Their love is destinated...

بواسطة suba30

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Change is beautiful.. when we are brave enough to evolve it with the destination.. Lets see a broken relatio... المزيد

Their Love Is Destinated..
1.. Happy Starting..
2.. Agitated with her arrival..
3.. Encountering the Past..
4.. Repenting for their Sin..
5.. Purab's concern for Pragya
7.. Pragya's Discomfort
8.. Dev's Unease And Abhi's Ardour
9.. Abhi's Hunch For Pragya
10.. Abhi's Innervation
11.. Revelation Of The Past
12.. Wounded Hearts
13.. Pragya To Help Abhi..
14.. Meeting Of DEVAKSHI
15.. Abhi's Envious Nature
16.. Abhi's Strangeness
17.. Blooming Bonds..
18.. Unwanted Misunderstandings..!..
19.. Moving On With The Reality..
20.. Dev To Stand For Sonakshi
21.. Tanu's Entry..
22.. Mehra Family And Tanu..!..
23.. Abhi's Regret..
24.. Abhi's Fluctuate Feelings
25.. Upside-down Trials
26.. Tanu And Bulbul's challenge..!
27.. Burning Bridges Between Love And Hate..
28.. Collided Hearts
29.. Just You And Me

6.. Abhi and Pragya's Meeting

630 205 28
بواسطة suba30

Hi friends.. Hope all are fine..
And I'm really sorry for updating this story late..

Let's get into the story..
Happy reading..

Part 6..
Abhi and Pragya's Meeting

💟 💟 💟 💟 💟

"Why I'm so nervous..!?.. I called her to meet and now I'm feeling confused... Abhi strikes.. as Pragya was nearing him...

She gave a short smile and Abhi stood up to hail her... He pulls the chair for her to sit and Pragya was feeling awkward.. She settles and Abhi settles back opposite to her..

They were quite and were evidently sighted uncomfortable.. Just then the waiter interrupted asking... What would you like to have Sir..!?..

What would you like to have.??.. Abhi asked Pragya and she nods her head negatively saying.. Nothing.. thank you.!..

Please have something.. Abhi insists politely and she tried refusing him.. But Abhi was pestering her and ordered his choice.. Fine.. two chocolate pastries... and the waiter left...

Again a minute of silence prevailed.. This place is looking nice...!..Pragya says looking around.. and Abhi replies.. Actually this is one of my friend's place.. Pragya nods and looks around..

I'm sorry Pragya... See I never meant to hurt you... Infact I tried alot to inform you everything... But the situation was not in my favor and all just happened in a rush.. I.. I really.. Abhi stammers.. and pauses, looking at Pragya's moist eyes..

It's okay Abhishek.. It was not your fault and to be frank.. everything is not just in our favor.. On that day and even today.. Pragya said softly and tried to make the discomfort to better...

But.. I know.. because of me you are suffering... and I don't wish this to continue.. I want you to move on.. please.. Abhi's words pricked Pragya..

"How can you just say move on.. ?!.. Do you think she will hear you..?!..".. Abhi strikes.. when he saw Pragya trying hard to control her tears...

Abhishek... Nothing is in our hands... What is in my destiny will happen to me.!?.. And there is no one to be blamed for the mess of my life.. Please don't feel guilty Abhishek.. And I hope you should forget what happened yesterday.. Pragya gave an assuring smile with a soft look..

"She is unfeasible... How can she just say I should not be at iniquitous... Unbelievable...!.. I just wish that she should get a lovable behalf for her..".. Abhi strikes..

Pragya felt scorching inside her and noticed her mobile ringing... What..!?.. What happened.!?.. I'm coming... She voiced worriedly and stood up...

Is everything alright.. Abhi asks seeing her worried face.. I'm sorry Abhishek.. I need to leave now.. Pragya says and stood up to leave..

You can share with me Pragya.. I'm here to help you... Abhi sounded with concern.. And Pragya felt confining... Ma isn't well... I have to leave now... I'm sorry Abhi... Pragya said when Abhi continued.. I will come with you...

No Abhishek.. thank you...!.. I can manage... Pragya says and walks away... Please inform me after reaching there.. Abhi shouts and Pragya turns assuring her eyes...

Hope she doesn't misunderstands me.. What had I done..?.. a complete mess.. And above all this.. she is this much polite with me... But I broke her heart and made the world to criticize her... Abhi sat closing his eyes..


In Pragya's home...

Geetha ma.. what happened...!?.. Ma is fine nah..?!.. Pragya panicked and rushed towards her while the doctor was checking her mother...

Nothing to worry Pragya.. she is well and I think she is gaining her stability to conscious and this is just a symptom for that... said the doctor.. And Pragya smiled looking at Geetha ma..!..

Are you sure doctor.. Ma will be fine soon.. ?!.. Dev entered asking and all noticed his blood coated shirt with a shock.. Pragya panics and rushes towards him .. Dev.. Are you okay..!?.. what happened..?!.

Relax di.. on the way to office.. I saw a little girl who met with accident.. I just helped her.. I'm perfectly alright.. Dev assured Pragya..

After letting a deep sigh.. Pragya asks.. You scared me.. Is the girl fine...!?..

Haan di.. she is fine.. Dev replies.. Doctor.. is Ma fine..??.. Dev asks..

Yes Mr. Dixit.. she is going to be fine soon.. I think she would have stressed about the past incidents and that's why.. She has got high blood pressure.. nothing to worry.. The doctor assured and left the house...

Dev hugs Pragya saying... I'm so happy di.. finally we will get our ma... Geetha ma.. I want ma's favorite keer today.. I will do it Dev baba... Geetha ma gave a wide smile and left the room...

What happened to the meeting Dev.. you said it's very important..?!.. Pragya enquires..

Thank God di.. they postponed the meeting to next week.. I got the call when I was in hospital.. I was there looking around that little girl for this whole day.. I was there arranging blood and other things.. the girl is fine and well treated... And while returning back to home.. I got geetha ma's call.. Dev said sitting next to his mother..

That's fine.. go and freshen up.. change your clothes.. We will have dinner together.. I will give ma's medicines.. Pragya says and Dev left to his room..


In Abhi's home...

Why she didn't call me yet..?.. Is it anything serious..!?.. Let me give a call.. Abhi says and dials Pragya..

*****In mobile...

Hello Abhishek.. Pragya attends the call

Haan Pragya.. How is Aunty ..!?.. he urges asking..

Abhishek.. I'm sorry.. I was about to inform you.. but I was little busy.. Pragya apologised saying so..

It's okay Pragya.. How is your mother..??.. Is there any serious issue...!?.. Abhi let's out his concern voice..

Haan.. she is fine..!.. And she informed him about what doctor said..

I'm sorry Pragya.. because of me your mom is in this condition... I made each and everything complicated.. I'm sorry for everything.. Abhi says in a low tone..

I already said.. it's nothing as your fault Abhishek.. please don't hold yourself guilty.. Pragya consoled him..

Bhai.. !!.. Abhi heard Sona calling his name..

I will call you later.. Sona is calling me.. take care Pragya.. bye.. Abhi says and disconnects the call..

Hope this won't create another mess in my life.. and I don't wish to continue this... Thought Pragya and kept her mobile aside..


In Abhi's home..

That's so great of you Sona... I'm proud to be your brother.. Abhi hugs Sona.. Where she narrated him about what happened with her today..

This is my job Bhai.. and I'm so happy that the girl is fine.. and all credits goes to the person who brought her at the correct time..

You know bhai.. how much he panicked..?!.. he arranged everything and only because of him she is fine... That's so nice of him.. Abhi says.. and they heard Ragini calling for dinner..

" " " " " " " " "

Next morning...

I love you..!.. Purab murmurs into Bulbul's ears who was sleeping tight.. I love you too Purab..!.. Bulbul says and pulled him in a hug... How romantic..!!.. Purab says and instantly Bulbul opened her eyes and saw Purab very close to her... She pushes him and covered herself with blanket...

Just now you were romantic... and now you are pushing me... How rude..!?.. Purab frowns at her and sat close to her...!.

I thought it was a dream.. and how could you come close when I'm in sleep..!.. Bulbul yang and sit next to him..

Oh.. so you are living in a dream with me.. not bad.. Did you get romantic with me daily like what you did just few minutes back.. Purab teased her and poked her shoulder..!..

Just shut up Purab.. Bulbul blushes and covers her face inside the blanket.. Wow.. you are blushing now.. Let me see you nah.. I don't want to miss these things.. Saying so he was pulls the blanket..

Just then Ragini walks in with their morning coffee... She coughed loudly and Purab panicked and got down from the bed...

Just wait for 2 months.. and then you can see her blushing daily.. Ragini says teasing them and Bulbul eyes widened with shy on hearing her...

She faced Ragini who kisses her forehead saying.. Stop blushing and get ready.. and come for breakfast...

Are you crazy.. See now ma caught us.. idiot..!... Bulbul scowls at Purab who was sipping the coffee..

Miss.. blushing queen..!.. it was you who did everything.. Purab says and continues sipping the coffee.. Oh yes.. I forgot to inform you... Pragya called you... while you were sleeping..!.. Says Purab..

You idiot.. why did you attend the call from my mobile..!?.. Bulbul threw the pillow on him and took her coffee cup.. I attended the call.. as my blushing queen was sleeping.. I don't want to disturb her..

Bulbul sighs at him and Purab's says..
She told that Karan's assistant will be here at 10 am to know our desires of dress choices.. So be ready and inform everyone in home too.. Oh.. that's cool.. but why Pragya is not coming.. Wait let me call her... Saying so she dials Pragya..

This Bulbul nah.. making everything complicated.. If Pragya comes here there will be only discomfort for all.. God.. make her understand somehow.. Purab wished in himself..

***** In mobile..

But Bulbul.. he is really good at works.. he will take care of everything...!.. Pragya says..

No Pragya.. I said nah yesterday.. I want u to be with me in each and everything of my wedding.. please.. please.. Bubul pleads...

I can understand Bulbul.. but.. !.. Pragya stresses her voice...

You are coming to home by 9.30.. and that's my sweet order.. bye..!!.. Bulbul voiced strictly and ends the call..

Pragya was about to speak.. but she noticed that the call was ended... ****


In Pragya's home..

How can I go there.. what if Dev comes to know..?!.. this Bulbul is very Stubborn.. Pragya says softly and looks at her mobile.. She was about to call Bulbul.. But keeps her mobile aside and says.. Okay.. fine.. I need to do this for Bulbul.. !..


Will be continued...

If you like the update.. Vote and share your views..

Thank you..

With love..
Suba ❤️

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