Descendants of The Sun: The S...

By ApplePie0097

128K 2.5K 877

The love story between a soldier and a doctor reaches new heights, as their bond strenghtens to a point where... More

Chapter One-Part One
Chapter One-Part Two
Chapter One-Part Three
Chapter One-Part Four
Chapter Two-Part One
Chapter Two-Part Two
Chapter Two-Part Three
Chapter Two-Part Four
Chapter Two-Part Five
Chapter Three-Part One
Chapter Three-Part Two
Chapter Three-Part Three
Chapter Three-Part Four
Chapter Three-Part Five
Chapter Three-Part Six
Chapter Four-Part One
Chapter Four-Part Two
Chapter Four-Part Three
Chapter Four-Part Four
Chapter Five-Part One
Chapter Five-Part Two
Chapter Five-Part Three
Chapter Five-Part Four
Chapter Six-Part One
Chapter Six-Part Two
Chapter Six-Part Three
Chapter Six-Part Four
Chapter Seven-Part One
Chapter Seven-Part Two
Chapter Seven-Part Three
Chapter Seven-Part Four
Chapter Seven-Part Five
Chapter Seven-Part Six
Chapter Eight-Part One
Chapter Eight-Part Two
Chapter Eight-Part Three
Chapter Eight-Part Four
Chapter Eight-Part Five
Chapter Nine-Part One
Chapter Nine-Part Two
Chapter Nine-Part Three
Chapter Nine-Part Four
Chapter Ten-Part One
Chapter Ten-Part Two
Chapter Ten-Part Three
Chapter Ten-Part Four
Chapter Ten-Part Five
Chapter Ten-Part Six

Chapter Nine-Part Five

1.3K 30 10
By ApplePie0097

"Home is whenever you leave everything you love and never question that, it will be there when you return."

(Leo Christopher)

   She knew she was being totally heartless to use the Prime Minister's son as a means of escape, but she did have a plan for the son. The problem was whether the father of the dying child could just let go of his egoistic roots and face the brutal reality for the first time. She could only pray and hope that this would work.

   "I have to do this." She whispered to Si Jin in Hangul.

   Si Jin seemed reluctant, but he eventually nodded his head slightly.

   "Mr Silvanos..." Mo Yeon called out, earning a glare from the man himself. "What about your son?"


   The Prime Minister, Mr Silvanos, was stunned to hear her calling his son. A pang of emotions began to build inside him, and he was unsure of what to do. He froze on the spot, but eyes still glaring at the female doctor who had all the guts to bring up this sensitive matter. Just how in the world did she know about his son? Who was this woman he's handling with?

   "Wh..what are you talking about?" He tried to feign ignorance, but his stuttering failed him.

   "I'm talking about your five-year-old son, sir." Mo Yeon repeated.

   "How did you know about him?!" The Prime Minister was now furious. He didn't expect his personal life to be breached in such a way that they were now using his son as a bargaining chip. His anger boiled up to a level so dangerous he could actually blow his head off with it. Of it wasn't for the sniper outside, he could have shot them already. "Just how the hell did you know him?!"

   Si Jin cooly approached the table, ignoring the Prime Minister's anger while showing Mo Yeon that it was time for him to take over the situation. If there's a deal needed to be made, the best person to discuss with was none other than the Major himself. Mo Yeon stepped away from the matter completely, for she knew somehow that the discussion, in some ways, might get ugly.

   "So, how about we discuss this now, and we'll ensure that your son's safe?" Si Jin began. "I have my guys who can get me all the intelligence I want, and yours is not an exception. I must say.." Si Jin smirked at the man. " really had a lot of profits in your wallet, sir. What do you think the world will respond if they know about this?"

   "Just cut to the case! Tell me how you know about my son?!"

   "Simple. Hack into your files." Si Jin replied with great simplicity. "Our intelligence in Korea and the MSS have been seeking out Sun Yang's business partners for years, but it wasn't until the Seoul Station Incident that we intensified our search." Si Jin turned to Mo Yeon briefly, scanning the slightly stunned face of his woman. He knew that Mo Yeon would be surprised to hear this, but that's the world of secret intelligence. He turned back to the man. "You popped up in our list, and so, we dug deeper into you. It seems that your son's contracted the virus, and although the last vaccine managed to suppress it, the virus grew stronger. He's hanging by a thread."

   The Prime Minister exhaled loudly, rubbing the bridge of his nose with his right hand.

   "All these years, you've been gaining a lot from Sun Yang. Now that your son's in grave danger, you switched your goals. You sought money to save your son. You may not like it, but you have no choice. You've lost your wife during delivery, and I'm pretty sure you don't want to lose your only flesh and blood. You will do anything to save him." The Major took a photo frame of the Prime Minister's family on the table, glanced at it for a moment, and then placed it closer to the man to make sure that he saw it clearly. "Think about your family, sir. This madness, this evil, will not benefit your son."

   By this time, the Prime Minister began to tear up. He took the photo of his wife and stared at it for so long as teardrops fell onto the transparent glass. Si Jin and Mo Yeon could only watch pitifully in silence as sorrow enveloped the man completely and it's aura spread all over the room. Somehow, that scene reminded Mo Yeon of the time she received Si Jin's letter at the time of his 'death', and she understood how he felt. The emotions were relatable in some ways that she felt guilty for bringing up his son into this scenario. Mo Yeon felt as if she had done a big sin.

   "I don't want to do all this." Mr Silvanos choked. "I want the best for my son. That's all I ever wanted for him–for him to be a good man, not a man like me." He glanced at the two of them, eyes red and wet with tears. "You won't know how it feels like–to have a father doing all these evil just for the sake of his child. You won't understand that feeling at all." He put down the photograph finally, wiping his eyes away from all those years welling up. "What do you want?" He gave in finally.

   Si Jin and Mo Yeon glanced at each other, sensing that they were now heading the right direction. "It's pretty simple, sir. Just do what I told you, and I can guarantee...." There was a short pause from. Mo Yeon, causing Si Jin to look at her with curious eyes. Something told him that whatever she was about to say right now would be something disagreeable. "...your son will be alright."

   "How will you guarantee that?" The Prime Minister asked with a serious tone. He found it impossible for a woman like her to guarantee his son's safety when she's already trying to leave this country. Just what way could she think of save her skin?

   "I'll save your son." Mo Yeon replied with determination, earning a stunned stare from the two men. "I'll save him, and bring him back to you, sir."

   "Yah, you can't be serious!" Si Jin raised his voice in Hangul, his mind refusing to believe what foolish decision she had just made. That was not part of their plan after all.

   "Allow us to bring him back to Korea, sir. I'll make sure that our team will try our very best to find the cure–not only for your son, but for the people suffering from the outbreak. I guarantee you with my life." She ignored Si Jin completely. "In return, you clear my name and my reputation."

   "Yah, Kang Mo Yeon!"

   "I know what I'm doing, Si Jin! Just help me with this, or we're not going home!" Mo Yeon interrupted Si Jin in Hangul. "Jaebal. Just side with me once. All I need is your support."

   "Mo Yeon–"

   "And what if you fail?" The Prime Minister chipped in before Si Jin could say another word.

   "Then you can kill me." Mo Yeon replied back.


Uruk International Airport
Two hours later
   "The plane's ready for takeoff. We're moving out as scheduled." One of the plane's crewmen spoke to Myeong Joo.

   Myeong Joo couldn't hide her anxiety. They had been delaying their flight for an extra hour just to wait for Mo Yeon and Alpha Team to return from their mission, but it took way too long. Myeong Joo's efforts to buy some time for the team back in the capital had not only created a worrying situation for the medical volunteer team, but it also agitated the pilots and the soldiers of the other plane whose UN peacekeepers troops were already on board and awaiting their flight home. It was understandable that those men were eager to return home, and any unnecessary delay would be unacceptable. However, she had no choice. The wait had gone far too long, and she couldn't drag on anymore. At the same time, she disliked the idea of having to leave those guys in the capital in the mercy of the war around them.

   "Can't we wait for a few more minutes?"

   "Andwae. We can't anymore. The Chinese are going to move out as it is, and the tower's busy with the traffic in the air. We are in the clear at this moment and we can't wait anymore." The crewman rejected, ushering her into the aircraft. "Jungwinim, board on now. We are leaving."

   Myeong Joo tried to protest, as well as the medical volunteer team, but there was no point. Military protocols had to be followed, whether she liked it or not, and it was unfortunate that she and the team would have to leave the rest behind and head straight for home. Together with the flight crew, she hiked up the ramp. For a moment, she turned her back around to the hangar not far from the planes, just to catch a glimpse of whether they really made it. Unfortunately, there was none. With a heavy, dejected exhale, she turned back and boarded the craft, as the hatch cringed to a close.

   Just then, she felt her mobile in her right pocket buzzing to life. In an instant, she took out the phone, and her heart skipped a beat when she saw the number on the screen–Seo Dae Young. Without any hesitation, she swiped the 'Accept' button and placed the phone on her right ear. "We're here." She heard him said straight away before she could say a word.

   Upon hearing his voice and his words, Myeong Joo's body started kicking. She immediately ran to the cockpit, much to the curiosity of the medical teams, and opened the cockpit door even though she had no direct jurisdiction to do so. "Open the hatch now!" She ordered to the pilot, holding the pilot's left shoulder roughly.

   "Jungwinim, I can't–"

   "JUST DO AS I SAY! THEY ARE HERE! OPEN THE HATCH FOR THEM, NOW!" Myeong Joo raised her voice, her free left hand clutching the phone tightly that her knuckles turned white. The pilot–a Staff Sergeant, obediently obliged and turned the switch so that the semi-closed hatch could open again. As quick as lightning, Myeong Joo ran outside of the plane and stepped onto the ground once more, as she saw four vehicles coming towards the plane from the right.

   The darkness of the night obscured any clarity. Myeong Joo could only watch with great anxiety as the vehicles came closer, the sound of the vehicle's engines deafened by the rumbling roar of the plane's turboprops. Realisation hit Myeong Joo hard, causing the smile that was plastered on her face earlier on to disappear when she noticed that the incoming vehicles were not white UN Humvees, but rather four, heavily-armed Uruk Army vehicles with its military crest shown on the sides of the vehicles. Myeong Joo tensed, and for a moment, she considered asking for an armed backup in case those Uruk soldiers tried to cause some trouble. She ended up not doing so, for the gunners manning their machine guns atop the vehicles were not pointing their muzzles at them and were facing upwards.

   The vehicles stopped in front of her, and her anxiety turned to relief when she saw the first passenger hopped out of the vehicle the moment the vehicles stopped. Instincts overrunning her consciousness and emotions running wild, she ran like a lost child searching for her mother, and with a happy smile mixed with already-forming happy tears, she crashed onto the body of Dae Young with the most enchanting embrace she could pull off. No sooner when she did that, she felt a pair of arms quickly enveloping her tightly, closing any gaps between them in a tight squeeze. The moment she felt his touch, his skin, his breath, and smelled the scent she always recognised, she felt like Heaven.

   "I thought I won't see you again." She voiced. "I thought I have to leave you behind."

   "I'm here now." Dae Young caressed her, rubbing her back gently as he whispered to her right ear. Dae Young reluctantly had to cut the hugs short for he had more important things to matter on. He pushed her back softly. "Listen, there's something important..."

   Myeong Joo's teary eyes instantly turned serious. The butterflies in her stomach disappeared in a puff, and the aura of seriousness enveloped the air around them. By this time, the familiar faces of Si Jin and the rest of Alpha Team, along with Mo Yeon appeared out of the vehicles. What puzzled her was that only the first three vehicles were occupied by Alpha Team and Mo Yeon, but for the fourth vehicle, there was no one appearing out of the vehicle. She gave a curious stare at Dae Young, and the man needed no second guessing to know what she was about to refer to. "What's in that car?" She asked.

   Before Dae Young could say a word, the apparent sound of helicopter blades beating against the wind slowly came about, causing them to glance around in search of the incoming noise. The helicopter appeared seconds later from the western end of the airport, and then as it came closer, it slowed down and then hovered for a moment before descending on the platform not far from them. That was the time when Myeong Joo noticed that the people from the fourth vehicle had came out of it as soon as it landed, and it surprised her that an Uruk Army Major appeared out of it, donning a black beret. The next thing that really caught her attention was when two men–apparently doctors, came out of the helicopter that somewhat belonged to the Uruk Government, and then a strange-looking transparent like container attached to a stretcher came out. The doctors wheeled the container closer towards the plane, and her mind began running like mad.

   When Mo Yeon and Si Jin approached her only did she realised that the container was no simple container.

   It was an EpiShuttle–a single-patient isolation system. And the appearance of that thing meant only one thing–there's someone infectious inside the system. Instantly, her blood ran in a frenzy, adrenaline pumping into her veins. "Stop right there!" She halted in English the incoming doctors who were bringing the nameless patient she didn't know.

   "Gwaenchana." Mo Yeon spoke at the background, causing Myeong Joo to glance at the senior. "The boy's my responsibility."

   Only when Mo Yeon said 'boy', Myeong Joo turned back to the stretcher and with curious and cautious eyes, she took a peek through the transparent layers, and noticed a boy–approximately five years in age and lying on the bed in a very sickly condition. The way the boy looked was as if he had been infected by a viral disease, which was rather worrying since she knew that the country was facing an isolated yet spreading viral resurgency. From the looks of it, Myeong Joo knew this was no simple viral strain. She turned around and stared at Myeong Joo with worrying eyes. By that time, some of the medical team members had gone down the plane to see what's going on, and their eyes immediately focused on the strange plastic-like material. Not only was the patient being wheeled by two doctors, there were two men in black suits as well.

   These two men were here, fully loaded from head to toe with their security gears which told her that the patient was no simple civilian.

   "Sunbae, nuguya?" She questioned Mo Yeon with her signature stare.

    This time, a large crowd of mixed civilian and soldiers had gathered around them. It made Si Jin, Alpha Team and Mo Yeon rather uncomfortable, but this was Mo Yeon's decision and the men had to support it, so Mo Yeon had to accept full responsibility for what she was doing. Mo Yeon stared at Si Jin briefly, with Si Jin nodding his head slightly, as if allowing her to do something that required his permission. With a comforted smile on his face which also made her produce a weak smile of her own, she faced them with an uncertain mind, wondering how they would react of they know who the boy was and the implications of her actions. Still, she had made this deal in the first place, and as a person of her word, she couldn't just break that promise just like that. Whether or not they would accept it depended entirely on them. She's only doing what she felt was the right thing to do.

   "That boy..." She began, looking at the sick boy from the left corner of her eyes, " the Prime Minister's son, and he's infected with the virus."

   Needless to say, everyone around them was shocked. Myeong Joo in particular, was frozen in stature, her mouth gaping slightly into a round 'O' as her eyes bulged in deep shock. Whispers began to circulate around the masses.

   "I am responsible for this kid's life, so you don't have to worry. This burden is mine, and mine alone. I caused these terrible things to happen to all of you, and have forced you to leave under these circumstances, and for that, mianhamnida." She bowed humbly at them. "I....made a deal with the Prime ensure that all of us are pardoned and will be able to return safely back home. To honour that deal, I promised to treat this boy back to life." She glanced at Dr Song, whose expression was mixed with worry and surprise. "I will do my very best as a doctor to find a cure, and if I can't do that..." She paused for a moment to gather her faltering emotions together. The more she said it, there more she felt like crying. "...I will personally quit being a doctor and surrender myself to the Uruk Government."

   Silence filled the air as the crowd struggled to accept what was going on. There was just too much information to take in, not to mention the risk of having a contagious patient boarding the flight with them back home. For Myeong Joo, her worries were more of a political and security context, for the Foreign Ministry back home was not informed by this matter at all, she presumed, and to just bring this sick boy home to be treated without the government's consent would be considered a kidnapping, and the boy would be sent back home straight away. The risk would not only risk their lives, but their careers as well. For all they know, they would end up in jail the moment they stepped foot on home soil. This was not part of her father's plan at all, and she wondered how it would fate if she agreed on this. One thing was certain though–she just simply couldn't, even if she wanted too. "Sunbaenim.." She turned towards the carriage. "Mianhae. I can't allow you to do this. This–"

   "Be rest assured, Ma'am." The Uruk Army officer, who was none other than Major Pavlos, voiced out in English in an assuring tone as if knowing what she was trying to say. "We have informed your government about this, so don't worry."

   "I'm sorry, Major.." Myeong Joo glared at the officer whom she assumed rudely interrupted her. "..but I'm responsible for the safety of this team. I cannot risk having an infectious patient on board the aircraft without proper medical preparations." She switched to Mo Yeon with somewhat offended eyes. "Yah, sunbaenim, what is this?" She questioned in Hangul. "Do you realise what you're really doing?"

   "I know what I'm doing–"

   "Ani, I don't think you are." Myeong Joo cut in. "What are you doing, sunbaenim? Don't you think you've done enough damage already? What you're doing, can cause a political backla–"

   "I've already told you–im responsible for this boy's life, and it's my responsibility alone!"

   "Still, you can't–"

   "Yoon Jungwi, hajima!" Si Jin had to get involved in this matter, or the two ladies would fight and delay even further. The action surprised Myeong Joo, who gave him a surprised stare. "Can we get on with it instead of fighting? If you can't give your consent, then ask her team. Make a choice now, because we're running out of time."

   "Take him in!" Dr Song suddenly voiced out loud, causing all attention to turn to him. "We take him in back home, and help Kang-sonsaeng!"


Cheong Wa Dae (Blue House)
Seoul, South Korea
   Lieutenant General Yoon found himself in a tricky situation. Things were not going well as planned, and now, they were bringing back a kid belonging to the Prime Minister of Uruk. Not only that, the boy was sick, infected with the virus. Not only did it caused panic in the Blue House, the military ranks were worried as well.

   Preparing a specialised medical team to transport the sick boy was easy. Disinfecting the plane was easy. Scanning the passengers was easy. The problem was how to make these arrangements as smoothly as possible, since this scenario happened just too fast, and initiated without political advice from their very own citizen. The Korean Government simply didn't want to get involved in any of the Uruk's conflicts whatsoever, but the kid would reluctantly drag them in. The President understood really well that once the kid arrived on Korean soil, the kid was now under the Korean Government's supervision, meaning that if any misfortune were to happen to the boy under any circumstances, Uruk would definitely not stay quiet. The other thing they were worried about was the potential danger of the virus itself. The MERS-CoV outbreak caught them by storm previously, and obviously, they didn't want another viral outbreak to spread all across the country.

   However, the blame fell on Lieutenant General Yoon, who planned this secret evacuation scheme from the very start. Someone had to be the black sheep in this case, and unfortunately, he was on the top spot. With everyone notified about the General's scheme, all eyes were on the man.

   "So, Jungjangnim.." The President looked at the General. The bright afternoon sky outside was easily overshadowed by the President's gloomy expression. "...This is your plan. How are you going to solve it?"

   A short silence followed in the large, circular white meeting room, as Lieutenant General Yoon adjusted himself on his seat, grunting softly as he joined his fingers together on the table. He arched forward a little, and made sure that his voice was clear and his eyes fixed on the President. For sure, he could see Minister Lee Han Soo's egoistic face from the right corner of his eyes, sitting a few seats away from the Commander-in-Chief, but he tried to ignore that face. "I admit, I didn't see this coming." He revealed. "What Kang-sonsaeng did is really unexpected."

   A soft scoff from the Foreign Minister interrupted the General. The General was unperturbed, though.

   "Perhaps what we can do right now, is to–"

   "Oh, so you're trying to educate us now, is it, Jungjangnim?" Minister Lee Han Soo interjected him rudely with a smirk on his face. "Look what mess you are doing!" He turned to the President. "Sir, Jungjang Yoon Gil Joon has obviously abused his power. We have tolerated this man for far too long, and he abused our tolerance to do things behind our back. In my opinion, he's using our precious military resources for personal gains and not for the safety of our people." The Minister paused for a while, giving the General an eye of deceit. "Perhaps, we should strip him from his post permanently and immediately, so that it won't cause anymore confusion."

   Lieutenant General Yoon couldn't hide his frustration at the man. For so many times, that Minister had been poking his nose onto military matters, especially those regarding the lives of his men of the 707th. He didn't know what karma he did in the past to ever face that man always and everytime a dangerous, political situation arose, but maybe it was just his luck. Today, the Minister was obviously trying to gain from this scenario, and with political backing from his fellow colleagues, Minister Lee Han Soo had the upper hand. Military men like him would always be the last option during peacetime.

   However, there was no way he's going to let that Minister take away his job–especially when the mission's not done.

   "Jamkkanman.." A rather coarse voice chipped in before Lieutenant General Yoon could say a word. Everyone turned to the man next to Lieutenant General Yoon on his right. "You say you wanted Jungjang Yoon Gil Joon to be removed from his post because of his wrongdoing.." He arched forward slightly. "In my opinion, this is the right thing to do. However, I think you've forgotten one important thing, Minister Lee."

   "And what would that be?" Minister Lee asked in a mocking tone, seemingly unperturbed by the two-star Rear Admiral's remarks.

   "That you should quit as well." The man, Rear Admiral Kang Seung Hae, replied. Rear Admiral Kang Seung Hae was the Commander of the Republic of Korea Navy Special Warfare Flotilla. The most famous Special Warfare unit in Korea–the UDT/SEALs, were under his direct command. "Because I don't think you are doing a good job in handling this issue as well. Leaving our people back in Uruk because of an allegation is a baseless reason, Minister."

   "Yah, Sojangnim–"

   "Have you ever send any of our representative to help our people back there? Did you send any delegation to discuss the issue regarding this matter? Most importantly, have you ever feel compelled to inform their next-of-kins about the condition of their safety, much less inform them the reason why they couldn't come home? If you say you do, you're dead wrong. From the way I see it, this is an intention to save your skin, by leaving these people behind just to ensure that there are no 'political consequences' between the two countries. If you think that way, I must say that you are an idiot." The Rear Admiral spared no breath in his reply, cutting the Minister alone with his own tongue. "You pushed the responsibility away when it is truly yours, then you put all the blame on Jungjangnim. I think that's unprofessional of you, Minister. By right, there must be some action taken, but you didn't. If I were him, I will definitely do the same."

   Those words made Minister Lee frozen in his seat, unable to find the words to counter the Rear Admiral. He instantly went numb.

   "So, before you ask for a person's removal, please think of your actions before you make one. It's not fair to push the blame on only one person, for Jungjangnim was only doing what he feel is right."

   Everyone in the room began to whisper among themselves, probably wondering who was wrong and who was right, or maybe wondering how they got themselves into this mess.

   For the President, the Rear Admiral's words did made some sense. He gave a serious glare at the Minister, who could only gulp in fear. The case was not as simple as it seemed, but in order to make sure that there were no confusions in the later future, a decision had to be made. For sure he's not going to remove Lieutenant General Yoon, since he did it out of responsibility and that Minister Lee had failed to do his task as a Foreign Minister. However, the one point he needed to keep in mind was the relationship between Korea and Uruk. The President certainly didn't want to offend Uruk by any means which would make Korea look like they were exploiting the war in Uruk into Korea's favour.

   Well, that meant that he couldn't order the plane to return back to Uruk as well. The plane was now hours away from home soil, probably inside Kazakhstani airspace by now. To order the plane back to Uruk just to give back the child was like a death sentence to the kid who badly needed treatment, bit at the same time, bringing him into Korean soil, posed serious health risks. The President was at a lost, stuck between two rocks while dangling mid-air by the cliff. One wrong move would bring bad consequences to the nation as a whole.

   Perhaps the only solution for the problem, was to just accept the boy and then plan on how to handle this kid later.

   "We will do this..." The President finally spoke, gaining the attention of everyone in the room. Even the nervous Minister Lee had to stare at him right in the eye even though he felt his future crumbling before him. Lieutenant General Yoon and Rear Admiral Kang simply paid extra attention on what the President was about to say. "..We will treat that boy, using the best specialist to do so. Mr Moon.." He called the Minister of Health and Welfare, to which the white-haired man in his late fifties faced the leader. " whatever it takes to ensure that the boy is safe. Don't let any viral outbreak happen in our country. Is that understood?"

   "Ye, algaesumnida."

   The President then addressed the Minister of The Interior to provide additional security for the special guest, while Lieutenant General Yoon was instructed to deploy a team to act as undercover agents under NIS's supervision. Once again, Alpha Team was chosen for the job, but it also meant that Alpha Team would have to be loaned to the NIS, thus disabling any direct command and control from the General himself. Despite that, Lieutenant General Yoon could not trust neither one of his team better that Alpha Team, who had better reconnaissance experience compared to the others as well as better VIP protection ability. With that, the President made his decision to follow Lieutenant General Yoon's plan. Haesung Hospital would be the place where the boy would be treated, considering that the person behind the unofficial deal came from that hospital.

   Although the announcement wasn't influenced by any party whatsoever, there were already whispers around the table about the liability of the decision. However, the President was determined with his options. For sure there would be some protests, but that's expected.

   For Lieutenant General Yoon, there was only one thing he could describe from the situation–sheer luck.


Somewhere within Chinese airspace
   There was only silence in the plane, as most of the passengers had already gone asleep. Despite the vibrations surrounding the plane, none of them were deterred by the air turbulence. Everything went on as usual for everyone. By then, the bright sun had greeted them after long hours of darkness, and Si Jin found himself mesmerised by the beauty of the glowing sun above the clouds as he stared outside the small window.

   Internally, he was still coping with the fact that they were now going home, for real. They had finally done it, without bloodshed. For sure those Americans would be very displeased by the sudden change of events,but it didn’t matter. It was Jordan’s idea, not his. What a waste of military intelligence and resources the Americans had made. Jordan’s going to blame him for sure. He let out a small smile on his face at the thought of that, for it was quite apparent that he had saved the world indirectly from a global conflict. He never wanted to be called a hero because he actually didn’t do much. He did it for the sake of everyone he cared about. A few times, he wondered whether Jordan’s words had some truth in it. If indeed the Prime Minister remained alive, would the Americans really commit themselves into this conflict and face the ever-present Russian opposition for the sake of this so-called World Order? Funny, Uruk was so important to the Americans and NATO forces previously, but they had done nothing to solve the internal conflict.

   Politics at play, Si Jin thought. It must be exhausting to play such games, but that’s what kept the world going. It’s impossible to have a world free from wars when humankind was always at a constant divide. Looks like what Sun Tze said was right all along–there’s unity within division, and there’s division within unity. Only the strongest would win, and the weakest would lose. In this world, it’s every man for himself–the survival of the fittest. The bad thing was that civilians would always get caught in between, and often with terrible consequences.

   Perhaps, Mo Yeon and her team were among those victims of broke his heart to see those people he tried so hard to protect–those people he loved and cared about, still suffering from injustice an inequality. Thinking back, he never thought that such a situation would befall on them. Maybe it was karma, or bad luck, or simply because troubles come to them no matter where they go. Nevertheless, it was over now. They were going home now, safe from war. He took a look around the faces in the plane, marking every expression thoroughly. Of course there was nothing to note about from those who were asleep, but from those people still awake, there was a mixed feeling evident on their faces. Maybe it was anxiousness, worry or whatever. It was normal though, considering how much they had been through and they would obviously feel lucky to have escaped the carnage.

   Mo Yeon was talking to Major Pavlos and the two doctors along with Myeong Joo at the other end of the plane, most probably discussing on how to treat that sick boy. A hastily-prepared section was set up specifically for the sick boy some few seats away from Si Jin’s left, covered with translucent curtains. Si Jin could see the EpiShuttle through it, and it made him wonder how safe that thing was. Could it really contain the virus within the compartments itself? Would there be any leaks that would expose them to the virus?

   Perhaps, he was overthinking it. That couldn’t be possible, right? That thing was an internationally-certified equipment, and was used by most hospitals around the world. Although he never knew much about medical stuff, he knew that as long as they were completely fine, the system’s safe.

   "Still worried, aren’t you?" Dae Young’s voice from Si Jin’s right nearly startled the Major from his reverie. Si Jin turned towards the man who was slouching on his seat, arms crossed and cap nearly covering his face. His eyes were closed. It made Si Jin wonder how that man could sense his insecurity.

   "Who wouldn’t?" Si Jin replied anyhow. "Considering how much trouble she got us into."

   Dae Young let out a soft chuckle as he opened his eyes. "And you want to marry a woman like that. How funny."

   "Well, that was qui–jamkkanman, how did you know that I proposed to her?! I'm sure I've not told you yet!" Si Jin's eyes went wide upon realising what Dae Young was talking about. As far as he knew, he had told no one about the proposal, which happened not so long ago when Mo Yeon was in the brink of death. So far, only Dr Song and Aleya knew about it. He knew Aleya was a person who keeps her word, so he couldn't place her as a suspect. Only Dr Song was the only one left, and the apparent culprit. Wait, he had forgotten Yoon Mi. She too was there together with them, and she heard it too. Maybe she was the one who did it. There's one more too–Park Yeung Joon. Si Jin remembered clearly that he had instructed them to never tell about the proposal to anyone else because of the serious situation ahead of them, and he even made sure that they signed a written agreement to ensure that the secret was safe.

   "You think you can hide it, can't you?" Dae Young smiled at the Major, winking his left eye playfully. "Don't forget that nothing is secret in the Battalion. As for that proposal, I overheard it. Dr Song was talking about it with Ja Ae in their tent one day before we left when I passed by it by coincidence." Dae Young turned his head towards the ladies and nudged his head at them. "Only Myeong Joo knows about it. Geokjeonghajima." He noticed the frozen stature of his face, which told the Major that he had unintentionally spooked that guy.

   "Oh, Lord..." Si Jin muttered between sighs.

   "So, when are you going to announce this?"

   Si Jin knew that sighing wouldn't do much good to him, so since they were on the topic, maybe this was the good time to share some thoughts. After all, Dae Young and Si Jin were like brothers–inseparable from each other despite coming from different backgrounds. Certainly, there was no harm sharing his concerns with Dae Young. "I...planned to do this..after everything's settled." He spoke after a few seconds of silence. "Now isn't the right time."


   "How about you?" Si Jin asked the First Lieutenant, eager to know how he was going to do it. "No plans yet?"

   Now, it was Dae Young's turn to sigh, a perfect evidence that the man had no real plans yet, or maybe he was just waiting for the right moment. Or maybe, he was just to scared of her father. "Guess I have to push back a bit." He glanced at the Major, eyes turned gloomy now and filled with concern. "We still have some unfinished business to settle with."

   And Si Jin could only nod his head in silence.


Suwon Air Base
Gyeonggi-do, South Korea
   After long hours of flight, the transport plane carrying the medical team and its special cargo finally touched down on home soil. However, being a secret flight, they were directed to the other side of the tarmac, where they would remain conspicuous from the prying eyes of the press who were awaiting the return of the first batch of UN peacekeepers who had landed using another transport plane a few moments earlier. The press were covering the news related to the withdrawal of the Korean UN peacekeepers in Uruk, which explained the huge presence at the main building. As for the secret flight, the plane was towed into a hangar east of the base.

   Only after the plane was completely towed into the hangar the passengers were allowed to disembark from the plane. The ramp opened, and for the first time in nearly two months, they finally stepped foot on Korean soil, all but alive. The nostalgic feeling of finally being home hit them hard, and they struggled to control their thoughts and emotions. They couldn’t believe that they would make it home. Some became teary, some became somewhat confused, while the others tried to maintain their composure as good as possible. Even Mo Yeon was hit by that strange feeling in her heart. This wasn’t the first time she had returned home from a trip, but this one was completely different from the rest. Si Jin and his men too felt the same thing, but after so many missions overseas and all the flights they had gotten so used to it, this was just another military routine that never seemed to die. The bright Korean sun welcomed them, as well as the view of its mountains that were so ever green and familiar. The scent of Korean air filled their noses, making them feel at home.

   What was strange was the welcoming party itself. The moment they got off the plane, they were greeted by a small group of high-ranking military officers–apparently from the General’s Staff. Along with the small welcoming party was the presence of a medical team in Hazmat suits, five of them in total, as well as a specialised ambulance designed to transport patients contracting a highly-contagious disease. This was obviously meant for the boy. The small medical group awaiting them remained conspicuous until they came so close to them to retrieve the patient, but the passengers were not bothered by it. Still in their disguised military uniforms, they shook hands with the officers, whom all of them looked like they were in their late thirties to early forties. Si Jin and his team, all still clad in their black outfits and black caps, were the last people to be greeted by the military officers.

   Overall, there was no expression of joy or excitement, only silence.

   The sound of vehicles incoming from somewhere caught their attention, and as they turned, they saw a convoy of four vehicles entering the large hangar. Though the medical volunteer team had no idea who was in the vehicle, or what those vehicles were, Si Jin and Dae Young instantly recognised the person sitting at the from passenger side of the second vehicle, and the other sitting at the same side at the third one. It surprised them to see Rear Admiral Kang Seung Hae arriving together with Lieutenant General Yoon Gil Joon, since both of them commanded two different Special Forces units from two different branches of the military. One commanded the Navy Frogmen, while the other commanded the Army’s Special Forces.

   Lieutenant General Yoon got off the vehicle first, and Myeong Joo had to fight the strong urge to hug her father. Being away for some time from her father made her miss him so much. Days seemed like years for her in Uruk, and she was so glad to see him here. Only his presence would make her feel like home, or else, she would still be thinking that she was still in Uruk. Like Si Jin and Alpha Team, she was surprised to see the Rear Admiral with her father. Her father and the Rear Admiral had a good relationship during their years of service until now, and a few times, she had dropped by the Rear Admiral’s office together with her father when she was young. Rear Admiral Kang was like her second father to her, and she too felt the strong urge to hug him so badly. It had been years since she last saw him, and that was fifteen years ago.

   There was no expression in their eyes, and it was standard. No emotions in the military. Si Jin rallied the soldiers together before stepping forward and then snapped a salute to the two middle-aged men, his soldiers doing the same. Lieutenant General Yoon and the Rear Admiral returned salutes before allowing them to stand at ease. "Glad to see that you all make it back home safely." The General spoke. "How are all of you holding up?"

   "We are all present and accounted for. No casualties or injuries." Si Jin replied in his usual militaristic tone, but in a low but audible volume. He knew he was being witnessed by the staring medical volunteer team, and it was hard to fight his urges to glance at them. "And I’m honestly surprised to see Sojangnim here, sir."

   "Well, it’s just a drop-by." Rear Admiral Kang revealed with a small smirk. "It’s good to see you again, Soryeongnim. It’s been a long time. A decade, I remember." He raised his hand for a handshake, in which Si Jin obliged.

   "Ye. A decade."

   "Well, I’’m not going to keep you here that long, you must be homesick." Lieutenant General Yoon spoke. "Alpha Team would be given a week’s leave, effective immediately, as well as Yoon Jungwi." He turned his eyes on the Major, and all of the sudden, his eyes turned deadly serious. It sent chills down Si Jin’s spine, extinguishing all euphoria in his heart about the leave as he dreaded about what’s coming next. Something told him that the General had something in store for him, and it never looked good. "As for Soryeongnim, I need you and Kang-sonsaeng to follow me to the Blue House." For a moment, the General gave a strange stare at Mo Yeon, who seemed unaware about it, before returning to Si Jin. "Both of you have a mission to follow on."

   Two soldiers who tagged along with the convoy as the protection detail immediately set off to do their work, as if pre-ordered to do so. Si Jin watched with mixed emotions as the soldiers hooked Mo Yeon off her group, gesturing her to follow them. She did as followed, and for a short moment, Si Jin met her eyes as she was directed to the military vehicle. He could tell that she was afraid, but she didn't show it. It was natural for a person to feel afraid when soldiers take the particular person away for no reason. "What's the mission about, sir? Why involve Kang-sonsaeng?" Si Jin found himself asking the General in a somewhat challenging tone, his emotions boiling up. Instantly, he realised that what he did could get himself court-martialled.

   "You will know when you arrive there." The General ordered the rest of the confused soldiers to leave first, and they did as ordered, despite inner protests. Si Jin quickly followed the two commanders into the vehicles, sitting next to the confused Mo Yeon in the second vehicle together with the General. No words were exchanged between them.

   Soon, the convoy was already on the highway, heading straight towards the capital. Si Jin intermingled his left fingers with hers, just to show her that everything's alright after observing her quiet demeanour for some time. She might probably need it. He could feel her fingers doing the same, and felt the strain on his fingers as her squeezed his. There's no need to tell that she was indeed very nervous, and sadly, comforting words wouldn't help right now. It was as if they had barely escaped a lion's den, only to fall into a crocodile's mouth.

   "At least we're home now." He whispered to her, watching her worried eyes with a weak smile.

   All she could do...was to smile back at him, albeit a short and nervous one.

   "We're home.." She found herself muttering subconsciously, turning her face towards the window as the sight of the city of Suwon came into view. She saw a flagpole coming into view a few distance ahead of them, and there waved the Taegukgi–the South Korean flag, tall and proud and waving against the wind in its majestic glory. Somehow, the sight of the flag made her smile widen, and it soothed her heart a little.

   Yes, she was home now.

   Away from all the wars from a foreign country.

   Where death was far away and blood wasn't spilled.

   Where everyone was contented–well-clothed, well-fed and everything was fulfilled.

   Where her country was ruled by a stable government, fair and just to its people under its care.

   Yes, this is her home.

   The great Republic of Korea.

   Yes, she is home now.

   We're home now.

   I'm home now.

End of Chapter Nine

Finally, they've returned home. However, will they ever get back to the life they used to have before? Everything changes, so will they change too? What lies in store for the couples ahead of them? Will there be more trouble, or will they find solace once again in their own backyard?

Happy reading!

UDT/SEAL=Acronym for the Underwater Demolitions Team, Sea, Air and Land. It is part of the Republic of Korea Navy Special Warfare Flotilla and is a special warfare unit of Republic of Korea Navy. The flotilla is also known as ROKN UDT/SEALs, because the UDT/SEAL is the most publicly known branch of the flotilla. ROKNSWF are heavily influenced by the United States Navy SEALs.

EpiShuttle=EpiShuttle is a single-patient isolation system, specifically designed for transport of patients. The unit protects the environment from an infected patient, and also protects the patient from a contaminated environment.

Korean military ranks
Jungjang (Army)=Lieutenant General
Sojang (Navy)=Rear Admiral
Jungwi=First Lieutenant

Romanised Korean Words & Expressions
Yah: Hey
Jaebal: Please
Andwae: Impossible
Gwaenchana: It's okay
Sunbae: Senior
Nugu: Who
Mianhae/ Mianhamnida: I'm sorry
Ani: No
Hajima: Stop
Sonsaeng: Mr/ Mrs/ Miss
Jamkkanman: Wait a minute
Ye: Yes
Algaesumnida: I understand
Geokjeonghajima: Don't worry

*Take note that the rank of Lieutenant General (NATO equivalent rank OF-8) is a rank higher than that of the Rear Admiral (NATO equivalent rank OF-7), despite the fact that they are from two different branches of the military.*

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