the King and Queen of NJPW." He said.

"King huh, you know a lot about that don't you?" I asked.

"Oh shut up, listen things have changed here. The NJPW career you remember having doesn't exist anymore. Rebecca has changed so much ever since she moved to Japan with you. In fact she brought so much attention that NJPW created a women's divison with its own title that she now holds." He said.

"So she's a champion too, that explains her attitude." I said.

"Yeah she's Japan very first IWGP Women's Champion, and boy does she let everyone know it." He said.

"Yeah I can tell, she pushes people around and talks different." I said.

"Remind me again why we're bothering with this timeline again?" He asked.

"Because something happened that seperated Rebecca and I and I have to find out and fix it." I said.

"Listen man I don't want to rain on your parade but have you ever thought that maybe we fucked around with time so much that it's almost impossible to fix?" He asked.

"Yeah but it don't mean we can't try. Look I just want her, ok I love her and she died in my original timeline and in the other she ended up with Mercedes, so I'll be damned if I lose her again." I said.

"I'm just saying Fergal, messing with time this much can be bad for your mental health." He said.

"Since when was my mental health any good? I have a fucking demon in my head." I said.

"Fair point." He said before fading away.

The room I was in disappeared and now I was in an elevator with Rebecca heading up to our apartment in Tokyo. Once the elevator doors opened I followed Rebecca into our apartment and laid down on the couch. I was really tired because it had felt like I had wrestled a long match. Next thing I knew Rebecca pounced on me and started kissing me. Normally I would love this and be so down but being tired really does mess with your sex drive.

"Rebecca not now, I'm not in the mood." I said pulling away.

"Shhhh....I don't care." She said kissing on my neck.

"Ok well I do so....." I said getting up pushing her off of me.

"Where do you think your going?" She asked.

"To bed." I said with a smirk.

"Don't make me chase you Fergal." She said.

"You don't have to....I already told you where I'm going." I said walking to our bedroom before laying down on the bed.

"Fergalll come on don't do this to me." She said following me pouting her lip.

"Hey look I'll be good in the morning just let me sleep." I said getting under the covers.

"Fine... you wanna play like that....we can play like that." She said before hopping on the bed and getting under the covers too.

"Thank you now goodnight." I said turning off my bedside lamp.

This is all fucking crazy, plain and simple. I was time traveling like out of a fucking movie. Bálor was right when he said that all of this messing with time was bad for my mental health. It's been so hard to adapt to all of these new timelines I can't remember the last time I got to lay down in peace and sleep. The plan was to stay here as long as it took until I found out what seperated Rebecca and I in the future. Just as I started thinking about her I felt her moving closer to me until eventually laying half of her body on me. It didn't bother me until I felt her hand travel down my body until eventually snaking its way into my pants. I nearly jumped when she grabbed my growing erection through my boxers.

"Rebecca come on let me sleep." I said.

"Shhhh....you get to sleep after." She said before kissing me.

"After what?" I asked.

"After you make me cum.....but first let me make you cum." She before disappearing under the covers.

"Rebecca please just stop for a sec-" I was cut off by her placing her mouth on me.

It's been years since Rebecca gave me head and I nearly forgot how good she was at it. Part of me was willing to give in but the other part wanted to as well but it didn't want to give her control. I pulled off of me and flipped us over so I was on top and immiadetly pulled her leggings down. I pulled them down far enough to where I could move her panties to the side. I watched as she took off her shirt and bra while I pulled off my shirt as well. I locked eyes with her again and saw her biting her lip in anticipation.

"I bet you want me to fuck you right here....right now." I said.

"Please Fergal...I....I'm so wet." She said trying to arch her back into it but I kept her at bay.

"God you look so sexy like this." I said.

"Fergal please." She said wrapping her arms around me.

"You have no idea how much I missed this." I said.

"Fergal do me a favor....shut the fuck up and fuck me already." She said with a demanding tone.

I gave her exactly what she wanted and thrusted inside of her. Watching her facial expression changed from need to pure ecstasy was worth this whole time travel debacle all together. I started moving at a fast pace watching her close her eyes and tighten her grip on me. I felt her hands clawing at my back as I started lifting her legs higher until they were damn near next to her head. That was easily one of Rebecca's most overlooked attributes. On top of being a physically dominant athlete she also kept her flexibilty over the years. It was one of her few qualities that only I knew. Ashley may have her splits that she loves to do but she's not the only one who can do them. That's when I started thinking about everyone I left behind when I started this whole time traveling expidition. I may never see them the same way again ever. My focus switched back to Rebecca when she wrapped her legs around me and that's when I realized that she was cumming. I had completely zoned out that I almost forgot I kept the same fast that I started with. Which I normally don't do because I like to drag this stuff out longer to enjoy it longer but I was trying to sleep anyway so it works for me. After Rebecca came down from her orgasm I pulled out laid down next to her.

"Wait did you cum?" She asked.

"Nah it's no big deal. Just let me sleep now." I said chuckling.

"Not until I finish sucking you dry." She said before wrapping her lips around the head of my cock.

"Rebecca please I can't...fuck." I said as I tried to push her off only to no avail.

She was doing such a good job as she started bobbing her head up and down. I couldn't even focus as my whole body just seemed to shut down as she continued sucking me off. I tried pulling her off but she just slapped my hand away as she started using her hand to stroke me. It didn't take long for me to reach my breaking point at the rate she was going. I felt myself nearly empty as I came hard into her mouth while she kept her lips locked around me taking all of it in. After I was finished she simply pulled her mouth off with audible POP! noise. She simply just cuddled up next to me and fell asleep right there. This new Rebecca was different, it seems that she was bringing a lot of my older tendices back out. I guess you could say my older demons although not literally like Bálor. But you know what they say....old demons make good friends.

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