Piano [One-Shot]

By irnsnchz

171 6 2

[Arashi Fanfiction] They both meet and fall for each other because of piano but the fate has a lot of twists... More

Piano [One-Shot]

171 6 2
By irnsnchz

Title: Piano

Author: irnsnchz

Length: One-shot

Rating: G

Genre: Romance, Drama

Summary: They both meet and fall for each other because of piano but the fate has a lot of twists, what if when they found that they are brothers and sisters?

Disclaimer: I do not own any members of Arashi. The rightful owners are Johnny & Associates. I only own the plot, original characters and the story.

Author's Note: This is a fanfic of a J-Pop band under Johnny's Entertainment, Arashi. I made this for Arashi Philippines' Sho's birthday fanfic contest. No one beta-ed this so I'm very sorry for some grammar errors since English is not my native language. Kindly tell me my mistakes. Comments, votes, and likes are highly appreciated. Happy reading!

All Rights Reserved | January 2012


Sho was welcomed with good news as he entered his room. He wasn't sure to believe what his manager said because in Johnny's Entertainment, it's not something you can easily have because they're in a very busy business. It might seem impossible but Johnny Kitagawa just gave him a vacation, it's not just a day nor weeks but it's a month. Sho was very happy that it made him speechless for minutes. Every person needs a rest from a tiring job, just like him.

Sho quickly looked for his planner in the bag. Being an organized person, he always write important things in his planner and that helps him throughout his busy schedule. What Sho wanted this time is to enroll in piano lessons. Sho already know how to play piano but he wanted to learn more, especially the Kouhaku Uta Gassen is coming near and he'll going to play their song, Furusato.

After writing on his planner, he shoved out the laptop and opened it. He started looking for school who's accepting piano lessons until he finally found one that was located inside Minato, Tokyo and it was near his parent's house. The website of the school was accepting online application so he was able to booked a one-on-one session for a month. Sho was sure that this vacation will be fun and at the same time, he is going to learn a lot. To be honest, it's been a while since he felt an excitement like this.


Today was the first day of the class. He was standing in front of the three-floor building with black and white facade. If you are going to observe, the building looks like a piano but it was standing vertically. Sho wondered why he was so nervous when in fact, there is nothing to be nervous about however, it was eating him up. He slowly entered the school and he was welcomed with a warm smile from the receptionist, Sho started to ease up a bit from the nervousness.

"Are you Sakurai Sho?" The receptionist asked, making sure if he was the one who booked the classes.

"Ah. Hai (Yes), Sakurai Sho desu (I'm Sakurai Sho)."

"Let's go." The receptionist wrote something from his record book before he motioned Sho to a hallway.

It was like an ordinary school, Sho thought. They passed the sound proof classrooms and he saw some students playing different instruments like drums, violin and guitar through the small windows of the doors. Sho's eyes continued to roam around and he can't keep still. He was like a child in his first day of school.

The receptionist stopped in front of the red door, making Sho stopped on his tracks. The receptionist knocked and called a name. "Rei-san."

The receptionist opened the door and motioned him to go inside. As soon as she opened the door, he can already hear the beautiful music that was playing from inside. The music was making him warm though the room was colder compared in the hallway.

Once he was in, he looked around again until he saw a grand piano and there was a woman playing it. Sho cannot picture the woman as the piano lid was partly covering her face. He walked to her slowly and silently but the heels of his shoes betrayed him. The woman stopped playing when she heard his footsteps.

The woman looked up to her and Sho suddenly froze on where he was standing. He saw her; eyes full of passion, slightly full lips, and a very warm smile painted on her face.

Sho suddenly feel an electric current running on his whole body. He read a lot of books even if it is a romance genre but he never expected that he'll feel it right now, in this place, in an unexpected moment. To Sho, he knows that she is the woman that you cannot take your eyes off.

The moment when the woman stood up from the piano seat and walked towards him while still wearing that same smile, it brought him back to his senses, atleast. If Sho was an ice, he probably melted because of her warm smile. When Rei stopped in front of him, Sho doesn't know what to do. His heart was fluttering, he admitted to his self.

"Welcome to our school." She greeted and bowed.

"Ah! A..Arigatou (Thank you)!" Sho thanked, stuttering. Inside, he was cursing himself for being like this, like a teenager who just saw his crush.

"I'm Taiyo Rei and I'll be your teacher throughout the month. Yoroshiku onegaishimasu (Nice to meet you)." She introduced herself and bowed a little.

Sho wanted to jump because he finally knows her name but instead, he remained his composure. "Uhm, Sakurai Sho desu (I'm Sakurai Sho). Yoroshiku onegaishimasu (Nice to meet you too)."

"Is it okay with you to start our classes now?"

Without further ado, they started the class. Sho was truly amazed on how she played the grand piano, as if her hands were perfectly shaped by a piano goddess. Rei is a good teacher, Sho could tell because he was learning a lot from her as she tackled the lessons bit by bit. He tried playing Furusato as Rei listened, she was looking down to concentrate with her arms crossed. The music that filled the room engulfed them.

As the classes proceed day by day, they started to develop the feeling for each other just like any lovers that started as friends. It was their break when they went to the park to relax a bit. Few more days, the lessons are going to end soon and Sho doesn't want to go without telling Rei about his feelings.

"Is it the perfect timing?" Sho wondered in his mind as his hands were cold because he was planning to confess. "Anou Rei-san.. I like you. Can you.. be my girlfriend?" Sho has a lot of cheesy words he had in mind but his lips can't even utter it. The struggle is real since he was not a sweet talker.

Rei was surprised by his sudden confession. But nevertheless, she liked how his confession became so straight-forward confession knowing that he can be awkward around women. "Yes."

That's the answer that every person wanted to hear when they confess to someone they love. Sho wasn't kind of man who'll just say sweet things. Instead, he'll do things that you'll know that he's there, he cares and he loves you. He's a guy who takes over the action than the promised words. That's Sho and that's one of the reasons why Rei fall for him too. Rei might look like she was not interested in him, it's just that she didn't want to assume things.

For Sho, she was the perfect woman or maybe his own definition of a perfect woman. The smile, the talent, the personality and everything. He can't ask for more. With that positive response from her, it's not one-sided feeling anymore because the two know that their hearts beat as one.

Sho looked at her with a surprised expression that made Rei laughed because it was epic though it was changed into his trademark toothy smile. He touched both of her cheeks, leaning closer and closer to her face. They both smiled as the forehead touched then slowly, Sho let his lips softly touched hers.


December 29, 2011.

Today is the 62th Kouhaku Uta Gassen that everyone is looking forward. Rei preferred to stay at the house to watch Sho and his bandmates to perform. She was really excited to see him play a grand piano in national TV for the first time. Though they were done in piano lessons, they still play at the school or during the days when Sho was free, he goes to school just to practice with her.

It was Arashi's turn now. They were all sweating cold because of nervousness especially Sho who keeps fidgeting his hands. He was used in performing in front of many people, but this time, he was going to play a grand piano in the annual event that the whole Japan was watching. When they got out from the backstage, Sho sat at the piano seat to play Furusato as the four started to sing after him.

*Check the video link or the youtube video to see Arashi's performance with Sho playing of Furusato in 62th Kouhaku Uta Gassen*

Right after they finished the perfomance, the audience made a standing ovation for them. All of the people in the studio were overwhelmed by their excellent performance. Arashi bowed at everyone as a sign that they were grateful. Many performances had finished after them and the show ended successfully. They all greeted each other a goodbye as they headed home. Sho's manager decided to send him home and while he was in the car, he shoved out his cellphone from his bag. He received a message from her.

"Happy new year! It's 2012 now. I'm happy that I met you, let's make more happy memories together this year.

P.S. You made me cry with the Furusato performance."

Sho smiled at her new year message to him. He glanced at his wristwatch. It's past 12MN now but for Sho, he can't let it pass without her. They weren't able to spend Christmas together so atleast, they should spend the new year together.

Despite his very busy schedule, Sho planned surprises for her at the park and the school. He asked lots of favor from his friends, he was not used to it because it was embarrassing but Sho was really thankful for them. After he got home and changed into his normal clothes, Sho went at Rei's house and he texted her when he arrived at the park near her house.

Rei was still sleeping when she heard a loud beep from her cellphone, indicating she has a text message. She extended her hand to reach for her cellphone at the side table while eyes were still closed. She held her phone and opened it, a sudden light from the phone blinded her a bit. Rei received a text message from him.

"Happy new year! Let's welcome a 2012 with full of smiles and love. Thank you for watching and of course, thanks to you that I was able to play the piano really well.

P.S. Come out, I'm in the park near at your house."

Rei smiled at the message but the P.S brought back her senses because it's past 1 in the morning and it's very unusual that he wanted her to come at the park. Sho didn't even inform her in advance that he'll meet her at this kind of hour. Nevertheless, Rei stood out from her bed to get dressed from pajamas to casual clothes. She tied her hair into a bun with strands scattered on the side of his face and nape before leaving her room. She didn't want to wake up her mother so she did her best to walk silently.

As soon as she reached outside, she breathe in relief but the cold air made her shivered. She didn't want to go back just to get a jacket, the park was just few steps away from their house anyway. While walking, Rei's mind was confused. Why would Sho wanted to meet at 1AM? She arrived at the park, only to see that lights were off and Sho was nowhere. It gave her goosebumps that she had to embraced herself tightly.

Her phone beeped from her pocket and it startled her. It was a text message from Sho saying, "Look up."

She did then the lights slowly opened. The park was filled with colorful lights. Rei's lips curved into a smile that Sho loved the most. He walked at her and when he noticed that she was only wearing a loose shirt, he removed his jacket to put it on her.

"Thank you." Rei whispered, then she looked around. "Everything is beautiful."

"I'm glad you liked it." He smiled.

"Ah, wait." Rei looked at him, confused. "I thought you're busy?"

Sho pursed his lips while thinking. "Hmm, I'm busy but I'll always have time for you." He winked.

Rei smiled as she leaned on his shoulders and Sho leaned on her head while their hands were intertwined with each other. Though the atmosphere was really quiet, they were both contented and happy because they can understand each other's silence.

"Ne, do you want to go the school?" Sho suddenly invited.

"Eh? At the time like this? It's already closed." She said, trying to be reasonable. How could a school be open in the middle of the night? Rei is working there so she was sure about the school's operating time.

"Well, I'm excused." Sho smirked then grabbed Rei's hands to lead her inside the car.

The big door of auditorium was opened by Sho. There was no people inside except for the two of them. The only light that is open is the spotlight pointing at the black grand piano. The two walked together, hand in hand. Sho motioned her to sit and he followed suit.

"This New Year, I wanted to play a song for you." He said as he looked at her. "I studied this piece because I promised myself to play this for you on this very special day."

He placed his fingers on top, feeling the cold surface of the keys. Rei warmly looked at him. As Sho started to play, she listened and her eyes are still on him. Tears poured on her face unconciously because Rei was grateful, really grateful.

"Hey, don't cry." Sho told her once he finished playing. "I hope you like my surprises."

"I really do." Rei enveloped him in a hug and Sho hugged her back. "Thank you, thank you so much."

For Sho, it wasn't not enough with the effort she did just to take care of him. Almost everyday, she'll make a bento and visit him in Jimusho to have lunch together or she always send him encouraging words through text. There are a lot actually, but those were just examples. He was glad that he made her smile and at the same time, cried because of happiness.


Today is January 25th and it is Sho's 30th birthday. It was Rei's turn to have surprises for him in his special day and also, she'll grant one of his wishes.

One week after the Kouhaku, Sho was able to let his family meet Rei. From her father, stepmother, his brother, Shu, and his stepsister, Mai. Though she was very nervous, Sho tried to remain her calm because he knows they'll approve. After all, she was the girl Sho approved of. Rei was able to ease her nervousness and was able to get her close with his family.

Before the week of his birthday, Sho also wanted to meet her parents. He keeps on insisting her and Rei said that he will not be able to meet her dad because he was working abroad but she promised him that she will find a free time in her mother's schedule so that they could meet each other and that day is today, exactly on his special day. The house was decorated with birthday-themed decorations. It was a simple party for the three of them. Her mom, with the help of Rei, cooked the food that were placed at the table.

Rei's phone beeped, making her jumped while arranging the utensils. The caller ID showed that it received a message from Sho.

"I'm outside. Is it really okay? I'm so nervous."

Immediately, she ran outside and then stopped her tracks when she saw him. Sho was standing in front of their house and looking so handsome in his outfit. They were about to get inside and when Rei was about to open the door, Sho held her hands to stop her. She can totally feel the coldness in Sho's hands. He looked at her and she can read in his eyes that he is really nervous.

"Hey, don't be nervous. I'm here and my mom is nice, she won't eat you so don't worry." She assured, trying to calm the man's uneasiness.

Sho knows that he was the one who insisted her but he can't help to be like this. Every man would be very nervous when they're going to meet the mother of the woman he loves. Now, Sho finally knows how Rei felt when she met his family. After some time listening from Rei's comforting words, Sho finally found the courage. He was ready, ready to meet her mom.

Rei opened the door and they went in. He removed his shoes as he stepped inside. It was the first time to be in their house. He looked around, memorizing the place where Rei stays. Their house was cleaned and the arrangement of the furnitures and stuff were organized.

"Mom! He's here." Rei called with a smile on her face.

As her mom went out from the kitchen, Sho suddenly stood frozen in his place. A very familiar figure was standing in front of him, it was his mother. It had been a while since Sho had been very shocked like this. He was connecting the dots until it slowly registered inside his confused mind.

"Mama?" Sho unconsciously asked in a whisper but Rei heard it.

The moment Rei heard Sho's whisper, she knew what's going on. She wanted to cry but she also wanted to fought back her tears. Their mother didn't expect this to happen, never in her dear life. The three of them were frozen from where they were standing. They realized that they were all related by blood. The two siblings finally realized everything but as for the both of them, they honestly couldn't accept the harsh truth of the reality.

Sho's parents divorced when he was five. Two years after the divorce, his mom got remarried to Rei's dad and that explains the seven years age gap between them. Also, that's the time his mom rarely talk to him through phone or letters. They almost cut-off their relationship but Sho never held a grudge against his mother. After all, she was still his mother. That time, he knew that his mother is going to have a new family. He just started to accept at young age. Rei knew that her mother had two sons from her previous marriage however she didn't knew their names and she never even expected that one of them will be Sho, the man he fell in love with.

With all the things that happened in one day, Sho wanted to change everything. Why it must be like this!? His mind keeps on asking. This time Sho finally realized that the world was truly small and the fate was so twisted that you don't know what might happen next.


A day after, they were at the park again, sitting on the bench, eyes were both swollen from crying. No one wanted to talk and all you can hear was the birds chirping and sound of the wind passing.

Aside from crying all night that it didn't even help to let her fall asleep, she had decided that she will follow her dad in the US because going overseas was the only solution she can do if she wanted to cope up and accept the truth and move on as well. Because no matter how they turn the world or how they fight the judging eyes of the society, it will still be the same, that even half, they are still brother and sister.

However, right now, Rei can't utter the words of goodbye to Sho who was just sitting beside her. It was very hard to tell him because she knew that his feelings were also mixed up right now. Unconsciously, her tears started to fall non-stop. Sho heard her quiet sobs and he knew that she was crying.

Sho looked at her and held her cheeks, wiping the tears away. "Shh, don't cry. I know it was hard for both of us but my heart can't take to see you cry like this." Trying to comfort her, atleast. Because it's difficult to comfort someone if you can't even comfort yourself.

With those words, instead to stop, she cried more. "Sho, I have to say something."

"What is it?"

"I.. I'm going to le..leave."

"What do you mean?" Obviously, Sho knew what she meant but it was hard for him to believe his self. Maybe his hearing had a problem.

"I'm going to my dad."

Now that he heard it very well, Sho still don't want to believe. "You're.. You're going to US? You're going to leave me!? I thought it'll be okay, we just need time right?" Sho asked continuously. Deep inside, he was panicking.

"Sho, no matter how we fight for our love, the truth will still be the same. It won't change until we die." It took so much courage for her to say it because she still can't accept the truth.

"Then how long are you going to stay there?" He asked again, his vision was staring to get blurry.

"I'm not sure yet."

"You're not sure?!" His voice started to raise yet it is trembling.

"Because I don't want to promise you anything since I can't even assure myself!" She shouted and she was still crying. "I'll just cope up with everything and move on."

"You know how much I want to hold your hand, to embrace you and to kiss you? I wanted to do that everyday. Now that I have time and everything, we.. became siblings." Sho let his tears fall down. He wanted to be strong but he cannot take it anymore. "I will not let you go." He said firmly, holding her hands tightly.

"Sho." Rei called his name like a mother who was about to get angry with his son. "It's better to let me go. Don't make the matter become worst."

Sho looked at her, his eyes pleading her to stay. Rei looked back but the more she stared, it was getting harder so before she can even change her mind, she removed her hand away from him and looked away.

He stood up from his seat and walked away a bit from her. "AH! Why?! Why all the people that I love go away from me!?" Sho shouted to the top of his lungs and suddenly dropped onto his knees. He cried and cried like a child who was left behind.

Rei quickly embraced him, pulling him at her chest while he was still crying. "I'm so sorry, Sho. I'm sorry." That's all she can do, apologize.

"What do you want me to do? Smile and be happy to watch you leave?!"

"Yes! Be strong! Not for me, but for yourself, Sho." She pulled away to looked at him. Her face was already clear, no trace of tears but her eyes are still red and swollen.

The sound of their sobs was the only thing you can hear at the park. It was a one-sided decision, a decision Rei pushed on Sho that the only choice he has was to accept it and say goodbye to her. It was the only solution she can only think of. Because their love was forbidden, and the more they continue it, the harder it will be to separate them. The two walked away in an opposite directions. As the two finally let go, they turned their heels in their own direction, walking in a path that they have to take alone.

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