Mr. Mahone

By ameezy24

536K 6.3K 1.6K

I know I'm wrong but I can't help myself. {completed} More



10.3K 155 22
By ameezy24


Today i planned a day out with my parents. They didn't have work today, I didn't have school today, these kind of days happen every blue moon.

We plan on going to the aquarium and then eating out. We haven't had a day like this since I was about 4 years old so today means a lot to me.

Well it did until I got a text from my dad telling me he was recently booked for meetings all day and my mom had to attend them with him.

Fuck my life right?

I decided to vent to Taylor and ended up laying in her bed, eating gummy worms and watching family guy.

"I don't get why they can't take one day off. I'm their only kid, they could show me a little attention. I really wanted to see the fishies today too" I said the last part in a baby voice to show that I am indeed, upset.

Taylor just laughed at means rubbed my back.

"What if we went to the aquarium? I know it's probably not like when you go with your parents but at least you get to see the fishies." She laughed causing me to smile.

"That sounds like a good idea." I waited for her to go tell Austin and then waited for her to get ready.

I was beyond happy because I lived spending time with Taylor and Austin just as much as I loved spending time with my parents.

Once Taylor was finished, I forced her to let me ride on her back all the way to the car.

"Since when am I your horse?" Taylor asked, setting me down on my feet in front of the car where Austin waited for us.

"Since you became my best friend."  We both laughed and hopped in.

"Ok so first we're gonna get some food then head to the aquarium." Austin announced as he started the car.

"Sounds good to me" I replied while Taylor tried messing with the radio, leaning in the front.

"You know I could've done that?" Austin says to her as she sits in her seat again.

"But you always play weird music" she shrugged.

"Whatever" he smiled, backing out of the drive way.

After we ate, we finally made it to the aquarium.

"I can't believe you still like this stuff" Austin says to me as I gush over the dory look alike.

"I can't believe you still wear Star Wars underwear." I smirked as we walked to the next exhibit.

We came across the sting rays that you can pet and that's when I noticed a little girl standing next to a man who was talking on the phone.

"Daddy, I can't see. Can you lift me up higher?" Her adorable voice squeaked.

"Not right now sweetie, daddy's on the phone." I saw her face fall.

I walked over to them and kneeled down next to the little girl.

"Hi I'm Riley, what's your name" I felt her father staring at me but I could care less.

"I'm Ezra, my friends call me ezzie though."

"Well ezzie, would you like to pet the sting rays?" I asked her but really I was asking her father.

She nodded her head. "May I?" I asked her dad and he nodded his head also.

I carefully lifted Ezra and leaned her down a little so that she could pet the sting ray. She squealed when she felt the silk like animal and reached down to pet it again.

"Alright I think I'm good." She laughed as I set her down. She wiped her hand on her shirt and I noticed that her das was done talking on the phone.

"Thank you." They both said causing us all to laugh. "It aaa no problem, bye ezzie." I waved as she grabbed her Dad's hand and started to walk away.

"Bye Riley "

"That was really sweet" Austin approached me as Taylor started to pet a sting ray.

"It's just what I do" I winked and asked over to Taylor.

I've been distancing myself from Austin all day because I don't want him to do anything stupid and get us caught.

"I feel like my bladder is going to explode" Taylor whines once again as we approach a gas station on our way back home.

"I told you not to drink that whole pop" I shook my head as she jumped out of the car and ran inside.

We had parked on the side of the gas station so there were no lights where we sat.

I guess Austin wanted to take advantage of that because before I knew it he had turned around grabbed my face.

"Why have you been avoiding me today?" He asked as he held my face in his hands.

"If you let me go I'll tell you" I said, my words coming out muffled due to his hands pressing against my cheeks.

He pecked my lips then let go.

I sat back down and told him why. "Riley I would never do anything to jeopardize what we have." He said sincerely causing me to blush. Good thing it was dark in here.

I leaned up and kissed him fast then sat back down. He was getting ready to protest but Taylor had jumped into the car.

"Alright, let's get this show on the road." She clapped and buckled her seat belt.

When we came to a red light my phone dinged and I looked down to see what it was.

We're finishing that kiss...and a lot more.

I sighed and held my hand to my face.

What did I just start?


Short update...better than nothing right? Seriously i have no excuse for these slow updates. I'm just lazy.

Wuv u biscuits😘

~yanni ✌🏼

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