The Outbreak

Da paris_girl22

32.7K 1.3K 529

Five years. It has been five years since the virus spread around the globe. Five years since the world fell i... Altro

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 17

849 34 10
Da paris_girl22


A few days later, I'm walking around the hospital, just making sure that everything is in order. Stiles has taken Scott out with him on patrol today. I've heard that the werewolf is not so great with weapons, but he can be really good at hand to hand fights, considering he is a werewolf with super speed, strength, claws, fangs and all. That visit to Scott's warehouse where his and Stiles' friends and family live wasn't exactly what I was expecting. I don't think any of us were expecting that. I feel really sorry for Scott. That must've been hard, coming back to his base to hear that his mother had been killed while he was away. He looked really upset... And angry. Especially when we found out that his mom was killed by the infected. When Scott and Stiles got back from that other building to see Scott's mom's body, Scott still looked really devastated. Stiles looked a little uncomfortable and perhaps a little guilty. Why? Why on earth would he blame himself for Scott's mother's death? It doesn't make sense. Stiles wasn't even here when it happened.

Scott's patrols while we were at the warehouse were very thorough. Scott would be out for long periods of time. Sometimes, he would come back covered in blood. He is really starting to get his hands dirty. I didn't think it was in his nature to kill easily, but I think something inside Scott snapped when his mom died. I think Stiles is worried too. He told me that Scott has vowed to not rest until all the infected are dead. I noticed a flash of fear in Stiles' eyes when he said that. The two of them are trying to move forward with it and I will say that they're doing well given the circumstances, but I can still see Scott's grief and determination to kill the infected in his eyes. I can see Stiles' discomfort, fear and shame in his eyes. I need to find a way to fix that somehow. I owe that much to Stiles, since he has saved my life on multiple occasions.

As I tend to a patient in the infirmary, I hear vehicles pulling up outside the hospital. I hear confused conversations from outside the room as people walk by. Hmm, that's weird. The patrol isn't supposed to be back for at least three hours. I should probably go check out what's going on. I turn back to my patient and smile, reassuring her that I will be back in a minute. I then stand up and walk out of the room. I walk towards the hospital entrance. Josh runs up to me in a hurry. "Meg! What the hell is going on? Why is are there military and government officials here?" Josh asks me worriedly. I frown in confusion.

"What? I have no idea." I reply, fear starting to settle in my stomach.

"You better go talk to them. Stiles left you in charge while he was gone." Josh tells me. I nod stiffly. I don't like being left in charge because I'm not a leader. I can't make huge decisions for the group, especially the decisions that are heartbreaking, but are obviously the right call. I can't inspire people like Stiles seems to be able to. Some people have it and others don't, I guess. Still, I better go see what these guys want. I thank Josh and walk out of the hospital to see a group of about men walking towards us. By just looking at them, I can see that some of them definitely used to be in the military. The others must be involved in the government somehow. Or used to be anyway.

"Uh, how can I help you?" I ask, trying to be polite, noticing all the powerful weaponry they have. These guys could kill me in an instant if I say the wrong thing. One of the guys step forward. He is tall, has oily jet black hair, piercing blue eyes and a muscular build. He holds his gun firmly in his hand, ready to fire if need be. Thankfully he doesn't have it aimed at me. The man smiles politely at me.

"Hello, ma'am. I am General Graham Boltz. As you can probably tell, these guys behind me are all from the military and government base. We have been travelling all over the country to find the survivors of the initial outbreak. It's good to see that a large number of people have survived in the United States. Of course, many have died in this tragedy and we will never forget them." The man informs me.

"What about the rest of the world? What's happening in other countries?" I ask.

"We aren't sure. We still can't get into contact with anyone and we don't have the aircraft to fly overseas. Besides, it would still be too dangerous to do so at this point in time." Boltz tells me.

"Okay... Well, there are over 300 people living here and we are doing well. Is there anything else you want?" I reply.

"Actually, there is. We are not just travelling around looking for survivors. We are looking for a particular group of people." Boltz says in a calm and collected voice. My breathing hitches a little. I think I know what this guy is getting at.

"Who?" I ask, pretending to be oblivious.

"If you're thinking we are looking for supernaturals, you are wrong. They can't help us. We want to find a cure for this virus. To do that, we need to find people who are immune to the disease. It is possible. We have seen one or two cases of it in the past five years. However, it is extremely rare. We don't know what causes this immunity of sorts, but we intend to find out. Perhaps we could create a cure and end this virus once and for all. I personally believe that immunes are a crucial part in creating a cure for humanity." Boltz speaks up with a smile. I hold back a nervous gulp as my heart rate starts to increase. I don't trust this man. The way he smiles... I don't like it. I find it creepy, like he's not giving me all the information.

"How would you do that?" I bravely ask, continuing to stand my ground.

"Well, we would have to perform experiments and test certain aspects of these individuals to see what makes them immune. Perhaps we could extract or replicate what makes them immune and then create a cure for the virus out of that for the whole world to use." Boltz replies casually, as if it is no big deal.

"Um... Aren't human experiments unethical? And dangerous? Especially without the proper safety precautions?" I ask, raising my eyebrow slightly. Boltz chuckles a little guiltily. "Yes, you are right, but these times call for desperate measures. The lives of a few individuals don't stack up against the rest of the world. We can afford to be a little... Unethical as you would say." Boltz admits completely honestly. My heart hammers nervously against my chest and my breathing hitches again.

"So, what do you want here?" I fold my arms against my chest.

"Have there been any infected attacks around here lately? Has anyone that lives in this hospital been bitten by the infected? Are they taking longer to turn than usual or not turned at all?" Boltz asks me hopefully. Immediately, images of Stiles flash before my mind. I know what happened to him. Well, sort of anyway. I know that he was bitten, but hasn't turned into one of the infected. Stiles doesn't even know I know that. Stiles would probably freak if he found out that I know. He'd be scared that I would tell someone. Well, I'm not going to tell a soul and I'm especially not going to give my closest friend away to this strange military guy. I'm not going to let Stiles get experimented on and possibly tortured. I don't trust this Boltz or his friends at all and I'm not a fan of his way in trying to find a cure for this virus.

"Well, if that did happen, wouldn't we have shot them dead? That's what we do when we find the infected or someone that has been bitten. We don't give them time to kill or infect more people. So, I guess my answer is no, there is no one here that has been bitten. That is still alive, anyway. Bradley was the last to die because of the infected as far as I know. There haven't been any infected attacks around here either." I answer in a firm voice, my arms still folded across my chest. Stiles' secret is something that is not mine to share.

"Oh, that's such a shame." Boltz sighs in disappointment.

"Could we have a look around to make sure?" Someone speaks up from behind Boltz.

"Don't you take my word for it? I didn't even know anyone or anything could be immune to the virus. That's news to me. I'd rather you guys not look around. You'd probably frighten everyone inside. There are a few people injured and I'll that I need to take care of." I say in a harsh tone. Boltz narrows his eyes at me, trying to stare into my soul, trying to see if I'm hiding something. I do my best to remain neutral, not wanting this man to find out anything that he doesn't need to.

"Okay. Thank you for your time." Boltz finally says after several moments of silence where he appeared to be deep in thought. "Sorry for wasting your time." I reply. Yeah, no, I'm not sorry. You want to hurt my friend, even if you don't know it. I'm not going to let you do that. Boltz give me an extremely fake smile and bows his head in acknowledgement before slowly stepping backwards. "It's fine, ma'am. These people are rare anyway, it's unlikely you'll ever meet an immune. However, if you do find one, travel down to Washington and we can help you out and take the immune off your hands." Boltz says as he slowly starts backing away along with the rest of the men. I hold back a snarl. He's talking about the immune as if they're not even human! He can only see them as test subjects! This is only making me hate Boltz more.

"Sure, will do." I lie through my teeth with a smile.

"Stay safe. Take care of your group." Boltz reminds me.

"I will, don't worry. I hope you stay safe out there too." I reply. With that, the men make their way back to their vehicles, jump in and slowly drive away. I stare after them, a frown etched onto my face. That visit was unsettling and definitely gave me something to think about. I know that I can trust Stiles and he's not going to hurt any innocent people, but does he know the danger he's in? People will kill him if they find out. It's kind of why I haven't talked to Stiles about it, afraid someone will overhear. I also haven't talked to him about it because I feel that Stiles should be the one to talk about it when he feels comfortable. I know when it comes down to it, Stiles would tell me the important things that I would need to know. However, if I feel like things are getting out of hand, I'll need to talk about it with Stiles. I don't know much about his past, but I really want to know the story behind how he got bitten. My mind starts to wander back to the time that I met Stiles.

I run as fast as I can through the rubble of the city, my heart racing against my chest in terror. I can hear the infected growling, shrieking and snarling coming from behind me. My breathing comes out shaky and pained as I continue to run down a side street. Ugh, why did I decide to go this way? I glance over my shoulder and immediately regret it. I can see the small group of infected gaining on me fast. I feel myself start to panic more. I don't want to die! I need to find my parents! I need to know if they're okay! I turn around again and start running even faster.

"Help! Somebody help me!" I call out into the air, hoping that someone would be able to hear me. I don't know how I'm going to outrun these monsters. I turn down another side street, my heart feeling like it is in my throat. I can barely hear my feet pounding against the pavement over the sound of my terrified panting and the noises of the infected behind me. After a few more moments, I come to a sudden stop and my eyes widen in horror. I've reached a dead end. I look up at the tall building above me. There's nowhere I can climb up it. I'm trapped. I spin around and see the zombie-like creatures rushing towards me, blood and drool dribbling down their faces, their pitch black eyes wide and hungry. I stumble backwards until I hit the wall behind me. I back myself up into a corner, tears forming in my eyes as the creatures come closer. I let out a terrified scream and try to cover my face, not wanting to see the infected close in and rip out my throat and either turn me into one of them or decide to eat me alive.

Suddenly, I hear the loud bang of a gun echoing throughout the alleyway. The noise of the gun repeats multiple times, causing me to flinch a little. I hear bodies collapsing to the ground. Slowly, I take my shaking hands away from my face. I glance up to see a young man, no older than 18 or 19, standing several feet away from me, a gun in his hands still held upright as if he is preparing for another attack, the bodies littering around us, blood splattered everywhere. I let out a shaky sob of relief, tears falling down my face. This guy just saved my life. I watch as the young man lowers the gun and puts it back into some sort of safety mode and places it back in its holster by his hip. Concern crosses his face and he rushes over to me.

"Are you hurt? Did any of them bite you?" The man asks worriedly.

"N-no, I'm okay." I stutter slightly, still in a bit of shock over what happened. My eyes dart towards the bodies of the infected that only minutes ago were desperately chasing me, wanting to sink their teeth into my flesh either to change me or eat me. I shudder at the thought.

"Who are you?" I ask the mystery man in confusion. He smiles softly at me.

"My name's Stiles. Stiles Stilinski. What about you?" The man tilts his head slightly.

"Megan... Megan Summers." I say, still in a bit of shock, my heart continuing to race against.

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Megan." Stiles tells me.

"Thank you for saving my life." I reply breathlessly. Stiles reaches a hand out and brushes a lock of hair out of my eyes and tucks it behind my ear.

"Are you out here in your own, Megan?" Stiles asks me curiously.

"Yeah... I kinda lost all my friends and family when the virus broke out. Either they died or I got pulled away from them amongst all the chaos and panic on the day that this all started." I sigh sadly. Stiles gives me an understanding look.

"Yeah, me too. I lost everyone and I've been on my own ever since. I've learned how to survive. Sort of." Stiles admits.

"Well, you're better at it than me. I don't even have a weapon." I laugh without much humor. Stiles shrugs in response.

"I'm still getting used to it. Before this whole apocalypse thing, I would have never been able to handle a gun, but I've had to learn. I've had to learn a lot of things in this new world." Stiles tells me. There's a sadness in his voice, as if he is longing for his old life back. I don't blame him because I want my old life back too. Whatever this new world is, it's hell. Actually, Stiles is the first living human that I have come across in months. Surprising, I know, but all I have run into so far are the infected.

"I think everyone has had to learn new things in this world. The virus has changed everyone." I add to Stiles' statement. The brown haired man nods in agreement. Stiles glances back towards the other end of the alleyway.

"So... Meg. I was wondering... Because neither of us have anyone to travel with, maybe we could travel with each other and work together? It might increase our chances of survival." Stiles asks me hopefully.

"Yeah... Yeah, I would like that." I say as my lips tug into a smile. Stiles grins happily back at me.

"Yay. Being alone sucks, so it'll good to have company." Stiles comments, causing me to giggle.

"Come on, let's get out of here before more of the infected show up." Stiles suggests, taking me by the hand and leads me out of the alleyway, my heartbeat finally settling down as I begin to feel safe and not feel like I am going to die in the next second.

A few weeks go by and Stiles and I continue travelling around the country. We're not sure where we are going exactly, but we are constantly looking out for our friends and family. Moving around also means that we can generally stay ahead of the infected. Thankfully, we haven't crossed too many of the infected while we have been on this journey. Stiles has started teaching me how to use his gun, in case I'll need it someday. I'm slowly getting the hang of it, but I'm nowhere near as good as Stiles is. In return, I start teaching Stiles about first aid stuff and how to properly treat and dress wounds, something that is vital to survival in this apocalyptic world. I am glad that I was a medical student before this all began and I can put my skills and training to good use.

Another thing that has happened is that Stiles and I have started a relationship together. We just sort of dove right into it, as we are the first human beings that either of us have seen in a very long time. It's going really well. It's also quite fast paced. We have moved forward quickly in a quite short amount of time. It makes perfect sense to us; just the two of us running from the world. Who knew if we would ever find someone else for ourselves? It's the end of the world, after all. We are both very passionate though, both of us desperately wanting company and intimacy of spending many months alone. Every touch and every kiss feels like a small explosion going off inside of me and I like it. I like it a lot.

On one particular night, the two of us found this abandoned motel, so we went inside and broke into one of the rooms. Thankfully, it was still in decent condition. It was very dark in the room and there was no electricity to turn the lights on, but that didn't matter. Without saying a word, Stiles and I make our way over to the bed, kicking our shoes off. We collapse onto the bed, Stiles lying on top of me, kissing my lips passionately. His hands play with my wavy brown hair while my arms wrap around Stiles' neck. Our bodies press up against each other. Stiles' body seems to be radiating so much heat, which makes me feel even more relaxed. I can barely see Stiles' figure in the dark, but I can definitely feel his lips brushing against mine or trailing down my neck and sucking down hard, causing me to gasp in surprise. My hands pull on the ends of Stiles' hair tightly. I feel his hands run down my body until they reach the hem of my shirt. I suddenly think that there are too many layers of fabric between us.

Without breaking the kiss, somehow the two of us manage to throw off all of our clothes and we then focus our full attention back on the kissing as we slide under the bed covers. I smile into the kiss, feeling like I'm in heaven, loving every moment of this. I haven't felt any of this in such a long time, it's so good to have it back and I keep wanting more. Maybe the virus outbreak isn't all that bad after all. I suck on Stiles' bottom lip slightly, asking for entrance, which Stiles allows, our tongues dancing around in his mouth, exploring every inch of it. I'm not sure what to do with my hands, I let them explore and roam across Stiles' warm bare back. As my hands start to reach his shoulders, Stiles grabs my hands and pulls them down, scaring me a little and causing me to freeze. Stiles pulls out of the kiss for a moment.

"Sorry, it's just that my shoulders are kind of a sensitive spot for me." Stiles apologizes quietly and breathlessly.

"Oh, sorry, I didn't know. If you want to stop, then we can." I reply timidly.

"No, no, I really want to continue. Please. I'm loving this." Stiles says quickly. I can't help but smile up at my boyfriend.

"Okay, it's a good thing that I am loving this too then." I reply mischievously. I hear Stiles chuckle before he leans down and crashes his lips against mine again.


A couple hours later, I slip out of Stiles' warm and comforting embrace and head to the bathroom. Stiles' light snoring fills the room, making me chuckle a little. I enter the bathroom and be as quick as I can, not liking to be here in the darkness. I'm scared I'll trip over something and hit my head on something and then bam, goodbye Megan Summers. Thankfully, that doesn't happen. I return to the main area of the motel room and start walking towards the bed. Silver moonlight shines through the window, illuminating Stiles' sleeping figure. We have clothes on now and I feel cold standing here in just pajama shorts and a tank top. There is a light smile on Stiles' face, looking peaceful as he dreams, which are a rare occurrence for him. Most nights, Stiles will have nightmares that cause him to wake up screaming and sobbing. He never tells me what they are about though.

My eyes land on Stiles' shoulder that he never lets me touch. He seems to massage that shoulder when he's stressed too. I frown a little, worried about Stiles. What could he be possibly hiding that he doesn't want me to know? I sneak over to the bed and crawl onto it, slithering down under the covers next to my boyfriend. I check over him, making sure that he is asleep. Thankfully, he is. I slowly reach out, my fingers curling around the material of his t-shirt. I take a deep breath and pull the sleeve of the shirt down a little to reveal Stiles' shoulder, which is illuminated by the moonlight. I gasp in surprise and horror at the sight in front of my eyes.

My fingers trace the bumpy scarring that covers Stiles' pale shoulder, which looks even more pale in the moonlight. The scars feel colder compared to the rest of Stiles' skin. Straight away, I can tell that the scars were made by some sort of teeth. Judging by the scars, they must have went quite deep. I can also tell that these bite marks have obviously been left by one of the infected. What else would just sink its teeth into Stiles' shoulder like that? My breathing hitches slightly as I continue to stare at the teeth marks etched into Stiles' skin permanently. I feel like I should be afraid. When did this happen? How did this happen? Why wouldn't Stiles tell me? Is Stiles scared about this? However, the question that stands out the most to me is why hasn't Stiles turned yet?

To me, he seems perfectly normal, completely unaffected by the bite. In fact, the wound has healed quite nicely, only leaving scars behind. The bite marks must be old, if they have already scarred and healed over. Stiles doesn't appear to be infected, like he is immune to the virus or something. I didn't think that was possible. From what I know, everyone who has been bitten has become infected, but not Stiles. Why? What is it about him? Could he be a crucial part in finding a cure? Maybe we really can find a cure for this virus! If there are people immune to it, surely there must be a way to replicate that for others.

I run my fingers over the bumpy scars again before I cover Stiles' shoulder with his shirt again and I lie down next to him staring up at the ceiling. I can't talk to Stiles about this. I know that if Stiles wants to talk about it or he thinks that it is important to, then I know he will. Besides, I trust Stiles. Judging by the age of the wound, Stiles definitely should have turned by now. He's different, somehow. I know he's not going to hurt me or anyone else. If people find out about his secret, they will probably try to kill him, so I'm going to try my best to protect him from that. I close my eyes and shuffle closer to Stiles before slowly falling asleep.

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