Life of a high school girl

By brebrewalker

334 37 1

Im Jason, and you are beautiful? Im-Im Delani, I felt my face heat up. Did the Washington boy just c... More

First day!!!
Meeting "Mr.Washington"
The arguement
The weekend
The weekend pt. 2
Party pooper

Not a chapter..just a thank you letter😂

45 5 0
By brebrewalker

Guys I am new at making stories on Wattpad lol hey give me props... I am going to try to post more chapters of this soon if this story catches your interest. I really thank you for reading my story. Like I said I am new. I have typed this story on my iPhone and for some reason I cant figure out how to add a cast😂 so I will just tell you who is who

Delani Smith- Megan fox
James Smith- Grayson Dolan
Jacob Smith- Ethan Dolan
Analeise Lopez- Miley Cyrus
Vicky Queen- Bella Thorne
And last but not least
Jason Washington- Toni Mahfud

Once again I can never thank you more for reading my book 📚 I love all y'all and hey remember to cut me some slack😭❤️

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