Without You, There's No Need

By Wishmaker1028

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Years after 'Crash Ten Sanity', Cortex is living an average and perfect life. He has a wife, kids, and a grea... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 9

14 0 0
By Wishmaker1028

Darla's flight finally landed in the London airport. People started to get off the plane as Darla got her stuff together. Pete was staying silent, wondering if they were doing the right thing. Sure, he had seen Dr. Neo Periwinkle Cortex in his visions but he never met the man in person. Or maybe he did and something happened to make him forget. Whatever it was, it was confusing the hell out of him.

"Pete?" Darla asked, gaining the youngest Pichu brother's attention. "On my shoulder, we are going to go meet Nina."

Pete did as he was told as he climbed up onto Darla's shoulder, wordlessly. Darla smiled as she headed out of the plane. She didn't blame Pete for thinking a lot about what was happening. She even had to admit that it was a lot to take in. Darla went down to the baggage claim as she heard someone call for her.

"Auntie Darla!"

Darla turned as a cute little girl, no older than 4, came up to her. She had pale yellow skin (paler than Darla's), medium length dark brown hair that were in pigtails, hazelnut eyes, wearing a yellow short sleeved dress that had blue hearts imprinted on it, white socks, and white shoes. Darla laughed as she picked up the toddler. Pete was surprised that Darla was an aunt, to say the least.

"Hello Starlet," Darla said sweetly as Gus came up to her.

Gus hadn't changed that much as he had a Keystone on his belt. Nina and his sister, Gia, were with him. Nina hadn't changed as carried her Keystone on her purse. Gia was a year younger than Gus. She had pale white skin, medium length blonde hair pulled back into a high ponytail, blue eyes, wearing a short pink velvet dress, white stockings, and pink shoes. She had a Keystone in her heart shaped necklace.

"Hey Darla," Gus greeted.

"Hi," Darla replied, smiling as she handed him his daughter.

Gus laughed as Nina breathed a sigh of relief. Pete looked at Darla, as if he was asking for permission to speak. Darla shook her head, indicating that he should wait. Pete looked confused but then saw a lot of security men coming around them.

"This is unusual," Gia commented.

"Do they know I'm related to him," Nina wondered, trying not to say her uncles name aloud.

"Just act normal," Darla advised, as she went for her luggage.

Everyone nodded as they went for Gus' car. Gus got Starlet into her seat safely as Nina helped Darla. Gia looked around, keeping an eye out.

Gia whispered, "I don't like this, they are watching us."

Gus sighed as he stated, "I just want Starlet is safe."

Nina added, scared, "Me too. This isn't the island."

Something about that phrase got everyone's attention, even Nina's.

Pete whispered, "What did you say?"

Nina looked at him, with the feeling that she knew him from somewhere. She brushed her brown hair out of her face, a bit surprised.

She repeated, "I said, this isn't the island." She paused as she asked, "Pete?"

Pete looked up at her as he whispered, "How did you know my name?"

Before she could answer, an Alakazam appeared. A security guard came over to them.

"Hold it right there, Cortex family," he said, in low voice.

Nina was about to do something but Gia threw her poke ball first. Appearing in a flash of light was Banette. Gia pressed down on her Keystone since her Banette was wearing a necklace around its neck. With a flash of a rainbow light, Mega Banette appeared.

"Ban," Mega Banette said, ready to fight.

"They can Mega Evolve too," the security man growled.

Gia commanded, "Shadow Ball!"

Banette opened its mouth as it fired the Ghost type move at the Psychic type. Alakazam was blown back by this as Gia got in the car. Gus did too as he started the car, driving off. Mega Banette hovered above the car as some Mr. Mime and Growlithe were sent out. The Psychic/Fairy types and the Fire types went after the car. Pete was scared as was Starlet.

"Daddy! Mommy! Why they chasing us," Starlet asked, tearing.

"They want us to get to Uncle Neo," Nina explained, getting a poke ball.

"Altaria can't handle those Mr. Mime," Gus pointed out.

"I can use Aerodactyl," Darla stated, going for the poke ball.

"Gus, send out Sableye," Gia pleaded, seeing Mega Banette in trouble.

"Just do something," Pete stated, pleading for his own sanity since Starlet was crying in his ear.

Gus had Nina take the wheel as he threw a poke ball. With a flash of light, a Sableye appeared. Gus then pressed his Keystone, making it Mega Evolve in a flash of rainbow light. Mega Sableye appeared, ready to fight.

"Help Banette," Gus ordered.

Mega Sableye fired a Shadow Ball as it started to help Banette. Gus took over the driving as the car went underground, getting away from the Pokémon that were after them. The two Pokémon caught up as Pete poked his head out.

"Are they nuts," he hissed.

"They have been since this whole thing with Uncle Neo being Phoenix started," Nina explained as she bounced her crying daughter.

"And it isn't letting up since they asked if I was related to him," Darla added.

"We have to get to the underground meeting spot," Gia stated.

"And then leave by the cover of nightfall," Gus conceded, worried for his daughter.

"Daddy... Mommy... I scared..." Starlet whined.

"We all are, baby girl," Nina confessed, seeing a flash of an island she never saw before. She caught her breath as she added, "We all are."


After a little while, the family arrived at the underground meeting spot. Starlet was resting as Kenai and Chloe watched over her. Darla was with Cortex, whom was looking at his niece from America.

"A little birdie told me that you didn't come alone," Cortex stated.

"That birdie told you right," Darla replied as Pete came out of her purse and stood on the ground.

Cortex looked at him for the longest time before finally breathing, "Pete..."


Wishmaker1028: Things are falling into place. Can our heroes figure this whole thing out? Only one way to see! Please read and review! And always think outside of the box!

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