The night we spent in a mansi...

By carly_quinn1

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Kara gets the gang to spend the night in an abandoned mansion. With school finally over, and summer just sta... More

Planning and flirting
Peaceful and... "Beautiful."
Morning rain... hehe
Movie date
My love for you is bulletproof
The wall you put between us
Out with a bang

And so it begins...

613 27 18
By carly_quinn1

Alex drove up to the front of the house and lowered her head to try and get a better look. "Yo Kar. You sure this is the place?"

Kara sat up and looked over at Alex and then out the windshield. "Yeah. This is Isley avenue, isn't it?" 

Alex moved her right hand around in the air as she spoke. "Yeah. But I thought you said the place was abandoned, and that it was going to be flipped. This place looks like it's all decked out."

Kara leaned up closer. She was basically on top of Alex's lap now. She squinted her eyes to get a better view. "I mean... It's not your stereotypical mansion. But... It still looks like shi- crap." Kara looked over at Alex, as she caught herself and gave her an awkward smile, showing her teeth and all.

Alex looked at her unamused. "Just get off me and go check it out."  She sounded annoyed.

Kara's face fell and she frowned. Alex must really be hurting. She slid off her sister and got out of the car. She ran off towards the mansion to peak around, just to double check.

"Alex why are you acting like this?" Winn asked concerned.

Alex scrunched up her nose. She didn't turn around or acknowledge his question. In fact she just wanted this overrated trip; even from her... In the beginning, to be over with. She opened her door and got out of her car. Slamming it shut behind her, and walking off to the house where Kara was running back, from the backyard.

"This place is awesome! And it's clear! Guys, come on!" Kara waved for them, before going back in.

Everyone got out of the car, as Alex was popping the trunk open and pulling her bags out. She made sure to grab Kara's too, since she forgot to grab them. Alex made sure to get in the house before the rest of them got towards the trunk. And by most of them, it was obvious who she was trying to avoid.

If she was getting the cold shoulder, then she'd give it right back. She was above playing games, but this whole thing was starting to piss her off.

She lunged the bags over her shoulder, and the other in her hand. She turned and started walking to the house.


Winn, Lena and Maggie were in aw as they entered the mansion.

"Check this place out!" Winn spun while taking everything in.

"It's gorgeous." Lena smiled while proceeding into the house.

"Yeah!" Maggie breathed out. The place really did take her breath away. She started to look around.

She walked to the back of the house, where she found a set of stairs. She moved towards the railing and slid her hand along it. She walked around and went up a few steps. "God the artistry in this!" She said just above a whisper as she glided her hand along the railing, as she ascended up the steps.

When she made it to the top she looked around a corner, peaking down towards a hallway. She walked forward and made her way down the hall. She stopped at the third door. Something about it made her want to go in there. She grabbed the knob and opened the door. When she saw the room, she gasped.

In the center of the room was a queen size bed. It had the softest looking blankets and pillows. They looked so comfy and soft. Off to the right of the bed was a balcony area. She immediately walked over there and pushed opened the doors. She could see the sun going down and the stars starting to peak through the orange and pink sky. She walked further out. The balcony was fairly big. Big enough that it had a porch swing on it. Maggie turned and went back into the bedroom. The room wasn't necessarily huge. It was definitely bigger than her own. But her's should be labeled more of a walk in closet.

She went over and sat her things down on the bed. She unzipped her bag and pulled out the candy and games she brought. It was for everyone, so she wasn't going to leave it down here. She zipped her bag up and then left the room, making her way back downstairs to find everybody else, to see if they were ready to hang.


"Okay! So we got our gear! We got the chips and pop, and we have Lena's laptop. Now all we need is the pizza, candy and games." Kara said as she checked everything over; in the living room, on the coffee table. She held up her finger. "Where's Alex and Maggie?"

Winn and Lena quickly looked around.

"I think I saw Maggie go upstairs." Lena said. "I have no clue where your sister i-"

"-Hey guys! I got the pizza!" Alex said as she came through the door.

All three of them looked at her a little scared.

"What!?" Alex asked, a little loudly.

"Where did you go? We saw you come in here." Lena started. 

"But we never saw you leave." Kara finished off her sentence.

"Back door..." Alex said a little annoyed. Then she walked over and sat the pizzas on the coffee table.

Almost like it was on cue, Maggie came into the living room, right next to Alex.

They both didn't even notice. Until Maggie started speaking causing Alex to jump.

"Hey guys. Sorry. I was just exploring. This place is amazing! You'll never believe the rooms upstairs! Well... haven't seen them all, yet." Maggie said then noticed Alex next to her. She started to feel uncomfortable, so she moved over toward the table and sat her things down.

Alex noticed and her heart sank even more. She moved over next to Maggie just to set the pizza down, before leaving the room.

Lena and Kara gave each other a look and then nodded.

"Maggie maybe after we're done eating we can go look around upstairs?" Kara asked.

Maggie looked over at her and then smiled. "Okay!"

Lena got up and went after Alex. She looked around for her and ended up walking towards the back of the house, past the dining room, where she found an open door.

She walked in, and realized that it was the master bedroom. She looked around and noticed that there was another door in there, this one was wide open and she could see that it lead out to the backyard. She went over towards the door and walked outside. She was shocked to see how much different this backyard was. It seemed to be sectioned off from the main yard and was very private.

It was beautiful. Definitely somewhere she'd want to lay out and star gaze. Especially with someone special.

"What do you want?"

Lena heard from off to the right. She turned and saw Alex sitting at a little table. She walked over towards her, but stopped a little off to the side. She put her hands on her hips as she spoke. "I wanna know whats got you so pissed off?"

Alex turned her head and looked at Lena. "What's it to you?"

"What's it me is that you're starting to become a drag. What's up?"

Alex turned back around, and spoke with a small voice. "I don't want to talk about it."

Lena sighed, then walked over and took a seat, across from her. "I mean, I have an idea what this is about, but what I don't know is, exactly what happened."

Alex rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. "Please enlighten me, Lena." Then she looked at her and gave her a fake smile.

Lena nodded. "Alright. Im sensing something happened between you and Maggie. The two inseparable best friends, who always have each others backs."

Alex looked away from her again. "Well that's not how she feels!"

Lena leaned in. Feeling even more intrigued by situation now. "Really? Do you wanna tell me what happened? Or am I just gonna have to guess it out of you."

Alex didn't look at her. "It's whatever Luthor. In the past. Let's just leave it there! Please."

"That bad, huh?" Lena pondered for a moment on what it could be.

"Did you say something to Maggie and she didn't feel the same way?" Lena waited for Alex to answer, but all she got was Alex quivering her lip, in response. Or reaction? "Ohhh! So that is what happened..." Lena looked at her. That couldn't be all. "Or you didn't say anything. You- you-" Lena gasped. "Alex did you kiss Maggie!?"

Alex's head shot over towards her. "I said drop it, Lena! I swear to god!" She said defensively.

Lena sat back. "Mhm." She nodded. "Alex it's okay. I know what it's like. And have you tried tal-"

"I did!" Alex screamed, startling Lena. "I did! And she acted like things were fine, but they obviously weren't! And I don't know what happened! First I thought she likes me and then I- I try. And she shoves me away, then runs away. Then she ignores me and I have to beg her to talk to me and that's when she told me that we're fine and that she didn't want to lose me. I thought things were okay between us. But then when we get home she started acting weird. She'd acknowledged me one second and then the next gives me the cold shoulder."

Lena looked at her shocked, from how much she told her. It wasn't very specific, but it was good enough. "It either sounds like she's scared or she's playing hard to get."

"I don't think so." Alex leaned her forehead into her hand. Then spoke softly. "I fucked it all up."

Lena watched her. She heard a crack in her voice and then saw her head start to jerk. She was crying... In front of her. This was so strange to witness. She never lets her walls down like this. She's always the leader. The strong wilded one. "Alex I really don't think that's the case. If Maggie didn't like you wouldn't she tell you? Instead of messing with you?"

Alex slammed her hand on the table. "Listen Lena! I don't understand ANY of this! I didn't even realized that I liked her up until recently. And then I fell completely in lo-" Alex quickly stopped herself and calmed down, before speaking again. But she couldn't stop her tears falling and her voice shaking. "I just- I don't understand her anymore. You don't understand what she's doing to me!"

Lena started to tear up watching Alex. She listened to her and she realized that she was in pain. And that she didn't just like Maggie, it was much more than that. She got up. "Listen, I'm going to go get some food, for us. And bring it out here. Okay? We can talk if you want, or not. Just... I wanna be here for you."

Alex looked up at her and spoke softly. "Thank you."


"So Maggie what's new with you?" Kara asked as she shoved some pizza in her mouth.

Maggie looked up from her spot on the floor. "Oh. A... Not much really. My mom might take me to Disney later this summer." Maggie said a little excited.

"What!? You get to go to disney! You're so lucky!" Kara said from her spot.

"Hey Kara?" Lena said, peaking around the corner from the dining room.

Kara looked over a little shocked when she called her, not expecting her so soon. She saw Lena waving at her to come over. She got up and walked over to her.

Maggie watched them, instantly feeling a little suspicious.

"Come this way." Lena said as she walked towards the kitchen. She made sure they were alone to speak.

"Did you talk to Alex?" Kara asked in an almost whisper.

"Yeah. And oh my god. Okay. So apparently she made a move on Maggie and Maggie shoved her away."

Kara's eyes widened. "Really?"

"Yeah, and then I guess she started to ignore her and Alex had to beg her to talk to her and Maggie acted like everything was fine, but then afterwards she started to give Alex the cold shoulder again." Lena left out the part about how strong Alex's feelings were.

"Huh. Really? Wow. No wonder Alex is upset."

"I know it's so sad. We're definitely locking them together now. Kara do you know how we're going to do that exactly?"

"With a key?"

Lena face palmed herself. "Yes but what key? We don't live here, remember?"

Kara pointed over her shoulder. "There's a drawer full of labeled keys, in the hutch, over in the dining room." She didn't expect Lena to look so shocked.

"Oh." She said simply. "Well that makes things easier. When do we do it?"

"Yes it really does. And as soon as possible. Maybe when it's actually dark, which is in about ten minutes. But I want them to make up, so we can actually hang out as a group. Not like we weren't gonna mess with them anyways. Need to lose Winn first though." 

Lena grinned and then moved closer to Kara. She started to walk her fingers up the girls arm. "I like it when you get all evil genius on me. But Kara... What do you plan to do with Winn? We aren't killing him."

Kara's face reddened when Lena started to invade her personal space. "Obviously. We will scare him and then tie him up or something. And then after he's good and scared, we'll put a movie on and wait this thing out. We aren't monsters."

"Hm. That's a good plan. I should... give you a reward for that." Lena smirked.

"Please." Kara squealed, which made Lena giggle.

She moved in close to Kara and kissed her hard, which progressed into a heated make out session.

"Hey you guys, what are yo-"

Kara and Lena quickly separated and attempted to act natural.

Maggie started to back away. "Okay... I didn't realize you were busy."

Kara felt embarrassed for being caught. "Uh... Maggie, hey. We a... We were just talking." Kara said awkwardly and then looked over at Lena for help.

Lena was full on smirking and lost in her own world to come to Kara's aid. She looked like she was on cloud nine.

Maggie nodded. "Okay Kara. Whatever you and your lipstick stained mouth have to say."

Then she left. Kara let out a breath feeling relieved that she was gone. Then Lena started to giggle. Kara looked over at her a little annoyed. "Why didn't you help me!?"

"Oh! Because I was- I was." Lena looked for an answer before surrendering. "I have no excuse."

Kara shook her head and then she wound her arm back and slapped Lena in the ass, earning a surprised yelp from the girl. "Next time don't look like I just showed you my boobs." Kara turned and left the room.

Lena watched her leave with a smirk. She started to rub her ass because Kara's slap really stung. Not that she was complaining. This was a new side of Kara that shes never seen before. And she has to admit, she really really likes it. "Hey Kar wait up!" She called out then ran after her. "Hey Kara, while you talk to... you know who. Im going to go hang with... you know. But I'm gonna get food first, cool?" Lena said, when she caught up with Kara. But tried to make it a little discreet. In case Maggie was within earshot.


"Alright when you're done I'll come out with the garbage. Then you get Maggie to go into the master bedroom in the back. That's where Alex'll be. Then we'll lock em in." Lenas whispered.

Kara nodded. "Okay but how am I gonna get her back there?"

"I don't know just... Go look at rooms with her or something and then say you saw a room downstairs you haven't checked out yet and say something like it's really nice. But hurry. If we wanna do this fast without them suspecting."

"Okay! Cool. I'll get it done."


Kara and Lena made it back into the living room.

Lena quickly grabbed some food for her and Alex and left, while Kara went over to Maggie, who was sitting on the couch talking to Winn.

"Hey Maggie? You wanna go look around with me?"

Maggie looked up at her and then over at Winn. "Uh... What about Winn?"

Kara mentally face palmed herself. She didn't have a plan for this. "Um, yeah, him too obviously." Kara smiled nervously.

Maggie and Winn looked at each other, then at Kara.

"Come on lets go! This is getting boring, just sitting here and all!" Kara panicked.

"Okay, okay. What's the hurry?" Maggie said as she got up, Winn following.

"You alright Kara?" Winn asked.

"Yep! Totally fine. I'm just excited is all!" Kara smiled and then turned and walked away, towards the back, where the steps are.

Winn and Maggie gave each other another look before following her.

Kara sped up the stairs, trying to rush this and get it over with. She was growing nervous on whether or not she and Lena could pull this off. She just wanted her sister to be okay. "So... Winn why don't you go first? And you can nerd out over the rooms?" Kara tried to find a solution.

Winn looked at her funny, but then his face lit up. "Okay! I was hoping to analyze this place, anyways. I'm definitely buying this house when I'm older! It looks like it's straight out of a batman movie. Well not as big, but you know." Winn walked in front of them and started going through the rooms.

Kara turned towards Maggie and smiled. "So Maggie did you find a room that you liked?"

Maggie looked over at her with the same look Winn wore moments ago and then smiled. "Yeah! It's the third one! Right over here!" She pointed and then walked over there.

Kara followed. She raised her fists in the air for actually making this work and quietly cheered for herself. "Woo!"

Maggie turned, and Kara quickly put her arms down. "Hey Kara. Can I ask you something?" Maggie asked, when they were all the way in the room.

This is just getting easier and easier! "Yeah. What's up?"

Maggie rubbed the back of her head. "Does- does Alex talk about me ever? Like in a... not a friend sort of way?"

Kara tilted her head not fully getting the question. "No. Not at all."

Maggie looked down a little disappointed. "Oh."

"I mean you're her best friend! She's aways going on and on about the things you guys do together. Like the other day she told me that you two snuck into an amusement park, because you guys forgot your tickets and she felt really bad. And there was also this other time where she said you two almost got caught skipping class together, to go hang out in the science lab. Why? Do you think Alex doesn't want to be your friend anymore?"

Maggie realized what Kara meant. "Oh! Uh, no. Not at all. I was just curious is all." She paused for a moment. "She really told you all that stuff?"

Kara understood Maggie's original question now. She internally squealed at how easy this was becoming. "Yeah! I mean I cant get her to shut up about you. One second we'll be talking about harry potter and the next thing I know, she's telling me about your favorite movies and how you want to be a cop when you're older."

Maggie's eyes widened. Alex really did that? "Huh..."

Kara walked toward Maggie. "You okay Maggie?"

"Huh? Yeah, yeah. Just... thinking." Maggie started playing with strand of her hair nervously.

Kara felt she didn't need to ask or push for anything. It was all clear to her. "Why don't we look around."

"Oh Yeah! Okay so this room is just... It's so amazing! Come look over here! There's a balcony!"


When Lena went back out to Alex they talked for a while. Nothing serious this time. Just enjoying each others company and getting to know each other.

"So Alex, tell me. What's your favorite science?" Lena crossed her leg, as she set her pizza down.

Alex nibbled on her piece, then sat her own aside to answer Lena. "I really love chemistry and biology."

"Hm. So a life nerd?" Lena asked. Picking up her slice of pizza and started eating it again.

"I guess you could say that." Alex giggled.

Lena winced at Alex, as she licked tomato sauce off her face. "So. I hear you want to become a doctor. How come you don't want to pursue a field in science?"

"Well I want a job that'll cater to my skills in medicine. My mother is a doctor, so it could be good."

"Have you thought of pursuing a field in the military? You seem like you're very fit. And brains like yours. They'd be stupid not to jump at a chance to snatch you up."

"Well... It's weird you mentioned it. I gave it some thought. But I'm not exactly sure what I'd do. And it's the military, I mean i'm not really what you would call courage."

Lena nodded as she spoke. She was about to answer her, but then her phone buzzed. She checked it real quick and saw that it was Kara. "One sec Alex." Lena held up her finger.


Lena looked at the screen and saw that it was a text.

'I'm ready. But the only problem is Winn's with me.'

Lena shook her head. It was a simple solution. 'Just tell him you'll meet him back in the living room. It's not like you'd be lying.' Then she turned her phone off and stood up. "Hey Alex you want to head in with me? I'm starting to get a little chilly." She rubbed the sides of her arms to push the suggestion further. Wasn't a total lie. It really was getting pretty breezy out. She hoped that Alex would say yes.

Alex looked at her and then stood up. "Sure. We can go hang in the master room. There's a tv in there and I wanna see if it'll work." She grabbed her stuff and walked over to the door.

Lena reached out for Alex's garbage. "Here lemme get that!"

"Thanks." Then they walked in the room together. Alex closed the door behind her.

Lena could hear steps coming from down the hall and she quickly acted. "Alex! How about we look at the tv together? I'll just go throw our garbage away first. Okay?"

Alex looked over at her with a curious look on her face as she knelt under the flat screen, that was hooked to the wall. "Yeah. Don't need my permission. And you can help me if you want." Then she turned back to the tv.

"Okay great!" Lena said before walking out. And just in time too, because Kara and Maggie were already a few feet from the room. "Hey guys." She smiled, then threw away the trash and sprinted over towards the hutch. She yanked the drawer open and fished for the room key they needed.

"What's with her?" Maggie asked as she watched Lena run pass them.

Kara shrugged. Trying to derail Maggie's interest. "Who knows. She's a little." Kara spun her finger in a swirl by her ear. Earning a chuckle from Maggie, and an angry shout from Lena.

"Hey! I saw that!" She shouted as she pulled out the key. Keeping it concealed in her hand, so Maggie wouldn't see it.

Maggie turned away and started walking again. Kara came up behind her.

"This is the master bedroom! I'm sure you'll love it in here." Kara said. Then turned toward Lena; who was now right behind her, and winked.

"Wow!" Maggie gasped when she walked in, stopping right in the door frame.

Lena face palmed herself for how unbelievable this was.

Kara got a quick plan and it wasn't a pretty one.

"It's so big! And look at that bed! And woah a tv! And... Ale-"

Kara reached out and shoved Maggie in all the way, then quickly closed the door.

Lena came up behind her and locked it.


When the door closed, Maggie quickly turned around and started to bang on the door, and shout. "What the hell are you guys doing!? Let me out of here!" She hit the door even more.

"Right cause that's gonna make them let you out." Alex said from Maggie's left, on the floor. Where she was looking at the tv. She had her legs crisscrossed, and her hands were resting on the side of her knees.

Maggie turned to her and glared.

"Don't give me that look. I didn't lock you in here."

Maggie turned and walked away from her, toward the bed. "Ass." She said quietly. Then got up on the bed and laid down.

Alex instantly wanted to cry when she heard Maggie say that.

Why is she being so mean?

She stayed there on the floor. Not wanting to get up. She couldn't anyways because she was on the verge of crying and it was becoming so hard to control. She leaned her head against the wall and tried everything not to cry, but then she gave in and started to sob.

Maggie tried to ignore it. She covered her ears. She shoved her face in the blankets and then regretted it, quickly lifting her face off and away from the blanket. She looked over at Alex and frowned. She was gonna say something, but then the door to the room swung open, catching her attention and next thing she knows their bags are  being tossed in.

"You may be in there a while."

They could hear Lena say as she closed the door and locked it.

"Make it count!" Kara shouted.

Alex sprung up and grabbed her bags. Pulling out her stuff. She noticed a sleeping bag rolled up in there. Kara must have put it in there. She pulled it out and laid it on the floor. Then she grabbed her ipod from the bag and her headphones. She threw her bag on the floor, by her sleeping bag and laid down.

Maggie watched her as she did all this. She waited for her to put her headphones in her ears before getting up and going over to grab her things.

She pulled out her blanket and her pillow case full of her personal things, like pads and her ds, to name a few. She grabbed the outfit she was changing into, to wear for pj's, since she forgot to bring a second pair. And then dumped her stuff in her bag, that was in her pillow case. She walked over towards the bed and started undressing, with her back facing Alex.

Alex noticed this and she looked over at her. She pulled her ear pods out and sat up. "Maggie what are you doing?"

Maggie looked over at her. "What does it look like?" There was a little bit of attitude in her voice.

"Looks like you're getting naked."

"Sorry to disappoint you, but I'm not." She started sliding her pants off.

Alex quickly looked away. Then she put her headphones back in her ears, drowning everything out.

When Maggie was finished she hopped back into bed and pulled her hair up into a messy bun. She looked back over at Alex and she frowned. She felt bad that Alex was laying on the floor. So she got up and went over towards her. She reached out to tap her on the shoulder, then hesitated.

Why was she doing this to Alex? Why did she have to be such a coward? She reached out all the way and touched Alex on her shoulder.

Alex rolled over halfway and looked at Maggie. She pulled her headphones out before speaking. "What?"

Maggie looked away from her, when she spoke quietly with a small voice. "Do you... do you wanna come up on the bed with me?" She turned and looked at Alex again. Attempting to read her face.

"Maggie what are you asking?" Alex looked up at her angry.

Maggie's eyes went wide with realization. "No! Alex. I-I just don't want you to lay on the hard floor." She sighed before speaking again. "Please." Her voice was small again.

Alex thought it over for a moment. But Maggie won her over with the pleading look on her face. "Fine." She stood up and walked over to the bed.

Maggie got there before her, and laid down first. Alex crawled up there and looked at Maggie as she did this. Then when she laid down she made sure to face away from Maggie, and wrapped her arms around herself.

Maggie watched her as she laid down. She pulled her blanket up more, over herself and then she grabbed the other end and pulled it over Alex.

Alex moved a little when she did this. She gripped the blanket and slid it over her shoulder more. They laid like that for a while, before Alex rolled over to face Maggie.

Maggie opened her eyes and looked at Alex. She slowly scooted towards her and was just about to stop, but then Alex opened her arms and closed the distance,  wrapping her arms around Maggie's neck.

Maggie moved her face and rested in the crook of Alex's neck. She breathed out. "Im so sorry!" She pecked at her neck. "I shouldn't have run away Alex! I shouldn't have pushed you away. I was just so scared! And then I didn't know what I was doing." Maggie moved into her more and wrapped her arms around her, gripping at the back of Alex's shirt. She kissed her neck between sentences. "I hated seeing you upset. All those times you cried. It killed me! I'm so so sorry!"

Then that was it.

Maggie was crying, in Alex's neck.

Alex brought a hand up to her cheek and pulled her back. Looking into her eyes. She wiped away the tears with her thumbs. "I understand Maggie. Not that it hurt any less. But I get it. I should have just waited until you were ready."

"No! Don't apologize. It was me. And I didn't even know you liked me. So you would have been waiting a long time." Maggie giggled.

They stayed like that for a moment. Alex looked down at Maggie and smiled. She brought her thumb up and ran it across her bottom lip.

"Kiss me Alex Danvers! Please!" She whispered. "I want you."

Alex didn't need to be told Twice. She pulled Maggie in for a passionate kiss.

Maggie pulled her closer and then slowly, she rolled on top of her. She deepened the kiss, becoming more desperate. She started to whimper.

After a while they pulled away to breath. They both were panting from how intense the kiss was.

Maggie sat up, her legs straddling Alex's stomach, as she rested her hands on her chest, leaning forward.

Alex looked up at Maggie and grinned. "Wow. Sawyer." She breathed.

Maggie rolled her hips in response. Earning her a whimper from Alex. Maggie giggled. "What? You like that?" She smiled then leaned down to kiss Alex again. But this time she only pecked her on the lips. Alex attempted to follow her up, but failed.

"Maggie!" Alex whined. "Don't tease me! If anything, I deserve a reward! Or something."

Maggie nodded as she spoke. "A reward? What do you have in mind?" Maggie bit her lip.

Alex grabbed Maggie's waste and rolled her hips into her.

Maggie furrowed her brows at how excited she was becoming. "Oh! So that's what you have in mind?" Maggie smirked. She leaned down again and kissed Alex, but then before things could heat up she pulled away and slid off her.

Alex sat up and looked at her disappointed. Maggie walked towards her and grabbed her chin with her hand and pulled her towards her face. "All good things come to those who wait. And I think we should." She smiled. Then kissed Alex on the forehead.

"Like for- for sex? Or to date each other?" Alex asked. Her voice got small when she said the last part.

Maggie shook her head. "Alex, for sex." She wrapped her hands around Alex's waste and pulled her towards the end of the bed. She stood between Alex's knees. "Alex Danvers?"


"Will you pretty please, with cherries on top, be mine?"

Alex giggled. "Only if you'll be mine."

Maggie gave her the biggest smile. "Deal!"

Alex leaned up and took her lips in her own. "Do we have to wait?" She whined in Maggie's lips.

Maggie giggled, then pulled away. She moved a piece of Alex's hair behind her ear. "Trust me. It'll be worth it Alex. I give you my word. And I'll make it worth it!"

Alex groaned. "You're just making me not want to wait even more." Alex whimpered.

"Believe me. You think I want to keep my hands off of you!? This is just as hard for me as it is for you. But you're worth it! You're perfect, Alex."

And with that Alex playfully shoved Maggie away before crawling to the other side of the bed. "I think I might die!" She whined. Before shoving her face in the covers. "You're saying all the right things Maggie! Stop it!"

Maggie decided to press on. This was just becoming to much fun. "What? Like how you're absolutely beautiful and you're always the best part of my day?"

Alex let out a muted scream in the pillow.

"Or how you're the one thing I look forward to when we go to school? And that I love making you laugh, and hanging out with you, and just getting to know the woman that is Alex Danvers and how she's so damn wonderful?" Maggie climbed up onto the bed and grabbed Alex from her spot and moved her so she'd sit up and look at her.

Alex spoke soft and quiet. "I just... I love you Maggie." She looked into her eyes.

Maggie's eyes were wide and her mouth hung open. "Dammit Alex!" Maggie shook her head and pulled her close to her body. "I had all my self control and then you had to go and say something like that."

"You started it! You beautiful, amazing, smart, brilliant, and tough woman!" Alex challenged.

Maggie growled low in her throat. "Take off your pants Alex."


Authors note:

Sorry for the wait. I would've posted last night, but I was to tired to finish the rest of this one. I ended up actually doing something fun yesterday, and then I hung out with a friend today. So between all that I got it done. And I think it's actually the longest one of this book. I really hope you guys like it. I have very mixed feelings about it. And I wanted to change the last part because I felt like Alex and Maggie should have talked more. But this seemed okay. I also got a little bit of writers block, so that didn't help. I hope this ones okay. There will probably one more after this. Thank you for sticking with me in this book. I appreciate it a lot! :)

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