Boys In Blue {Kris Bryant fan...

By sports_fanatic

26.8K 493 65

"I'm not that guy" More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16 (#harpertothecubs)
Chapter 17 (#harpertothecubs)
Chapter 18 (#harpertothecubs)
Chapter 19 (#harpertothecubs)
Chapter 20

Chapter 14

778 17 0
By sports_fanatic

Kris's POV
"Good morning to my beautiful family!" I was in an extra good mood when I woke up because of the news I had for my family and mostly Nick. "Why are you in such a good mood?" Nick asked me, still half asleep at the counter with his coffee. "Because Madi and I have some amazing news to tell you all. We just have to wait for her to get up so we can do it together" I told him. "Bro you just got my hopes up and then crushed my dreams. She's not gonna be up for another hour." He replied and I laughed. "Shut up Nickolas." Madi said as she drug into the kitchen and I laughed even harder at the use of his full name. "Pops! Gets in here! I'm about to tell them!" I yelled for my dad. "Wait dad knows?" Nick asked. "Yeah. I already talked to him about it." I replied as dad walked in. "Okay. So me and Madi have been working on this for a while and it's finally done. I asked pops if him and mom wanted to do this as well, but they wanted to stay here in Las Vegas. Nick, you always talk about how you wanna move to Chicago but you never have so we thought you could us a little push. We bought you an apartment in Wriglyville. It's only about 10 minutes from us so you can come visit whenever and you're right there by Wrigley." I told Nick the news that I've been holding back for almost a month and he was completely shocked. "Kristopher Lee Bryant, I love you." He said standing up and hugging me with tears in his eyes. "I love you too bro. But you also need to thank Madi." I replied. "Madison Ann Tubb, I love you." He said hugging her and I chuckled. "I love you too, Nick." She laughed. "Seriously though, I have no idea how to thank y'all. This means so much to me. How can I repay you?" He asked. "Son, you might as well save your breath. Your brother is stubborn. You know he won't accept repayment." Mom said and I just nodded. "We go back to Chicago today so you better start packing!" I said with a smile and Nick and I went upstairs to start packing his things.

We arrived in Chicago a few hours ago and are in the process of getting Nick settled into his Wriglyville home. "So, what do you think?" Madi asked him. "This is incredible. I can see the stadium." He replied. "Yeah they don't call it Wriglyville for nothing!" I said from my spot on his new couch. "How about we go out to eat to celebrate." Nick suggested. "That sounds fun! But we can't be out too late. We play tomorrow." I told him. "Okay, dad." He joked. We decided to go to Buffalo Wild Wings so we all got cleaned up a little bit before heading over there. We got seated almost immediately and began scanning the menu when our waiter walked up. "Hi I'm Erica, I'll be taking care of you today. Can I start you off with some drinks?" She asked and we all ended up ordering water.

"Excuse me." I heard a small voice say from beside me. I turned to see a little girl with a Cubs shirt on. "You're Kris Bryant. You're my favorite Cubs player. Can I have your autograph?" She asked, holding up a pen and a Wild Wings napkin and I couldn't help but smile. "Of course! What's your name?" I asked her. "Abby." I signed the napkin and handed it back to her. "That's my daddy over there. He's a big fan too but he thought it would be bothering you to come say hi." She said. "Well, how about we go say hi to your daddy?" I suggested and she nodded with a smile. I got up from my seat and walked over to her table. "Daddy look! I told you it wouldn't bother him!" Abby said once we reached their table and her dad stood up. "Hey I'm David Adams. I'm sorry if my daughter bothered you" He said and I shook his hand. "Oh definitely not. I live for stuff like that. It always makes my day. How old is she?" I replied. "She's 4." He said looking down at her. "Kris, will you sign this one for daddy?" Abby asked. "Of course." I said, taking the napkin from her and signing it for her dad. "Thank you so much." David said. "No problem. It was great meeting y'all." I said before walking back to our table.

When we got done eating, we went back to Nick's apartment to drop him off. "Bye Nick. I love you man." I said hugging him. "I love you too bro." He replied. "Goodbye Nickolas." Madi hugged him as well then we left. When we got back to our house, we got changed and got in the bed. "I'm exhausted." Madi said, cuddling up to my chest. "Me too, babe, me too." I replied. "Goodnight my sweet fiancé. I love you." She said with a smile before kissing my cheek. "Goodnight baby girl. I love you too." I responded before going to sleep.
Soooooo, I know this is kind of a slow chapter and I'm sorry. It's really just a filler. Also I kinda have writers block and I just wrote the first thing that popped into my head so sorry if it sucks🙃
On a more serious note, Kris twisted his ankle tonight during the game while catching a pop up. There is very little info on it as of right now except that it's a sprain. Not info on if he's in the DL or how long he'll be out if he is. But, let's all hope that he's okay!!❤️

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