I Can't Help Falling In Love With You

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I was in an Über on my way to Leah's house in Orlando. I had an old boombox in the seat next to me that I had gotten from a music store in the Florida Mall. I also bought an Elvis Presley cassette tape to go in it that I kept fiddling with in my hand. Elvis was one of Leah's favorite singers and the song on the tape was one of her favorite songs by him. My plan to get her back was something that I saw in a movie that Leah and I watched called "Say Anything". The Über eventually arrived at Leah's house, I got out and set my boombox on the ground. It was late at night, to be exact it was around 11:30 pm. I walked into Leah's front yard and looked up at her bedroom window and saw that the light was off. I took the Elvis cassette tape and placed it in the boombox before hitting play. I skipped a couple of songs until I got to the one I wanted which was titled "Can't Help Falling In Love". I turned it up as loud as it would go and held the boombox over my head. I looked up at Leah's bedroom and saw the light turn on. I smiled as her curtains opened and I saw her face again. She opened the window and had a look of shock, confusion, and anger all in one.

"Fergal what are you doing?" She shouted from her bedroom window.

"I love you Leah Van Dale, please forgive me." I shouted over the music.

"Fergal turn that off, you're gonna wake the whole damn neighborhood." She shouted.

"Not until you come out here." I shouted.

"Ok ok just turn the damn music off." She shouted before disappearing from the window before reappearing soon after in the doorway of her front door.

"Oh Leah, I missed you so much." I said turning off the boombox while walking towards her.

"Don't come any closer." She said.

"Look Leah I know I fucked up but-" I said.

"DON'T....I don't want to hear it....just go." She said.

"I couldn't do it....I wanted to come back the minute I left but....how could I just....come back after what I said. I remembered how much you liked Elvis and the movie 'Say Anything'. So I bought a boombox and an Elvis tape....I just....I want you to forgive me." I said.

"Fergal...how could I after what you said?" She asked.

"I know what I said....I wish I could take it all back....I know I don't deserve you....but god dammit I want you....because I can't help it anymore....I can't help falling in love with you Leah." I said moving closer to her.

"Fergal." She said moving closer to me with tears in her eyes.

"Leah." I said.

I set the boombox down and practically ran over to her. She ran over to me and we met in the middle sharing a huge hug. I felt such a huge feeling of relief and happiness wash over me. I could feel the tears coming from eyes as I lifted Leah up in my arms. I could hear her crying on my shoulder as I kissed her cheek. It's been a week since I left her house and it felt like a year. I took my chance with Rebecca but if that taught me one thing it was how much I truly loved Leah. She was there for me when at was at my lowest, you could argue that everyone else was too but...it was different with Leah. She didn't just give me a place to stay, she gave me a second chance. A second chance at friendship, a second chance at love. A second chance that I thought I was never gonna get, that I thought I never deserved. To think I almost threw that all away over a woman who wasn't even mine anymore. I was a fool for that, but Leah forgave me for all of it. She didn't have to but she did because she trusted me, because she loved me...and I sure did love her.

Two Weeks Later

I was watching Leah doing her morning yoga while I was putting together a pirate shit made of legos. It was a sunday so we both had nothing better to do. It was one of those days where we were satisfied with us just being together. It was definitely rough for those first couple of days trying to get over what happened, but it felt like now everything was just the way it was. Well sort of, you see you don't leave a woman like Leah and not get some sort of repercussions. To put it into perspective, Leah had me in the dog house. That hug we shared the night I came back was the last time I even got to touch her. She hasn't exactly been making things easy for me either. The fact that she does her yoga right in front of where I like to do my legos is not a coincidence at all. She's been teasing me for the past couple of weeks and I usually could keep my cool, but lately she's been getting a lot more cocky with her actions. I was almost done with my lego pirate ship when I looked up at Leah who was doing a downward dog with her ass facing towards me. I sighed and just shook away the thoughts that were flooding my head. I put the final piece on my lego pirate ship and smiled. I picked it up and put it up on the shelf with the rest of my lego creations. I looked back at Leah who had taken off her leggings and was still doing yoga. I took a deep breath and tried not to let my mind go places and my eyes wonder. I went to walk past her but she bumped into me causing me to fall on the couch.

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