II ❤ Love Of My Life; I'll Ne...

By Destinystaymindless

824 61 31

Rappers, Lucas Coly and Demetrius Harris Singers, Chris Brown and August Alsina Internet Sensations Willie Fr... More

LOML ; Getting To Know Characters (pt.1)
LOML ; Getting To Know Characters (pt.2)
LOML ; Getting To Know Characters (pt.3)
LOML ; Getting To Know Characters (pt.4)
LOML ; Getting To Know Characters (pt.5)
LOML ; Getting To Know Characters (pt.6)
LOML ; A Few Other Characters +More!
LOML ; Today
Surprise? (continued.)
LOML ; Later On That Day.
LOML ; Separation.
LOML ; Home Sweet Home.
LOML ; InNout Pt.1
LOML ; InNout Pt.2
LOML ; Studio pt.1
LOML ; Studio pt.2
LOML ; Denim Fashion
LOML ; Demi's Birthday.
LOML ; New-Born.
LOML ; Current Situation.
LOML ; Homes pt.1
LOML ; Homes pt.2
LOML ; Differences.
LOML ; Last Day. pt.1
LOML ; Last Day pt.2
LOML ; Summer!
LOML ; Time.
LOML ; Meeting Friends.
LOML ; Cant Let Go.
LOML ; Years Later.
LOML ; It Was All A Dream ?
LOML ; Chuckee Cheeses

LOML ; Gone.

22 2 2
By Destinystaymindless

*Kai's POV*

Everyone's kids are with Ny, and me and Taty are about to go out. We enjoy our cousin time.

*Phone rings*

Its Indya. *answers*


Me - hey Indya, how are you?

Indya - Im so sorry that I have to be the one to tell you this Kai

Me - tell me what, whats wrong?

She sighed. I started to get nervous. What Is It?

Indya - the boys..

Me - yea what about them?

Indya - they're gone Kai

Me - I know, they just left for tour - *gco*

Indya - their plane crashed... they're dead.

No.. no. Not Will, not the other guys, NO. NO! I started to cry. I broke down and threw my phone and watched It shatter. NOOOOO WILL NOOOO! So many things I didnt get to tell him.... NO! *slides down the wall and continues to cry*.


*Taty's POV*

I havent had one on one time with Kai In what seems like a while, but I just cant shake the feeling of not enjoying tonight. Seems like something Is going to happen and ruin my night. Let me just call Kai and ask If she still wants to go out cause I really dont wanna now that I think of It. *calls Kai* Her phone keeps ringing, then voicemail. Must be my sign. I decided to text her and tell her Im not really up for going out anymore. She'll be mad but she'll be okay as well. *goes to the kitchen* hm Im bored. Maybe I should go over to Ams. *grabs keys*.


*Lala's POV*

Tonight me and Bree are gonna go for dinner. We used to do this all the time before Lei and Meet got so darn old on us, and our other kids. And speaking of kids, Lei Is calling me right now. *answers*.


Me - hey baby, what are you and AJ doing?

AJ - this Is AJ mommy, not Lei *giggles*

Me - oh, hey baby

AJ - mommy. *gets serious*


Me - yes baby are you alright?

AJ - I had a nightmare mommy

Me - about what baby?

AJ - daddy.

Me - really? hes okay baby and he'll be back before you know It.

AJ - promise mommy?

Me - I promise baby *gets In my car* I love you and Lei, okay baby?

AJ - mhm mommy, we love you too.

I blew him a kiss through the phone then hung up driving to the restaurant. Yall I pulled up going Inside and seeing Bree with a damn dog.

Me - what In the ?


*Bree's POV*

I was sitting down holding my new puppy while waiting on Lala. She finally came and her first words to me were 

Lala - what In the ?

Me - hello to you too 

Lala - sorry, hello.. but what the h- whos dog?

Me - mine.

Lala - girl or boy?

Me - boy

Lala - where'd you get him?

Me - me and Ny went to the store earlier and this dog and another dog were being given away so us having good hearts as usual, we took them.

Lala - thats so sweet

Me - yea but her dog so little and really needs food

Lala - oh wow, Is It the same dog?

Me - nope.

I nodded. 

Lala - well are you gonna wash your hands before you eat?

Me - yes but can I at least order first?

Lala - you sure can.

I chuckled. 

Lala - and how did that dog get - *gco*

Waitress comes over.

Waitress - hello good evening, on the behalf of you being blind, we're going to give you two free deserts.

Me - oh thank you so much.

Waitress - you're welcomed, are you ready to order?

Me - yes, my friend here read the menu for me and I would like a number 12 please.

Lala - actually make that two number 12's

Waitress - and what drinks would you two like?

Me - me, a mango punch

Lala - a fruit punch

Waitress - okay that'll be ready In about 45 minutes and I will be back with your dinner rolls and drinks.

She walked away and Lala started to laugh but not that loudly.

Lala - so you're blind huh?

Me - well I couldnt leave my new puppy home alone so I had to come up with some excuse, and It worked

Lala - I see.

About an hour later, we got our food, rolls, and drinks and were just talking then Lala's phone ringed.

Lala - hold on Bree.

She answered. I listened while I ate and my puppy was sniffing my fork. I gave him the raw vegetables off my plate and he ate them, and I gave him some bread. Compliments of the restaurant, they gave him some water In a small bowl that I really hope they arent going to reuse. As I was listening, I learned that Lala Is on the phone with Indya and that someone died. I stopped eating and listened and all I could think about was my brother August and my boyfriend Mechie. I mouthed her "whats wrong" and she put It on speaker.

Indya (speaker) - the boys are gone... their plane crashed.

Me and Lala starred at one another as out mouths dropped, In complete shock.


*Ams POV*

I was In RoRo's room fixing It up because she left It a complete mess, then I heard the doorbell ring so I went downstairs looking through the peep hole. Its just Taty so I opened the door.

Me - hey girly

Taty - hey

I let her In, closing the door and locking It behind her.

Me - I thought you were going out tonight?

Taty - I was but I cant shake this feeling of something happening so I decided not too.

Me - does Kai know?

Taty - not about the way I feel but I called her and she didnt answer so I texted her. It still says delivered so shes probably sleep anyways, thats all she ever does.

Me - oh true.

We went to my kitchen and got something to drink. I leaned on the counter.

Me - Its so boring without the kids

Taty - tell me about It, without the boys too

Me - I cant wait until they come back from that tour

Taty - same, nobody knows this but you.

She showed her belly that she had hidden under her pants. I gasped.

Me - girl! You TWO ?

Taty - WAIT! You two??

I nodded and we both started squealing.

Taty - that explains your hoodie!

Me - I wonder which one of us are more far along! Im 6 weeks!

Taty - Im 4!

Me - looks like my baby Is coming first!

Taty - Im finding out the gender next visit

Me - I found out mines already

Taty - what Is It?

Me - Its a - *gco* hold on. *answers phone* hey Indya! *puts It on speaker*

Indya - (speaker) I hate to be the one to break the news..

Me - what news?

Indya - Its about the boys.

I hope they aint do nothing stupid already.

Me - what happened?

Indya - their plane crashed... they're dead.

Me and Taty both starred at one another not knowing what to say, but Taty broke down before I did.


*Ny's POV*

I sat on the steps with my new lil puppy following me wherever I go but I cant blame her. Shes scared of these damn kids and they're running around everywhere.


Shes tryna hit AJ with a shoe. Bad a-ss.

Tay - NO KYE!

Kye Is trying to drink some of her juice.

Kye - shareeeee

Tay - get your own

Kye - but I want yours, listen to me!

He took It from her anyways and she stomped his foot walking away. I just shook my head. At least the rest of the kids are being normal- wait where Is Meet and Lei? *gets up*


Idk where they are or what they are doing but I will beat they butt, especially Meet cause hes my nephew, I got every right to hit him, Idc how old he thinks he Is. And speaking of this n-gga.

*Meets POV*

Im In the kitchen cleaning up cause me and Lei plan on asking auntie Ny can we go hang out at the mall with a few friends, so I gotta bait her up.

Ny - what you doing boy?

Me - cleaning up

Ny - mhm I know you too well, what you want?

Me - auntie can me and Lei go hang at the mall across the street with some friends, pleaseeee

Ny - yea go ahead

Me - thanks auntie

Ny - but finish cleaning my dishes boo

Thats fair.

Me - alright.

She smiled walking away. This why I love coming to auntie Ny's house cause she lets us have freedom.

Me - LEI!

*Lei's POV*

Something just Isnt sitting right with me, especially cause I cant shake this feeling of my dad not being okay and then AJ woke up not too long ago saying he had a nightmare about daddy. I didnt want him to go but I cant stop my dad from living his dream and making money. Thats selfish.

Meet - LEI!

Ny must have said we can go. I got up and went to the kitchen where Meet Is. I need to get out, It'll get my mind off of things.

Me - must you yell?

Meet - I must. And you ready?

Me - yea.

He dried his hands off then picked up his phone.

Me - wait, we're walking?

Meet - I mean, Its right across the street 

Ny - no yall aint walking, which one of yall are more responsible?

Meet - definitely Lei 

Ny - here 

She tossed me her car keys.. well, one of her car keys.

Ny - Its the black volkswagen jetta, I gave yall the cheapest car I have but do not wreck It!

Lei - I wont, I promise.

Ny - alright have fun and be back by midnight.

I looked seeing Its 9PM so we're good and will definitely be back at 11:59.

Ny - oh and here

She gave us both $1OO. Yay, go Ny!

Me - thanks Ny

Meet - thanks auntie!

He kissed her cheek then grabbed me running out the door as If shes gonna change her mind. I laughed all the way to the car cause Meet Is so silly.

Me - dudeee what was that for?

Meet - dont you wanna spend our whole 3 hours at the mall?

Me - well yea

Meet - then lets go!

I cranked the car up and It only took a minute to get across the street to the mall.


*Lei's POV*

So today Is the 4th of July but Its not that exciting cause our dads arent here right now with us because of tour. I will try to make the best of It with our moms but right now all the kids, we are with Ny. Havent spoken to my mom since yesterday.

Nyla - LEI! 

Me - yea Nyla?

Nyla - you got lip gloss?

I dug In my purse finding some mac lip gloss tossing It to her.

Me - knock yourself out

Nyla - roger that!

She ran out the room and I laughed. Nyla Is something else but I'd be lying If I said she Isnt one of the cutest 1O year olds ever. I remember when I was 1O.. the memories.


*Demi's POV*

Im outside walking around with Rori and Rani until we get ready to go somewhere. I miss my mommy and daddy but daddy Is on tour and as for mommy, she not doing nothing probably. She got no life really.

Me - so Rori and Rani, you guys know how to use a lighter?

Rori - nope but our dad does

Rani - yep, he smokes.

Me - well thats not good

Rani - I think Its a guy thing

Rori - so what, you gonna smoke when you get grown too?

Rani - I didnt say that

Me - sounds like thats what you were trying to say

Rani - okay whatever just stop ganging up on me

Rori - no one Is ganging up

Me - yea, we're just saying

Rani - you're my twin, you're supposed to be on my side

Rori - not always.

Rani - yes.

Me - oh brother.

Rori - speaking of brother, where Is yours?

Me - I dont know where Meet Is, hes probably at the park or something

Rani - or hes not.

Rori - lets just go back to Ny's house, maybe Nyla knows.

Me - good Idea.

We walked back down the sidewalk to auntie Ny's house.


*Kye's POV*

My lil sister Tay, all she wants to do Is listen to trap music and take pictures. Gee shes just like our mom.

Tay - they say crack kills , n-gga my crack sells

Me - be quiet , you dont even know what that means

Tay - yea huh!

Me - no you dont

Tay - crack kills means your butt crack showing!

Me - yea, you have lots of growing up to do.

RoRo - chill , we were once her age

Me - Im sure we knew what we were talking about too

Nyla - lip gloss popping or what?

Me and Ro shook our heads.

Nyla - I take that as a yes, right Tay?

Tay - yes, can I have some?

Me - n- *gco*

Nyla - sure.

Oh great.

Me - look at what you've done to my sister!

Nyla - oh relax

Shes only a 1st grader, I dont wanna relax.

Me- and dont think you're grown now either.

Tay - my lip glossssss poppinnnn

Nari - Nana I want someeeee

Nyla - here.

I shook my head. Girls and their lip gloss.


*RoRo's POV*

I wish I had a sister so bad. I love my brother Christian but hes kind of boring and I cant play dress up with him or do his nails or make up sadly. But I do still love him. Maybe I can ask mommy and daddy to have another baby In hopes that Its a girl. Everyone has a sister but me! Well, Aurora only has a twin bro and Lei has a brother but still! I want a sister!

Me - Christian am I a good sister?

He nodded.

Me - you want another sister?

He shook his head.

Me - whatever, I do. I didnt at first but now I do.

Christian - otay *shrugs*

Me - hey, dont shrug at me

Christian - awlrite *shrugs*

I sighed. He gets that from daddy. Clearly his way of saying he doesnt care.


*Nyla's POV*

My mommy just got done doing my hair, and now she tryna do Nari's like mine.

Me - mommmyyyy we not twins, just stop It

Ny - be quiet Nyla

Me - no, you always dress us alike and stuff man, shoot.

Ny - shoot? you might as well curse then

Me - can I ?

Ny - try It and see

Me - shhhhhhhhoot.

Ny - thats what I thought.

Nari - mommy I dont want my hair like hers, you already dressed us the same

Ny - I cant deal with yall today, just get up and lets go

Mommy went to go wash her hands.

Me - eh, you look kinda cute

Nari - you dont

She rolled her eyes and walked away. She just better be happy Im older and mature.

Nari - do you know the muffin man, the muffin man, the muffin man

Me - no girl dang, shut up

Rori - you rude to your sister

RoRo - yea and meanwhile some of us wish we had a sister

Christian - not mwe

RoRo - oh whatever Chris

Me - YeA mEaNwHiLe SoMe Of Us WiSh We HaD a SiStEr, I never wanted one to begin with so not my problem

RoRo - I nEvEr WaNtEd OnE tO bEgIn WiTh So NoT mY pRoBlEm, she probably didnt want to be your sister, so I guess yall even.

Me - at least I got one

RoRo - good for you 

Me - yup

Nari - alright now where Is Lei, Meet, AJ, and my mommy?

Me - In the house obviously 

Nari - In ThE hOuSe ObViOuSly, shut your stupid tail up

They laughed and I pushed Nari.


She cant whoop me so I dont even know why she tries me.


*AJ's POV*

Yay I look like you two now!

Lei - yes you do, beanie gang!

Meet - yall tripping, lets go outside and wait on auntie Ny

Lei - alright

Me - okay!

I ran outside and saw everyone else by the mailbox. I went over to them and Nyla had pushed Nari.

Me - whats going on?

Nari - she mad

Nyla - you ugly

Nari - we look just alike stupid!

Nyla - Im pretty, you ugly. We dont

Nari - you're a hater, loser!

Well.. um...


*Meet's POV*

I sat on the steps and Lei sat next to me.

Me - something Isnt right Lei

Lei - you feel that way too??

Me - yea like... I think Its our dads

Lei - you too?! I need to call him!

She pulled out her phone, and auntie Ny rushed out crying, we stood up off the steps.

Me - auntie- *gco*

Ny - gone... THEY'RE GONE! THEY DIED!!

I looked at Lei and her phone dropped. The rest of the kids ran up to us wondering whats going on, man how are we gonna explain this to them... I cant believe this man.....


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