The Virginity Pact

By prettywhenIcry_

36.1K 1.3K 831

"True love and betrayal. Revenge and more revenge. A heroine with an impossible goal. If only Mozart had live... More

1 - the city that never sleeps
2 - deal or no deal
3 - insider/outsider
4 - the brady brunch
5 - escort me not
6 - playing both sides
7 - the haves and have nots
8 - path of success
9 - It's my party and I'll cry if I want to
10 - yellow brick road
11 - fashions not forever
12 - V for Vendetta
13 - bad girls do it well
14 - what a tangled web we weave
15 - can't keep a secret
16 - Christmas time in the city
17 - God save the Queen
18 - eighteen candles
19 - kiss and tell
20 - this little lie of mine
21 - playa playa
22 - Harperella
23 - when the clock strikes 12
24 - pretty little liar
25 - brunch and beratings
27 - faking it

26 - double, double toil and trouble

435 22 12
By prettywhenIcry_

They say the universe has a great sense of humor. That sometimes having your dreams come true can feel like a nightmare. Because getting what you want always come with strings attached.


"Elijah," Holden calls, jogging up to his friend in the hallway. "Hey, man, what's up?" he grins, clasping a hand on his shoulder. He'd texted Elijah twice over the weekend but hadn't heard back from him. Which was especially weird because he knew Jake had also texted him, yet gotten a reply.

"Uh," Elijah breathes. He really doesn't want to talk to Holden. He still has it in his head that he's been sleeping with Harper. There's no way in hell he'll let Holden use her the way he watched him use every girl he came in contact with all throughout high school. "Nothing, really," he shrugs. Pulling a textbook out of his locker, he slams it shut and begins to walk off.

Holden's eyebrows furrow and he moves to keep up with him.

"Elijah," Holden chuckles. "Did I do something I'm not aware of?"

Not aware of?

Elijah halts immediately, jaw clenching. "Did you have sex with Harper?" The question comes out harsh and accusing, but low enough that the passing students don't stop and listen in. Holden looks surprised. How could he possibly know about that? What, does he count the number of condoms in his drawer before he goes to bed each night? There's no way...

"What?" He asks incredulously. "No. No, of course not," he shakes his head. Elijah would kill him if he found out he slept with his cousin. And it's not like he'd believe him if he told him he was in love with her. He'd probably laugh, in all honesty. "Plus, she's dating that kid from the basketball team," Holden adds, trying to strengthen his lie.

Elijah sighs and closes his eyes for a second, calming himself down. He badly wants to punch Holden in his jaw at the thought of him using a girl that's practically a sister to him. But if his best friend and his cousin are both set on the same story, then he'll just have to believe them. He'll forget the assumption he'd come to when finding his nightstand drawer half open, the neat pile of condoms knocked over, and seeing Holden sneak out of the house at 1 something in the morning. He'll trust them like he's supposed to.

"Alright," Elijah says shaking his head as the two begin walking again. Elijah feels guilty at the accusations he's made against them both. "Shit, I'm sorry, bro," he rolls his eyes at himself for being such a dickhead.

Holden shrugs. If Harper wasn't fake-dating Trevor he may have just told him the truth and told him to fucking deal with it. Maybe.

"It's alright, Elijah."


"It really sucks you missed the after party," Becca pouts. My heart skips a beat every time prom night is mentioned. I feel like I'm living with a secret that's literally impossible to keep secret. Like I'm in a goddamn Pretty Little Liars episode. I don't plan on telling anyone else about the accident, not even Becca and Alejandra. There's no need to--the more people that know, the easier it'll be to get caught up in our lies.

"Becca," one of the girls, Sara, frowns. "She obviously wanted quality time with Trevor," she smirks.

I roll my eyes. "We went to the park, then he took me home, and then he went home."

"Central Park after dark?" Alejandra scoffs, her face wrinkled up in distaste. "Do you have any regard for your well-being, Harper?"

"I know you're not a native New Yorker, but surely you've seen Home Alone," Sara chimes in. The girls giggle under their breath and I roll my eyes again. I'm not the best at coming up with grade-A lies on such short notice.

My eyes wonder from our group, and catch Lydia and Austin across the cafeteria. She's laughing heartily at him, falling over into his chest. He looks down at her with complete adoration. The sight nauseates me. Why does she get to be happy? Why the hell does she get to eat lunch with her boyfriend? She's not supposed to be happy--she's been shunned.

She's faced total social exclusion and yet she's laughing so hard she's practically got tears rolling down her cheeks.

God, she's such a bitch. Complimenting me at prom, trying to make amends like she's so noble and mature all of a sudden. Like she's some Mother Theresa.

Trevor's words from the other day ring in my head. "One more scandal and it's off with your head, Queen of Lockwood." Lydias probably just waiting for me to screw up so she can jump in and replace me. It's all an act.

Alejandra follows my glare to Lydia and Austin and let's out a bitter laugh. "I wouldn't concern myself with them. He looks like he smells like weed and works at Journeys for minimum wage."

"She's too happy," I think aloud. I don't know where all this hatred is coming from all of a sudden. I haven't given Lydia a thought for more 2 and half seconds over the last month or so. I look away when I make eye contact with the smiling brunette. I can feel her eyes still on me as I pick at my fruit cup.

"Whatever," Becca whines. "What's that expression? We have bigger clams to steam?" Alejandra rolls her eyes and the rest of the girls stifle their giggles.

I smile at Becca. "It's we have "bigger fish to fry," B," I correct.

"That's right," she nods. "We do. You'll be 17 soon and we haven't even planned a party. What's your aunt say?"

"We haven't discussed it. I don't need a party. 17 isn't a big deal," I shrug.

"Your birthday is absolutely a big deal," Alejandra corrects.

"And you do need a party. Everyone everywhere always needs a party. Even if there's no real reason other than just wanting to throw one," Becca says. "You haven't been to a party in what? At least a month. We all just went to one. We're alright for now, but another week and I'll be having beer-pong withdrawals."

I roll my eyes and shake my head. "Whatever. Throw a party. Just don't bother me about it. You're all planning it on your own."

Becca smiles in response, plopping a bite sized piece of pineapple into her mouth.


Harper exhales as she lets her hair done, her break officially starting. Cleaning up after others at The Annabelle proved to be more of an escape from reality for her than anything else over time.

It's easy to get caught up in a world of parties, designer labels and never hearing the word "no," but nothing is more humbling than spending the day scrubbing strangers' toilets.

Harper knocks twice on Holden's door and he calls to her that's it's open. He sits in the living room, a bag of five guys on the table.

"Finally," he huffs when she comes in and sits down beside him on the couch. Her face wrinkles up as he digs into the bag, handing her her burger.

"I keep telling you you don't have to wait for me," she laughs.

"I'm not going to let you spend your lunch break alone," he frowns at her. "Especially now that you're having lunch with other guys and I barely get to see you," he chuckles.

Instantly she feels like she's been stabbed in the chest. Holden's eyes flicker over to her to see her eyes averted towards the ground, her bottom lip poked out slightly. She knows he was just joking but the reality is that it's true. He sighs.


She shakes her head and cuts him off. "I'm really sorry," she says, looking up at him again. Her eyes are watering slightly and she's not hungry anymore. "Im not trying to hurt you. I wouldn't want to do that. Not on purpose."

"I know," he says. "Stop crying, Harper," he demands. "I understand."

She exhales to calm her emotions and it comes out as a frustrated huff. He never thought about how this situation must be affecting her. Just him and his pride.

"Are you alright?" He asks, eyes squinted warily.

Harper gives him a small smile and nods quickly. "It's just," she shakes her head. Why does being in the clear feel so...wrong? "All the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand."

Holden's eyebrows knit together and he swallows the large bite of burger he'd taken.


Harper squints. "It's Shakespeare. Didn't you guys read Macbeth?"

Holden shakes his head. "Sophomore year. But there was no way in hell I was reading that. Lydia did, though. She wrote my essay for me."

She rolls her eyes at him, then grimaces at Lydia's name. "I can't believe you're really friends."

"She's not that bad," Holden shrugs. "I mean she is, but she's a great friend. She's just a little...I don't know. Narcissistic? But she's not as confident as she seems."

Harpers eyebrows furrow in confusion at Holden's contradiction. How could you be a narcissist and self-conscious at the same time? Confidence, or vainness, is all Lydia has seemed to exude this past year. She's the very definition of a narcissist.

Harper takes their trash over to the trash can. Remembering what they talked about prom night, she skips back to the living room and stands in front of the TV that Holden's just turned on. Holden looks up at her from the couch, confused.

"You said you'd open your letters the next time I came."

Holden sighs and runs a hand through his hair. He did say that.

"Alright," he pushes himself up from the couch and leads her into his bedroom. "Fine."

He knows he has to open them sooner or later. His dad would soon stop asking him if they'd arrived and start asking their doorman instead. Anyway, he needs to start making decisions.

Holden grabs the stack of envelopes and sits beside Harper. For some reason she's sat on the floor, her back against the bed instead of actually on his bed. He doesn't question it though, just sits beside her. He stares at the first envelope--Cornell University--for a second. It's an Ivy League, which would require phenomenal grades, but they did want him to play lacrosse for them.

But what if they changed their minds? What if they realized his grades were too average and that he had 4 less assists on the field this year than less year?

The thoughts drift away when he feels Harper place a reassuring hand on his knee. Holden licks his lips, ripping the envelope open and pulling the papers out. Harper decides to scan his face for a reaction instead of peering over his shoulder.

"I got in," he says. Harper squeals loudly and throws her arms around him.

"Oh my God," she shrieks. "I knew you would! This is great!" She pulls back and looks at him, her smile fading when she sees he's not nearly as excited as she is. "What's wrong?"

"I don't know," he responds monotonously. "I don't know if I really want to go here."

"You don't have to," Harper shakes her head. "You still have more to open."

Holden nods to appease her, but knows his father will make him attend Cornell whether he likes it or not. Or Duke, since that's the only other Ivy he applied to. Unless he gets this casino together. Which was seeming more and more unlikely. He wants to curse at the thought of failure. All the money he raised, all the time and effort he put in, only for a failed project.

He still has Caesar, the ball being only around the corner now. But seeing as Harper used the $300,000 he all but forced Tom to shell out
to pay off April, Ian and Trevor, he'd have to somehow convince Caesar to let Harper win the money instead of him. He'd thought about it over the weekend. And after that night after prom, realizing how much he cares about her, he knew he'd have to do something to help her reach her dream. Even if that means sacrificing his and all his hard work.

He tears through the next 4 envelopes. Accepted to Duke, Syracuse, Albany and Johns Hopkins thanks to lacrosse. And probably his last name, too. Rejected from NYU, where Jake had applied. He wasn't surprised about that one, nor did he care. Harpers excitement was contagious and he couldn't help but smile at the adoration in her eyes and hearing her say how proud she is of him.

He's always wanted to play lacrosse for one of these amazing schools. To have his dad be proud of him for once. So why does he feel so shitty?

"You don't have to decide right now," she says. "And once El Dorado is in construction it won't even matter. You won't have to go to college if you really don't want to."

"Do you think I should?" He asks her, wanting her opinion that he values more than she knows. Harpers lips purse together as she thinks it over. Of course she thinks he should go to college. He has the money, so why shouldn't he?

"Yes," she tells him honestly. "But not because I don't believe in you. I just think it's great to have something extra up your sleeve, you know."

Holden nods in understanding. He smiles at her and presses his lips to her forehead for a quick second. Thank God he doesn't have to decide right now, because he has no idea what he's doing at all.

When Harper's break ends, Holden walks her out and kisses her hard in the hallway in front of his door. Tyler turns the corner, on his way to get his wallet from his room when he spots the two.

"I wish it didn't have to be like this," Harper sighs.

"It won't always. I'm going to take care of it. I'm not going to let Trevor do this to you," he assures, his hands raising to cup Harpers face. He doesn't like the worry in her eyes. The paranoia she was expressing about being caught. And he certainly doesn't like seeing his girlfriend being held by another guy that also happens to be blackmailing her. She doesn't deserve this.

Tyler takes a second to let Holden's words sink in. What's Trevor doing to Harper? It doesn't matter. What really matters is that she's dating him, but kissing Holden.

Smoothly, Tyler reaches into his back pocket and pulls out his iPhone, capturing the moment with a single picture before putting it back.

Harper shakes her head. "Holden please. He can't know I told you about this. You can't say anything."

Holden stares at her for a second, jaw clenched slightly.

"Please," she urges again when he doesn't say anything. He sighs, closing his eyes for a second, his arms falling back to his side.

"Fine," he submits. Harper smiles, pecking his lips again. "I'll see you at school tomorrow. We can meet at the East stairwell during lunch," she says. Holden nods and she walks off, tying her hair back into a bun.

Tyler waits for Harper to walk off, the elevator doors closed behind her, before he make his presence known.

"Wow," he smirks at Holden. Holden jumps just slightly, having not noticed anyone else was around. His expression converts to a mixture of annoyance and disgust when he sees his cousin.

"What?" He spits.

"Nothing," Tyler shrugs. "It's just, I'd heard that Harper had moved on, yet here she is, leaving your suite, kissing you in an empty hallway," his face morphs into feigned confusion as he glances at Holden while unlocking the door to his suite. "I really hope people don't find out about this little...affair. It'd really make Harper look like a whore."

"Shut the fuck up," Holden all but roars, his hands forming into fists at his sides. Tyler laughs and shakes his head, pushing open his door and leaving Holden in the hall alone. It's so easy to get under his skin. And as for fucking up his life, well he makes that easy too.


Holden walks out of his study hall to make his way to his locker. He has an essay due tomorrow that he hasn't started yet, but had left his folder filled with loose leaf in his locker. He had asked both Harper and Lydia for help with it. And by help he meant basically write the entire paper. They're the smartest girls he knows. But Lydia said she'd had enough of writing his essays all throughout high school, and since senior year is coming to an end he should be able to do it on his own. Harper agreed to write his thesis, but wouldn't be of any further assistance.

He spots Trevor coming out of the bathroom and his blood boils. Trevor catches his eyes for a second, but chooses to ignore him. Not having it, Holden moves to stand in front of Trevor, effectively stopping him in his tracks.

Trevor sighs in annoyance and defeat. "What is it, Frasier?" He's hardly ever spoken to Holden. He's just seen him as an arrogant asshole he goes to school with. And now he probably wants to interrogate him about dating his ex-girlfriend.

Holden's eyes narrow at Trevor. He promised Harper he wouldn't say anything, but there's no way he's letting this go.

Becca makes her way out of the girls bathroom, just around the corner, but stops when she hears Holden's angry voice.

"I know you're blackmailing Harper," he says. Becca's eyebrows furrow at the revelation. Blackmail? She stays frozen in her spot to listen on.

"She told you," Trevor says. It's more like a comment than a question. He's pissed. He told Harper not to say anything to anyone. Especially not her loud-mouth friends or Holden.

"Of course she did. She told me everything. I want it to stop. Now," he spits venomously. "Or else you won't like what comes next."

Becca frowns. Why is Harper even talking to Holden? Since when is she talking to him? And what's she telling him that she's not telling her?

"Are you threatening me?" Trevor asks, half surprised.

"Absolutely," Holden answers with no hesitation.

"With what?" Trevor asks.

Holden smirks. "I paid your ex a visit. You know, the blonde? Amber? She was so upset when I mentioned you. She told me how you promised her you'd take her to prom, then the next thing she knows, she can't watch a single Snapchat story without seeing you ask Harper."

Trevor averts his eyes. He knows what he did was dirty. But they were in a break at the time anyway. He said they'd get back together for prom, but he never actually promised her. And he had to do it. It was Harper fucking Caldwell.

Becca rolls her eyes, just imagining Amber whining about Harper stealing her date. She should probably feel bad, since her and Alejandra are the reason, but she doesn't. Of course she'd do it for Harper. That's what loyalty is about.

"So when I asked her for some dirt on you, she was more than happy to oblige. She let me know that your sisters husband has one of the top spots with the NYPD. I thought that was really interesting," Holden continues. "What I also thought was interesting was that she wrote your common application essay for you. Now, if I'm not mistaken, that's plagiarism. Which could result in all of your acceptances being revoked. And all of your basketball scholarships."

Trevor's chest feels heavy. He was never involved in this crowd. People like Holden and Lydia and their friends are the ones to stay away from. Everyone knows that. But somehow he got tangled up with them when he involved himself with Harper Caldwell.

"Leave her alone," is Holden's final message. Becca ducks back into the bathroom, as Holden bumps Trevor's shoulder harshly and walks off.


"Trevor," the barista calls out in the cafe. Trevor makes his way to the pick up station and grabs his coffee. Making his way out the door, he bumps into a guy that comes in, cursing as he tries not to spill the hot liquid.

"Watch it," he says, looking up to see Tyler, who he knew as Holden's infamous cousin. He tries to move past him, but Tyler blocks the way. Trevor exhales in irritation, instantly reminded of his run in with Holden yesterday.

"Listen, I've had enough of your family for the week, alright?" He says.

Tyler smirks. "Well, I believe we have a common interest."

"And what's that?"

"Taking down my little cousin."


My dog stepped on my phone yesterday and published this chapter before it was ready lmao. Anyway idk how I feel about this one. It's more like a filler chapter to set up for the next ones.

But if we can get this chapter and the previous one to at least 20 votes in 24 hours I'll put up the next chapter before the weekend is over!

Thanks for reading x

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