I lost, but i fought 2 || J.B

By PettersenJanne

27.5K 1.8K 265

Follow Hannah through an interesting part of her life; pregnancy. Not only has Hannah done a lot of things th... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
some words from the author.

Chapter 17

904 65 15
By PettersenJanne

"I remeber" I admits shamefully.

"how?, you were shit drunk" I ask confused.

"swear jar" Lucas says. I ruffle his hair a little, making his beautiful Justin-like laugh fill the big empty hallway.

"I lied, I just wanted you to tell me why" he explains still stroking my back.

"I'm sorry" I sigh sadly.

"me too" he says. how is he not mad? "it hasn't been the same with Scooter since, he doesn't know I know" he says quietly not wanting scooter to hear, but he's in a deep conversation with Pattie.

"are you mad?" i ask scared that he is.

"no" he says. I think he's about to say something more, but Lucas cuts him off.

"mommy?" he asks carefully.

"yeah?" I ask sweetly.

"who's that?" he fails at a whisper pointing at me, probably talking about Justin. Did he hit is head hard or something? how can he not notice his biggest idol?

"this is-" I start, but I'm cut of by Justin.

"I'm daddy" he says over my shoulder.what?

"daddy?" Lucas says.

"yeah" justin says sweetly.

"why has not daddy been here before?" Lucas asks scratching his head like he alwas does when he's confused about something. I look at Lucas adoringly.

"why don't Daddy himself tell you that and I'll go talk to Nana for a second" I say kissing his hed. I get up and place Lucas in Justin's lap, fortunantly he has never had a problem with strangers and can talk for hours. instead of walking over to Pattie and Scooter I go to the nurse. "i'm very sorry, worry got the best of me, I really love my princess" I apologize.

"it's okay" she smiles and I smile a sad one back.

"you said Fredo was stable, is there a chance I can see him?" I ask and she nods. I follow her when she starts walking. "can you tell me what's wrong with her, Ariel" I ask as we walk what seem to be quite a long distant.

"she has a punctured blood vassel, a big concussion and some broken ribs" she starts. I mutter a silent 'oh dear god' before she continues. "she has many big bruises, cuts and one gash" I fear that she is going to continue again. "your son was lucky, he got away with only bruises and some cuts, only one of the cuts was deep enough to need stitches" she says talking about my poor son that gets no attention. I nod understandingly. "and Fredo, as you guys call him, he has a slight concussion too, some broked ribs, and some bruises and cuts" she tells me as we stop outside a door. "the other car hit your daughter perfectly" she says before opening the door for me. I silently thank her before i walk inside.

his face is filled with bruises and i can see his shoulder that is covered by a seatbelt bruise, some of these bruises are almost black.

"is he going to wake up soon?" I ask her. she nods her head.

I sit there for half an hour not even saying anything, I'm holding his hand as I silently sob into the bed. I can't lookse my kid and bestfriend.

"I'm sorry" a voice croaks and I look up to see Fredo with half open tired eyes.

"no, it's not your fault, don't ever think that" I scold. "I'm not blaming you, I'm blaming the dick that drove the other car" I explain as I press the call button for a nurse. "Lucas is fine, but Ariel" I sigh "she's not so fine, I can't see her yet" I say and a nurse comes in, politly asking me to leave so they can properly check him. of course I oblige and walk back to where Justin and the rest is. I hear Lucas laughing along with Justin.

"hey" I say quietly as a approach.

"your kid is amazing, he's so inteligent" justin beams standing up, his smile big and I try to smile back, but I can't .

"our kid" I correct him. "If you want your children to be intelligent read them fairy tales, if you want them to be more intelligent read them more fairy tales" I continue.

"I've been waiting for three years to see them" he starts looking down at Lucas who ironically is sitting in the chair flipping through a kids book. "I've been waiting for a picture of them to leak or for Fredo to have one on his phone" he continues looking at me. "I've been waiting so long" and I can't help but to pull him into a hug, holding around his torso and burying my face in his chest as I sob.

"it's been so hard" I sob. "and it's just getting harder and harder" I keep sobbing. "I'm a terrible mom, I almost never see them, and I can't teach them half of the stuff they deserve to teach"

"mother is god in the eyes of a child" justin says finally hugging me back, his chin on top of my head and his arms wrapped around me securily. "they love you Hannah" he stars rubbing my back. "Lucas couldn't shut up about you" he says.

I look up at Justin and he is already looking down at me. he starts leaning closer, and I follow leaning closer to him too. just as our lips are about to touch i remember Harry.

"this is wrong, you have a girlfriend, and I'm dating Harry" I ramble pulling myself out of his grasp. Justin is staring at me, not uttering a word, suddely we hear a little thud, coming from where Lucas is sitting. i look at him and see him, outside the chair on his butt.

"Mommy, i fell out of the chair" he says shocked. I use all my power not to laugh.

"Lucas Drew Steele, are you okay?" I ask walking over to him and lifting him up to my hip.

"yes, it didn't hurt" he says. I kiss his forehead. he lets out a super cute giant yawn. "I'm tierd Mommy" he says leaning his head on my shoulder and closing his eyes.

"let's go home" I say, because even though I have a daugther in coma, I still have a son to take care of.

after telling the nurse to give me a call if anything changes, good or bad. she also told both me and Justin that Fredo was awake and fine, or atleast stable. Justin decided to follow me out to the car.

"oh, I don't have carseats in this car" I say as I realize it.

"i'll come with you, he can sit in my lap and you can just drop me off at Mom's after" Justin offers.

"thank you" I say relieved that I didn't have to put my sleeping kid in danger. justin sits down in the car and I hand him Lucas.

as we drive to my home, the conversations goes freely. as I park in the garage of my house, I remember that i was suppose to drive Justin home.

"you don't just want to sleep over? I'm super tired, and I'm sure Lucas will be very happy to see you here in the morning" I ask him.

"sure, I want to be a part of their lives" he says getting out of the car with lucas. I hand him my house key and let's him go in by himself, I have someone to call.

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okay i didn't want to wait, i just love updating so much, ecpecially since you guys have been very commenty, which is amazing. I made a new cover, what do you think?

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