
נכתב על ידי OddBall4

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Beyond p. 2
Beyond p.3
Beyond p.4
Beyond p.5
Beyond p.6
Beyond p.7
Beyond p.8
Beyond p.9
Beyond p.10
Beyond p.11
Beyond p.12
Beyond p.13
Beyond p.14
Beyond p.15
Beyond p.16
Beyond p.17
Beyond p.18
Beyond p.19

Beyond p. 1

247 4 4
נכתב על ידי OddBall4

**Chapter One**

Hypnotized by the beauty of the sky, I imagined myself flying. I thought all the birds by my side, the mist from the clouds dancing across my ebony skin, and passengers in planes amazed by the power I possess. Suddenly, the alluring blue of the sky, was being overthrown by darkness. It was all coming in at an unbelievable rate, it was too fast to be a normal storm. It was enraged with thunder and lighting, and before I knew it, I was surrounded by darkness.

As if it were an off switch, I immediately began to fall to the earth after a roar ot thunder took place. I screamed to the hevans, a tickle feeling ran down the spine of my back. Each second brought me closer and closer to my demise. But before I could reach my end, my thoughts were disturbed by the call of my english teacher.

"Uri? Uri, did you hear me?" she asked annoyed, my name is Uri, but people call me Moe, I don't know where that came from, but I like it

"Huh? What?" the class giggled

"Whats a pronoun?"

"It can replace a noun." she looked at me wanting an example, I sighed. "Like he, she, it, and we. Stuff like that." she turned back to the board covered in her sloppy writing about grammer.

"Pay attention." and she picked up her marker and continued her lesson. Before she could finish writing the third sentence, the bell strung a tune that gave every student releif that one of their many classes has finally reached an end. "Class don't forget to read "Nine Stories". We will have a quiz on it next week." I quickly grabbed my stuff and tried to make it past Mrs. Jackson without being noticed, but she saw my attempt and just gave me a cold stare and let me go. I don't think she wanted to waste time with me, and vice versa.

I strolled with the school crowd until I reached my locker. I switched out my english books to my science books, I can't wait for this day to be over. Someone called my name out but I ignored them when I felt a sharp pain running along my back.

"Ouch!" I shook it off and I turned around to see that Josh was calling me. My heart jumped and I turned to my open locker to hide my face so I could redeem myself.

"Hey!" I pulled my head out the locker

"Hi." I was so nervous, I didn't know what to do, my heart was racing. I've had a crush on Josh since sixth grade, when he was in the eigth. But now we're in high school and this is my first year. I'm like a kid compared to him.

He wouldn't say anything, he just kept looking at me and smiling, I started to feel a little stupid, so I spoke.


"Oh, right! A couple of friends and I are having a little get together over at my place. Then we might go somewhere, y'know, like movies, ice cream, pizza." I nodded with a smile waiting for him to continue, his mouth was open, but then it turned into an open smile. He rubbed the back of his neck, "I'm sorry, it's just that, your eyes just put me in a different world for a few seconds."

"Oh, sorry." I said looking down embarrassed, my eyes are green, but not the usual green you would see in someone's eyes, and it's not normal for someone with dark skin

"No, don't be. It's a pretty cool thing, to actually get lost in someone's eyes. But I was wondering if you wanted to come?" my face brighten up, I've never thought this day would come.

"Yes!" he laughed at how excited I got

"Great, I'll pick you up." I closed my locker and turned to walk away but he tapped my shoulder. "Uh, to pick you up I need your address."

"Oh yea!" I got out a pen and paper and wrote down my address, he took the paper and studied it then got out his phone.

"Can I get your number just in case I got lost?"

"That's a good idea." I took his phone and put in seven digit code so he could reach me. I called my phone so that way I had his number.

"Okay, great, I'll pick you up around six." he ran down the hall so he could catch up with his friends

I turned to go to my next class, dazzeled by his charm. His flawless olive skin, beautifully sculpted body, and his pink full lips. My friend Tammy came running up to me.

"Details! I saw everything from a distance, but I didn't hear anything! Tell me!" I laughed, Tammy was such an outgoing person, she's the reason why I put up with the school. I sighed with a smile on my face, I looked over to her and her brown eyes were focused on me, and what I had to say.

"Tammy, all I can say is; this day can't get any better."

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