Ask/Dare the Eeveelutions!

By Slushyarchived

50K 821 1.4K

I've seen so many of these on wattpad, so I decided to jump on the bandwagon and make one myself! The eeveelu... More

Ask/Dare the Eeveelutions!
Ask #1
Ask #2
Ask #3
Dare #1
Dare #2 (and a comment)
Ask #4
OC Tag (Featuring Roman)
Ask #5
Dare #3
Fast facts about Angelica
Dare #4
Dare #5
Ask #6
Dare #6
Dare #7
Dare #8
Fast Facts About Comet
Fast Facts about Storm
Comet and Angelica play My Horse Prince (150+ Reader special)
Dare #9
Ask #7
The eeveelutions as shit people say at my school
The eeveelutions if they went to school
Eevelutions' studying habits
The eeveelutions favorite animes
What Roman thinks about the crew
The Eeveelutions as shit that I've said
The Eeveelution's in the Warrior Cat Universe
Dare #10
The Roman Plauge
The real dare #10
Smash or Pass?
Fast Facts About the Admin
Ask #8
The eeveelutions on instagram
The Eeveelutions as shit my little brother has said
The eeveelutions as shit my friends have said
The Eeveelutions as Hamilton Quotes
Ask #9
Headcannons #1
Roman and Laurence bake cookies (500+ readers special)
Headcannons #2
Sellout pt 2
Ask? Dares?
Ask #10
Ask #11
Ask #12
Ask #13
Ask #14
Tag urself
Dare #11
The Eeveelution's During Finals
The Eeveelutions as shit that I've said pt 2
What the Eeveeutions look like
Roman's Contacts
Angelica's Contacts
Laurence's Contacts
Elliot's Contacts
Comet's Contacts
The Eeveelutions Sexualities
Dare #12
Hunger Games Simulator #1
Hunger Games #2
Laurence no
I'm moist
Headcannons #3
New addition
Ask #15
Ask #16
Ask #17
Ask #18
Ask #19
Ask #20
The Eeveelution's Hogwarts Houses
The Eeveelution's Meet My Old Eeveelution Ocs
Game #2
Dare #13
Game #3
Dare #14
Game #4
The Eeveelution's as 50% Off Quotes
Pokemon Trainer Roleplay
Game #5
The Eeveelution's React to your ships! (1k Special)
Ask Eeveelutions Tag
Tag Urself #2
The Eeveelution's Favorite Food
The Eeveelution's Pet Peeves
Headcanons #4
Dare #15
Dare #16
Ask #21
Ask #22
Game #6
Oh shit
Ask #23
Dare #17
Combat! (2K Special)
Quick Note
The Eeveelutions drunk
Headcannons #5
Picture Meme
Picture Meme #2
Oh boy
The Eeveelutions as used/unused Danganronpa Executions
Hey uh question
Headcannons #6
Oh yeah
Dare #18
FMK (3K special)
The Eeveelutions as quotes from the history of the entire world, I guess
Happy Pride Month!
Roman and Opal react to Icyhot Shipping
The Eeveelutions as Song Lyrics
Are ya ready kids

Beach! (End of Book #1)

245 7 18
By Slushyarchived

So I've decided that this will be the last part in book #1 of the ask/dare eeveelutions saga. To start, thank you all for your support. Whether you were here from day 1 or if you just joined on our wild adventure yesterday, I can't thank you enough for the love and support that this book has gotten. I started this book on a whim, thinking that this was either gonna be the best thing I've ever written, or the worst. This is the most fun book to write for, and I don't regret ever putting it out there. I especially thank The_Wolfish_Hunt for voting on every.single.chapter. You are wild, and thank you so, so much. I'm also giving special thanks to spinyrhino , who has been with this book since the day it came out. You kept this book alive and running and I'm extremely happy to call you my friend. With the sappy sweet shit out of the way, thank you all again, and I'll see you in the next installment.

- The Admin

Angelica- *checks weather* wow, it's 85 degrees out here!

Charles- *sighs* yeah, it's gonna burn me alive

Angelica- *thinks* hmmm........

Charles- *smiles* whatcha thinking about?

Angelica- How about we do something fun? With everyone though.

Charles- Oh? What did you have in mind?

Angelica- How about the beach?

Charles- That's a great idea! I'll contact everyone now!

Angelica- *smiles and hugs Charles* Yay!

*At the beach*

Roman- *screams* YEAH THE BEACH!!!!

Opal- *covers ears* calm down you dolt, it's just the beach

Roman- Ugh, Opal. Stop being a little hoe

Laurence- *glares* Roman, play nice

Roman- *pouts* fine, for you babe

Laurence- *licks Roman's cheek* thank you~

Roman- *giggles*

Opal- 🙄🙄🙄🙄

Comet- *whispers* that could be us but you play- *is slapped by opal* OW WHAT THE FUUUUUCK

Opal- You got something else to say?

Comet- *pouts*

Storm- Guys come on, let's just enjoy ourselves

All- Yeah!


Angelica- *plays in water* Charles! Charles!

Charles- What's up?

Angelica- try and catch meeeeee *swims away*

Charles- You're on! *swims after angelica*

Storm- *swimming happily* ah, love the water~

Comet- *jumps on him* RAWR IM A SHARK *bites Storm's ear*

Storm- COMET OW WHAT *pushes him off*

Comet- :^((((((((

Roman- *sleeps on the sand*

Laurence- *cuddles next to roman* I can't believe you fell asleep....fatass

Elliot- *reads a book in the shade*

Opal- *sits next to Elliot* May I join you?

Elliot- *smiles* sure

Opal- *smiles and sits next to Elliot*

Comet- *sighs* Stupid Elliot.....

Opal- You said something Comet?

Comet- nOTHING *runs off*

Opal- *sighs* Idiot

Elliot- *laughs*

The Twins- *building sandcastles* This is fun~

Tyler- *mumbles* Oh yes daddy form that sandcastle

Dexter- *looks up* you said something Tyler?

Tyler- *shakes head* oh nothing~

Oculus- *rolls eyes*

Vanessa- *collecting seashells* They're so pretty~

Dexter- *walks over* Hey Vanessa, mind if I join you?

Vanessa- o-oh! Y-yeah sure, I can use the company

Tyler- *glares*

Vanessa- uhneverminddextergottago *runs*

Dexter- *tilts head* wonder what was that about.....


Angelica- Well, that was fun!

Charles- Yeah, good idea Angie!

Storm- I had a nice time

Comet- *nods* YEAH

Roman- *yawns* did I miss much?

Laurence- *laughs* not much

Elliot- I had a nice time

Opal- too

The Twins- We had fun!

Tyler- I had fun~

Vanessa- *smiles a little* yeah, it was nice

All- Let's do that again someday!

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