I'm just kinda... Supernatural

By MollyLouise8

142K 3.9K 1.3K

Ace Short is what some would call supernatural. She's different. When she meets two hunters named Sam and Dea... More

Have you met the Winchesters?
Maning the phones
Bad Day at Black Rock
Sin City
Red Sky at Morning
A Very Supernatural Christmas
Malleus Maleficarum
Dream a Little Dream of Me
Mystery Spot
Jus in Bello
Time is on my side

No Rest for the Wicked

6.1K 164 40
By MollyLouise8

I leaned on the stove in Bobby's kitchen watching Dean have some kind of nightmare as he slept on an open book. He twitched a little before snapping his head up, startled. "Seizure?" I raised an eyebrow. He rubbed the sleep off his eyelids, before fully waking up.

"Dig up anything good?" Sam walked into the kitchen. I turned around, flipping my burger that was cooking.

Dean closed the book he was sleeping on. "No, nothing good."

"Well Bobby has, finally, got a way to find Lilith." Sam grinned.

"Wow, with just-" Dean glanced at his watch. "30 hours to go."

"Tick Tock. Tick Tock." I mumbled as I pressed my burger down in the pan with the spatula.

Sam sat down next to him. "Hey Dean. I know we're cutting it close, but we're gonna get this done. I don't care what it takes Dean, you're not going to go to hell. I'm not going to let you. I swear, everything is going to be okay."

"Yeah, okay." Dean's face twitched like he'd seen a ghost or something. I took my burger off the pan, putting it on a plate.

"I got it Sam." Bobby called from the living room, causing Sam to get up. Dean got up too, to follow him before I grabbed his arm.

"You're seeing things aren't you?" I asked.

"What?" He furrowed his brows.

"You're seeing things, like monsters, ghosts, demon faces under regular faces. As the clock ticks down, that's what happens." I told him. "Soon I'm not going to look like me anymore, the closer you get Dean." I grabbed my plate and walked into the living room.

Bobby had a map set on the table and an odd three leg stand with a circle and a large crystal ball type thing at top.

"What the hell is that?" I asked.

"It's going to help us find Lilith." He smirked. "With the right name and the right ritual, there's nothing you can't suss out."

"Will it tell us the town Lilith is in?" Sam asked.

"Kid, when I get done we'll know the street." Bobby turned the top and it began spinning. "Kobby kin que en tasasiones ses, difidutae mehe praes." The needle spun until he was done and landed on a spot. "New Harmony, Indiana." Bobby announced. "And we have a winner."

"Alright let's go." Sam spoke up.

"With what? We don't have the colt or Ruby's knife. How would you like to win this Sam?" I laughed.

"And we don't even know if Lilith holds my deal, we're going off of Bela's intel? When that bitch breaths the air comes out crooked." Dean added.

"Breathed." I corrected. "Y'know- cause she's uh- dead now."

Dean sighed. "Second. Exactly what Ace said, we have nothing to gank her. Third, this is the same Lilith that wants your head on a pipe, shall I continue?"

Bobby laughed. "Aren't you just bringing down the room."

"He kill your vibe Bobby?" I asked.

Bobby shrugged. "Yeah, he did."

"Oh it's a gift." Dean smirked.

"I'm sorry, but what are we supposed to do!" Sam argued.

"Just because I have to die doesn't mean you have to, too!" Dean yelled. "Either we go in smart or we don't go in at all!"

"Okay, fine. If that's the case, I have the answer."

"You do?" Dean cocked an eyebrow.

"Yeah, a sure fire way to confirm it's Lilith and get a bonified demon killing-" Dean cut him off.

"Dammit Sam! No!" Dean started to walk away.

"We are so past arguing, Dean. I am summoning Ruby."

"The hell you are! We got enough problems as it is!" Dean turned around.

"Exactly! And we have no time and no choice either!" Sam got in Dean's face.

"She is the miss universe of lying skanks! She told you that she could save me, huh lie! She seems to know everything about Lilith, but forgot to mention that, oh right, she owns my soul!"

"Okay, fine she's a liar! She's still got that knife-"

"For all we know she works for Lilith!"

Sam threw his head back. "Then give me another option, Dean, tell me what else!"

"Sam's right Dean." Bobby added in.

"No! Dammit!" Dean stopped and sighed. "Just no. We are not going to make the same mistakes all over again, if you guys want to save me, find something else." He walked back to his table of books, sitting back down.
Bobby started putting on his jacket.

"Where are you going Bobby?" Sam mumbled.

"I guess to- find something else." Bobby walked out the front door. Sam sighed and went into the other room so I went outside and stood on the deck making a call.

It rung twice before she picked up. "Hello?"


"Is I." She laughed. "That rhymed, I'm great. What's up?"

"Ruby. What's her deal?"

"Word around is she's a traitor and by word around I mean everyone is saying that. Usually when there's that big of a problem Lilith passes it down to dad saying it's treason, but nothing, no order to find, capture, or kill." She explained.

"What kind of treason?" I sat down on the bench.

"Highest degree, I'm pretty sure. She's helping the Winchesters or somet- damn Ace what the hell are you into?" Her tone changed quick.

"What?" My voice raised. "I'm just, hanging."

"You're with the Winchesters and Ruby aren't you?"

"Not Ruby." I cringed. "Thanks Tyler."

"Ace you need-" I hung up. Maybe she was warning me, but I didn't care at all.

The next morning when Dean had woken from his pile of books, he got a little mad.

"What do you mean he left!" Dean yelled at me as I tied my shoes.

"I mean he said I will be back later and went out the door, I figured he was going to get me more food I don't know!" I argued back.

"How long ago did he leave?" He went out the front door.

"Like an hour ago, I don't remember." I followed him out the door.

"Did he say where he was going?" Dean demanded.

"No, but I can find him."


"The same way I find you guys every time. I need a general location."

"I don't know where he is Ace!" He hit his sides. "He took my damn car too?! What the hell?!"

"That's perfect!" I yelled.

"No it's not!"

"No, car is location!" I smiled.

"Hate to break it to you, but a car isn't a location." He furrowed his brows.

"It is to me. Like a city, town, license plate, house number. It all helps me. I'm weird. Grab my hand." I stuck my arm out. He furrowed his brows, like I was crazy. "You want to find your brother or not?"

He hesitated and grabbed my hand. "Don't kill me yet, I still have hours."
I smirked and gripped his hand, flashing us to the location of Dean's car. "What the hell." Dean put his hands on his head then chest, making sure all of him made it.

"That was a lot more than I expected." My knees gave out and I was puking on the dirt.

"How do you do that?" Dean looked at his hands.

I stood up, backing away from my puke. "I just do. My dad taught it to me."

We entered the building talking to, as we guessed, Ruby.

"You don't like being different. You hate the way Dean looks at you sometimes, like you're some kind of side show freak. But suck it up. Because we have a lot of ground to cover and we have to do it fast." Ruby spoke to Sam. "Look, call me a bitch, hate me all you want, but I have never lied to you Sam. Not ever. And I'm telling you, you can save your brother and I can show you how."

"So that's you huh?" Dean walked in ahead of me. "Our slutty little Yoda."

"Dean. Charming as ever." Ruby turned around.

"I knew you'd show up, because I knew Sam wouldn't listen!" Dean was already more pissed than at the house. I mean, he had the right to be pissed, he would be dead in hours. "But you're not going to teach him anything, you understand me? Over my dead body."

"Well you're right about that." Ruby came back.

"All you have to do is give me the knife. Then you're going to fall back into what ever slip you came from and never bother me or my brother again. Am I clear?"

"Your brother is the one who's carrying a bomb inside of him and it would be stupid not to use it."

"Like a real bomb or...?" I bit my lip. They all looked at me with a pissed expression. "You know I was sheltered my 98% of my entire life, I don't understand your talk."

"We all know you don't understand a lot Acey." Ruby replied.

"Dean look just hold on-" Sam tried to plead.

"Ugh! Sam don't!" Dean yelled. "Come on man, are you blind? Don't you see this is a trick?"

"It's not!"

"She's just trying to get you believe in the whole psychic demonic powers whatever! She probably wants you to become the next Angie Christ Superstar!"
Another reference I did not understand.

"I want Lilith dead." She said calmly, but you could sense the anger in her voice.


"I've told you why!"

"Oh right, because you were human once. So was every other demon out there, including Ace."

"Nope, I was born this way babe." I clicked my tongue twice, causing him to roll his eyes.

"Oh you don't know half about Ace. Have you heard who her dad is? Or her sib-" Ruby smirked.

"They don't need to know Ruby!" I yelled. "Unless I screw them over, they don't need to know."

She rolled her eyes and continued her conversation with Dean. "And Dean, I am so sick of proving myself to you! If you want to save yourself, this is how. You dumb, spineless, dick."

Dean scoffed a little, backing up and punching her in the face. Ruby retaliated with punching him in the stomach then face.

"Ruby hey!" Sam yelled, trying to stop her, only to be hit and stop kicked to the floor. Ruby then went back to Dean, kicking him over and punching and kicking him so hard he was in the corner. I don't know why I just stood there, I could have helped, must have been a little tired.

Ruby picked Dean up, bashing her head into him. Dean stood up, smirk plastered on his face. "What the hell are you grinning at?"

"Missing something?" Dean held up her demon knife. Even I had to admit, the Winchesters were a lot smarter than they seemed.

"I'll kill you, you son of a bitch." Ruby ran forward, to be stopped by, oh hey look on the ceiling, devils trap.

"Like I said. I knew you'd come." Dean breathed out.

"Wait! You're just gonna leave me here?" We ignored her, going up the stairs. "What is it? Are you just too stupid to live? Fine! You deserve hell! I wish I could be there Dean! I wish I could smell the flesh, sizzle off your bones! I wish I could be there to hear you scream!"

"And I wish you would shut your piehole, but we don't always get what we want." Dean sighed. Once we were upstairs, Sam and Dean started fighting like always and I would rather sleep than listen to it so that's what I did. For six whole minutes, I hate my life.

Dean woke me up, saying it was time to go get Lilith. So I hauled my ass into the impala, prepared to go to bed.

Then the impala made a ruhhhhh ttttttt ruhhhhh ttttt sound and would not run.

"I don't know anything about cars at all, but that's not good." I informed them.

"Thanks for the information Ace!" Dean hit the steering wheel, trying to get it to start again.

Bobby hit the roof of the car, sticking his head through Dean's window, dangling some kind of machinery thing. "What do you think you're doing?"

We all got out of the car, knowing that Bobby won't stay behind easy. "We got the knife." Dean spoke.

"And you intend to use it without me?" Bobby responded. "Do I look like a ditchable prom date to you?"

"No Bobby of course not-" Sam sighed.

"This about me." Dean added.

"I wouldn't have even invited you to the prom in the first place." I shrugged. Bobby responded to me with a slap in the back of the head.

"This isn't your fight."

"The hell it is!" Bobby got in Dean's face. "Family, don't end with blood, boy! Look at us. Ace is practically my daughter that won't move out now and you two are my sons. We're family." I smiled a little. "Besides, you need me."


"You're playing wounded. Tell me, how many hallucinations have you had so far?" Bobby cocked an eyebrow. "Ace at this hour, how would it be?"

"Uh you would probably still be trying to convince yourself they're dreams and only happening when you're sleeping, but you're seeing things with your eyes open."
I was practically a text book on this stuff, it had been drilled into my head that much. I may not be that smart, but if there is one thing I know about, it's demons.

"I'll follow." Bobby handed Dean the part to his car.

"I'm gonna go with Bobby, he usually has food." I walked away awkwardly.

From what I knew of Lilith, I needed to rest up so I slept the entire time. Until there were sirens. Well, I didn't wake up to the sirens, just Bobby hitting me and saying get the hell up.
Bobby pulled the car over as Dean stabbed the cop in the throat. Once I got closer I could see it was a demon.

"What the hell happened?" Bobby asked.

"Dean just killed a demon. How'd you know?" Sam asked.

"I just knew. I could see its face, its real face under that one." Dean looked up at me.

"They're ugly aren't they?" I asked, corner of my lip pulled up.

He nodded, out of breath. "Yeah. They really are."

"Okay. We need to get rid of this." Bobby picked up the body, putting it into the cop car. "Ace, woods." He pointed at the car then the woods.

"You want me to go in the woods?" I furrowed my brows. "Oh wait, you want the car okay." I grabbed the bumper of the car, dragging it across the road.

"The car is unlocked and the keys are in it. We can drive it." Sam informed us.

So we drove it into the woods and began covering it with brush, sticks, leaves, whatever.

"Now what? You're seeing demons?" Sam asked Dean.

I stood on a large branch up in a tree, ripping down smaller ones. "It's part of the process." I broke off a branch, accidentally dropping it. "Heads!" I yelled, causing them all to duck. It missed them, which actually made me kinda sad.

"Why are you so high up?" Bobby looked up at me.

I had to be at least 100 feet up. "I don't know." I flashed down to about 50 feet off the ground, working on another branch.

"I've been seeing all kinds of crazy things lately, but nothing like this." Dean shook his head, tossing the branch I just dropped onto the hood of the car.

"It's actually not that crazy." Bobby shrugged. "Just over five hours to go, you're piercing the veil Dean, you're almost hells bitch. So you can see hells other bitches."

"Thank you." Dean said, snarky.

"I'm one of hells bitches." I dropped another branch away from them, moving to a different tree.

"It will actually come in handy." Sam shrugged.

"I'm glad my doomed soul is good for something." Dean picked up the branch I dropped.

"Lilith probably has demons stashed all over town. We don't wanna sound the alarms. If she knows we're here, we're dead before we even start." Bobby concluded.

"She's not stupid-" I kicked down a branch. "either. She knows how to protect herself and she's got pretty good protective detail around her."

"What a great plan, I'm excited to be apart of it. Can we go please?" Dean tossed the last branch onto the car, walking away. We followed him.
God this was as unstable as plans could get.

Arriving at the town we went into a house on the market, that no one occupied.

"The little girl, she's a demon." Dean looked out the window. "Her face is hideous."

I peered out the window. "That's Lilith."

"You can tell them apart?" Dean asked.

"Yeah if I've seen them before." I shrugged. "Squad let's roll out."

"Wait," Dean stopped me. "See the real go getter mail man, on the clock at 9pm. And Mr. Rogers over there."

"That's Clint and Thomas." I laughed. "I never liked them."

"Okay so we ninja past those guys and sneak right in." Sam suggested.

"And then what? Give a Colombia neck tie to a ten year old girl? Come on."

"Look Dean, I know it's awful-"

"You think?" Dean furrowed his brows.

"This isn't just about saving you Dean. It's about saving everyone." Sam sighed.

"It's gotta be done son." Bobby added.

"Plus Lilith is a raging bitch so squad- let's go." I motioned my hands to the door.
We used Dean as bait to get the mailman to run after him, and Sam to stab him.

"Adios Clint." I laughed, walking away after them. Sam and Dean went to get Thomas, the other demon while Bobby and I (mostly Bobby) preformed and exorcism on a cross and dropping it into the water filter.

"Go check on the boys." Bobby dropped the cross into the water. I flashed over to where Sam and Dean were, finding them talking to Ruby.

"Try to stop me and I'll kill you, bitch." Sam spoke to Ruby.

"Hit me with your best shot baby." She responded.

"Woah everyone take it easy we have friends." I walked up to them, pushing Ruby and Sam apart. By friends I meant the five to seven demons that had come out of their homes.

"Go. Run, run." Sam pushed open the gate, running to the house we had purified the water at. Sam made an attempt to pick the lock as we all stood there, watching the flood of demons approach.

"What the hells taking Bobby?" Dean backed up into the house. Then the sprinklers kicked on, stopping all of the demons with holy water, none could even get close to the house.

"Do you think Lilith knows we're here?" Sam finished picking the lock and we walked into a - awesome - dead grandma.

"Probably." Dean replied. We walked into the living room, waiting for something or someone to come out.
A man came out of the closet behind me, on instinct I kicked him in the stomach and Dean covered his mouth.

"Shhh. We're here to help. I'm going to remove my hand and we're going to talk nice and quiet okay?" Dean spoke softly to him. The man nodded and Dean took his hand off. "Where's your daughter?"

"It's not- it's not her anymore." He held onto his stomach, still in pain.

"Where is she?"


"Okay listen to me. I want you to go downstairs into the basement, lock the door, and put a line of salt at the door behind you." Dean explained, calmly.

"Not without my wife." He begged.

"Yes without your wife."


Dean punched him in the face, knocking him out cold and carrying him to the basement. "Now I don't feel bad about kicking him in the stomach." I whispered.

I never heard me or Dean be quieter in any moment as we descended the stairs. I went into the bathroom at the end of the hall, looking for her, Ruby went to a separate room and Sam and Dean went into another one.
It was silent as we each checked out the rooms until I heard a high pitched scream and Dean yelling "It's not her! It's not her!"

"She changed bodies are you kidding me?" I hopped over the stair railing.

"No matter what you hear, you, your husband, and your daughter are to stay in the basement." Dean pushed the woman to the door.

"That kid is going to be screwed up." I mumbled to Dean as he locked the basement door, Sam and Ruby going to a different room. I went into the dining room, looking for Lilith while Dean went to argue with Sam, like always.

That's the last time I heard them fight.

In the dining room, to complete the set was dead grandpa, amazing.

"I'm not going to let you go to hell Dean!" Sam yelled.

"Yes you are!" Dean screamed back. I walked into the doorframe of the room they were in. "Yes you are. I mean this is all my fault, we know that, but what you're doing- it's not going to save me. It's only going to kill you."

"Then what am I supposed to do?" Sam held back tears.

"Keep fighting, take care of my wheels. Sam, remember what Dad taught you. Okay?" Sam nodded. "And remember what I taught you."
The clock strikes twelve, that bong, bong sound, signaling us all it was time.
I looked down, not wanting to see Sam cry.

"I'm sorry Dean." Ruby spoke up. "I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy."

Dean breathed out heavily. "Hellhound."

"Where?" Sam asked.

"There." Dean pointed. I looked down and to the left. Right next to my foot, awesome.
With that we all took off into the other room, closing the door and pouring pepper in front of it and on the windows.

"Give me the knife, maybe I can fight them off." Ruby told Sam.


"Come on! That dust won't last forever!"
I was standing next to Sam, trying to get a closer look at Ruby's face. Something was different. That's when I realized, it wasn't Ruby. It was Lilith.

All too late because Sam handed her the knife as Dean yelled "Wait! Sam that's not Ruby!"
She stabbed me in the stomach with the knife and threw Sam against the wall and Dean on the table so fast all I could do was hit the knife out of her hand.

I guess she hit a vital organ or something important because I couldn't move, later to find out she cracked my spine.

"How long have you been in her?" Dean asked.

"Not long, I like it. She's all grown up and pretty." Her eyes changed to white.

"And where's Ruby?" Sam asked. I groaned, trying to stand, but instead puked blood.

"Oh. She was a very bad girl." Lilith talked in a five year old girls voice. "So I sent her far, far away."

"So is this your big plan huh?" Dean asked. "Drag me to hell, kill Sam, and then what? Become queen bitch?"

"I don't have to answer to puppy chow." Lilith walked to the double doors. "Sick 'em boys." She opened the doors, sending the hell hounds flying in.
They pulled Dean off the table, ripping at his chest and ankles first. Then back and arms. Dean screamed and moaned, but I couldn't move. I couldn't god damn move.

Sam screamed no over and over. As if it would help.

"Yes." Lilith smirked and held up her hand to kill him, but nothing. I've seen it done a million times, but nothing happened to Sam.
Except now he was free. He picked up the knife and she tried to throw him against the wall, but it didn't work. And as he brought his hand down to stab her, the black smoke emerged from the body into the air vents.

Dean Winchester was soaked in his own blood when he died. He was ripped apart, blood loss killing him.
His brother Sam held his body and cried for a long time.
I watched him cry, I cried too, a lot more than I would have expected myself to cry. I had only known the guy for a couple months, but I cried my eyes out.
Bobby came in through the back door, carrying me out while Sam carried Dean's body, unable to leave him behind.
I had to go to the hospital to get my spine fixed into place. They said it was a miracle when I was walking within six hours.

I left the hospital the next day, returning to Bobby's. Sam had resorted to alcohol to "help" him. I resorted to eating and sleeping.

How could anyone blame Sam for going to nothing when Dean died. Dean was his brother, his best friend. Sam was lost when he died.
But apparently Winchesters never die.


If you haven't picked it up yet, there will be sequel, hopefully right after New Years, maybe I don't know.

I tried really hard to get this done on Christmas Eve, but now it's 12:39 AM December 25. MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!!


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