A Secret Between You And Them...

נכתב על ידי jinnyoh143

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It was a normal 'blah' day. You had a really uneventful day and you worked really hard, so you decided to tre... עוד

Chapter 2: Rin Okumura (Ao No exorcist/Blue exorcist)
Chapter 3: Zen Wistaria (Snow White with the Red Hair/Akagami no Shirayuki-hime)
Chapter 4: Adrien Agreste (Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir)
Chapter 5: Natsu Dragneel (Fairy Tail)

Chapter 1: Haruka Nanase (Free!)

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נכתב על ידי jinnyoh143

I'll always love you

Your P.O.V:

Just a moment ago, you were enjoying your tub of (F/F) ice cream and now you're . . . here? In front of a high school. You looked at the high school and immediately recognized the logo.

Iwatobi High! You were at Iwatobi High. But that would mean you'd be in the anime Free! For a moment you wanted to know how exactly that would happen, but this had been your dream forever! You didn't want to ruin your dreams before it even happened.

Then you realised something; you're wearing a school uniform! You were a 3rd year at this high school, but you didn't know your schedule. You pulled at your phone that had been transported with you and saw that it was after school hours. You sighed in relief. And then you realised that you could go to the swim club, I mean you might as well since this is probably a dream. Right?

So you ran to the swim club and when you got there, Haruka was waiting for you.

"Oh, Y/N, you're here. We've been waiting for you, we really need to practice for nationals, you know."

"Um, yeah! Sorry, I was a bit distracted." You replied. When he didn't leave, you said; "I need to change, get out you perv!"

"Don't you have your swimsuit on though?" Haruka asked, his face lacking emotion.

"Y-Yeah but still!" You retorted, flustered. How were you supposed to know you normally wore a swimsuit like the others did? How were you supposed to know that they knew you?

He turned around as you proceeded to take off your clothes, revealing a pretty maroon one-piece. "You're swimming\ the 200m breastroke right?" Haruka asked.

"Um, I think so. I'm done." You replied, if you were apart of this story, and you already signed up for the race, you'd probably go for the 200m breastroke since Nagisa's got the 100m covered. Even though you'd prefer the 100m Freestyle, Haruka would definitely win that, plus, Makoto's competing too! So how could you pick something that you'd have no chance in when you could do something that could benefit the team?

You and Haruka walked out to the pool and without wasting a single second, the both of you dived a perfect dive into the swimming pool and started warming up. Of course, Haruka's already done his warm-ups and was now swimming about in the water. The other 3 were practicing in the other lanes.

It was a wonderful feeling; swimming with the 4 characters who you've longed to join. Your mind kept arguing about how this could be reality and how you should just accept it.

When you took a breath after your warm up,

And then it happened, you started drowning, but how could that be? How could you, someone who loved swimming, drown? That would be ironic, wouldn't it? Being a swimmer and drowning as a result of your death? You blacked out.

You opened your eyes and found yourself at the hospital. Haruka was sitting on a chair close to the bed you were sleeping on. His eyes were closed and you weren't sure if he was sleeping or not.

"Haruka?" You murmured, rubbing your eyes.

"Oh. You're awake. How are you? Would you like some mackerel?" He asked.

"I-I'm good. I am hungry, but I'd rather have sushi." You replied.

You saw the a tiny look of disappointment in his eyes. "Sushi with mackerel, of course. But, I thought I drowned?" You said.

"You did, but, I, um-" Haruka began, he looked out the window and explained. "I saw you just sinking to the bottom of the pool. I thought you were doing an endurance swim, but you didn't come up for air after your usual 10 seconds . . . so, I brought you out of the water and stuff happened."

"Huh." You were a little speechless. Then you saw a hint of a blush creep up on Haruka's face. Before you could ask, Makoto, Nagisa, Rei and Gou rushed in.

"Y/N! You're awake!" Nagisa exclaimed.

"Are you feeling okay?" Makoto asked with a worried smile.

"You had us sooo worried, I swear another 5 minutes and we'd all be going crazy!" Rei crossed his arms.

"Another minute and Haruka would go crazy. Some quick reflexes he had." Gou grinned.

"I'm fine, but . . . Huh?" You responded and looked at Haruka, who was blushing a bit more now.

"Haruka didn't tell you? When he pulled you out of the water, his hands were shaking, but he was still calm. He told Makoto to go call the ambulance. Rei checked to see if you were breathing, and you weren't. We all held our breaths as he checked your pulse. Thank goodness you were still alive. Haruka, not wasting a second, did CPR on you while Rei quickly corrected him on how he was supposed to do it. Including mouth to mouth." Gou giggled.

Haruka's face went quite red.

But you, you were probably redder than that. An indirect kiss . . . ? Sort of?

"We'll give you two a moment." Makoto said and ushered the others out of the room.

"Wait, what?" You asked putting out your hand towards the door.

There was a moment of silence as you just sat there, processing Gou's words and Haruka's actions. It took a few moments before Haruka decided to say something.

"I didn't want to tell you that part because I thought it would be too awkward for you. I mean, you were dying so I didn't really think about how you would feel . . . And technically the AED helped, it was probably of much more use than I was. But either way, I could've gotten something to cover your mouth . . . So I'm sorry." Haruka blurted.

"Um, you don't have to apologise, I'm fine." Is what you wanted to say, but instead, you gave him a smirk, "How about you treat me to expensive sushi as an apology?"

"Oh, sure." Haruka looked up and his face returned back to normal. You sighed inwardly.

After signing a bunch of release forms, you realised that you didn't know where 'home' was. You took out your phone and scrolled through your inbox, in hopes that you might have sent your address to your friends.

At the lobby of the hospital, Makoto, Nagisa, Rei and Gou were waiting. "Great! You're free! Let's go somewhere, I'm starving!" Nagisa cries.

"Yeah, Haruka's treating me to some sushi, why don't you guys come along?" You replied with a smile.

"Haruka is paying? In that case, I'll definitely come along!" Gou cheered.

The 6 of you ended up walking to the nearest sushi shop. So much for an 'expensive' sushi dinner, but then again, you felt bad making Haru pay for all the food. Especially since the others came along. Besides, you didn't know exactly which sushi shop was the best.

"So you like the sushi shop close to your apartment, huh? It isn't that expensive. Do you come here often?" Rei remarked.

"Um, not all the time, just when I can. Even if it's not that expensive." You answered a bit nervously. He'll hopefully think that I'm being nice to Haru, choosing a non expensive place. Since I do feel bad. You thought. Then you realised something. An apartment! You lived in an apartment! That must mean you have the key somewhere in your bag. Wait, . . . where's your bag?!

"Um, do you guys know where my bag is?" You asked the others as you settled into your seat beside Haruka and Gou.

"It's at Haru's place, we were planning to go over to his place to celebrate your recovery, but then we came here for sushi . . ." Makoto replied.

"Maybe we should sleep over at Haru's place instead!" Nagisa suggested.

"Um, I still need some stuff-" I began.

"I-I have extra things, you could borrow them for tonight . . ." Haruka informed.

Was it just you, or was he actually looking forward to it?

"Okay, but you are showering last okay? You always use up all the warm water!" Gou accused, pointing a finger in front of Haru's face.

"Whatever." Haru replied and looked away. You laughed a little and looked over the menu. You decided to get a nigiri platter, with mackerel, salmon, sea bream, flounder and shrimp.

It turned out that you got the exact same thing as Haru. What a coincidence. You gave the menus to the waitress and she disappeared into the kitchen where delicious smells wafted over.

Gou was the first to get her food, Haruka was the next. Being surrounded by food made your stomach growl . . . maybe a bit too loudly.

"Um, sorry." You blushed.

Haruka hid his mouth with hand, but he was obviously laughing. "You must be really hungry. Have mine, we ordered the same thing after all right?" He offered, recovering from the laughter.

"Really? Thanks!" You replied and happily took his platter. "Itadakimasu!" you clapped your hands together and began eating. You couldn't help but noticing Haru watching you as you ate with a little smile on his lips.

The rest of the food came and everyone engaged in conversation. You decided not to talk too much, since you didn't know your past or exactly how you acted around your friends.

When you all finished, the waitress handed out little strawberry flavoured candies that you happened to love. Then, something happened. Gou took your candy.

And you were not okay with that.

She moved her arm away every time you tried to reach for it. It was not fun. As she moved her arm out of reach you pounced on her. She tossed it to Haruka who caught it in his two cupped hands.

He stared at it. And you turned towards him.

"Haru, give it." You stated, using a warning voice.

He stared at you, but didn't give it to you. He moved his hand up, and then down, to the right, and to the left. You weren't able to catch his wrist. At one point, you tried to snatch it away, but he put his hands behind his back. "Which hand?" he said, eyes twinkling.

"Left." You replied, Haru usually hid things in his right, you learned this after multiple, unsuccessful tries of choosing left. You faked left then went right where you took his right wrist. You were losing your balance but Haru caught you with his left arm, letting the candy drop to the ground. You took it quickly, before anyone else could steal it, and sat back in your seat. You felt your face get hot as you unwrapped the candy and popped it into your mouth..

You didn't say another word when Haru paid. Even when you left the shop, you stayed at the back of the crew walking, with your arms crossed, sulking a little in silence. Haru slowed his pace to walk beside you but you didn't say anything to him. You were obviously embarrassed with what had just happened and didn't want him to tease you about it.

"Sorry." Haru said, looking at the trees with his hands in his pockets.

You didn't say anything.

"Hold out your hand." He instructed.

"Why?" You asked not making eye contact with him.

"Just do it and close your eyes." He replied.

"Fine." You sighed. You closed your eyes and held out your open palm. Haru took a deep breath and dropped something in your hand, then closed your fingers. You opened your eyes and saw that Haru had distanced himself a little from you.

You were confused, so you opened your palm. And there, lying in the middle, was his candy and a note that said to read when you were alone.

At Haru's house, you played cards and had a cake that Gou baked in one of her classes that day. You pretended nothing had happened, and talked a little with the others.

At around 9:30, you took a shower. You wrapped your hair in a towel, but you realised that you didn't have any clothes. The clothes you were wearing before was washing in Haru's washing machine. You took the towel in your hair and wrapped it around your body before peeking a head out into the hall.

"Can someone get me some clothes?" You shouted into the empty hall. Gou came in a few seconds and passed you something soft and pink. You didn't exactly approve of it, but you had nothing else.

You came out in a pink nightgown that ended at the knees. "Weren't there any shorts?" You asked Gou when you came out of the bathroom.

"Couldn't find any. Besides, you look cute." Gou shrugged.

"It doesn't suit me. It's like I'm wearing a frilly, pink princess dress." You replied, wrinkling your nose in disgust.

"All we have to do is tie up your hair and it'll look fine. Besides, you look cute. Don't you think so Haru?" Gou said as Haru passed by.

Haru looked at you, blushed and looked away.

"Um, sure." Haru replied and quickly walked away.

Gou rolled her eyes. "You look really cute is what he was trying to say." She reassured.

You blushed and shook your head. "Whatever."

Gou brought you to the room the two of you were sharing. In the room were two futons and 2 backpacks. One of them was yours and you rushed towards it. You opened it and saw a bento lunch, a notebook, some folders, your sketchbook, your pencil case, your phone and a makeup bag. You took out your makeup bag and found your apartment key in there, it said your room number and the floor. Thank the Lord. You thought.

"Someone's happy to be reunited with her things." Gou smiled.

"My sketchbook was in there, if I lost it, I wouldn't know what to do." You replied.

"Well, it's a good thing Haru brought it here then, anyone could've stolen anything if he had left it at school. Anyways, come over here so I can do braid your hair" Gou ordered and patted the futon so you could sit on it..

You kneeled down and she started braiding your still-wet hair, you didn't really like blow drying your hair.

"My futon's going to be wet." Gou sighed. "But, anyways. Let's talk, do you have any problems you want to rant about? Any interesting topics? Maybe about . . . guys?" She asked.

"No, no gossip. Homework's always a pain, nothing you could do much about it." You replied. But there was one thing that bothered you, in this world, and in the real world. "It sucks that we're graduating this year though." You said.

"Yeah, you, Haru, Makoto and Onii-chan will be graduating. The swim club will need new members and I hope we recruit some good ones." Gou sighed. "Speaking of which, aren't you going back to Canada after you graduate?" Gou asked.

Going back to Canada seemed logical, I mean, you lived in an apartment, you probably lived alone. Your parents probably sent you to Japan for high school. But, that flash of light on your computer screen. Maybe you got amnesia? You realised Gou was waiting for an answer and quickly replied.

"Yeah, I think so. I'm not really good with Japanese so going to a University here and applying for one might be a pain."

"But don't you want to be with Haruka? Aren't there jobs you could do here?" Gou pouted.

"I really do want to be with all of you, we had lots of fun times. Besides, It's just for university, I'll come back to visit, I promise." You reassured.

"You better." Gou pouted and tied your hair with a pink ribbon.

"Thanks." You smiled and moved to sit on your futon.

Just then, someone knocked on the door. "Come in!" Gou said.

Haru opened the door. "You guys should go to sleep now." He instructed.

"Yeah, yeah, goodnight!" Gou said waving her hand in the air dismissively. Haru closed the door and you got up to close the lights.

Just as you settled into your futon, you remembered that the note Haru gave you was in your jacket pocket. You were never really good with surprises and the curiosity would surely kill you. "Um, I'm going to get a glass of water." You said and went to the kitchen. There Haru was eating some mackerel.

"You couldn't sleep?" He asked.

"I just wanted a glass of water." You replied.

"Oh." He got up and opened one of the cupboards to get a cup.

"Did you read it yet?" He asked.

"No. I was going to get it." You answered.

"Do you need a glass of water still?" He said, his hand holding the handle of the water jug.

"Yeah, if you don't mind." You said. While he poured the water you went to get the note from your jacket pocket.

"I'll leave you alone." Haru said putting his plate and fork in the sink and leaving the glass of water on the counter.

You drank the glass of water, put it in the sink and closed the lights behind you. You didn't want to read the note quite yet. You went into the room where you and Gou were sleeping in and got into your futon. Luckily Gou was facing the other way. It was quite a long note, but it was the end that caught your attention:

I know that you might not approve of the mouth to mouth part, and I want to apologise for that. I also thought it was cute when you really like the candy, and thought it would be fun, but you seemed to be really pissed. But, before I do anything wrong again, I want you to know that I respect the path you've chosen. Even if I don't want you to leave Japan, as we've had some really good memories together, I totally support your actions. And I just wanted to say that I like you. Even if you don't love me back, even if you're going to Canada in a week. And I know that these types of notes should be saved for when you leave or something, but I wanted you to know this, I wanted you to give me an answer before you left. I wanted you to know that I will always love you no matter what.

What? Haruka . . . liked you? You were leaving for Canada the next week? What?!?!?! You were quite conflicted for a while.

The last few words were the last words going through your mind before you managed to fall asleep. 









~Stop going on about other people's futures when you haven't even decided your own.

                                                          -Haruka Nanase from Free!-

המשך קריאה

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