Breathing Spirit

By little_issue16

1.5K 28 5

Breathing Spirits are roaming the Earth and most are hiding amongst ordinary humans. They seem normal to the... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48

Chapter 40

33 1 0
By little_issue16

Chapter 40

Roan came into the living room a few hours later looking for Harold, her chest of drawers had got stuck again. When she went in she found Ivy and Liam talking to each other. Roan turned to go back out again, but she had been seen.

"Roan! Come sit down." Ivy said pointing the sofa opposite. Roan sighed and went and sat down. "So, how do you two know each other."

"I saved his butt." Roan said. "And he obviously wasn't grateful for what I gave him." Roan said.

"I'm sensing some issues." Ivy said.

"Well..." Liam began.

"You could say that." Roan interrupted.

"That would explain the tension."

"I've lost count on how many times I've tried to apologise." Liam said.

"I don't want your apology!" Roan snapped.

"Then what do you want?" Liam shouted standing up. His eyes flashed red and Roan jumped back. She felt her cheeks go hot as her anger bubbled up.

"I want..." She said in her normal voice.

"Go on tell me, because I don't think I can go another day with out you looking at me as if I'm a pile of dirt. This has been complete hell Roan! I didn't mean to get your parents taken from you, in fact I would have done anything to stay with them and you! WILL YOU JUST TELL ME!" He said.

"I WANT MY PARENTS BACK AND ALIVE!" Roan yelled. Her eyes flashed green and she snarled at Liam. "You are useless and pathetic Liam. I don't know what on earth I saw in you. You think I'm a little princess, well take a look in the mirror. You're the snobbiest prince I have ever met. Arrogant and ignorant." She said.

"Go on there's something else you want to say isn't there." Ivy said. "I can see it ticking in your head."

"Stay out of this Ivy." Liam said. "It's not your fight."

"It can be if she wants. Waltzing in here expecting everyone to fall at her feet." Roan said. Ivy looked insulted and looked at the ground. By now Hazel and Jake had come to see what was going on. Liam had also shut up.

"I'm done here." Roan said marching out.

"Roan I will get your parents back." He said. She turned and looked at him. She tilted back her head and laughed.

"Oh yeah. How?"

"They aren't dead." Darren said coming in.

"And you didn't think to tell me this before?" Roan asked.

"It was so you wouldn't do anything stupid." Darren said.

"We will get them out, all of them."

"What do you mean all of them?"

"Everyone that was taken from the Moon Meeting team." Liam said. Roan crossed her hands over her chest.

"Ok get them out alive and I will forgive you. But I'm coming too."

"Roan it'll be dangerous. It will be a jail-break, it's the only way. I have asked for them to be released time and time again, but I am rejected. I'll get them out, but you can't come."

"Then I will go by myself. I am getting my parents back."

"Fine." Darren said.

"What?" Liam said.

"She can sword fight better then you and Jake put together. She's coming." Darren said. "Which reminds me Roan, I believe I owe you a lesson tonight."

"You do." Roan said. "Look Liam, we plan the jail-break and we fight to get them out. If they come back, you get me back." She said squeezing passed Jake and Hazel then crossing the hall and going into the training room.

"What if she dies?" Liam asked.

"What if you die?" Jake asked coming in.

"Am I really that bad?" Ivy asked.

"Shut up Ivy!" Hazel said. Ivy clamped her lips together tightly.

"Look there is a chance of all of you dying if you do this. It will be a risk, but if you think it is worth taking Liam, by all means go for it. However, promise me you will be ready and well planned out for this." Darren said.

"We will, but we need some troops. Call your friends guys, we have a breakout to plan." Liam said smiling.

Liam had got Ivy to get in contact with her friends as well as with his own. Roan, Hazel and Jake spent most of their evening calling or writing to people. Lewis got a few people rounded up and everyone was due to arrive tomorrow evening. Roan had dressed nice and grabbed her bag.

"Where are you going?" Harold asked as he walked through the hall.

"To get friends of my own." Roan said. Harold nodded and she clicked her fingers. When she appeared she was outside that little pub she and Drew had come to. She went inside and as she cam in everyone turned and looked at her.

"Roan! How good to see you!" Rupert beamed. People started shouting greetings from all over the place and she smiled. Then she felt the biggest smile she had done in months cross her face. She ran towards her cousin and pounced on him.

"Hello!" Drew said hugging her back.

"Your ok!" Roan said getting teary.

"Don't cry!" Drew said. "What are you doing here?"

"I need to ask you something. All of you!" She shouted. The pub went quiet and she stood on a table.

"I...the three need your help." She said.

"The three, why?" Sam asked. "It's great to see you Roan, but what's going on?"

"We are planning a jail-break to free the innocent from the breathing Spirit government." Roan said. The pub went completely silent.

"Look my parents are in there and have been kidnapped for believing in something different. We have rights." Roan said.

"I'm in, do we need to fight?" Drew asked. Roan nodded. A lot of the men started nodding.

"Look I would do the same for you and this is about the future, your future. Are you really going to let the bullies push you around, or are you coming with me?" Roan asked. "Who's with me?" There was a lot of I's at that point and fists in the air. Roan smiled and Drew lifted her down.

"Are you sure of this?" Drew asked. She nodded.

"Meet at Green Hill Mansion. All of you. Tell no one where you are going. I need full trust. Anyone that betrays me or the three, will be hunted down and killed. I will see to that myself." Roan said to Drew.

"Get everyone that wants to do it to sign this and then pass the location around. Remember this is top secret Drew, I'm counting you." She said. She then headed for the door.

"Where you going?" Drew asked.

"Back." She said.

"Can't you stay?" He asked. She looked at her watch. "One drink and that's it." She said. No one would miss her for twenty minutes. Not really.

Lewis and Darren were talking in the office and they were discussing what to do.

"If we had gotten rid of her..." Lewis was saying.

"But Liam's feelings were to strong for her, not to mention that she's smart! Look she's the girl in the mask Lewis. We have a good chance with her on our side. She has been through a lot." Darren said.

"Yes, but not like this! She is going to kill either herself or one of my own. They can't go." Lewis said.

"Too late. They want to fight and if they win the government and the Breathing Spirits will listen to them."

"That's the thing. They have to win and they have no chance." Lewis said.

"Why not?"

"This is the government we are speaking about. It's not their words that are powerful, it's their actions and their animals. They don't have cute little bunnies hopping inside of them. More like crocodiles with gnashing jaws, or snakes that can eat birds! Carnivores." Lewis said. Darren nodded.

"Give them a chance. And give Roan one as well. She can help you Lewis, not to mention Liam's theory..."

"Has he told her yet?"

Darren shook his head.

"If he doesn't break the news soon, I will." Lewis said. "Tell him that."

Darren nodded and went down the back stairs and into the living room. Ivy was sat there crying and he wasn't sure what to do.

"Have you seen Liam?"

"No." She snapped. Darren went and sat down opposite her.

"What's wrong?"

"Roan." She snivelled.

"What about her" Darren asked.

"She's everything I want to be and what my father wants me to be." Ivy lent back and played with her hair.

"Oh, well she's hard to beat. Even Hazel struggles and she's pretty good."

"Hazel has charm, not skill." Ivy said. "I have skill!"

Darren gave her a funny look.

"I do! I spend my free time learning how to fight. But I need a teacher."

"Get Roan to do it."

"But I don't like her."

"Give her a chance Ivy. No offence but you do act like a spoilt brat and you seem to think Liam is your property. He's Roans, or was. This means a lot to him and he doesn't want anything getting in his way. He loves Roan and he wants to prove it."

Just as he said that Roan came back in the hallway. She came into the living room.

"Got some more followers." She said happily. Then she saw Ivy.

"What's wrong?" Roan asked. Then she realised. "Oh Ivy I'm sorry, pay no attention to me when I'm grumpy and cross."

"No you were right." Ivy said. Roan was a little taken a back and she sat down.

"I leave you to explain." Darren said. "Well done for getting more people Roan. I'll let Liam know." He said. Roan nodded and turned to face Ivy as she told her what was going on.

Darren went into the training where Liam and Jake stood practising sword fighting. Hazel was helping them. Personally she was better with a bow and arrow and so was Jake. Liam was better with a knife. That was something he could do well.

"Roan has come back and she has got more people." Darren said. "And Liam I need to tell you something." He said. Liam stopped fighting and looked at his tutor. "In private."

"These two can hear."

"You might not want them too..."

"Spit it out!"

"Ok. Look your dad says that if you don't tell Roan what you think she is, he will do it himself."

"You still haven't told her?" Jake said.

"And he wont." Hazel added.

"When she's being like this with me, it's not exactly the best time. Tell dad that he will have to wait."

"I'm not a messenger Liam, do it yourself!" Darren said.

"Fine." Liam sighed throwing down his sword and running out of the door and going up the stairs two at a time, until he reached his father's door. He knocked twice and was told to enter and then the lecture began.

Roan by the end was laughing at Ivy who was on the verge of tears.

"What's so funny! I knew you wouldn't understand!" She sulked.

"No it's just your jealous of me! No one is jealous of me! That's quite a compliment. Look if I teach you sword play, will you help us fight to get my parents and their friends back?" Roan asked. Ivy nodded and her eyes lit up.

"You'll teach me? Really?"

"Sure I will!" Roan said. "You and Jake can have a lesson together and Liam if he's lucky."

"He cares about you a lot you know." Ivy said getting up.

"Who?" Roan asked.


"If he cared he would of..."

"Yes I've heard it all before. People make mistakes Roan, maybe you should go little easier on him." Ivy said. Roan turned away from Ivy. She wasn't going to forgive Liam until her parents were home safe. That was the deal and she didn't break her deals off. For anything.

"Come on lets train!" Roan said changing the subject and speeding off to the training room to begin Ivy and Jake's lesson. Liam was busy sorting things out for a lesson, which Roan was pleased about.

Ivy was already quite good and Jake was getting better, so Roan taught them the harder stuff like where to step and how to defend quickly and so on. Ivy was skilled, just like Roan and it was natural. She didn't need a teacher, she was good enough without, but then again it's good to have someone to give you tips and show you how to win out of experience. And Roan had had plenty of that.

"So you are the girl in the mask? The papers said you were on our side." Ivy said. "I always admired" She said. Roan smiled.

"Good, she was supposed to be admired. That's why I came up with the idea." Roan lied. Ivy smiled and got back in position, this time it was Ivy against Roan. And neither were sure how it was going to end. "Use your left foot!" Roan shouted at her. "Not your right, your left!"

Ivy ducked Roans swipe and she came back up and twisted round, but she was too slow and Roan moved to the side and grabbed the end of Ivy's sword with no problem. She spun around and Ivy let go of her sword and it came away into Roan's fingers. Ivy was heavily breathing and Roan was no better.

"You aren't bad for someone who has had no teacher." Roan said.

"Thank you." Ivy said.

"Keep working on it, but yeah you'll be fine."

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